Herbology Rules and Expectations  Image by: Pixie ⚘ Classroom Rules: - Always bring a positive attitude! Having a bad day? Smiling will make it better!
- Make sure to bring your gloves, your textbook, and your BRAIN!
- Please be respectful and kind to your peers!
- No complaining! The negativity ruins my groove.
- Participate in the class and activities we do with your best effort!
- Wear the appropriate uniform to class.
- Water is allowed, but please, no food.
- Do NOT under ANY circumstance PICK any of the plants without specific permission from Professor Myers. Plants are living BEINGS, not toys!
- Most importantly....DO YOUR BEST and HAVE FUN!
- I have an open door policy. Please see me about anything you want to talk about, if I'm someone you're comfortable with. I'd love to chat anytime.
⚘ OOC Information: - Remember, IC and OOC is different. Professor Paul is not Kate
Thank MERLIN and vice versa. Please do not take anything he may do IC as an OOC offense. <3 Neither of us bite, I promise.
- IC offenses will be punished....IC, you guessed it! And OOC offenses will be handled in an OOC way, either by way of a warning or an infraction to you, the RPer.
- If the lesson has already begun, and you have not arrived yet, don't think you can't join in! You totally still can! Pretend you have been there all along, no problem! Having your character come in late will result in point loss...or whatever other punishment Paul deems fit

- NO plagiarism, please. Use your own words and ideas(or your characters! <3)
- I am here to make the RP as enjoyable for all of you as possible. Please feel free to contact me, kayquilz, about ANYTHING, via PM.