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Old 01-05-2014, 09:34 PM   #321 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sarah Edwards

Gryffinclaw-Ravendor • The REAL Hermione Granger

Check out wiki entry so far

The Princess of Gryffindor

The Scepter
Name : Sarah Edwards
Date of Royal Birth: 20 February 2066
Age : 16
House : Gryffindor
Patronus: Dolphin
Boggart: Dementor
Pet: Snowy owl- Angelina. Also lives on farm so has other animals

The Carriage The externalities don’t really matter- or do they?
i. Hair colour :chesnut brown
ii. Eye colour : chocolate brown
iii. Height : 5'3
iv. Weight : 45 kg
v. build: petite
The DiamondMultifaceted, sparkly and bright
Sarah is a rather complex person. Although free spirited, she like rules yet only follows the ones that make sense. Unpredicatable, Sarah has her moods... she could be a workaholic one day and be lazy the next day. Although a planner and dreamer, she can be impulsive as well as adaptable. An extravert, Sarah loves talking and meeting new people. She is also an optimist and loves it when people smile.

I hate labeling but I am..... but depending on my mood I am ENFP,ENTJ, ENFJ and Number 7 on Ennegram (also can gravitate between 2 and 5... it all depends on circumstance

The Robe - There to warm the heart and protect from the outside elements
David Edwards and Rebecca Edwards (nee Adams)
Brothers:Charlie, Daniel, Joshua , Gabriel, Jonathan Michael, Sammy and,James
Paternal Grandparents: Charles Henry (deceased) and Hannah Rachel Edwards
Maternal Grandparents: Benjamin and Eliza Adams (muggles)

The Royal Chronicles

On the twentieth of February 2066, David and Rebecca Edwards were finally blessed with a girl after six boys. Dubbed the princess, for the first two years of her life she only wore pinks and purples. She was born on the ancestral farm Edwoods, which has been in the family for generations. On the vast grounds, Sarah spent early years running wild with her brothers (the youngest Edwards - James is a year her junior) until she reached school age. It was then decided that she needed to be around girls and Sarah was sent to a Muggle school. Her mother being Muggleborn as well as being close with muggle relatives, Sarah blended in well there and excelled in every arena (although sports was difficult in the end she pulled through). Despite being well adjusted, Sarah knew that when she was eleven she was going to go to Hogwarts and it was her dream. Bidding her time, Sarah soaked up all the knowledge she could get, spending her free time in the library reading about all sorts of things.

Years at Hogwarts: (partially done)
SPOILER!!: years at hogwarts(under construction
First year:
Finally, after all the years of waiting, Sarah was iff to Hogwarts. She found herself a seat on the train and settled down with an assortment of books. With brownies to share, Sarah made more friends by the time she arrived at Hogwarts. At the sorting it was decided that although her brain would have made her a Ravenclaw, her heart (and tongue) made her a lion. So, she joined the ranks of half her family in the great Gryffindor house. As the year began, Sarah tried to lay low as possible, scared of what her tongue might do. But that did not mean that she did not have fun... she watched a dragon being hatched, and took care of it, she discovered an interest in Herbology that she never thought she had and she actually thought Ancient Runes was fun, as in the first lesson she was allowed to climb a tree. In History of Magic, she was able to visit the City of Atlantis, where she got a mirror. The year was marred however by mysterious cases of people falling into a deep slumber. Among those who landed up in the Hospital wing, was Sarah’s beloved prefect- Kurumi Hollingbury. Eager to help solve the case, Sarah joined others with research. Despite all her work on keeping her tongue still and temper in check, later on the year found Sarah at a bookshop in Hogsmede where the lioness within her emerged. When offered tea by the young shopkeeper, Sarah followed her intuition and declined, after all she would never accept tea from strangers. This time she was right and those that accepted the tea began to suffer the consequences. Noticing this, Sarah, despite being a first year, confronted the lady, surprising all others with her tongue. Luckily, the lady was more into escaping then harming Sarah, so Sarah emerged unscathed. At the End of the year feast, Sarah met Penelope, and the two formed a friendship.
Second Year:
On the way to Hogwarts, the train broke down mysterious, but Sarah took it all as a big adventure. At the start of the year feast, Sarah met Alexa Cambridge and the two became friends, with the younger girl bring out a different side of Sarah
Third Year
Finally, after a lot of practice, Sarah got onto the Quidditch team. It had taken a while, yet hard work pays off. Sarah took the role as chaser and enoyed being on the team. Meanwhile, there was a lot happening around the school as there were Board Of Governers elections. Sarah watched with interest at the saga, and did a lot of research and when the time came she voted too. But before the actual voting, Sarah got to watch debates, one of which she was involved in the planning of. There was also an auction to raise money for the library and Sarah won a bid on a book, written by someone with the same surname as her. Lafay surprised her by giving up her prize to Sarah.
Fourth Year
On arrival back to school Sarah was shocked to find that the school was broke. The fact that the school was historically well off aroused Sarah’s interests and she was sure that this warranted an audit. But that was not the only thing on her mind. With the school now charging for entrance to the common room as well as eating of the schools paltry meals, Sarah had to re-examine her finances. Knowing that she could not possibly afford the meals at the school, Sarah planted a vegetable patch for herself in the student garden. With her personal needs taken care of, or so it seemed, Sarah then decided to focus on the wellbeing of Hogwarts and its students. Early into the year she brainstormed and wrote a list of ways to help Hogwarts, which she owled to her Head of House. She was happy to see when her ideas were being used and she helped Hogwarts by selling Ashwinder eggs and flowers. As the year progressed, Sarah stopped feeling her energetic self and lethargy overtook her along with a shortness of breath. Only at the end of the year, after a scary incident with demonters, did Sarah discover that she had Anaemia due to a lack of enough iron in her diet.

