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Hogwarts RPG Name: Hugo Doyle Seventh Year | ✪ Whovian ✪ Luke's friend ✪ Charliebot ✪ ✯~ H U G O_ J A M E S_ O L I V E R_ D O Y L E ~✯ Model: Charles Joseph McDonnell  B A S I C_ I N F O R M A T I O NNicknames: Hugey Wugey Age: 14 Birthday: October 1, 2060 Place of Birth: London, England Residence: Edinburgh, Scotland Relationship Status: Dating the most awesome girl in Hogwarts M A G I C A L_ I N F O R M A T I O NYear: 3rd House: Ravenclaw Heritage: Half-Blood Wand: Chestnut, 11.4" Phoenix Feather Patronus: - Boggart: Death of friends and family Favorite classes: Charms, Transfiguration, Potions Least favorite classes: Arithmacy, Ancient Runes, Divination Amortentia: Petrichor, Books A P P E A R A N C EEyes: Bright, silvery blue Hair: Brown, sort of curly, long and wild. Build: Scrawny and skinny- trying to improve. Height: 164 cm Weight: 45 kg F A M I L YFather: SPOILER!!: Peter Doyle 
Name: Peter Harry Joseph Doyle
Age: 49
Birthday: May 3
Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland
Residence: Edinburgh, Scotland
Relationship Status: Married
Heritage: Muggle
Profession: Journalist
Mother: SPOILER!!: Marie Johanssen 
Name: Marie Noreen Johanssen
Age: 41
Birthday: December 16
Place of Birth: London, England
Residence: Edinburgh, Scotland
Relationship Status: Married
House: Ravenclaw
Heritage: Half-Blood
Wand: Vine, 11.6" Phoenix Feather
Patronus: Otter
Boggart: death of her children
Favorite classes: Herbology, History of Magic, Care of Magical Creatures
Least favorite classes: Flying
Profession: Magizoologist
Sister: SPOILER!!: Lily Doyle 
Name: Lily Kira Doyle
Age: 19
Birthday: February 28
Place of Birth: London, England
Residence: Edinburgh, Scotland
Relationship Status: Married
House: Hufflepuff
Heritage: Half-Blood
Wand: Holly, 10" Dragon Heartstring
Patronus: -
Boggart: -
Favorite classes: Divination, Muggle Studies
Least favorite classes: Flying, Ancient Runes, Defence Against the Dark Arts
Profession: Nurse at St. Mungo's
Brother: SPOILER!!: Elijah Doyle 
Name: Elijah Matt Doyle
Age: 25
Birthday: July 11
Place of Birth: London, England
Residence: New York City, United States of America
Relationship Status: Single
House: Ravenclaw
Heritage: Half-Blood
Wand: Mahogany, 13" Veela Hair
Patronus: Eagle
Boggart: -
Favorite classes: Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Astronomy, Flying
Least favorite classes: Divination
Profession: Assistant shopkeeper in Scribbulus
P E R S O N A L I T Y Hugo is a very nerdy, very stereotypical Ravenclaw. He likes to read and loves learning new things. Although he doesn't really like studying, he usually does well at it. He is a shy and quiet boy, but lately puberty has been kicking his brains out, making him a bit more assertive and teenagerish. Hugo is also very creative. L I K E S◆ Feenella Schwarzberg ◆ Reading ◆ Quidditch ◆ Romance (although he isn't really good at it) ◆ Rain ◆ Wandlore ◆ Nature ◆ Cats ◆ Food ◆ Drawing ◆ Writing ◆ Learning ◆ Kurumi's cookies D I S L I K E S◆ Places with lots of people ◆ Noise ◆ Failure ◆ Being too cold ◆ Being too hot ◆ Hypocracy ◆ Annoying people ◆ Gossip ◆ Gossiping Gilly F R I E N D S◆ Feenella Schwarzberg
◆ Kurumi Hollingberry
◆ Eino Uronen
◆ Selina Skylar
◆ Katelynn Livinghay
◆ Adam Burn
◆ Iris Beaumont
◆ Jacqueline Roberts E X T R A◆ Hugo plays various instruments including the trombone, the piano, the guitar and the ukulele. ◆ He reads a lot. ◆ He is socially awkward. ◆ He wants to be a wandmaker when he grows up. ◆ He likes to do creative things. ◆ He was bullied when he went to muggle school. ◆ Hugo speaks English, Dutch, French and Italian, though he isn't fluent in all of those. P E T SH I S T O R YPre-Hogwarts Hugo was born at home in London. He lived there untill he was about 5, when he moved to Edinburgh to attend Muggle School there because his father thought it was important he had muggle knowledge before he headed off to Hogwarts. He had a horrible time in Muggle School. He was bullied and the subjects were boring and too easy. He was jealous of his brother, who was in Ravenclaw and his sister who was about to go off to Hogwarts. When he was 7, he tried to get on the Hogwarts Express but failed. After that he realized that it was no use to long for Hogwarts and decided to put his frustration in studying and reading. He was in his room all day reading books about the magical world and learning new languages. On his eleventh birthday, he finally received his letter. First Year Although meeting his first two friends even before stepping foot on the Hogwarts Express, Hugo felt lonely and isolated from the rest. He didn't feel like he had a lot of friends. Hugo wasn't very good at earning much points for his house, and was socially very awkward. That changed when he met Feenella Schwarzberg at his first flying lesson. He instantly had a crush on her. He started meeting some more friends and suddenly found himself in an awkward situation where two girls liked him, and the girl he liked started dating a bloke named Edmond. Their relationship had turned a bit awkward, and it took Hugo a while to feel comfortable again. Near the end of the year, he met his now best friends Kurumi through the wonders of a cookie and Eino in the common room, practising a spell they had learned in Care of Magical Creatures. Second Year Second year arrived and that meant Hugo got to buy his own broom! He brought a shiny Firebolt 600 to school, though he never got to use it. The train ride to Hogwarts where he had met his friend Selina was a lot of fun and Hugo was ready to do good. He had a great summer with Fee, though she had been a little bit depressed because her boyfriend Edmond had left for Durmstrang. He had joined Eino's club the Y.W.H.O. too. After a while into the year he started dating Fee. He started to show interest in ukulele playing and wandlore. In February, his sister and a guy named Thanatos McFinnigan decided to get married. Hugo didn't even know him. |