Name: Aurora
DoB: 23rd August, 2062
Age: 16
Year At Hogwats: 6th
Blood: Pureblood
Pets: Sebastian (fluffy white cat), Giacomo (white pygmy puff), Sage (eagle owl)
Favourites: Subjects: Potions, Herbology
Color: Green
Flower: Lilies
Food: Shepherds pie, bacon sandwiches, jelly babies
Drink: Apple juice
Instrument: Violin
Place: Cologne
Quidditch Team: Koln Kappas
Sibling: Her brother, Kryspin
Hobby: Potions brewing and music
Dislikes: Flying, moths, potions gone wrong, arrogance, people who ignore her, exercise, being cold, people being mean
to her, being embarrassed, failing and getting things wrong.
Least Favorite/Worst Subjects: Flying, Charms, Arithmancy
She is not the nicest of people. She's arrogant, manipulative and self centered. The people that she likes she will protect furiously but if she doesn't like you it's probably a lot safer to avoid her. Potions is her favourite subject; "I just love the way it works, you know, if you follow the instructions properly it all falls together." Oh, and she experiments a lot with potions, she just loves the idea that, if you get it wrong, you can die. She hates flying, so don't expect to see her on a broom at all unless entirely necessary, and even then try not to look, there's nothing she hates more than being embarrassed, and if she's on a broom then she will be.
Appearance: Eye Color: Green
Hair: Bright red, curled, long
Skin: Pale
Family: The Family Tree Parents: Ciara Stewart-Quinn (Nee Stewart) and Audric Quinn
Siblings: Kryspin
Stewart-Quinn (brother) and Yvonne Baltzar (soon-to-be-sister-in-law)
Tiffany de Feiyre (Nee Stewart-Quinn)(sister) and Eadric (brother-in-law) de Feiyre.
Other family: Uncle and Aunt (mother's brother) Rufin and Julianne (nee Du Francois) Stewart.
Cousin (Rufin and Julianne's son) Jacob Stewart
Aunt and Uncle (mother's sister and her husband) Keira Malfoy (Nee Stewart) and Aiden Malfoy
Cousins (Keira and Aiden's children) Ottfried, Felix and Roxana Malfoy
Aunt and Uncle (father's brother and his wife) Rowan Quinn and Adelade Quinn (Nee La Tasson)
Cousins (Rowan and Adelade's children) Alberic, Keir and Raina Quinn.
Aunt and Uncle (father's brother) Seraphinus Quinn and Lorraine Quinn.
Cousins (Seraphinus and Lorraine's children) Vikenti and Ignata Quinn, Frederick Alexander Jones (Adopted)
Niece and Nephew (Tiff and Eadric's children) Nikolai and Claudia de Feiyre.
Aurora comes from a very wealthy pureblood family. A lot of their wealth is made from old money, however, her parents have done exceedingly well in building their own fortune to accompany this. She brought up mostly in Cologne, though the family traveled a huge amount due to her father's job and her mother's ingredient searches, however, her idea of traveling is very different to that of a lot of people - she sees it as just moving into another of the family houses. Officially home tutored from the age of ten and still finds charms a little difficult. Aurora has been learning to brew potions since she was old enough to reach her motherʼs cauldron and had an almost immediate talent. When she was about nine she began to sell her creations to her peers and make pretty good money for them until their parents found out and forbid them to see her. Her parents were well known and well respected in the wizarding community though the Quinns have become more recently known for causing trouble.
Aurora's tutoring was rather exclusive - Helga, her German tutor, focused on Aurora's strong points and the instructions from her parents to force her to learn more charms, this means that when she started Hogwarts she was incredibly behind on things like Arithmancy, History, Divination etc. This isn't helped by her mild dyslexia, though she refuses to speak about it because she thinks it's ad embarrassing and weak thing to have.
When she was twelve her father was forced to move them all back to England and so Aurora's parents enrolled her in Hogwarts. Instead of putting her into second year (as she was old enough) the school and her parents decided that, due to her being unused to the english traditions and rules, she would begin in first year. She then skipped second year and began to catch up.
