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Old 09-11-2015, 03:41 PM   #133 (permalink)

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Join Date: Aug 2010
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nyle Harden
Second Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Iris Harden
Second Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Calliope Barrington
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Originally Posted by Yaya View Post
Floating in the air. Check. Name tag. Check. Professor Flamsteed and Pebbles, the Rock, check. And apparently more companions to appear. Interesting. Now...Victoria looked down at the floor, and really tried to make this a little less stressing to her nerves. After all, nothing was going to make the enchantment go yet, so she had to chill...yes, chill.

When the professor asked the first question, she heard some of her classmates' answers. All pretty awesome, genius, complete. Would she be able to give a good answer? She could try, so she raised her hand. And it was too she kept THIS to herself:

Text Cut: Vicky's inside thoughts, please consider them
"Rocks are formed of minerals, chemicals, have this energy, it's more like these rocks have the clue to how our universe is formed, more like what are its components: gases, minerals...and it also the behaviour of the planets and their moons, the asteroids, the galaxy..." All that. Not so clear. Not so clever. But that was a good try.

Now, that was a long chat about collisons, and global catastophes, and now craters, caused by asteroids. Looking down at the board, she reviewed in her head what she had read at first, maybe confusing some of the terms, but trying to remember at least a solid definition of one. Clearing her head, she raised her hand: "Umm, Meteorites, from outside Earth that have fallen into it. And since they go through the atmosphere, they would have this shiny black crust, although as more time passes, that crust may go away...and because of their inside content, they may be heavier than normal Earth rocks." Yeah, that's all she could remember.

Excellent, very good Commander Saenz. Especially the inclusion of the shiny black crust. A nice little detail,” he saluted towards the Ravenclaw.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
“A meteor is this chunk of space rock that flies… Well, if you don’t know anything about Astronomy,” aka Zander Adair before Admiral Flamsteed broke through his brain’s surface (kinda like how meteors break through the Earth’s atmosphere AMIRIGHT?) ”You might just call ‘em shooting stars… ‘Cause when they fly through the atmosphere they kinda give off this glow,’cause they’re burning up and all that good stuff, Zander trailed off, letting his eyes dart over to the side to steal a look over at Sophie Brown.

How she always managed to know exactly what to say when answering a question was completely beyond him. At least on a written exam, Zander had some time to collect his thoughts. But this whole having to figure out what he was trying to say as he was saying it… Not really working out here, people. He scratched his head.

”But wait! they’re not burning up ‘cause they’ve been incendioed or anything… It’s got to do with friction from going so fast,” Okay, back to looking at Sophie Brown ‘cause he was sure she was about to spew some great out-of-this-world (LITERALLY) knowledge. Also, he HAD been taking notes on what she said before…. Granted, they were a bit wonky so he’d have to check with her later. Ahem. He was distracted, okay?

Nodding as the seventh year spoke, he couldn’t help by notice the Head Boy being a bit...distracted. Was distracted wasn’t exactly the right word, perhaps. Seeking confirmation to what he was saying? Had we really taken a few steps back, Captain Adair?

Very good,” he nodded at the young man. Stare. “Eyes up front, Captain Adair.

Or at least on the person speaking?
Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Smiling as she got approval for her answer, Paulina began jotting down some of the contributions that her fellow classmates made. This would help her when it came to the homework later, because she had a feeling that a lot of science would be involved...especially given how chatty the Professor Admiral was.

Taking a break from writing about rocks, she raised her hand again so that she could take a shot at defining one of the terms. "A meteorite is a solid piece of debris from something like a comet or asteroid that has traveled to the Earth from outer space -" obviously "- and survive the impact." Before the impact it is referred to as a meteoroid, but thought it best to leave that part out for someone else to explain.

“[s]Stellar, Miss Holiday,[/b]” he nodded approvingly at the Hufflepuff.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post

Look at, Admiral Flamsteed flapping his arms like that. Adi laughed. Not loudly but you know, just enough to show his amusement. He assumed that his answer was somewhat what the man was looking for hence the flapping as though he were trying to fly. He already was... sort of. It was more like he was soaring on a thermal or a pillar of air. Oh yes! There was the confirmation of his answer in the form of a double thumbs up!

Speaking of soaring... Adi suddenly felt something off about his face. Reaching frantically up with his free hand, he felt about. GREAT HIPPOGRIFFS! One of his fake eyebrows had become dislodged No wonder he had that weird feeling. He was still getting used to having the eyebrows on. He turned his face up to see the brow drifting already out of his reach.


Adi freed his left hand from the chair so that he could rise up, up, up to reach for the brow. Aha! GOTCHA! He snagged the thing out of the air then concentrated on getting back down just in time for the next question and explanation. Clutching his brow, he hurriedly made some notes which was SUPER difficult because his parchment and stuff just kept rising up. Gosh.

Looking up at the board, Adi studied the four new points written there. He knew a fact or two about them all but he decided to go with meteorites. So up went his hand. "Meteorites are PIECES of asteroid that fall to Earth. The largest known meteorite- the Hoba meteorite- is found in Nambia. I think it weighs about sixty tons and was discovered sometime in 1920 though it was believed to have crashed into Earth about 80, 000 years ago." While he was speaking, he had lowered his hand so that he could reattach his fake brow. There! It better stay on now!

Someone was taking hair raising to a whole new level!

Ahem. That was horrible. Excuse him.

