A Poop * k8 * 70. Spook - Age 8 “Stop pushing me, Lily!” hissed Sev, and Tunia shhhhhhhushed him.
“She’s not doing it on purpose, stupid.”
“I’m NOT stupid!” The boy was under a sheet with eyeholes cut out.
Halloween was Tunia’s favorite holiday, and tonight...they were going to sneak INTO the spook house they were much too young for! She was DETERMINED. It took a lot of convincing for Lily, and eventually...Tunia had to say Sev could come.
They crept, silently, down the street, and Lily, dressed as a witch, held her sister’s hand. She was shivering.
“BOOOOO!” Tunia suddenly LURCHED at Sev, who screamed.
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 12-16-2015 at 05:31 AM.