Although she has ended up in detention a couple of times, Aurora's school life had been more or less uneventful until the Autumn of 2077. A couple of weeks after the opening feast Aurora and her boyfriend of a year and seven months, Kennedy Escalante, broke up. She was massively hurt, though felt she shouldn't show it much because she was the one to end it. Milton Shacklebolt, however, was there to 'comfort' her, and two weeks later she had fallen prey to his charms. Her relationship with Milton lasted only four months but this was enough to inspire anger, disapproval and disappointment from Aurora's friends and enemies alike.
The Christmas of 2077, though Aurora was dating Milton at the time, she was forced by her mother to brew an antidote to a memory potion that Kennedy's father had given him.
SPOILER!!: The Memory Potion Plot
1) so Aurora's mother runs a potions business, she makes anything to order and doesn't question the clients intentions (or identities) as long as they pay
2) Kennedy's father, Phabian Wayne, got custody of Ken recently and turns out he's a dark wizard.
3) Phabian and Ciara knew each other at Hogwarts
4) When Aurora went to pick up Ken for the Quidditch match in the hols her mother took her. Which is weird because before then the only time her mother would take her places was when she was dead little and Ciara had to do personal deliveries. She only did personal deliveries for potions she trusted neither owls or elves to deliver. Ie. illegal ones.
5) Aurora recognises Wayne manor, and cottons on that she must have been here before. (duh duh duuuh) but she doesn't take anything else from this yet
6) At Kings Cross at the end of the hold Ken tells Aurora that he has about three days missing from his memory and Aurora puts all the evidence together - Her mother did business with Wayne, made a memory potion (she saw her mother picking asphodel... or something). Wayne gave this potion to Ken. Etc.
7) The memory potion was used to make Kennedy forget about the stuff Wayne showed him. Stuff to do with him being a dark wizard etc.
8) Aurora told Kennedy about the whole potion thing, including her mother's involvement etc. But couldn't tell him exactly what potion it was or anything like that. Whether it was a memory potion or a sleep potion. Details, basically
9) Then they break up.
And obviously, if it got out that she did illegal stuff too they'd be in trouble
11) as a punishment for talking about the business, Ciara forces Aurora to get involved. Makes her a secondary member of the potions thing. That way if anything gets out Aurora would get in trouble too
12) she makes Aurora work out and brew a potion to reverse the memory potion because she knows Rora is too proud to give it to him and Ken wouldn't take it. And it will kill her to have it and not be able to give it to him
13) when Milton and Aurora break up - and Aurora finds out about Mia (this is important) – she feels terrible about it all and tries to apologise etc.
14) EVENTUALLY she gives him the antidote
15) Meanwhile, Krys and Yvonne faked that they got married to shut up Yvonne's mother. Phabian meets with them and gives Krys veritaserum to get the truth.
16) It angers Ciara that someone messed with her son, she goes to Phabian and they argue and Ciara mentions that he should keep a closer eye on his own son and that he might be 'cured' of the last little thing.
17) Phabian gives Kennedy veritaserum to find out the truth, discovers Aurora brewed the potion and gave it to him and becomes livid. Feels as though Ciara has made him look foolish and becomes murderous.
18) He sends dark wizards to the flat where Krys and Yvonne live – Aurora is staying here (so is Kennedy) – and there is a huge duel in which Aurora is hit with crucio, Yvonne is hit with sectumsempra. This breaks Krys and he basically loses it and ends up fixing Yvonne's wounds and sitting there crying and rocking her. Kennedy saves Aurora's life but DOES DARK MAGIC O:
19) Kennedy contacts Xavier (Yvonne's father, Ken's godfather, Phabian's brother) and he gets there, fixes up Yvonne properly. Then Audric (Krys and Aurora's dad) arrives, Xavier, Audric and Krys add more defensive spells and protective charms to the flat etc. Aurora and Kennedy go and hide in her room.
20) Ciara arrives but Audric meets her outside, they argue, she leaves.
21) Ciara wants to kill Phabian now, because he attacked her babies.