Yes, very good, Captain Rehman,” he chuckled. Although he had asked for a definition or a factoid, but he wouldn’t fault the Hufflepuff for being enthuastic.
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Benny was listening intently, yes he was, even taking a few notes along the way, jotting stuff onto his parchment half pinned down by his opposite arm. Plants? Um...was angel a little off with her answer? But for the most part he was letting other students answer, mainly because anything that came to mind seemed to be snatched up by the minds of others or too similar for him to think it worthy of repeating. Not that it was odd that he wasn't talking all that much, more than six years of it would get others used to his behavior.

At the latest question, he thought about the four words written on the board and what he knew about any of them. Paulina had mentioned meteorites and he absently nodded in agreement as it seemed right. So finally he opted for another raising his hand. "Asteroids are large rocky bodies in space that are not quite planets."

Excellent distinction,” he applauded the Gryffindor. “Something that does confuse individuals from time to time since asteroids can…

But he ceased speaking there because SOMETHING told him that Captain Bayless would finish his thought for him.

Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
She listened to the others answers, she wasn't taking notes right now, nor did she plan on it. REBEL. Unless something stood out to her. So far nothing. Then the lesson continued own to the next questions.

asteroid, meteoroids, meteors, meteorites. Oh my!

Pick one. Which one? Just pick one Bayless, geez. "Some asteroids have their own moons." She nodded that was a fact!

Yup. Nailed it. Thank you tiny voice in the back of his head.

STELLAR, Captain Bayless,” he nodded. “An example being the 1 mile wide Dactyl, which orbits the 19 mile wide Ida in the same year that Harry Potter defeated the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets..

Oops. Wait. That had been poor form bringing that location up. Ahem. Moving along.

Originally Posted by VRSCIKA View Post
At least she didn't seem to be the ONLY student that was clueless about the dot badge that she was wearing or the whole strangeness of the references she failed to get.

Was 'Admiral' Flamesteed laughing at her? Well, at least he picked up on her train of thought.....He was awarding her a point? Well that wasn't too shabby then. "Thank you , Admiral." She nodded and listened to the rest of the class and their answers.

Alrighty now, some of her classmates threw her for a loop.....Some were odd but could be made sense of , like Yoongi's whole, we are all rocks statement. Some were very vastly descriptive like Sophie's , which she enjoyed. But then, after the whole eight legged freak ordeal and rescue she had been paying the girl extra mind anyways. The one that really made her head spin of the claw boys (Kyroh) had a theory about orbital corpses that made her look at him with mild disgust as she listened to his theory. At that moment, she made a mental note to avoid him as much as she possibly could. That made two since her transfer to Hogwarts....all in all she supposed that wasn't too bad.

Alright what facts and definitions did she know for one of the items on the board. She raised her hand, not normally, but in his odd greeting sort of way. Here it goes...." Asteroids are heavenly bodies that orbit the Sun and are smaller than a planet, though some such as Ceres are debated as being 'Dwarf Planets'. They are comprised primarily of rock, though some also contain metals and occasionally organic compounds. They differ from Comets because they do not have a visible 'tail' and from Meteors and Meteoroids they differ by their larger size." Okay, now she could take a breath. There was most of what the 5th year snakette knew about the subject, bluntly shoved into one paragraph. Hopefully that was what the 'Admiral' was looking for.....

Excellent, very good,” he nodded.
Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Since Admiral Airey was just floating around, it was perfectly acceptable for Oliver to do the same. Right? Right. Plus, it could be helpful in answering a question. In fact, his answer to the second question could be pretty much as exactly the same as his answer to the first. So he raised his hand to basically repeat himself. "Meteors are bits of rock in space. They float around, and sometimes crash into planets." And this was where simply floating around came in handy. Olly curled himself into a ball as tightly as he could and crashed floated right into Ellery. She was the planet and he was the meteor, see?


Unable to react fast enough, all the astronomer managed to do was thrust his finger in the general direction of the Slytherin as he collided into a classmate. “Ensign Thomas-Borzekowsk! Return to your seat,” he instructed. At least the Gryffindor didn’t seemed fazed at all by the interaction. “And there is a slight problem with your demonstration.” Besides the obvious. There would be PLEANTY of time to crash into each other soon enough. “Meteors burn up before reaching the ground and do not crash.
Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
NO AIREY. That was the example Dante was going to use. The whole dinosaur thing and you had to go all Professor and explain it all scientifically and even say where it probably hit the earth. Sigh, now what was he going to say. Well all that was left was puns and that was a last ditch effort....So why not. He had nothing else. Plus he could leave the definitions to everyone else.

"Well i know meteor showers are earth's way of getting clean"

Get it, because shower. Maybe not but it was all he had on meteors after the whole dinosaur extinction thing. That was a factoid right. It was to Dante. Plus he was still trying to absorb all the Airey was saying before.

His hand was cramping from writing to much. You know how hard it is to write in basically zero gravity.

THAT….was a stroke of brilliance.

Chuckling and covering his eyes with the palm of his hand as he looked down and shook his head, trying hard not to look too amused by the joke and failing miserably. The shake in his shoulders from laughter was a good indication of that.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
THIS was what Caleb needed to take notes on. He knew meteors, meteoroids, and meteorites were all different, as were asteroids, and he had to keep them straight. Watch that be the first question on his NEWTs!

He quickly flicked through his notes and then raised his hand. "Meteors are any asteroids that enter Earth's atmosphere and start heading towards the surface," he explained. That was a pretty simple explanation but if he tried to elaborate he was afraid he'd confuse himself and get it wrong...

Yes, good, Captain Newell,” he nodded towards the Slytherin prefect.

