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Hogwarts RPG Name: Madison Valentine Fifth Year x12 x9
| Work in progress ♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# ESME PARKER DARCY 
>> VITALS FULL NAME Esme Parker Darcy NICKNAMES Em, Emmy, Essy DATE OF BIRTH February 16, 2075 PLACE OF BIRTH Ramsgate, England PLACE OF RESIDENCE Ramsgate, England BLOOD STATUS Half and half HOGWARTS HOUSE Hufflepuff HOGWARTS YEAR Fifth WAND TYPE 10'' black walnut, unicorn hair CLASS OF 2093 >> EDUCATION EDUCATION TO DATE About to enter her Fifth Year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry LANGUAGES SPOKEN English and German >> APPEARANCE HAIR COLOUR Blonde EYE COLOUR Blue HEIGHT 5'1 MODEL AnnaSophia Robb >> PERSONALITY LIKES Friends; family; Divination; incense; crystals; flowers; tie-dye; peasant skirts; nature; freedom; independence; animals DISLIKES Bullies; bossiness; controlling people; smoking; reading; history; close-mindedness; rudeness; chocolate; onions STRENGTHS Divination; independence; resourcefulness; determination; confidence; loyalty WEAKNESSES Ancient Runes; Arithmancy; math; avoidance; not inclined towards teamwork BEST FRIEND Juno Darcy >> BACKGROUND GRANDPARENTS Grace Whiggmeister (née Mae) (deceased) and Phillip Whiggmeister (deceased) (maternal), Mya Darcy (née Bennett) and Ryder Darcy (deceased) (paternal) PARENTS Lima Darcy (née Whiggmeister) and Maddox Darcy SIBLINGS River Darcy and Juno Darcy OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS Tristian Whiggmeister (uncle) PETS An elf owl named Barnaby, a golden retriever named Lucy, and a red Pygmy Puff named Sparkle FORMER PETS A goldfish named Goldie
Esme and Juno are part Italian and German on their maternal side. Their mother's father was from Germany, and their mother's mother was Italian. They never got the chance to meet their grandparents, however, because they died in a car crash the summer before their mother started her Sixth Year. This information was shared with them as soon as they were old enough to understand, and while Esme wishes that she had the chance to meet them, she is happy to hear stories about them and see pictures of them.
Esme and Juno are part German and English on their paternal side. Their father’s mother, Mya Darcy, is from England as well as her parents, William and Elizabeth Bennett. Their grandmother has a twin sister named Mona, who has a daughter named Suzanne. Both are very close to Esme and Juno. Their grandmother’s parents, passed away when their father was 19 in a car accident.
Their father’s father, Ryder Darcy, was part German and part English. He was tragically murdered by Death Eaters when their father was 2 years old. Their grandfather’s parents were Ronan and Talia Darcy. Ronan was from England and Talia was from Germany. They were tragically murdered 6 months after Ryder, by their daughter, and his sister, Desdemona Darcy. She was part of the left over Death Eaters that still plagued people after all this time. She also kidnapped Esme and Juno’s father right after she killed her parents. She had him for 6 months before being caught and sent to Azkaban. She only fulfilled 5 years of her sentence before taking her own life. Esme and Juno and their older brother have not been told about this because their father still has a hard time accepting it as well as the things he did as teenager.
Esme's first term at Hogwarts was rather eventful. The first thing she noticed was the disgusting dust and cobwebs that wouldn't go away. Then she noticed that people kept getting bitten by what looked like spiders. After that, pets began to disappear. Confused and rather frightened, the First Year decided to keep to herself and watched over her elf owl with as much diligence as someone who is afraid of birds can. She did not want anything happening to her pet.
Keeping to herself, she only heard about things happening. The Groundskeeper had taken off into the Forbidden Forest on the back of one of the Hippogriffs. Then two students disappeared. No one knew what happened to them until over a week later when spiders came in to the greenhouses and took the Headmistress along with a few other students.
Terrified, Esme ran back to the castle where she hid until she was forced to help fight off the Acromantulas. They were eventually driven away and the captured people were returned to Hogwarts and received medical care.
Not sure if she wanted to go back to Hogwarts or not, Esme was at a loss. In the end she decided that she wanted to stay with her sister.
Fortunately for them, this term was a lot less eventful than the last had been. There were loads of events happening at Hogwarts, and she took part in some of them though she wasn't really concerned with winning prizes and being known as a champion. She found it more fun to play the games, and her favourite part was when she got to build a snowman with her sister.
Maybe Hogwarts wasn't so bad after all.
Almost immediately after boarding the train things took a nasty turn for Esme: somehow a Hag had managed to get on board, threatening that bad things were to come. This dampened the Hufflepuff's mood not only because Hags supposedly ate children but because the intruder was to be the new Divination Professor. Angry with this revelation, she decided to boycott the lessons and never attend.
Things went about as normal as could be expected at Hogwarts until one afternoon while walking down the corridor she heard what sounded to be giggling and tiny footsteps. Confused, she found nothing other than Professor Draper and the Hag herself. A confrontation followed and Esme's sister was threatened and Professor Draper was given love potion. Confused and angry Esme stalked off, determined to keep her sister safe and away from Hogsmeade. Weirder still, she found a doll at the Hufflepuff table and after bringing it to Professor Myers' office it vanished into thin air.
