Presenting Miss Sophie Brooks... Name: Sophie Brooks
Age: 25
DOB: July 7, 2040
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Dirty Blonde
Skin Tone: Tanned
Height: 5”9
Weight: 57 kg
Material Status: Single
Years attended Hogwarts: 2051-2058
(I'm hoping these calculations are correct lol) Special positions held at school (if any): Quidditch Captain
Previous Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Previous Occupation: Working in an animal sanctuary, Working in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.
Sophie is adventurous, feisty and loves to flirt. She enjoys being active and always wants to be in control of her own life- never wanting to admit defeat or failure. You never know what to expect with Sophie, there is always a new adventure to be completed and a new lesson to be learned.
Honesty, trust and friendship are three values which Sophie likes to see in others. She won’t hold back, and will say exactly what is on her mind- even if it may be something you’d rather not hear. This is not intentionally to offend someone. It is just in Sophie’s nature to be forward with those she cares about.
Sophie is the youngest out of three, having two older brothers. This makes her extremely comfortable around guys. She always was around the boys growing up and this continued through her life at Hogwarts.
Sophie was the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain during her years at Hogwarts. Her dedication to her team went beyond the normal role of a Quidditch Captain, which aided in the fantastic achievement of 3 consecutive wins. Once she had graduated from Hogwarts, the plan was to continue with a career in professional Quidditch.
This dream was put on a halt as Sophie decided to travel with a small group of friends. They wanted to see the world and discover new adventures. After months of travelling, Sophie and her friends ended up in Australia where she met Dylan. The two fell madly in love. Sophie ended her trip and stayed with Dylan, helping out with his family’s Magical creature sanctuary.
A new love developed for Sophie. She immediately felt at home with these creatures, wanting to learn more and more about every possible magical creature. Especially rare and exotic creatures seemed to catch her eye.
Sophie and Dylan’s relationship took a turn for the worse and Sophie decided to end it where it was. Her eldest brother, Daniel worked for the Ministry of Magic and was able to find Sophie a job in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, where she mainly helped with the breeding of new magical creatures. Thus her formal education in magical creatures commenced under the guidance of the Ministry. Sophie wasn’t completely happy however. The ministry life was not for her. So when Sophie discovered an opening for Care of Magical Creatures in Hogwarts she jumped at the opportunity, returning back to her home.
Doll: (I might change the doll...I can never make up my mind xP)