Originally Posted by MudInMyBlood View Post
She was just shushed. It made her feel like a kid again, and brought back some memories of her mom's lame comebacks. Awww... Admiral Flamsteed! The entire situation was funny, and she had to bite her bottom lip to keep from full out laughing at the covering of the rocks' ears. Pebbles got a wink from her, and Airey got a knowing look. She even went as far as to zip her lips with a fake key... said key got tossed over her shoulder.

There. That was settled.

Now, on to the words that sounded an awful lot like the same thing. Tricky. Fun facts were kind of her thing though, so she tried to think of anything useful about the words in question. She storked her chin thoughtfully. OH! Got it!

AJ flailed her hand a bit in the air. "Meteorites can be super small like dust... practically non existent." Which only made her think of another question. "Does space get normal dust?" Or was star dust and meteorites dust THE dust of space? Her mom was always nagging about dust around the house. She especially hated it when AJ wrote messages in it.

I thought you threw away the key?” he teased, rather obnoxiously. Hooooooo point to Flamsteed for his own sense of humor HOOOOOOOOOO!

What do you mean by ‘normal’?” he questioned. Normal was somewhat relative, was it not? “Dust in space has no dead skin cells or insect waste in its composition, which is something considered normal here on Earth...if that is what you are asking.
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
It wasn't taking a lot for Dalton to force himself to like Astronomy, because it was basically Physics, and - although he didn't like to admit it - it was more interesting. Space was pretty blimin' awesome. And he knew some stuff about it, so he lifted his head slightly, and dropped his hands from playing with the magically made wooden name plate to raise one into the air.

"Er - Asteroids are minor planets of the Inner Solar System, yeah? Which is the Terrestrial planets an' the asteroid belt, right? And the first was called Ceros - or something... an' it was found by some Italian guy in the early 1800s... Right?"

He was totally right... right? Ugh maybe he should have just kept quiet. He lowered his hand towards the end of his answer and began playing with the nameplate again, eyes fixed firmly on the desk.

Yes, very good Ensign Fletcher,” he saluted. “Just a bit of clarification for those who may be throwing their arms up in the air about the mention of planet. A minor planet means any astronomical object that is in orbit around the Sun but is not a planet nor originally classified as a comet. Asteroids, dwarf planets, and centaurs are included among those objects that fall under this umbrella term.
Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Angel raised her hand. "Admiral Flamsteed, I think that a meteorites can create some sort of creator if it impacts on the ground because it is travelling at like a million miles an hour or something silly like that." Angel thought it would be cool to see one flying in the sky. Just as long as it didn't come near her.

Create...a creator?

Crater,” he correctly gently. Miss Valentine seemed awfully distracted this evening. Teenage angst? Keep it away, please.
Originally Posted by keepmeclose22 View Post
Austin wrote down a few key topics in his notes. He wasn't going to copy word for word what the professor was saying... This wasn't potions class. But the boy did want to keep some points handy in case he needed to study them later. Knowing that a lot of this planet's rock came from outer space, he really did want a pet rock now. Wouldn't it be cool to have a pet rock that was made out of space rock?? How cool would that be. Now if there were pet rocks that came from the moon.... that would be... ehem... out of this world.

Austin chuckled to himself at his pun, and raised his hand, ready to answer the question. "Meteors are when a piece of rock has made it into Earth's atmosphere. One can usually see it at night, if their lucky enough. It usually has a tail of 'light' and is often referred to as a shooting star." Sadly, Austin had never seen one, but that would be the highlight of his fourth year if he got to see one. Maybe if it landed close enough to the school, he could get a pet rock out of it.... yea?

Stellar, Lieutenant Moore,” he nodded, giving the boy two thumbs up.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Three points. Davie had just gotten THREE MORE POINTS for Ravenclaw! YUSSSSSSSS! He couldn't resist fist-pumping up into the air... er, further up into the air... with victory. LOOK AT HIM, being smart and stuff. JUST LOOK AT HIM. The professor was smart too, though, because to his credit he didn't even stumble over pronouncing panspermia.

Beaming proudly, Davie again raised his hand because the second question was EASY. He knew loads of factoids about those four words. "Pluto, which is the furthest out planet-sized thing in our solar system, actually isn't a planet at all. It should be classified as a big asteroid, since it's part of the Kuiper Belt of icy, rocky objects just outside Neptune."


Did you hear that, Mr. Toby? Did yo----



No he did not. Because he was not here. And now the Admiral was actually wishing for the Hufflepuff’s outburst of VIVA LA PLUTO!

Minus 500 points to Ravenclaw.

Leave it to a Hufflepuff to make the man illogically sensitive to Pluto being referred to as an asteroid. Sweet solstice.

Stellar,” he nodded gloomily although his tone was chipper. “Somethig we will not be getting into the nitty gritty of today. Pluto and its status that is. Some even would argue that it is a large comet.

Just some food for thought.

But it certainly was NOT a planet.
Originally Posted by HogwartsStudent11 View Post
Marisol giggled. She would never be a Ravenclaw, nor would she want to study inside all day. Ew.

Since she didn't know exactly what any of the others were, Mari went with defining asteroids. Except she didn't know what those were either. And she was pretty sure that "asterisks on steroids" wasn't going to cut it. So she said, "A rock that goes around orbits the sun!" Orbiting sounded smarter.

What was a rock now? “Come again?” he asked casually.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post

Davie mentioned the words P-L-U-T-O and 'not really a planet' in the same sentence, causing Kate to wince ever so slightly. He was CORRECT, that couldn't be denied, but Kate knew from previous lessons that the professor was big...REALLY BIG...on maintaining the fact that scientists were wrong and that poor Pluto was still a planet...

