Model: Emma Stone
Basic Info Full Name: Emmanuelle Zoéy Moreau
Nickname(s): Em, Emma, Ellie (but only by the family!)
Birthday: Feb. 5, 2061
Age: 17
Place of Birth: Nice, France
Current Residence: Glasgow, Scotland
House: Slytherin
Year: Seventh
Blood Status: Pureblood
Relationship Status: Single
Wand: Dogwood with a unicorn hair core; 10 1/2 inches; swishy
Patronus: Squirrel
Boggart: Her parents splitting up… again
Best Subject: History of Magic
Worst Subject: Charms
Previous School(s): Beauxbatons, L'ecole de Magie du Nice
Appearance Hair Color: Blonde (used to be red until the first Hogsmeade weekend of her sixth year)
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5'7"
Weight: That's not something you ask a lady…
Special Characteristics: a small heart shaped birthmark on her upper arm, a small, light in color scattering of freckles around her nose
Family Sophie Bonaparte- 41, mother
Mathieu Moreau- 42, father
Adélaïde Moreau- 23, sister
Charlemagne Moreau 20, brother
Emmanuelle is friendly, but she has a sarcastic edge. She prefers spending time with those of her own age (or around it) and doesn't have much patience for those who are younger. Once someone becomes her friend, she is very loyal and expects the same from them. She loves to have a good time and try new things. One exception to that is food. She eats what she likes and it's almost impossible to get her to try anything else. She is fairly sporty, although she doesn't play Quidditch (preferring football [soccer] and tennis instead).
Emmanuelle was born on a cold (for Nice, anyway) February day to Sophie Bonaparte (a realtor) and her husband, Mathieu Moreau (a contractor). She is the youngest of the couple's three children and was slightly spoiled growing up. The couple gave their children everything they could. However, when it came to punishing the children, they always seemed to go easiest on Emmanuelle. Her brother, Charlemagne, didn't mind, but it irritated their sister, Adélaïde, to no end.
Being nearer in age, Emmanuelle was always closer to her brother than her sister. This was more pronounced when Adélaïde turned thirteen and became interested in clothing and boys. She didn't like having her two younger siblings around and baulked when their parents made her parents babysit. Charlemagne, on the other hand, was always very protective of his youngest sister. Anyone who wanted to harm Emmanuelle had to go through him, first. Plus, he always made sure she got some kind of treat, whether it was cookies, cupcakes or ice cream.
At five, Emmanuelle started muggle primary school. Here she made several new friends as well as making pretty decent grades (they weren't straight As but they weren't failing grades either). One day, when she was seven, her magic showed itself. Her teacher had made cupcakes for the class, but she wouldn't hand them out until the class was finished with their work. So Emmanuelle, who really wanted a cupcake, summoned one of the delicious treats. The oblivators were called out and everyone's memory of the event was erased. Mathieu and Sophie were happy because that meant that all three of their children were magical; Adélaïde was annoyed, thinking she was going to have a fat sister; and Charlemagne was amused and still teases her about it to this day.
When she turned eleven, Emmanuelle joined her brother at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. There she continued her streak of making friends and maintaining decent grades. However she only attended Beauxbatons for one year. During the summer between her first and second years, her parents dropped a bombshell. They were getting divorced and her father was moving to Scotland. Emmanuelle and her brother stayed in France with their mother, who pulled them from Beauxbatons and placed them in the local magic school, L'ecole de Magie du Nice (as they would spend the summers with their father, she wouldn't get to see them otherwise). The transition actually went over pretty well. The other students were mostly welcoming and friendly and Emmanuelle fit in well. A lot of the students took part in the local sports leagues and she joined in, playing football (soccer) and tennis. Things were going great.
Until the summer between her fifth and sixth years, that is. That's when her mother decided to get back together with her dad. Which is great, except that she would be moving to Scotland to do it. That meant that Emmanuelle would going to Scotland, too. And she would now be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Emmanuelle is trying to keep an open mind about the school change, though.
Sixth Year a.k.a First Year of Hogwarts
*To be edited in later*
Song for the Year: The Scientist by Coldplay (even though it doesn't seem like it right now!)
-chocolate (especially Swiss chocolate)
-ice cream
-History of Magic class
-First years (except when she has chocolate)
-Potions class
-Being punished for no reason
-Sudden train stoppages