Jamie Keaton

Model: Michael J. Fox 
Name: Jamie Marty Keaton
Age: 13
Year: Third
House: Slytherin
Blood Status: Pure
Birthday: 31st August
Location: Ireland
Pets: Einstein
Wand: 11.88", Ash Wood, Unicorn Hair, Stiff
Boggart: A flying Shark
Patronus: N/A
Mother: Jennifer Keaton (37)
Father: George Keaton (38)
Sister: Rosie Keaton (3)
Jamie loves his family, but overall, isn't very family-orientated. They often embarrass him and he likes to spend lots of time away from home.
Jamie was always a slightly porky kid, always with a shameful haircut, and his first years through adolescence were no different. He has lightish brown hair which falls to cover his ears in a sort of a bowl-over-the-head shape. He is very short and quite chunky, but Jamie knows no different in the looks department because he didn't grow up around many other kids his age. Clothes wise, Jamie hasn't got a clue. He likes to wear colourful stuff but more importantly, he likes to stand out from the crowd. What with not having perfect hair or a perfect physique, having cool clothes is the next best thing! He actually looks quite older than he is, which Jamie sees as a plus. Not because of his height, but his general facial structure.
Another defining feature of Jamie's is that he is SHORT. Shorter than any first year, despite being a third year.
Over the past few years, Jamie adopted a diet to help with his larger physique and it seems to be doing the trick. Even though he is scared of flying, he has been practising because he wants to get more involved with sports. He has also styled his shameful haircut into something that looks less lame.
First meeting Jamie, you will find that he is not some shy, awkward outcast,
unless he is talking to a girl, but a person with quite a forward personality. He will often tell things how they are and laugh it off with his regular giggle fits. However, if someone decided to criticize him in return, he gets very guarded and angry, then finding himself needing to prove that he is actually awesome. Jamie isn't a smart cookie whatsoever. He hates reading and writing, and he hates having to think about too much at once. Practical lessons are something that would interest him at school, apart from flying. He hates flying, but is trying to change that because flying is 'COOL' and Jamie must be cool and not a wimp. Basically, if he isn't angry with someone, he is a bouncy, energetic and sometimes eccentric person.
Jamie is an easy going child most of the time. He is not the best student academically but his grades are average (or sometimes below), however he is quite lazy and could often miss classes. Although Jamie is often accident prone and sometimes thought to lack critical thinking skills, he is nevertheless brave in the face of danger and can be very resourceful and clever. His major character flaw is his pride, which causes him to take unnecessary risks to show others that he is not a wimp, which in some cases, he certainly is.
Once you have spoken to Jamie for a while, you will discover that he is weird, and doesn't think about things in the same ways as others would. Being naturally funny, and knowing it, Jamie isn't worried about making friends at Hogwarts, however, he has had quite a secluded lifestyle up until now, so he may struggle with it. Girls are an iffy subject for him. He has never ever had a girlfriend and doesn't really know what all the fuss is about. That doesn't deny that he is curious, though...
Jamie was born into a pureblooded family, and lived in a small town within Ireland with his parents. They weren't particularly well off - money wise - but they got by. His mother is Irish and his father is American, so it definitely had an odd effect on his accent, although it has more of an American hint these days. He was briefly home schooled during his childhood, just to get the writing and reading skills down. Jamie has a common condition called Dyslexia, so he needed extra help with academics before being carted off to Hogwarts. Jamie has been an only child until he was 9 years old, when his sister, Rosie, was born. It caused a rift between him and his parents, because he was sure that they were replacing him for when he dashed off to school.
Jamie's eleventh birthday could not have come sooner for him and he was so excited, that was until his parents decided to home school him for two years instead. It didn't work out so this year, he is actually going to school. His Hogwarts letter arrived again when he was thirteen and he got everything from Diagon Alley almost on the first day upon receiving the supply list. Obviously, not much can be written here due to Jamie's unexciting life so far, and the fact that it has only just begun!
Hogwarts years: First year ~ Home-schooled
Second year ~ Home-schooled
Third year ~ TBA
Playing the guitar
Fizzy drinks
Hufflepuff House
His own fashion sense
Being cool
Conquering fears
Flying sharks
Being uncool
Muggle sports
All sports in general
Black cats
Getting told off
His haircut
SlytherinsOOC: Haiya! My name is Emily and I am 17 18 years old, and living in England. I need to be more active in this term, so VM me if you wanna RP, I will happily join in!