General: Name: Phoenix Harrison Toros
Relationship Status: I'll have a go with pretty much anyone if I like them.
DOB: May 15th, 2069
POB: Euboea, Greece. Moved to Sheffield, South Yorkshire, when he was 3
Hogwarts: Gryffindor
Heritage: Mixed
Wand: delicate 11 ¾ inch Redwood with Unicorn hair
Patronus: Unknown (probably gonna be a puppy though, let’s be realistic)
Boggart: Being abandoned by his brother.
Appearance: Hair: Curly, huge, poofy, brown
Height: Kinda tall for his age, looks taller due to his lankiness.
Build: lanky and awkward
Defining physical features: The hair, obviously. And the sharp cheekbones and long eyelashes. Oh, and the patches of glitter just above said cheekbones. It’s definitely part of his face and not make up. Yep.
Model: James Bagshaw Personality: Overview: Favourites: Subject at school: Um... none of them?
Colour: Glitter.
Flower: Daisy
Food: sherbet
Drink: lemonade
Instrument: Guitar
Place: On stage. Aw yeah.
Hobby: Music. Everything music. And snogging, yeah.
Other likes: Being the centre of attention is pretty awesome. Climbing stuff is fun (it’s even more fun if you can jump off when you get to the top - heights are exhilarating). I like looking at beautiful people... and there are a whole load of them.
Least Favourites: Subject at school: Potions. I just can’t do it.
Colour: That dull beige colour. Accessorise, guys. Put something shiny on it.
Place: school. Muggle school anyways.
Other dislikes: Broccoli, insect bites, negativity
Most of Phoenix’s personality is music. He’ll always stand by the fact that music is the only thing he’s really any good at - except for kissing of course. He holds himself in very high esteem, mainly because he decided nobody else would find him as awesome and gorgeous as he deserved unless he really believed it himself. He has no time for people who disapprove just because he wears ‘girl’ clothes or make up or whatever - he is firmly set in himself, and knows who he is, caring little (if at all) for anyone who says he’s wrong to act the way he does. Even though he’s adamant of his own beauty, he easily recognises it in other people, and is firm in the belief that pretty much anyone can be beautiful if they believe it themselves.
When it comes to schoolwork, Phoenix is lazy. He knows what he’s good at, and gets frustrated to easily when he struggles with things. He claims to know in his soul that his destiny is music, and refuses to work hard at things he’s not going to need in life.
Everything else: History:
Phoenix was born on the island of Euboea, Greece, to Giorgio Toros and Helena Elias on the fifteenth of May, 2069. He was their second child, and everything seemed great until his older brother started showing signs of magic. Helena, being a muggle, had no idea that Giorgio was a wizard until this point, and on his explanation of Rufus’ magic, Helena became overwhelmed and angry that he hadn’t told her before. She left him, feeling as though she didn’t know her own family anymore, and Giorgio took the boys to England where he then worked as a music producer at Steel City music studio in Sheffield, South Yorkshire. Giorgio threw himself into the music scene, and fully accepted the wrock and roll lifestyle. Unfortunately, he died seven years later, leaving nine year old Phoenix to be cared for by his brother, who had graduated from Hogwarts that year. Rufus and Phoenix have stuck together ever since, and are fiercely protective of one another.
With Giorgio’s career as a music producer, Rufus and Phoenix both were very interested in music, and picked up the family talent. Rufus stuck to bass guitar more or less, and joined a band at Hogwarts called Agromantula. Phoenix was far more indecisive when deciding which instrument to learn, and has subsequently developed the ability to pick up almost anything put in front of him. He was always encouraged with his music, and never pushed too far at things he didn’t want to do. Music has remained an escape and a joy for him because of this, and he worked hard at it off his own back rather than other people’s nagging.
His dream is to be a famous musician, but he is adamant not to use his brother’s success to further his career when he gets older. He wants to do it all for himself, and become successful in his own right, rather than being known as “that guy from Agromantula’s little brother” for his whole life.
Phoenix’s personality is almost as big as his hair. He is sickeningly optimistic and has a strong faith in himself and his
“legendary” good looks. Not only that, but he’s pretty adamant that everyone should be convinced of their own beauty as well as his. Cause where’s the fun in thinking you’re not hot, right?
Obviously, he considers his musical talent and his looks to be the main cause for appeal to other people, and keeps the rest well hidden unless it’s completely necessary. For example, his utter inability to concentrate or work hard on things that he doesn’t understand, or that don’t mean anything to him. He had been learning from a tutor back home until his fifth year - since he made his brother promise not to send him off to school when he was eleven. But his last tutor finally snapped after months of silliness, disobedience and pranks. He wasn’t the first to quit, but Rufus was adamant that Phoenix was going to have to be taken in hand eventually, and making his tutor’s eyebrows so long that they obstructed his viewing was the last straw.
Now that he’s fifteen, he’s not too bothered about going off to school, after all, if you don’t try stuff you never find out if it’s fun, right? And Phoenix
lives to have fun. He’ll try his hand at anything that presents itself to him, just to see if it works out, cause it does more often than not... and when it doesn’t..? The experience is usually worth it - at least you’ve got a good story to impress people with... might even get you a snog or two.