Full Name: Giles Low
Nickname: not that he knows of
Born: November 15, 2059
Current Residence: London
Blood Status: muggleborn
Relationship Status: Married
Height: 6'4
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Looks Like: Noah Bean
Family Ties
Wife: Esme Low
Father: Charles Low
Mother: Lucy Low
Siblings: Cynthia Low
Pets: Dog named Holly
Education Information
Former Schools: Hogwarts
House: Ravenclaw
Magical Characteristics
Patronus: Niffler
Boggart: none of your business
Special Abilities: None
Giles was raised as a muggle until they figured he was a wizard. He went to Hogwarts and got his eyes open to an entire new world especially the wonderful world of quidditch. He got obsessed at an early age and continued to practice and train through his years. Playing reserve for the bats before moving to the Catapults, become one of the top leading beaters for bludger hits as well as penalties. His competitive spirit bringing out an over eager force that tends to get forgetful of the rules. Just recently he's been traded to the Cannons.