Dylan Callaghan Basics: Full Name: Dylan James Callaghan
Birthday: August 14th, 2068
Age: 14
Year: Third Year
Blood Status: Pureblood
Wand Type: 9 and ⅔ inch Hickory wood wand with the core of a jobberknoll feather
Appearance: Eyes: Light blue
Hair: Very long (goes down his back, slightly wavy), lightish-dirty blonde
Height: 5'8
Weight: 130 pounds
Personality: Dylan is a very outgoing person who loves to make friends. He is a very bubbly, cuddly, happy person most of the time and doesn't get mad easily. He also loves to make people laugh with his humor.
Family/Pets: Father: Vincent Callaghan
Mother: Cynthia Callaghan
Siblings: Alex (age 18), Lydia (age 10), and Blake (age 8)
Pets: At home they have a snowy owl named Paul and Dylan has a kitten he keeps at both Hogwarts when he's there and at home during the summer named Ginger
-Old Muggle rock music
-Being with friends
-Meeting new people
-Helping others
-Learning new things
-Ice cream
-Muggle things
-Ancient Runes
-Rude people
-Lots of homework
-Being alone
-Having nothing to do
-THE GIANT SQUID AT THE LAKE (his biggest fear..)