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Hogwarts RPG Name: Mona Deandra Hellmann Gryffindor First Year x5 x6
| ¼ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls Text Cut: Forrest Charlton Forrest Happy Charlton  Model: Guillermo Campra basicsName: Forrest Harold Charlton Nickname(s): Happy Date of Birth: 21 December 2068 (official: 1 January, 2069) Place of Birth: Durham, England Blood: Muggleborn House: Hufflepuff appearanceHair: Blond Eyes: Hazel/Blue Height: 1.43 metres Weight: 32 kilograms Shape: Almost-ill thin familyMother: Christina Charlton (née Turner) (40 years old) Father: James Isaac Charlton (46 years old) Big brother: Oliver Isaac II Charlton (15 years old) historyBorn in Durham, Forrest comes from a family from the top-middle class of England. His father, James, is a chemisty engineer, specialised on petrol and his mother, Christina, doesn't work, although she wanted to become a teacher. James' family is the wealthier of both sides, also the more traditional one, and they did not want a working bride to neglect the kids, and Charlton family failed to notice their bride’s broken heart.
As soon as he was born, his father had got a new job in London so they moved to the capital and Forrest only knows Durham from his ID. The family lived in London until only two years ago in a luxurious residence that basically had everything of modern city life: a sports centre, a restaurant, a shopping mall and a cinema. So Forrest didn't really have to get out of the house, especially when his dad would buy them the latest video games and electronic devices. Although his mother would take him downstairs to the park, he spent more time indoors than outdoors like his brother.
For the first year of his primary education, he attended a public school, but his father realised that it was a bad image for himself at work and thus Forrest and Oliver went a private school, the most expensive one in London. His father was at a high-position in the petrol company now, and he didn't miss a chance to indicate their wealth. Oliver seemed to take up the habit too and he started to bully other students at school. Forrest had got closer to his mother, however, and he got more reserved.
When he was nine years old, as he remembers vividly, his father had announced at dinner that they were moving to Saudi Arabia with immediate effect. Oliver gasped and Christina looked at her husband incredibly. Even though Forrest didn't really grasp what that meant, he and Oliver knew that a new argument was about to break out, so they quickly went to their rooms without even finishing eating. The worst argument ever broke out in Charlton family, and the next morning Christina told her sons that they were moving to Saudi Arabia. It was obvious that she had spent the night crying, and she was a living death.
The next week they had started a new life in Saudi Arabia and Oliver and his father got back to his cocky self in a month, whereas Christina was never the same and it depressed Forrest awfully as well, even if he didn't fully understand why she was so sad. As he grew up, his magical abilities had become more significant and nobody but his mother showed any sympathy to him. Oliver tried to overcome his fear by bullying him cruelly, and his father almost acted as if he didn't exist, being much more preoccupied with his image with a 'strange' kid rather than worry for his son himself. This formed an unbreakable bond between son and the mother, and she was the one who saved him from being locked up in a Saudi lunatic asylum as his abilities got out of control more usually than in London, combined with his confused mind. His father and Oliver had barely talked to him for the last two years though, until the moment of letter. personalityHe is awfully timid and some people even mistook him for deaf. He fears authorities. He is easily frightened, and he can cry easily. He is studious though, as he thought (unsuccessfully) that high grades might please his father. He can be easily fooled as he is awfully innocent as well. He is obsessed with rules, and he will freak out even at the possibility of breaking one. Extra: He has an attention deficit: He cannot focus well while talking when he's excited and nervous. He is allergic to flowers and pollens. He is slightly obsessed with time. He is also a perfectionist. He starts to scratch incontrollably whenever he hears the word 'frog' or 'toad' (although he denies it, his mother claims that he has a trauma with them). He is afraid of