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Old 01-05-2012, 12:33 AM   #153 (permalink)
Sneakeh Cat

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Maia Denton
Daily Prophet Reporter
x5 x2
Yay, Hamlet! • Cathopper • Disney Fanatic • I was normal once...

You got designer shades just to hide your face, and
you wear them around like you're cooler than me.

Looks like Alex Pettyfer


Hey! My name is Zayden Jesse Abrams.
You can call me Z or Zay.
I am sixteen years old.
My parents are both purebloods.
I was born in Santiago, Chile.
I currently live in Galloway, Scotland. It's actually the Rhins of Galloway but my parents always just called it Galloway.
My birthday is on January 1, 2059.
I'm currently procrastinating homework.
You can see that I am a male.
You could say I run with the snakes. WHYWASIPUTINTOTHISHOUSE? Oh wait...
My wand is 9 3/4", Holly, Veela.
My patronus is a hedgehog. Never understood that.
My boggart is must you know this? I don't think so. You might use it against me.
I'm currently dating Amelia Reinhart. Love her so much ♥


► Hair: Medium length, sometimes it's shorter, blonde, and messy -- he doesn't know how to use a brush. He sometimes puts darker blonde highlights in it to make him look cooler.
► Eyes: Dark green and stunning, he inherited them from his father.
► Build: Slightly muscular, skinny, and pale. He needs to tan more often!
► Height: 6 FOOT 3... he wishes. He's 5'8" and he's not getting any taller.
► General appearance: When Zayden isn't wearing school robes, he's usually seen in a pair of worn down blue jeans, a jacket (if it's cold), and a plaid or solid colored shirt that can either be buttoned down or no buttons. He does, however, prefer button down shirts. He loves wearing running shoes because he's a born runner. It's what he lives for!

He doesn't exactly where "jewelry" but he does wear some things that mean something to him.

On his right ring finger, he is always seen wearing a Green Lantern ring. This ring formally belonged to Andrew Reinhart, his best friend, who died in March 20, 2075. It was give to him by his girlfriend (and Andrew's sister), Amelia Reinhart, and he doesn't go a day without wearing it. This ring is something he will always cherish.

On his left ring finger, he got a tattoo across the bottom of the finger in July 2076 that says "July 10, 2074", which is the date of his and Amelia's anniversary. He also has another tattoo he got in the same month and year that is a memorial tattoo for Andrew Reinhart.



First and foremost, Zayden is a BIG muggle inventions lover. He loves playing video games, driving muggle automobiles, and watching muggle sports! He enjoys playing tennis and ping pong when he gets the chance to! Also, on a side note, he loves Star Wars and insists he goes by the name DarthZayder. Geeky, right? Just don't tell him he's geeky -- he still likes to pretend he's cool!

Zayden Abrams is probably one of the biggest procrastinators in Hogwarts. He also can be quite forgetful at times. So, if you tell him to do something, it's probably not going to get done until the last minute. He knows procrastination is such a bad habit but he tends to look at it like it's not AS bad if he can not let himself get overwhelmed, which has happened before in his lifetime. This boy will never learn. Even if he procrastinates, he's a very hardworking boy when he wants to be. His dad taught him that he had to work to get what he wants -- which is usually money. During the summer, he has to work at his parents coffee shop to get money since his dad refuses to just give him money for free.

He's a really nice guy; however, don't let him fool you. He has low tolerance for many things (like annoying people and rude people) and if he gets upset, you'll see his Slytherin side. He generally likes people nice but sometimes things just get to him. Thankfully, he doesn't hold grudges. He thinks people deserves second changes but as the saying goes: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." After second chances, you're out of luck unless you are a VERY lucky person.

I'm super fond of coffee, Amelia Reinhart, cupcakes, cakes, cool people, running, sports, technology, procrastination, working hard, being the best I can possible be, muggle superheros (FORTHEWIN!), smart people, hats, plaid things, tennis, hairless animals, Twitter (FOLLOWME!), candy, ping pong, chocolate, sunny days with some clouds, swimming, birthdays, presents, and being with my family.

But I do not care for my allergy ID (it annoys me), fluffy animals, my allergies, shellfish, annoying people, people who always think they are right, not being able to find my way, directions, animals in general, and homework.


Zayden Jesse Abrams was born in Santiago, Chile on January 1, 2059 at 4 in the morning. His parents, Jodie and Gerrard, had been visiting in Santiago because Jodie's only sister, Zayden's aunt, Natalie Taylor (née Gardner) lives up there and the Abrams don't miss a chance of visiting her during the holidays. However, the Abrams went back to Galloway, Scotland once Baby!Zayden was okay enough to fly in an airplane. He only got to live in Santiago for a few days but Zayden has visited there numerous times as he got older.

In Galloway, Scotland, there's a nice little three level apartment like house that the Abrams live in. On the first floor, there's a somewhat popular coffee shop that is run and owned by the Abrams family. This shop brings in most (if not all) the income since Jodie works as a part time Healer, and that doesn't bring in TOO much money. The Abrams live on the second and third floor of the building -- and that's the only place they have lived at. Zayden, along with all his siblings, work at the shop in their spare time and/or when they're parents need extra help; however, Zayden is the only sibling that wants to run the business once his parents retire. His brother has plans of becoming a Journalist and his sisters, well, they haven't decided what they wanted to be.