22) Yvonne decides she's recovered, insists on training because she thinks she failed Krys. Krys says no. Yvonne forces her mother to duel with her for training, makes Yvonne weak again. Yvonne and Krys argue about it.
23) Yvonne recovers eventually. Krys and Yvonne take Rora and Kennedy to Kings Cross, Phabian turns up. There is almost a duel. Ciara turns up, hides an erumpet potion on Beverly (Phabian's 10 yr old daughter) etc. Ciara leaves. Phabian and Ciara both brought 'back up'. Audric also came to check everything was okay (with his brother and his partner from the detective agency) calms Krys down (who is livid and about to curse something).
Whilst she is brewing her first attempt at this antidote it explodes and the ingredients that are dispersed into the air make their way into Aurora's lungs and make her very ill. The effects that this potion has on her body, lugs especially, will be permanent.
Fifth year is OWL year, however, and Aurora had to work especially hard from this point onwards and in one moment of despair announces that she doesn't want to do potions after Hogwarts anymore (which was originally the plan) because a potion had ruined her chances at passing these exams. Kennedy (they had sort of made up by this point) suggests she pursue music and Aurora immediately writes to her old music teacher (and guest seminar teacher) Dr Xavier MacNally for advice. MacNally had just been awarded a professorship at AMAMADA (Austrian Magical Academy of Music And Dramatic Arts) and suggests she audition as he thinks she would get in on merit. She does so and is awarded a place.
During the Summer of 2078, and before the attack on Aurora, Kennedy, Kryspin and Yvonne, Aurora attends the wedding of Aaron Anderson (ex Slytherin Captain) and Iris Beaumont (ex Slytherin Head Girl). Her close friend (and her crush, though she'd deny this), Jonathan Kirk (BoyWonder), is also at the wedding. Jonathan is dating Delilah O'Flanagan (Nixy!) at this point, but that doesn't stop Aurora flirting with him and the situation turning into the ultimate betrayal.
The attack caused Kryspin and Aurora's father, Audric, to rethink the idea of Aurora going all the way to Austria. In the end they tell her she will be going to Hogwarts because they believe it is safer for her. So, on the first of September, 2078, Aurora boards the train to Hogwarts. She had only found out she would be returning (and not going to Austria) a week before and hadn't let anyone know she'd be there. So when Delilah spotted her and came into the compartment, Aurora assumed that she would yell about what had happened at the wedding. But Delilah didn't know.
So Aurora, being the
lovely person that she is [/sarcasm] told Delilah about the betrayal in a rather spiteful and cruel way, claiming it was inevitable and Delilah would have been stupid not to see it.
And thus begins Aurora's Sixth Year.
SPOILER!!: timeline
2052: June. Tiff’s birth
2054: January. Kryspin’s birth
2059: Family move to France.
2062: May, Family moves back into the Manor in Buckinghamshire
2062: 23/8 BIRTH - London.
2063: 23/8 BIRTHDAY Turns one.
2063/4: Moves to Cologne
2064: 23/8 BIRTHDAY Turns two.
2065: 23/8 BIRTHDAY Turns three.
2065: Krys goes to Ireland to stay with cousins.
2066: 23/8 BIRTHDAY Turns four.
2066: First Violin lesson.
2067: First dance lessons.
2067: 23/8 BIRTHDAY Turns five.
2067: First Flute lesson.
2068: 23/8 BIRTHDAY Turns six.
2069: 23/8 BIRTHDAY Turns seven.
2069: First Piano lesson.
2070: 23/8 BIRTHDAY Turns eight.
2070: Brews first potion un-aided.
2071: 23/8 BIRTHDAY Turns nine.
2072: February, Falls off Kryspin’s broom - breaks three bones.
2072: 23/8 BIRTHDAY Turns ten.
2072: September, Begins home schooling. Gets her own wand.
2073: 23/8 BIRTHDAY Turns eleven.
2073: Kryspin joins Audric at work.
2073: February, Moves to Dublin.
2074: 23/8 BIRTHDAY turns twelve.
2074: August, Moves back to South of England. Buys Salvatore and Sage.