height. He is a fan of Tottenham Football Club. Likes: Football, swimming, books, cartoons, candy. Dislikes: Dad and mom's arguing, sleeping late, being unsuccessful, incontrollable weird talent things (dad gets angry). Picture Model: José Mourinho basics Name: Cosgrach Fionnlagh Culloden (Pronunciation: KOSK ruch - FYOON lugh) Date of Birth: 26th of January, 2042 Place of Birth: Edinburgh, Scotland House: Slytherin Wand: 11 1/2 inch balanced Elder with Graphorn Hide Patronus: Crow Boggart: His cauldron breaking into two from the middle Marital status: Divorced twice Hair: Black turning grey Eyes: Brown Height: 1,74 m In general: He used to have an athletic body due to a lot of working outdoors, but middle age has started to show. He is tanned, clearly from long exposure to sunlight, and the 'middle age signs' disturb him slightly. in-depth Text Cut: History History: Born as a second child to a wealthy, pureblood, Slytherin-since-the-beginning-of-the-world family rooting from Scotland, Cosgrach showed signs of a spoilt child earlier than he showed his magical talents. He had learnt that 'they were wealthy, purebloods, wizards, Slytherins, clearly better than everyone else' and 'didn't like muggles or even worse, muggleborns' when he was only five years old. As he grew older, he had muggle and wizard friends from the neighbourhood, but the wizard side was conscious they were superior to the other side, and wasn't late to show it in their attitude. Needless to say, the tension led to verbal insults, and that led to a massive fight on one hot June day--a fight the neighbourhood had yet to see, and probably never would. The wizard families accused muggles, muggles accused wizards, police fined both. It was never discussed even once, but since then, no muggles stepped onto 'wizard soil' (those families are... different, my child, dear friend. They have owls coming to and leaving their houses. You don't want to mess with them.) and no wizard walked across theirs (muggles are inferior race. We are better than them. We don't need their friendship.) And thus, having private tutours to teach him some basic lessons and playing with his spoilt wizard friends, Cosgrach reached the age of Hogwarts.
He was terrified with the possibility of being sorted into anything other than Slytherin and bringing disgrace to the family, but the Hat knew better than needed less than a second to announce 'Slytherin!' He was very relieved, although disturbed slightly with Daisy's being a Ravenclaw, but the other two boys were in Slytherin too so he didn't mind it too much. He had friends, he was in Slytherin, he had money and had relatively good subjects, so years went by fast. Who cared if they were the bully of the school? Surely their jokes weren't that bad! Everyone deserved a good laugh here and there, and it was those losers problem if they couldn't handle a bit of Slytherin humour. Besides, people shied away from them in the halls better this way, and they were the kings of the school, even though that meant Daisy didn't approve of them anymore either.
Did I say he was happy? Until the fifth year. That blasted, terrible year that changed his life.
He knew his father gambled. But he also knew they had infinite money, so it made sense. What he didn't know, though, was a tiny detail: They had nearly infinite money. So, after all the gambling and losing, his father had lost it all and they desperately tried to hide it from people by selling some of the furniture in muggle shops, but it was no use. As he returned home for Christmas holidays, he found that people--strangers--thieves! were looking at their HOUSE with an intention to buy it. And they did. The signatures under the selling had more meaning than that, though. It meant the end of the world as they knew it. They moved to an apartment in Edinburgh and his mother applied to Ministry too. The first few months were alright, but soon enough, their 'friends' started to turn their backs. 'I really wanted to hang out with you, but I have this to attend to urgently,' was the only answer they started to get. Those friends had apparently owled their children too, because soon enough his mates started making excuses just like their parents, and the other people were still too scared of him to even greet him. He didn't accept defeat without a brave battle and he desperately tried to keep his friends, but it was no use. The worst thing had happened to him: He was both alone and poor, and he didn't even have a shoulder to lie his head down.
