Join Date: Oct 2007 Location: Hogwarts Castle
Posts: 5,437
Hogwarts RPG Name: Helena Ravenclaw | Resident Ghost of Ravenclaw | Intelligent & Evasive SPOILER!!: Fat Friars responses to all student questions Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl Awwww no, the very merry Fat Friar looked sad all of a sudden. Davie raised his hand with a question, which might cheer him up because ghosts usually enjoyed talking about their deaths, and which might not, since he had been killed in a very violent manner.
"Did you get executed because you were too good of a Healer, sir? Like as in a MAGICALLY good Healer? Were Church officials suspicious? Why didn't they think the magic you were doing was a miracle?" He could have been a Saint instead of a ghost! Did the Fat Friar have any regrets in that manner? Davie didn't ask that, see, because he did have a little bit of sensitivity. Friar Alfred turned to the raised hand and "Mhmm!ed the boy. "I cured every pox case, so the Church was convinced I was a wizard. Why, I was! I think my rabbits that I pulled out from cups gave me away... and that's why they didn't think it was a miracle." Because saints didn't pull rabbit out, they only did miracles. Quote:
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny If the Grey Lady thought it would be a good idea for Sophie Brown to ask the Friar himself, THEN SO SHE WOULD.
And, it seemed, the opportunity was upon her as the GHOST HIMSELF ARRIVED, looking jovial as ever. Adorable, really, just like Rooney's response to the ghost's arrival. THE MOST ADORABLE EVER. HONESTLY.
Settling into her chair, Soph listened intently. So he DID have a name, see? Alfred. Why couldn't they call him Friar Alfred? The part about him being executed wasn't so cute, but... she had questions. Lots of them. Some that were being covered by little Davie, so Soph avoided those topics... but she STILL wanted to know the answer to this one, so her hand went up.
"Sir? Doesn't it... I mean, couldn't there be a better nickname for you than the Fat Friar? S'not like we have to distinguish you from any other friars around here, so why not just the Friar, or a different adjective that better encompasses who you are, like... the Jolly Friar, like Reagan suggested?" Didn't it bother him? Ghosts had feelings, too, didn't they? The Friar shrugged. "I do--did like eating... and if it makes the students happy calling me fat..." As long as it wasn't a humiliating name. Quote:
Originally Posted by decapitatERN Alfred. That was a very nice name, and Dot gave him a somber nod, although she was sure the ghost didn't notice. He wasn't actually all that jolly up close, although perhaps it was hard to be happy when you were telling people how you died. Were followup questions rude, or was this one of those topics that a ghost was dying to talk about?
Ahem. That was punny. Dot raised her hand. "Excuse me, Brother Alfred, but how come you got executed? Why didn't you escape or use magic or something? Were they too fast? How do you feel about Muggles as a result of your unfortunate demise?" Alfred the Friar smiled at the girl. He liked 'Brother'. He hoped the rest of the class heard that. "I had full faith in my church," he said, "and still do. I don't run away from justice, even if it's false. I feel sad for the muggles that I couldn't cure, but I am happy I cured some before my unfortunate death." Quote:
Originally Posted by Tazzie The Fat Friar himself! The room got colder but it certainly got merrier. The Hufflepuff's ghost's jolliness was contagious. Owen ooh'd and ahh'd at the information shared by the Friar. Or should he call him now Father Alfred? Brother Alfred? But d'awww...he was executed. That was not a merry ending.
So why were people asking him ABOUT his death? That was quite insensitive. Owen wanted to know about The Friar's life as a Hufflepuff instead, fostering house pride and all so his question went, "Father Alfred, sir...my name is Owen and I just wanted to know... what was it like walking the halls of Hogwarts during your time as a student here compared to now? What kind of fun did you have?" He wanted to knooow. A first year he remembered from the feast, yes! He smiled at the boy. "Hello Owen," he said in a friendly tone, and made a thinking sound (' Hmmmm,') at the question. "Hogwarts hasn't changed much since my time," he said but his face got a little dark, "except for the horrors the castle has endured. The teachers, however... they were stricter. However, we still had fun! We duelled each other and it was a big, big thing to talk to a witch back then..." Of course, he had never talked to a witch properly. Quote:
Originally Posted by HeraRaising Alfred of Cinn Tire? And WHERE was Kintyre exactly?