Never mind that. Kate needed to come up with a response. As Ravenclaw as she was, she never could quite manage to come up with something so great she earned extra class points for it. She could still try, though! Meteors! What did she know about those? Thinking...thinking...

... She raised her hand into the air. "Sometimes people look up into the sky and see a shooting star, and they make a wish upon it. People think they're literally looking at a star falling from the sky, but that's not really what it is. It's bits of things like dust or pebbles shooting into the atmosphere, or meteors," she explained. "So when people make wishes on falling stars, they're really making wishes on meteors."

Nodding eagerly at the third year’s words, he couldn’t help himself but go into his little ‘motivational’ speech that he had not had the opportunity to share for quite some time. “Very good. One must remember not to wish on stars for when you wish upon a star you're actually a few million years late and that star is likely not to be there. So you are wishing on nothing.

Pip pip cheerio!

Originally Posted by Sararara View Post
Norah didn't have much time to wonder what she'd said wrong so that the Professor had done only plain old smiling at her answer instead of jumping on her desk or yelling something excited. He did a lot of yelling. Usually. But her wondering was cut off on account of Sophie Brown saying more words than the Hufflepuff planned to say during the whole entire lesson. How did she fit all that knowledge in her HEAD? She had a very nice head that looked pretty properly head-sized, which made it hard to believe that her brains could all fit without wanting to squish out of her ears. She probably knew more about space rocks than the entire rest of the school put together, and space rocks were a pretty random thing to know about (but don't tell Pebbles she'd said that). The fifth year fell behind in her notes as she tried to scribble down all the stuff Sophie had said, but caught up when Flamsteed began speaking again. Lots of stuff about rocks. Okay cool. AND he said rocks showed things about dinosaurs so her answer hadn't even been completely wrong, so THERE.

She paused to copy the terms down on her parchment before putting a hand in the air. "The things people call shooting stars aren't even stars at all, they're meteors." Right? Or were there meteoroids? Or meteorites? WHY did they make all those words so similar? "Meteors are rocks too, and those don't seem like they'd look like stars but sometimes when they're coming into the atmosphere they move so so so fast and hitting all these space particles so then they give off a trail of glowing light, or at least it looks like glowing light. I'm not really sure what the glowing bits are made of. So then we see them just for a second and think they look like stars except like I said, they're not. Sometimes they come all the way to Earth but then they're called something else." Something that started with 'meteor' except she wasn't sure which ending was the right one. Shooting stars were one of the best parts of space, if y'asked her, because they meant wishes and wishes were always fun. Well, except when they weren't. But usually fun.

And there was a Ravenclaw firstie saying Pluto wasn't a planet. Excuse HIM, it wasn't fair to be mean just 'cause Pluto was small. HE was small too, shouldn't he know that?

Mostly gases and dust,” he informed the Hufflepuff, since she had kind of sort of asked what the tail’s composition was.
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
Colt heard Captain Airey's answer to his question and he didn't mind he didn't know. He was just curious is all. He decided to let it go because he wasn't that interested. He shrugged it off and now onto the topic of the lesson which was craters. He remembered seeing them when he went to an Astronomy museum with his family. Anyways he learned a lot of information and he tried to copy it down but his wrist was cramping so he was just gonna try and memorize it. He heard Airey ask them to try and define the word. He glanced at the board and was gonna pick Meteor.

He tried to think of the definition and then he raised his hand, "Professor I think and tell me if I am wrong, a meteor when the rock debris falls to the earth at like a high speed and then lands on earth. One little fact I know is meteors is the tail can have a different color." He knew some meteors can have red tails or yellow ones.

Tell him if….well...okay. The Slytherin had made a request and it as his duty as an educator to fulfill it…

You’re wrong.

Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur View Post
Noelle blushed hardcore when the Professor talked to her. Directly to HER. APROFESSORWASTALKINGTOHER. Hyperventilate. Heee. Heeee.

Okay. OKay. She had this. She nodded to the Professor. Wow. She didnt know the Earth was made of so little rock. She stomped her foot on the floor. Her there only 4.6% rock down there.

Listneing to Professor Flamsteed drawn on about rocks, Noelle was getting antsy. How was she supposed to be excited about rocks? She looked aorund the classroom. She grinned when she saw some of her friends like Sabbath and Owen.

Did the Professor just ask a question? Oh the board... what was on the board? Deciding to give it a shot, Noelle raised her hand and blurted out, 'Meteoroids are the smaller rocks right? They fall from space?" Way to sound sure of yourself there Noelle.

Was Ensign Wichester listening? “Not just fall from space, but SURVIVE impact on the ground.” KEY POINT.
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Now Dot had this extra pile of pips, and StarMan had just wandered away without telling her what to do with them. Like... release into the wild? That was a thing, right? She dropped a pip, and it floated away from her desk. Bye. Bye, Pip.

You know what wasn't awesome? Like, other than losing polka dots and having StarMan look at her like she was a baby troll? Other than that, the other not awesome thing was that StarMan wasn't even using real words anymore. Plastocide? Creaturesaurus? Chickylub? THOSE WEREN'T EVEN REAL WORDS. What was he even asking?

Another pip floated away. Pip-pip-hooray!

"I mean... they're all made of rock, right?" She flicked a pip at Sophie-Daisy, who probably knew what a creaturesaurus was. And she knew everything about everything and this class was hard today. Polka dot awaaaaaaay.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” the astronomer cried - literally, the COULD have been tears - as he spotted the pips floating about and THE SLYTHERIN WILLINGLY TOSSING THEM ABOUT. NO NO NOOOOOOO THIS WAS FAR WORSE THAN LINT ROLLING UP SPIDERS!


