Simon L. Macalister Name: Simon L. Macalister
DoB: November 1, 2060
PoB: Orange County, California
Age: 12 years and 10 months
Year at Hogwarts: 2nd
Blood: Pureblood
Best Subjects: DADA, Potions
Least Favorite/Worst Subjects: Arithmancy, Muggle Studies
Pets: Boomer (ferret)
Father: Samuel Macalister Mother: Elena Macalister (née Vaughan)
Siblings: Melanie and Natalie Macalister (twins)
Physical Traits: Hair Color: Dark brown almost black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5.5 ft.
Built: Athletic
Simon L Macalister is a very prideful little guy. Age twelve years and ten months and can't wait until his thirteen. He is very tentative and analytical, that many times he finds himself analyzing non-important things. His greatest weakness, but strength, is his curiosity. Simon likes to know everything which sometimes gets him in trouble. The young wizard is also proud in the sense that he likes to flaunt his good qualities and family fortune. But behind the arrogance, Simon is a well mannered guy. He was raised to be respectful and to always be himself. Simon can be a flirt, but he doesn't take that seriosly, too young. He is too naive in subject of dating and relationships. Nonetheless, Simon is a friendly guy that can be trusted as he trusts people around him.
Simon was born to Samuel and Elena Macalister, both Purebloods. Six years after his birth, Elena was pregnant with twins and gave birth to two baby girls, Melanie and Natalie. He thinks of them as little monsters as they always enjoy torturing him and Boomer with girly stuff. Being the only male, Simon grew up respecting women.
His dad is an influential man in the wizarding world along with Macalister Enterprises. His mom was the Charms professor at the AESWW, where Simon did his first year of schooling.
Simon has lived a life of riches and luxuries ever since he was born, but not everything is peachy and happy. The side of his father's family act different toward him. They act as if Simon wasn't part of the family and are always judging his every action. His parents tell him not to pay attention to what they say, but it is hard for the poor kid.
His hair is too dark. Blue eyes has always been a dominant Macalister gene. Why are his eyes brown? But the comment he once heard, the one that planted the most evil of fears in him, he heard from his grandmother,
are you sure he's your son? since then Simon has become more of a rebel, but truly he is trying to find out who he is. No one knows about this and he prefers to keep it that way.
Simon disliked his old school and always dreamed of going to the school his parents attended, Hogwarts. He did everything that was within his power to get expelled from the AESWW, but he did not prevail. Then strangely, one Saturday afternoon on July, his parents got a strange Owl and immediately decided to move to England. What was the strangest thing of the whole ordeal was that they traveled through Muggle transportation, an airplane, instead of Flooing. Simon had a weird feeling that they were running away from something or someone, but he didn't pay much attention to it. His thoughts were solely on getting sorted into Slytherin, now. He didn't just want to be sorted there, he had to, and would even go as far as bribing the Sorting Hat to place him there.
Through out his excitement of finally attending Hogwarts, the boy cannot shake the feeling that he is being watched or monitored. He does, though, feel as if he's looking for something...but he doesn't know whay, yet.
Simon has been privileged enough to be able to attend Hogwarts and hopes that here, he will be able to find for what he's been searching for and hopefully make some friends along the way.
- Family
- Muggle films
- Boomer (pet ferret)
Gringotts' account
- Surfing
- Newfound friends
- Candy!
- Enemies
- Cheapness
- Grandparents(from his dad's side)
- Cheaters
- Cry-babies
Not getting what he wants