Everything else, as condensed as it was... was mildly interesting. Mildly, because hey... ghost! and yeah... but none of it struck him as something he ought to remember for later. "Fat Friar, Sir," he started, hand raised, "You mentioned you were executed... how? and why? And why are you here at Hogwarts instead of haunting somewhere else?" Haunting... was that the right word??? How? Why? The Friar siiiiiiiiighed. "I was executed by poison," he said, "because I wasn't a real Friar but a wizard." He looked genuinely hurt. It was an insult! "I am here to help new students. And I couldn't reall haunt my church." His reasons... was asked by another student. Quote:
Originally Posted by RandomRaven She listened to the ghost speaking. Wow, this ghost was really friendly, huh? The young lioness tried not to yawn listening to the Fat Friar (or maybe Father Alfred now) reminiscing his life when he was still alive and kicking. Did she have a question for the Hufflepuff ghost?
Actually she had.
Ava raised her hand and then ask him. "Why did you become a ghost? Did you choose or you felt like you had an unfinished business here?" Curious Ava is curious. Like the Grey Lady explained to her, most wizards and witches wanted to die happily rather than being ghost and haunted a specific place. This was a better question. He didn't like talking about the faults of his church. "I felt that I still could help people." And he had! Hufflepuff spirit all the way. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel was listening to the Friars story, this was totally why she was going to become an explorer when she was older, that way if she found anything she wouldn't get killed for it, though she felt sorry for all those people who invented stuff, or was it different now. "Sir, is there any reason why you chose Hogwarts over your church when you died?" Angel was really curious about that. "Why, of course!" he said, "they were already very concerned that they had a wizard impostor amongst them," he said, "what good would a real ghost do? They would abandon the chuch. The whole town would be evacuated. It would do only harm." They were used to the idea, but to muggles, a ghost was very terrifying. Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionegold Well, Gwen was glad she'd brought her sweatshirt. You never knew, in March. But then again, she almost always carried a sweatshirt. And those ghosts were making it COLD!
Alfred was actually a very suitable name for the Friar. "Can ghosts ever pass on to the afterlife, even after being a ghost?" Another first year! He always smiled at them no matter what they did. "No," he said, "if you are ghost, you are ghost." OOC note: The Friar's account only gets a white screen when trying to view the class thread so that is why his responses are included in this post by the Grey Lady and the Friar has now left the class.
Helena listened silently as the Friar or should she call him Alfred now spoke and interacted in his usual jovial manner with the students. Several minutes the Friar made intentions to leave but before he did Helena smiled at him saying "Thank you for visiting class and letting the students get to know you a little better Alfred." She watched him float out of view before she addressed the students once more. "The time has come for you all to get know me little better. I'm not usually very keen on sharing personal information but I'm making an exception today because of the topic of this lesson. My history is closely entwined with another ghost at this school." If the students knew their history they'd know who she meant.
Taking a breath she began her story "My name is Helena Ravenclaw and I'm the daughter of Hogwarts Founder Rowena Ravenclaw. I was born about 2,000 years ago in the British Isles. When I attended Hogwarts I was sorted into Ravenclaw house. I liked learning and was quite curious, my favourite class was transfiguration. I've been called many names over the years by students and staff like Lady Helena, whispering lady and most often the Grey Lady." Here she stopped to smile at the class before she got serious. "What led to my violent death was that I envied my mother for her cleverness and importance in history as a founder of this school. I stole my mother's diadem thinking that it could make me wise enough to accomplish importance and notability just like my mother. It didn't. After a time my mother got fatally ill and she sent the ghost you all know as the Bloody Baron to me to bring me back with him to my mother's death bed. I refused and he killed me before he killed himself....."
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