COLLECT THOSE UP IMMEDIATELY! BEFORE ONE FLOATS OUT THE WINDOW AND MAKES A CRATER IN ON THE GROUNDS!” he ordered, his voice cracking a bit under the pressure. Or fell on the Groundskeeper...could put the bloke in the hospital wing or quite a while if it hit his head just so. Groundskeeper curse and all… “Unless you fancy serving detention. Even if that is a stellar demonstration of Kuiper belt objects.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
"Er...just talking to my quill, Professor. It scribbles even when it shouldn't and never gets it right." Which wasn't usually a problem until it caught him in the act of lying and made it sound even worse than it REALLY was.

Also, was that a no....?

A...legit shooting down of any hope he had to be Captain? Well that seemed kinda mean didn't it? Especially if all he said was he wasn't up to that level yet without telling him HOW he could get to that level. The boy was a hard worker--maybe not like your average Hufflepuff but his tenacity was something to be noted and he'd have been happy to complete whatever task the man shot at him.

"I understand--I mean I really don't but to be polite I'll say I do." NODNODNOD. Kid just wanted to be Captain. Understanding anything outside of that was not at all possible right now.

Okay maybe that was a stretch. He WAS understanding everything the Professor was saying.....sorta...kinda....not really. One thing for sure was he couldn't let the quill take THESE notes which meant pulling out a normal quill and trying his hardest to keep up with his scribbles. Rocks...something something, rocks, crustaceans, rocks...something, rocks...something something. Yup. All written down. "Some people use all three interchangeably because they think they're all the same no matter what but mum says we shouldn't make fun of those people because they never learned better and it's...unfortunate." Was that the word she used? He couldn't really remember....

In all honesty, the professor was too distracted observing the quill to listen to what the boy was saying. It tickled an idea in the back of the man’s mind and he therefore said the first thought that came to it - which unfortunately, or fortunately, had nothing to do with what the first year had actually said.

Ensign Bellaire, please stop by my office tomorrow after your classes,” he requested, his tone giving no indication as to whether or not this was a good or bad thing.
Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
A lot of the things the Admiral was talking about were super long words but they all sounded really interesting and if they had to do with dinosaurs then they had to be cool--even if it was related to their demise.

But right things falling from the sky. He had heard all of the terms posted on the board but wasn't a hundred percent sure what made each of them a different type of rock. Milo had always heard them being used in conversation interchangeably. He decided that it was probably best to just listen and take good notes on the other students' definitions for this question. No need to add to it if it wasn't going to be right.

The astronomer simply nodded his head and smiled at the first year. Attentive listening. Good for you!
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
To be honest, he had NO clue what Flamsteed was laughing but....if he made the man happy that was GREAT! Why not? Making people happy was a good thing! Grinning at the point that he got for.....something...? Kyroh did his best to focus back in on the long winded lesson, taking down a few notes every once in a while. Looking around the classroom, he raised his hand and wiggled his fingers at Dot who seemed to be throwing stuff down below. And look- Noel too! Noel got a wave. He was just about to look back down at his notes when someone else's stare caught his eye. The girl (Freya), didn't look too happy with him? Or his answer? Even though Flamsteed had seemed to like it. Maybe he had just confused her? Offering her a large smile he turned back to the Professor.

Look, she had spoken about Asteroids! He'd let her and the class in on something.

The Claw's hand went up. "Asteroids are kind of like fish." Hear him out, seriously. "Fish swim is schools so they don't have to be alone and they aways have their friends by their sides. Asteroids are kind of like the same thing. Sometimes they travel in fields, hanging out with other asteroids, maybe gossiping, maybe talking about girls, maybe discussing how cool the Earth looks? Who knows. Maybe they don't say anything at all because they are just cool with hanging out and being in each others company. But yeah they travel in groups with their friends!" He beamed.

Gossiping asteroids. Now there was a nonsense idea. He would have to gossip with Pebbles about that one later.


An interesting comparison, Lieutenant commander Scabior, but one that does help create a rather vivid image of outer space in terms of familiar settings here on Earth. Just don’t go about thinking that asteroids are sentient beings.
Originally Posted by Casey O View Post

ELLERY WON A POINT. This was the BEST DAY OF HER LIFE. Okay, forget EVERYTHING she just said about her Head of House and this class - she LOVED IT. Especially once the professor started talking about geology and fossils and stuff - this was TRUE science and she adored it.

She had a brief spasm of joy, excitement lighting up her face and wriggling in excitement. She made eye contact with Olly and GRIIIINNED. Eeeeeee!

Okay. She didn't really know anything about those, but she DID know a reeaaally old muggle song.

"I know that dying by great white shark and meteorites probably wouldn't be fun. Also, apparently it's more likely to fall in love within, like, three minutes than to be hit by one. That's from a song, by the way, speaking of rock." It was more like pop, though.

See? Still not fazed by being knocked into. True Gryffindor spirit right there.




Right then.

Just going to smile and nod and moooooooooooove along after hearing that answer.

Because he was NOT talking about LOVE in a room full of teenagers.
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Daxton was getting bored. Admittedly, it never took much for that to happen, but it had begun much sooner than he expected it to. A lot of the stuff Airey Flamsteed was telling them was stuff he could - and, in some cases, had - read from a book. That, added to the fact that the lecture was punctuated by sudden unexpected increases in volume, had Daxton half-wishing he had not attended. He wanted to look at a space rock. To hold one in his hands and crush it down and look at its components and see what it was made of and maybe even find out if it had magical properties of its own, like for potions. Just talking, in this context, was boring. Especially when you were an individual that didn't talk.