Fifth Year
Sarah arrived at a still broke Hogwarts... yet things were looking up.. there was to be a Triwizard Quizbowl of Wits and the winning school was to get money! Sarah was chuffed when Professor Hadley (formerly Arithmancy professor, now Muggle Studies Professor) told her that she was one of the contestants chosen for this task. Sarah was honoured and set to work preparing for this enormous task, in which she would specialise in Arithmancy.

But luck seemed against her, as not only did she had a run in with the new Aritmancy Professor at the first lesson, he was also in Sarah's mind a brainless imp. Further more, on the day of her task, she had chocolate that she had recieved from a Beuxbaton boy via her friend Alexa. Alexa's hand in the deal seemed to let down Sarah's guard and she found herself spiked with a love potion.. right before her task. How could she get her mind off the handsome lad? Not realising that it was love-potion induced, but true attraction, Sarah wanted to get him off her mind and she went to the potions mistress for a remedy. There she was given an antidote for it.

Her mind now cleared, Sarah now faced her task... In this task she had to use her mind to figure out which book was requested, using the clue given and than use the right spell to get it off the shelf. Next came the part when she had to use her knowledge from Aritmancy on cursebreaking in order to find out how the book was cursed.

Sarah was glad that she had played her part and Hogwarts won the Triwizard.

At the end of the year, Sarah wrote her OWLS.

The Treasury -Because a Princess can do ANYTHING
Academic Achievements: Gryffindor Top Five of Points Earners (2077 - 2078, 2078 - 2079,2079-2080, 2080-2081, 2081-2082); Herbology Star Flower Term 32 and Term 34. EBWEQBSC Representative for Arithmancy and DADA (2081-2082)
Extracurricular Achievements: Daily Prophet intern (Summer 2082), Gobstones Player of the match (Term 35)

SPOILER!!: second version of biography.. to be edited and combined
Name: Sarah Edwards
Year: sixthyear
Born: 20th February, 2066
Blood Status: muggle born mother and pureblood father
Marital Status: Single
Year: sixth
House: Gryffindor
Gender: Female
Hair Color: chesnut brown, curly
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5"3
Boggart: demantor
Wand: 11 3/4 in,Chestnut, Phoenix Feather, Unyielding
Patronus: dolphin
Pet:Snowy Owl(Angelina)
Physical Description: petite, with chestnut brown hair and brown eyes. On the short side of average. Very skinny. Her hair is wavy/curley, used to be straight. Her hair is aways up.
Information: With 6 older brothers and being the second youngest and only girl, (she has a younger brother, James, a year her junior) Sarah is very unique. Her father, David Edwards is a farmer and her mother, Rebecca Edwards is a writer. There are 10 years between Sarah and her eldest brother, Charlie (Charles).God definately had a sense of humour when he made Sarah, who is a very positive girl yet occsionally is moody and feels withdrawn and starts thinking horrible thoughts (like if she dies, no one will care to attend her funeral). She also turns others faults inwards. Like if someone is being very nasty, self righteous Sarah thinks that they are just mirroring how she acts and the reason why she noticed the other person's nastiness is because she is nasty herself. While Sarah is serious when it comes to schoolwork and following the rules, Sarah is a free spirit and has a major sense of humor. Sarah is an Extremely hard worker and determination is her strong point, yet is very lazy when it comes to domestic chores and making food for herself. Sometimes she would rather starve then make herself a sandwich. This lead to her being slightly underweight. Eventually her mother and docter stepped in and now Sarah is slowly gaining weight. She is now of just normal weight for her height, and has an extremely fast metabolism. She also loves physical activity yet is extremely unfit. Due to her intelligence she is usually labled in the geek and nerd category, where she partly belongs, yet she has an artistic creative side to her -SHOCKER.... She is also a lot of fun and energetic and very bubbly. She will do things no matter what others think of her -even if her serious part of her goes against it. This sometimes leads her to doing things that embarress herself or her brothers. Sarah is never afraid to stand up for what she believes in or what is right. She likes using logic and wishes she were a more practical thinker. She has a sharp, witty tongue and lacks tact. She contains impudence galore.

* Sarah is the kindred spirit of a mixture of Hermione Weasley (nee Granger), Ginny Potter (nee Weasly) and Luna Lovegood (says wierd things at times).

*She collects birthdays.
*Her favourite Childhood Book is 'Tales of the beadle and the Bard' and 'The Little Princess'.
* As she gets her vocabulary from reading, her spelling is phenomenal yet her pronunciation is terrible.
* Sarah is an etomology and numerolgy fanatic. She loves history, words and maths.

Hobbies: dancing (ballet and Spanish and just plain dancing. Especially choreography), acting, singing, embroidery, sewing, drawing, baking with friends, talking, netball or just playing sports. writing, chess and other board games, reading.
  • Favourite Food:Cheesy Lasagne made by her MOM. Pizza, Lambchops.
  • Favourite Historic Person: Hermione Granger
  • Job She wants to be: Auror
  • Worst Subject:potions.. too stressful
  • Favourite Muggle Sport:Netball
  • Favourite Wizarding Sport: Quidditch
  • Worst Muggle Sport: Rugby -too scary, too much injuries
  • Favourite Country: Te be decided once she travels
  • Favourite Book: The Little Princess
  • Favourite Fictional Character: Anne of Green Gables
  • Etomology of names:
  • Sarah:Hebrew meaning lady or princess.
  • Edwards:Edwards: is an English Patronymic name from the Middle English given name Edward from the Old English eadward, derived from ead=prosperity + weard=guard.
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