2074: Summer, meets Mordred Mordaunt and Conan.
2074: 1/9 Begins Hogwarts in first year.
2074: September, meets Iris Beaumont.
2074: October Half Term, falls out with Katja DeSchone, they stop speaking - affects Aurora a lot.
2074: November, meets Aaron Anderson.
2074: January, Kryspin becomes incredibly ill.
2074: July, End of Term Feast. Slytherin wins the Trifecta. Aurora wears Anderson Girl costume. Aaris/Jimbo conflict knocks Aurora over the edge.
2075: Early August: Buys Silvius. He doesn’t want to go to Hogwarts.
2075: 23/8 BIRTHDAY Turns thirteen. Receives a Grimoire from Mordred. Kissed by Conan.
2075: Summer, meets Jonathan Kirk in Diagon Alley.
2075: 1/9 Skips second year. Third year at Hogwarts. Faints on the train, meets Kennedy Escalante.
2075: October, Katja DeSchone - Aurora’s old friend - dies in a fire.
2075: November, Aurora kissed by Jonathan. Aurora and Jonathan both end up in the Hospital Wing. Jonathan begins to date Lorelai.
2075: December, Claudia and Nikolai born (Tiff’s children), Kryspin begins to get better. Aurora kisses Kennedy. Aurora does first detention. Aurora receives Sebastian as a Christmas present.
2076: January, Becomes Kennedy’s girlfriend.
2076: February 14th, Valentine’s day AND Kennedy’s 15th birthday
2076: End of school term, Kryspin meets Aurora from Kings Cross, takes her home, packs her bag and takes her to Disney World, Florida as an early birthday present - Tiff arranged it all.
2076: 23/8 BIRTHDAY Turns fourteen. Goes to see Wicked, her first West End musical, with Kennedy.
2076: 1/9 Begins Fourth Year.
2076: December, takes grade eight magical music theory exam and grade eight violin practical.
2076: Christmas, stays in Ireland with father's side of the family.
2077: January, one year with Kennedy
2077: Valentines day, receives card, flowers and chocolates from Milton Shaklebolt.
2077: February, gets her distinction in her grade eight.
2077: End of term feast, finds out Kennedy's father has won custody of him.
2077: End of school term, Aurora's mother exchanges glance with Kennedy's father at Kings Cross, Aurora finds out they know each other.
2077: Beginning of summer, JONATHAN'S BACK. Meets Delilah in WWW.
2077: Middle of summer, they pick up Aethelwyne Lothlorien, Aurora's arch-nemesis, from Long Beach, California.
2077: Quidditch, Paris Phoenixes v. San Diego Dragons. Aethelwyne tries to steal Kennedy from her. Aaron and Iris are there (woo!) So is Milton (less woo!) but Aurora flirts with him anyway - to make Kennedy jealous.
2077: September, begins fifth year. Has an argument with Kennedy because she refrained from telling him that Jonathan was back.
2077: Middle of September, breaks up with Kennedy. Is immediately comforted by Milton.
2077: Towards the end of September, gets with Milton.
2077: End of December. Goes home for Christmas – her mother forces her to begin helping in the potions business. Aurora's cauldron explodes whilst brewing an antidote for the memory potion Kennedy's father used. The Belladonna in the potion was dispersed into the air and Aurora inhaled a dangerous amount of it. It nearly killed her and left her with permanent lung weakness. She was better at the Christmas party – sort of – and argued with Kennedy.
2078: January. Found out Milton cheated on her. Broke up with him. Hexed, disarmed and jinxed him. Kennedy threw his wand in the lake. Milton reported them to Tate who sent him to speak to Professor Lafay. Professor Lafay allowed Milton to choose and run the detention (cleaning owl droppings from the owlery).
2078: Middle of February. Aurora's body starts rejecting the medication that her brother-in-law (a private healer) prescribed and she is brought home. She is changed to a medication that begins to work and kept under observation for a month, receiving private tutoring from her old tutor, Helga, to help her with her OWL studies.
2078: End of March. Aurora returns to Hogwarts.