Upon hearing the words 'brush up on some basic terminology', Daxton huffed to himself and leaned his elbow on the desk, causing said desk, along with his chair and, by extension, Daxton himself, to bob precariously for a moment. Basic terminology. Sigh.

With a glance up at what was written on the board, Daxton copied the words down, preparing to write down his own definitions. But that would take barely a few seconds and Daxton wanted something stimulating to do, so because of that rather than any real need, he started a new page of notes and wrote down all the things he had heard Airey Flamsteed confirm. Writing notes was awfully pointless, but it was better than just sitting there, bored, while lecturing happened. At least this way, he could test his memory and what he knew already.

SPOILER!!: Notes
Daxton Prince
First Year

  • Rocks can tell us about the history of the earth, either through the fossils they might consist of or contain, or their own physical structure, or what processes occurred to create a particular rock - elements, chemicals, pressure, atmospheric influence, etc... - the deeper you go, the older the rock, most probably, and therefore deep down towards the centre of the earth, there may be answers as to the planet's creation/formation/deeper history, which links back to Astronomy
  • Float in space, and help create planets, including Earth. Rocks obtained from the Moon support this claim, due to a 'tiny excess of a heavier variant of the element zinc' - research further
  • Entire ecosystems altered due to 'space rocks', eg: the asteroid that destroyed three quarters of life on earth, and ended numerous species and the Cretaceous age (65 million years ago, not 6.5 million) - left the 'Chicxulub crater' (though some argue that the crater it left is not the Chicxulub crater, despite evidence saying otherwise). This also lead to our existence in the long-term
  • ^ Marked end of the Cretaceous period and beginning of the Paleogene period. Geologists and planetary geologists refer to this as the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary (K–Pg boundary)
  • Fossils - self-explanatory
  • "We are all rocks" - ??????????????? no
  • ^ Calcium found in rocks and makes up 3.63% of Earth's crust is also found in human teach. Iron that makes up 5% of Earth's crust is also found in human (and likely other creatures') blood. These elements were created in the interiors of collapsing stars. Humans "made of stars"
  • No
  • I am not a rock
  • Or a star
  • That does not even make sense. We consist of some of the same elements, we are "made of stars" in the most rudimental sense. That statement is misleading and confusing.
  • The four inner planets of the Solar System (closest to the Sun) are made of rock
  • Some markings on some rocks may be able to determine the age of the planet it comes from
  • Panspermia - the theory that rocks brought life to Earth (and likely other planets throughout the universe) by way of early organisms, proteins, water, etc... the "building blocks of life"; research in August 2015 supports this claim, showing "evidence that early comet impacts influenced amino acids to change into peptides"
  • The Moon is a rock, obviously - perhaps possible to compare Moon rocks to Earth rocks and discover the absolute truth of how the Moon came to be
  • Rocks are classed as baryonic matter
  • Astronomers measuring the density and composition of the universe using leftover radiation from the Big Bang discovered that the baryonic matter of which rocks belongs to makes up only 4.6% of it - research further
  • Rocks made of silicates, rock-forming minerals made of oxygen and silicone, more hydrogen atoms than silicone atoms in the Solar System, so much more hydrogen found than rock. Rock makes up the majority of inner terrestrial planets due to the fact that hydrogen and methane (and ammonia) cannot condense because of the thermal energy closer to the sun. The rocks (the planets' bodies) cannot hold onto these elements, therefore it is the silicates that end up forming the rocks of the inner planets, hence why there are no gaseous planets closer to the sun
  • Outer planets also have rock at the centre, just less
  • Rocks make good pets? Better than an animal I suppose...
  • Rocks made up of all the different minerals in the universe flew together at the beginning of time(? IF the beginning of time was the beginning of the universe, which I doubt) to create the planets
  • Rocks dating back to K–Pg boundary period indicate global catastrophe, ie: layer of grayish clay found in all of the K-T boundary era rocks, which contain unusually high concentrations of iridium. As this element is extremely rare in surface rocks on Earth, leading to the conclusion that the rocks were from elsewhere (indicating a large meteorite impact... rocks from space)

Basic Terminology
- asteroid
- meteoroids
- meteors
- meteorites

Daxton leaned back again and looked at his notes. Actually, that hadn't been so dull after all. He looked up at Airey Flamsteed again, and some of his classmates, before putting pen to parchments once again, ready to add more.

And there was more note taking happening from the Ravenclaw. Lots judging by the fresh pieces of parchment being brought out every now and then. Stellar.
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny View Post
Grateful that her mouthful got points instead of judgmental looks from the professor, Sophie gave the man a thumbs-up and finally returned the pleased smile to Zander. This class was going juuuust fine. So good. The best class ever, probably even, and... all those super good feelings went out the window when Airey started talking about... a whole lot of stuff. A lot she knew, but even with her background knowledge on any part of this topic, it still felt like a lot to take in, so she couldn't even imagine how the younger ones were feeling. Overwhelmed for sure, probably, and she felt for them.

But FOSSILS and CRATERS and ROCKS THAT COLLIDED WITH THE EARTH, man. Cool stuff. Aside from all the nitty-gritty details she was missing, Sophie Brown dug it.

Asteroid, meteoroid, meteors, and meteorites. Basic, simple-to-understand terms, and most people had the gist of it. Good on them. Still, Sophie raised a hand to offer her piece, "The ones with the meteor prefix are all related, as one would expect, but a meteorOID is a technical sorta name for the tiny solid bodies moving through our Solar System, s'before it reaches our atmosphere. An easy way to remember THAT one is... a meterOID is in the VOID, and..." Could she say the rest since other people had already elaborated on what a meteor and a meteorite were? SHE WAS GOING TO. "Whereas a meteOR above you SOARs and a meteorITE is in your SIGHT." So she didn't TECHNICALLY give the definition of the last two. Just alluded to them. Ahem.

