Conan Fievel Taylor
Birthday: December 5th 2061 (We are 13 yo!)
Hair: Blonde and spiky
Eyes: Brown
Build: Average
Height: 5'4"
House: Hufflepuff
About Conan:
Conan was born on the 5th December 2061, at 3 minutes past midnight. Since then he has barely left his parents side. He was born at the Anaheim Regional Medical Centre, close to where they lived at the time. His father and mother met while he was working as a ride operator on Big Thunder Mountain at the Disneyland Resort, she was on an International Programme with the site. They married a few years later, and out popped Conan. His father worked his way up the ranks at The Walt Disney Company. Starting at the bottom as an attractions host, as an 18 year old. He somehow managed to become President of the Walt Disney World resort. He has held that position now for 5 years. So Conan has spent the last 5 years in Florida. He went to school like every other normal child. That was until the summer of his 12th year. He received a letter in the post. It wasn't like his ordinary mail. Nope it was made out of funny paper. He showed his mother and father and they were rather confused. Neither had heard of a place called Hogwarts. And it was in the UK. Trudy hadn't been home since Conan was 5.
They hadn't even known he had magical powers. Just that odd things kept happening while he was around. They had to say yes, it was a great opportunity for Conan.
Conan had spent most of his life following his father around. Especially on days when he went to visit the parks. Those were the best ones. He got along well with the engineers in the park, and they taught him things about the rides. One day Conan hopes to design rollercoasters. Hopefully as an Imagineer. The 4th generation of Taylors to work for the company.
He is rather friendly and loves talking to people. Well his father had taught him that. He was always friendly to the staff. Since happy workers make happy guests. So now Conan is friendly to everyone he meets. He does know not to go off with strangers though.
After Hogwarts he hopes to go to MIT to become a mechanical engineer. So much for continuing on in the Wizarding World.
Trudy Taylor (nee Jones) – Mother (English) – Personal Assistant to her husband
William Taylor – Father (American) – President of Walt Disney World Resort
Maternal grandparents – Sarah and Arthur Jones (Live in London)
Paternal grandparents – Julia and Fievel Taylor (Live in California)
Roller coasters
Disney – anything at all. Films, television, theme parks. You name it he loves it.
Building things
Girls. They cute and funny.
Milk (he's lactose intolerant), so anything dairy really.
Sierra Greingoth
OOC: Hey there. I am Jen. I have been a part of the SS RP now for lots and lots of terms. I think this is my 17th. I am English, and old. If you wanna RP just PM/VM me, and I will be happy to play with you