05-04-2013, 02:53 AM
#264 (permalink)
 MO & DMLE Blast-Ended Skrewt
Join Date: Aug 2009 Location: Dragonstone
Posts: 15,583
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lyric Bayliss-Black Slytherin Fourth Year x12 x12
| Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese  Model: Boyd Holbrook captain dylish slytherin quidditch captain the basicsName: Dylan Corvi Montmorency Nickname: "Dyl", "Dylish" Age: Seventeen (17) Date of Birth: May 10, 2063 Hometown: Green Bay, Wisconsin (United States of America) Current Residence: Chelsea, London (United Kingdom) Heritage: Halfblood American Wand: Hawthorn wood, Dragon Heartstring core, 11 inches, Unyielding. Works best for Defensive magic. Patronus: Raven Relationship Status: Taken education2074 - 2076: North Eastern School of Magic Strongest Subject: DADA Weakest Subject: Transfiguration Activities and Clubs: None 2076 - Present: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry House: Slytherin Year: Seventh Year Strongest Subject: Ancient Runes and Flying Weakest Subject: Astronomy Activities and Clubs: Quidditch Captain (Seeker), Gobstones, Herbology Task Force, Library Technician, Yearbook scribe OWL SCORES
Ancient Runes O
Arithmancy O
Astronomy A
Care of Magical Creatures O
Charms E
Defense Against the Dark Arts E
Divination O
Herbology E
History of Magic O
Muggle Studies O
Potions O
Transfiguration O appearanceEye Color: Blue/Green Hair Color: Blonde Height: 5'11" Weight: 165 lbs Body Type: Lithe / Athletic Skin tone/complexion: Tanned Birth marks / Tattoos: A grotesque elephant on the inside of his wrist and a collection of new ones he got over the summer (to treat himself for becoming a legal wizard). _familyFather: Richard Dwayne Montmorency (52) Mother: Janice Ann Montmorency (nee Whisp) (41) Brother: Christopher Oberon Montmorency (newborn) Sister: Charlotte Cordelia Montmorency (newborn) Tarantula: Charlotte Eagle Owl: Jackson personalityDylan is truly ALL BOY. He's more of the sporty type, who loves to be outdoors and enjoys getting sweaty. His idea of a good time is throwing a quaffle around and talking about girls. ALL girls. He has been known to be a tad flirtatious...which has gotten him into A LOT of trouble in the past...and still does to this day.
When he's not outside, though...he's playing his guitar in the Slytherin dorms or Room of Requirement. Any place secluded or private. Music is extremely personal to Dylan and isn't something he easily shares with outsiders. If one has heard him play, they should count themselves extremely lucky.
When it comes to his friendships, Dylan is more than capable of being the nicest guy one has ever met. He'll go out of his way to do things for people and would take the shirt off his back if need be. BUT, anger him in any way...and you'll possibly make your worst enemy. If he feels you have disrespected him or one of his friends, he'll do WHATEVER it takes to get revenge. He will get creative...
When it comes to school work, Dylan's parents have pushed him to do his best, which has never really been his concern. BUT...with the move and everything behind him, the Slytherin is finding his groove with classes and assignments. _familyTheodore Kinsley
West Odessa
Katrina Hudson
Asher Romalotti
Ariana Logan
Mordred Mordant Beezus Castell Jakob Keller
Penelope Greenwell
Alice Fischer
Alexa Cambridge Oakey Gunter
Ella Bishop Sierra Greingoth
Kennedy Escalante
Vivi Branxton
Aspen Odessa
Selina Skylar
Kurumi Hollingberry likes and dislikes - Quidditch
- Lux (his guitar)
- Music
- Photography
- Girls
- Brunette Girls
- Apple Pie
- Kurumi Hollingberry (because of her cookies)
- The smell of vanilla (because it reminds him of dessert)
- Being Captain
- His team and teammates
- Foreign countries
- Traveling
- Christopher and Charlie
- Older brothers (of girls' he's dated)
- People who think they know everything about him
- People touching his things
- People touching his hair
- Being lied to and/or cheated on
- Disrespect.
- Most Hufflepuffs.
history[*will edit this in*]
__________________ We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
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