Workin' the system.

That….is really quite clever,” he nodded, tapping his chin with his index finger. While he personally had no real struggle differentiating between the terminology, there were those that DID struggle and cute little rhymes like that tended to be excellent teaching mechanisms. Those would be going up on the board along with the standard definitions.
Originally Posted by Poolicious View Post
Four if they counted themselves? Huh? Whut?

To be honest Candice was not that interest with what Airey was tlking. Its SUPER long and it bored. This guy seriously need a pause button.

The Gryffindor attention went to the board. Definitions of one of those? She tried to remember what she knew about them. "Meteoroid is a rock in the space that is too small to be called an asteroid." Poor thing for being too small to be in a big league.

Yes, just like some things are too small to be considered planets.

He seemed to have gotten over the lack of a VIVA LA PULTO battle cry now.

Very good.
Originally Posted by Tazzie View Post
An asteroid could have killed the dinosaurs? That was what Admiral sir Flamsteed was saying, right? With the crater and discovering the element Iridium and all. Owen listened intently. He also wanted to take notes but found it was rather difficult because the tables were still rocking so he tried to just take it all in. He'll write down whatever he could remember later.

They will be talking about craters today. But before that, some terminology. Asteroid, meteoroids, meteors and meteorites? Space rocks. Oh! Owen wanted to share what he knew! Hand up. "Asteroids are everywhere in space. They are very large space rocks. Kind of like smaller versions of them are meteoroids, or also known as small particles that orbit around the sun. Meteors are space rocks that enter the earth's blanket...or the atmosphere." Meteor showers! "And when a space rock hits the earth's surface, it's called a meteorite." Owen beamed. He knew his rocks quite well.

Excellent, Ensign Montezor,” he smiled.
Originally Posted by RandomRaven View Post
Okay, this lesson was so confusing. Ava didn't really understand what Flamsteed had said. But it seemed like her twin brother knew very well about this. Perhaps he would tell her more since she understood Teddy more than Flamsteed...

Meteor, meteorite, asteroids... "All of them are space rocks, right?" She guessed. Because this was a lesson about space... and earlier the admiral mentioned about rocks. So.. space rocks.

Airey simply nodded. Yes, yes they were.

He took a quick glance over towards his desk. Were they ready?

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
You know what helped? Looking up at the ceiling. The ceiling was now closer than the ground so it gave the illusion he was close to the surface. So he floated above his seat because he couldn’t sit down on it and still clutching the desk till his knuckles turned white he looked up.

This way, he didn’t see that the professor was making a spin in the air, quite frankly he wouldn’t want to see it but he did hear everything he said. And it made him blink in confusion. He was brilliant? Of course he was. And then he went on to explain why we were all rocks and the Gryffindor tried to keep his face straight. The first time since he got up here that he nearly laughed. The man did know he had been sarcastic right? Seemed like being sarcastic earned him 3 points today. Nice.

And then he got back to trying NOT to freak out. Focusing on the ceiling and his breathing which had turned to normal now. It was kind of hard to keep focus on the lecture when the professor used words such as cretaceous-paleogene ….what? Did the man knew he was a bit too obsessed with rocks? Yoongi liked them as well, but the gemstones and crystals more because they had magical powers. But these rocks he was talking about just…floated in the air and some even dressed up…eh…

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the professor pointing his wand at the blackboard and he groaned because now he had to look somewhere else than the ceiling. He took a deep breath and did, doing a quick scan of the board and then went back to watching the ceiling. Only catching a few words that were on the board. “A meteoroid is smaller than an asteroid right?” that was about as much as he could think of. The rest was just. I WANT TO GET DOOOOOWN!

It is indeedy,” he nodded.
Originally Posted by Stefan View Post
Okay, things were getting clearer now as Admiral Flamsteed started talking sense. With that, Ethan made an effort to sit straighter in his chair, and took down serious notes. Literally, why is this man NOT in Ravenclaw, hmm?

After taking down notes, he glanced at Pebbles, and was almost convinced to adopt one. Because why not? He was a graduating student after all, and what better way to remember the crazies but to adopt a space rock, correct? Yes, yes. Ethan was definitely considering the adoption thing, despite Astronomy being one of his weaker subjects.

Moving on to terms though.

Oh he knows a few things! Surprise? Hand up. "Asteroids are huge chunks of space rocks the size of combined states, a Meteoroid is like...a rebel rock that was chipped off of an asteroid...then it's called a Meteor when it gets pulled toward a planet, causing it to flame up...then it gets called a Meteorite when it finally reaches land...or any surface of a planet." He was sure the others got a better answer, but he was quite satisfied that he was able to contribute something at least.

Someone….had been watching a bit too much of inaccurate science fiction - which was sometimes hard for the man to swallow unless it was obviously meant to have an element of fantasy in it. And Star Trek almost always got a free pass with any inaccuracies and plot holes because, well, it was Star Trek.

The largest asteroid is actually only almost as large as ONE of the continental United States, being Texas, and is 583 miles across,” he said with an amused smirk.
Originally Posted by Hera View Post
Flamsteed was a liar. They all raised stellar points? Funny that, because he didn't so much as receive a nod or anything for his response.