Through the grapevine she had heard about the unforgettable Divination lesson where Brady had come close to being eaten and the Hag's escape into the Forbidden Forest. This did not calm her, however, as weird things were still happening at Hogwarts. Craziest to her was when someone had managed to attach the Hufflepuff study desks to the ceiling. Professor Myers didn't think that the Hag was involved, but she was not convinced.
In the end it had turned out that a female poltergeist was behind all the mischief in an attempt to win the affections of Peeves. At any rate she just happy that the Hag was long gone.
Feeling much better now that the Hag had disappeared from Hogwarts, Esme found that things were looking up for her again as far as school was concerned. Spending all her free time with friends, the months seemed to fly by rather quickly and it wasn't until December when things started getting weird again. While walking by the Forbidden Forest one afternoon, Esme heard the most compelling music. It beckoned to her and she could not resist the call. It was all consuming, and the most amazing thing that she had ever heard. She didn't even notice the orb of light; all that mattered to her from that moment on was finding the ancient spell book. She searched the castle high and low and STILL couldn't find it.
Suddenly she snapped out of the trance when Oliver blew bubbles in her face during Charms, and the REALLY scary part was that Esme had no idea that she had been a zombie; the last while was a huge blank for her. Not knowing how to process what had happened, she resorted to her usual coping mechanism: avoidance. That worked fairly well for her until the letter from her mother came, telling her and Juno that their father had been badly injured. Worried and scared, the sisters turned to each other for strength and support. They would learn everything that had happened during the summer and finally understand why their dad was so secretive about certain things.
From that moment on, Esme was more determined than ever to focus on school work and friends to get through the term even faster. It worked well until the very end of term when she walked to the courtyard and spotted the Hag. She tried to make off with her friend, Hady but a crowd drew (including a couple staff members). Despite spells being thrown her way, the Hag ran off towards the forbidden Forest with Brady and Kitty in order to cook them in a cauldron. Professor Draper and Professor Myers were summoned to help and everyone sent spells towards the Hag. With Esme's stinging hex, the old bat's face swelled and she ran off deep into the woods.
Brady and Kitty had been saved but the Hag was still out there.
One thing stood out in Esme's mind as Fifth Year approached: OWLs. As someone who was not inclined to study, this was a horrific prospect. True to herself, however, she was determined to buckle down and get good marks even if what she REALLY wanted to do was hang out with her friends and play piano in the music room. At least she still managed to do that either with Azura or by herself whenever she had the chance to. And there were a lot of fun times with best friends Oliver and Rachel as well. Sadly she didn't see her sister as much as usual due to not only exams, but also Juno becoming Prefect; Esme was so very happy for her.
In an unexpected turn, Peeves and the poltergirl who had been living inside that creepy porcelain doll were to get married. Esme was feeling rather conflicted about this, because while she thought a wedding at Hogwarts was romantic, Miffy was rather grating and there was still those memories of her possessing a doll. Those weren't going away any time soon, though of course she attended the wedding and reception, getting cake thrown at her in the process.
Yet another interesting term at Hogwarts. OWL SCORES: Ancient Runes - A
Arithmancy - E
Astronomy - A
Care of Magical Creatures - O
Charms - O
Defence Against the Dark Arts - O
Divination - O
Herbology - E
History of Magic - A
Muggle Studies - O
Potions - E
Receiving her OWL grades during the summer, Esme was pleasantly surprised to see that her marks had been very good on the most part. This filled her with excitement, and made her happy that she had stuck with Hogwarts despite all the times she had wished she was done with the school. Sadly her feelings would change as term went underway.
Term stated off normally, as usual, and as far as she was concerned the hardest part of the year would be getting over her best friend - something that Juno was helping her with though no one else knew about the crush. It was during this time that she bumped into Oliver McDean while doing her Christmas shopping. They had been friends at Hogwarts but had lost contact after his graduation. It was so good to see him again and she was excited at the prospect of keeping in touch. Now she had a crush on another of her friends. There wasn't much time for her to dwell on that, however. A group of kids had ended up in a portal that led them into another dimension. Worse than that there was talk about a creature. Fortunately everyone involved managed to make their way out.
The only bright spot was Hogsmeade weekend. It was her birthday and she got to see Oliver again. Not only that, but she could spend time with her sister and Leon, who she didn't know very well yet. Oliver got her a unicorn bracelet for a present, and she kissed him, but he didn't respond when she told him about her crush. Esme thought that he didn't return her feelings, though she was happy when they made plans to see each other during the Easter holidays.
It was a couple months later while visiting him at Easter that they got together.
While that made Esme very happy, there was still all the horrors at Hogwarts to deal with. Student upon student was being sucked into the other dimension out of nowhere. On one occasion it had been two girls on the wooden bridge, and on another three boys were sucked in from separate places. Anyone could be the next victim. It was because of this that the school was placed on lock down. While she was happy that measures were being undertaken to keep everyone safe, she was terrified of something happening to her sister while on patrol. Every day she wrote to Oliver telling him about what was going on.
While the portal was being closed Esme was in her common room, so she had to hear about everything from other people. In a way she was a bit sad to see Miffy and Storm, but mostly she was just glad that the monster wasn't going to ever come back. >> EXTRA
[*] Post colour – CORAL/#FF7F50
[*] Relationship Status – In a relationship with Oliver McDean
[*] Amortentia - Lavender; linen; rain; vanilla; grass
[*] Allergies - Perfume
[*] Personality Type - ENFJ-A
[*] Laterality - Right-handed * Template credit to Shanners.
* Image credit to Suziella.
Last edited by WhittyBitty; 10-17-2017 at 05:49 AM.