When Zayden turned 11 years old, he got sent to a magical unpopular private school. It was the same private school both his mum, dad, and older brother attended. He learned what he needed to learn at his age here. It was only until he turned 16 years old did he transfer to Hogwarts. He was the first Abrams child to attend Hogwarts but he wasn't the last since his twin sisters transferred along with him. The reason he transferred was because he wanted to be closer to his girlfriend. Long distance relationships are NO fun. Plus, he's heard from numerous friends and friends of friends that said Hogwarts was a great place of learning. His twins sisters transferred because they thought they would get a better education there and they wanted to annoy Zayden.

At Hogwarts, he got sorted into the Slytherin house while his sisters were both sorted in Hufflepuff. He's always wondered why he was put into such a house like "Slytherin" but he's come to realize that he does inherit some Slytherin qualities that he keeps quite hidden. Maybe, just maybe, the sorting hat had been right.

[Relationship History]

Zayden Abrams and Amelia Reinhart met when they were 13 years old at his parent's coffee shop. She was a regular customer there and, one day, Zayden was her waiter and they struck up a conversation. Who knew that conversation would lead to this Scottish boy falling in love? It didn't happen quickly, though. Oh no. He didn't realize he was falling for this tall haired beauty until he was about 14 1/2 years old.

However, he had been out of luck.

Amelia was dating his brother at the time because he had been stupid enough to tell her that she should date his brother, in the previous year, instead of telling her how he really felt about her. That decision came back to bite him when he felt his heartbreak every time he saw Amelia with his brother. EVERY TIME. His brother had found about that he liked Amelia and, being the loving brother he was, he told Zayden he'd break up with her if he wouldn't chicken out again.

On July 10, 2074, Zayden and Amelia became an official couple.

Some of my aspirations include

► running the family business
► living the rest of my life with Amelia
► graduating
► being successful in life

A few fears sometimes get in the way

► losing my loved ones
► failing miserably
► disappointing my parents


My family is normal? HA. As if.

► The Parents:
Jodie Abrams (née Gardner) was born on July 15, 2033 in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada and she moved to Galloway, Scotland in June 2035. She met Gerrard Abrams when she was in her younger teenager years and, after dating for years, they tied the knot in Edinburgh, Scotland on September 5, 2052. Nowadays, she's helping her husband run his coffee shop and she's an assistant Healer at St. Mungo's.

Gerrard Abrams was born on August 1, 2032 in Galloway, Scotland. He married the love of his life, Jodie Abrams, on September 5, 2052 and they had four wonderful children together. Nowadays, he's a business owner in hopes of expanding his business in the near future.
► The Siblings:
Zachary Abrams was born on October 13, 2055 in Galloway, Scotland. He's the first child of Jodie and Gerrard Abrams. As of age 11, he attended a private wizarding school in Scotland and that's the same school he graduated from in 2072. Nowadays, he's living in an apartment in Galloway with his roommate, Marie Santiago, and is attending Wizard Uni. He's hoping to graduate in 2078 with a degree in Journalism. On a side note, he's a busboy at a local Mexican restaurant.

Josslyn Abrams was born on February 17, 2061 in Galloway. Her twin sister, Janice Abrams, is exactly 5 minutes and 2 seconds younger than Josslyn. She transferred to Hogwarts when she fourteen years old, along with her brother, and was sorted into Hufflepuff. Her brother, Zayden, and her don't get along very well and it's been thought that they don't due to the fact they are both the middle children.

Janice Abrams was born on February 17, 2061 in Galloway. Her twin sister, Josslyn Abrams, is exactly 5 minutes and 2 seconds older than her -- and she despises being the younger child! She is the quiet one when it comes to being compared to her sister. Her and her sister use to constantly dye their hair between the colors of brunette and blonde but they finally settled on Josslyn being blonde and her blonde. However, they were both born blonde.
The pets: None. I have pet allergies.

Beast is a black hairless male cat that Zayden received in the summer of 2076 from his Aunt's friend. It's the most evil cat in the world.

Please Excuse This Interruption for an Important Message...
Zayden Abrams would like a word with the public. He states: "I'm cool. Not really. I just try to be. I AM COOL. The coolest of the cool."
Thank you. Now back to our featured presentation.

Besides Zayden thinking he's the coolest kid around, he actually has to take good care of himself. He has awful pet allergies that, left untreated daily, makes him feel awful. Nobody likes red puffy eyes, sore throat, and a dry cough. He also has a shellfish allergy that causes him to have to have an EpiPen on him at all times as well as an allergy ID bracelet. He can sometimes be in denial about his health issues. Just ignore him. He's not the only person in his family to have allergies. His mum has both pet allergies and an allergy to shellfish; his dad, on the other hand, is Mr. Healthy.

In his younger years, Zayden struggled badly with dyslexia but over the course of time, he's learned how to deal with and hardly has any trouble now, except with a few things. He doesn't like talking about it. It's a sensitive subject.

He also writes with my left hand! Nifty nifty.


+ Template coding by Ashlie aka Hermione_loves_Ron

_______________________________You may hate me, but it ain't no lie: bye bye bye.
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