All the stuff about geo-things went in one ear and out the other, and for the first time in a long time, Zeke found himself bored in Astronomy. This had only happened on a handful of occasions before, but this time felt different. It wasn't that the content was too difficult, he was sure if he tried he'd get it, but he... didn't want to?

As such, he didn't have anything to contribute to discussion. Asteroids and factoids and meteors rated very lowly where his priorities in life were concerned.

For the sake of looking like he was doing something, Zeke scribbled some notes on his parchment... not that they were any good.

This was...weird...and the young man was just OOZING angst.


Gonna run away from this one. Or, well, turn himself in the air and float a little over this way away from him.
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Char idly wondered if she should tell Admirable Airman that she had a rock collection at home, given her dad was an archaeologist.

The professor was beginning to lose Char. Yes. Her attention was waning. She was TRYING though, but honestly they were floating and that was much more fun to pay attention to wasn't it? She did put her hand up though, having not listened to anything anyone else said because that was also boring, generally. "They're all sort of the same, except its different names for how big they are and what they are depending on where they are in relation to US!" But like... could they play with some rocks now?

Yes, very good, Ensign Kettleburn,” he nodded. Perspective. It was a very good thing.
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
...and Reagan was STILL writing everything down. She wasn't in a great rush, as she wasn't as knowledgeable about these things...and didn't think any information she could provide would be valuable. Her classmates seemed to have a firm grip on the educational highway in this sense.

Rea laughed. Slytherins were so clever. And thanks to said Slytherin, she had a question for their fearless Space leader...person. What was she meant to call him again? Ad....Admiral! That was it.

She raised her hand, which felt STRANGE with the faulty gravity situation.

"How big would an asteroid have to be to eliminate human life on Earth, Admiral?" ALAS, SHE WAS a way; meaning she didn't feel completely lost. Also, she really wanted to know the answer to this question.

Eh, why not. His dead stars and dead dreams didn’t have to count as his morbid thought for the lesson.

Well, the one that created the Chicxulub crater was roughly 6 miles across.” Which would also wipe out humanity were one of that size to strike again.


Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy View Post
Whoa a LOT of talking was happening. A decent amount more then she was used to. Still holding onto her quill she continued to remain silent as she wrote down everything she could. Surely this was going to be needed at some point. She just had a feeling about that.

Glancing upwards at the Professor she watched him spinning about through the air while trying to reply back to everyone. Really it was rather funny but she didn't laugh at all. However when he did reach out to hang onto her desk she couldn't help but give a small laugh under her breath followed by a light smile when she saw his grin aimed at her. "My pleasure Admiral Airey," Hady replied quietly with a small nod of her head. "O-oh um well thank you." It took her a second to give that reply as the compliment about her hand writing caught her off-guard for a second or two. No one had really taken notice before.

So it was with a bit more happiness then before that the brunette went about quickly and still neatly writing down everything that she could. With so many others answering the questions already there wasn't a point in repeating it all. As Professor Airey let go of her desk and went on his way floating about the room she smiled just a little bit more to herself.

Smiling in appreciation to the Slytherin, he checked his sundial watch. With no other raised hands, it was time to move on.

Giving his wand another flick towards the blackboard, he made a few additions to the text written there with pieces of enchanted chalk.

Originally Posted by blackboard
The difference all comes down to a question of location. Each are made of the same basic materials – minerals and rock – and each originated in space.

A large rocky body in space, in orbit around the Sun. Asteroids are always found in space.
meterOID is in the VOID
A much smaller rocks or particles in orbit around the Sun.
meteOR above you SOARs
If a meteoroid or asteroid enters the Earth’s atmosphere and vaporizes, it becomes a meteor, which is often mislabeled a shooting star.
meteorITE is in your SIGHT
If an asteroid or large meteoroid survives its fiery passage through the Earth’s atmosphere and lands on Earth’s surface, it is then called a meteorite.
Stellar! Now that we have all that out of the way... allow me to introduce you all to three new friends - all three are looking for their forever homes, for the record,” the astronut beamed as he waved his wand to summon three rocks of varying sizes from his desk, complete with googly eyes. “The smallest rock here is Rockanne, this one Flint, and this big fellow is Dwayne Johnson,” he said as he levitated each of the rocks forward for their introductions. The first of their willing volunteers for the lesson. Making sure to line them up with equal distance between the three while also maintaining the same height, he looked up to the class with the face of a proud father teaching their son how to ride a broom for the first time. “These three will be acting as our meteorites today. So imagine that where we are all floating presently is outer space, the invisible line that bottoms of your chairs represents the outermost layer of the Earth’s atmosphere, and the soft white sand below the Earth’s crust. When I next wave my wand, the anti-gravity spell will be removed from these three and they will fall to the ground and crash into the sand and create a crater on impact.. Fear not, no harm will come to them. We have had several dress rehearsals.

Pausing a bit more to allow for their quills to fly over their parchment, Airey cleared his throat before initiating the countdown.

5...4...3..2..1..” And then with a flick of his wand, the spell was removed from all three and SWOOOOSH! down they went.


ooc: the circles represent the approximate circumference
of the crater created by our falling rock friends

Peering over himself to look down, although he was rather tempted to just twirl himself horizontal where he floated, he gave an approving nod to the three and then looked back to the class.

Now, I want you all to look down and answer either out loud or silently to yourself on parchment the following questions. One, which rock created the largest crater? Two, what is the only difference in the way each crater was made? And three, what can you say about the importance of the mass of a meteorite in making a crater?
ooc: these next two questions will move along a bit more quickly than the previous two, but catch up under a spoiler tag is completely acceptable <3

Class will resume sometime tomorrow, approximately 12 hours from the time of this post.

When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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