He failed some of his OWLs, begged to professors, and was accepted into Potions, Transfiguration, Arithmancy, Herbology and CoMC in his sixth year. He became one of the most silent students in the halls and was usually found reading somewhere. It was a remarkable thing, for he had barely read anything until then. He was also lonely but swallowed it down, and started realising things. That he had wasted his youth on stupid reputation games. That in the darkest moment, even his shadow left him alone. That there was only him that was concerned about him and that it still wasn't late to save himself. He became even more silent--except in the classes of Potions, Herbology and CoMC, read and studied. Hard. He was appointed as the Head Boy in his seventh term, but even this failed to bring a smile upon his face. He just did what he was told to do, and graduated with only signing his name in the seventh year memory book and not writing any other word of wisdom there.
Then he smiled.
He was accepted into University of Witchcraft and Wizardry in United States, in potions major. As he read the letter though, he realised that he should either break into Gringotts or earn some money by working. He chose the latter option wisely, and got into a muggle shop in Edinburgh. He wasn't patient to do things the muggle way, though, and soon enough, his boss was pretty amazed by his working efficiency to raise his salary. He worked there for two years and earned enough money to go to the university, and so he did, for the best four years of his life, because it was a fresh start as no one knew him there. He enjoyed his classes--enjoyed potions!--learnt to respect and like muggleborns, and made good friends. After the four years, he heard about a research group in Turkey on endemic plants, and applied for it. It was a four years of studying both the magical and non-magical plants in Turkey, and he got a spot. During the four years, they stepped on every bit of the rich Anatolia and discovered a few new plants. He was responsible for finding out their properties in potions, and these four years were even better than his time in the US. The pay was low, but he didn't mind it. It wasn't like he wanted infinite money anyway, and as long as his family and 'friends' were away from him, he was content.
Between you and me, he was also content because of Céline, the Canadian member of the group who he would get married to in a romantic wedding in Borneo.
More or less the same research group was offered to study the animals in rainforests in Borneo, and he was probably the most eager member to accept it. They spent another four years on the island--two of those with 'marriage' for him. Although the rain forests had pretty endemic plants too, their focus was on animals and insects this time. He was pretty happy there too, and he got married in the rainy season because he believed rain was 'abundance'--and abundance of too many fights after 2 years and a divorce in Borneo. She accused him of loving potions more than he did, he accused her of suffocating him. A few curses were uttered: he was rescued by a friend from his sticking charm to his potions cauldron 12 hours later, and she was rescued from her disturbing sleep adorned with nightmares by another potion master 13 hours later. They never talked since.
Maybe he really was in love with potions, because what many people called a haste decision was given a week later: He was going to Afghanistan and Kazakhstan to study ancient potions.
And to marry and divorce for the second time in his life. The lady was Natasha--a Ukrainian, but only a Veritaserum can make him talk about those six months.
The four years between Kazakhstan and his career in Hogwarts is unclear. Some say he got into a muggle university to study chemistry, some say he taught chemistry in a high school, many say he locked himself up in his house in Kazakhstan and experimented with potions, and a few are bold enough to suggest he's learnt some muggle medicine in United States with Daisy (who happened to be there then, who still is). He never certified or declined the rumours. Daisy only cursed after hearing his name every time. What is known for sure is, he heard about Lafay's quitting and applied for the spot.
And you've just read the new potion master's background.
Personality: He won't hold his tongue back. You've been warned. He just won't. He also won't try to make you love or hate him. He will just do what he thinks is correct, but he will listen to your opinion usually no matter what and often value it. He didn't take any special lessons on teaching, but he was a student once and he generally knows what he shouldn't do. That certainly doesn't mean you should come to him with your personal--or even professional--problems. He might struck many people as cruel or incommunicado because he usually grunts to say 'Yes' and 'No', but like I've said, he won't hold his tongue back if he's interested in it. He is curt and doesn't know much courtesy. He also hates whiners and quitters, as well as people who don't like potions and spoilt kids.
PS. He isn't here for money. Family: He still sees them, but only on important days. His relationship is formal too, because he had never forgiven them. If you have to know, the father is Brian Culloden, the mother is Brìghde and the sister is Meadhbh. That's all you need to know.
Last edited by Charely Potter; 12-21-2015 at 02:32 AM.
Reason: restored bio