Potions Rules/Guidelines  Thank you Stefan In Character- Respect: Respect your Professor and your classmates. There is no such thing as a silly question, and even Professor Newton doesn’t know everything.
- Punctuality: Please arrive to class on time. Professor Newton won't hesitate to take points if you're late.
- Preparation: Please come to class with all necessary items including your textbooks, wand, parchment and quill. There is a cupboard of spare equipment, shall you need to borrow something, but it would be preferable to bring your own.
- Dress Code: School uniform is required for lessons unless specified otherwise, as well as a lab coat whilst brewing a potion.
- Please raise your hand inside the Potions lab.
- Art loves his rat-baby, Madame Curie. So much so that you may not touch her without permission. He's very protective. No touchy!
Out of Character- SS RULES and GENERAL CLASSROOM RULES apply at all times.
- Plagiarism: You must use your own words, no copying at all. Utilise the SS archives and other Harry Potter sites, but it must be in your own words.
- Editing: Please don't edit your post once you have posted, unless it's correcting coding. Don't change your answers. We will know if you have.
- IC and OOC: IC rule breaking will be punished with IC punishments (ie. point loss/detention), OOC rule breaking will be dealt with in OOC ways (ie. warnings and infractions), please refer to SS board rules.
- Realism: First years are eleven years old and likely don't know much. Just think about what Harry and Ron were like. Not everyone is a Hermione, we don't all have to know everything. Points won't be assigned for RIGHT answers, they will be assigned for creativity and participation. HOWEVER I don't want to be telling you how to play YOUR character. If you intend them to be a Hermione, then go ahead! (which leads me to...)
- HAVE FUN! It's a game after all, and I want you all to have fun with it!
Homework- Homework is optional, and you don’t have to have attended a class to submit homework.
- Please submit all homework to me, Jessiqua, via PM by the due date. Due dates will probably be 1-2 weeks after it has been posted.
- I need you to add in your PM;
- If the homework is an activity with multiple posts, unless specified otherwise, please include them in your PM.