Aiden Chevalier

Full Name: Aiden Lucas Chevalier
Age: 17
Year: Seventh
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Blood: Half Occupation(s): Student; (works for landscaping company during the summers)
Father: Daniel Chevalier
Mother: Emma Chevalier
Siblings: Older sister - Madison Chevalier (21)
Crazy Owl – Archimedes; Cat - Eustice
Hair: Short, brown, and typically somewhat messy
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6’2
Relationship Status: In a relationship with
Ella Ainsworth Past Relationships: Vanessa Cambell (fake),
Savannah Conrad Likes:
-Muggle sports/ physical activities (especially surfing and swimming)
-Extreme sports
-Listening to music
-Getting lost/ ordering around firsties with his Queen of Confusion
-Mashed potatoes
-Ice cream (cookie dough and cauldron cake)
Ella Ainsworth
-Being called ‘Ai-Ai’
-Trying new foods
-People crying around him
Personality: Heh.. personality. Let’s see…. Aiden likes trying to maintain a laid-back outlook in life, although the key word being ‘trying’ (with being a Hogwarts student automatically comes drama). His temper flares every so often, so he’s been working on that, but overall, his main priority is to just have funnnn. Don’t worry, be happy, yeah? Yeah.
He doesn’t like talking about serious stuffs or about his emotions, and he has trouble dealing with people who are upset… because what do you do when someone is crying?! Pats on the shoulders and awkward comforting talks are just.. well, awkward.
The seventh year is a terrible singer and a right nightmare when it comes to art, but the guy is at least good for sports. He enjoys them not only because they’re just fun and competitive and all that, but also because he’s one of those people who finds them remarkably therapeutic. Some laps in the pool or a few punches at the heavy bag are sure to, if not cure his state of funk, at least alleviate it.
History: Well, as stated above, he’s got a mother and a sister. His mum is the greatest; he seriously couldn’t ask for a better parent. Emma works in advertising for a muggle company – she’s a muggle herself, but is completely accustomed to her two children being a witch and a wizard. Aiden’s sister, Madison, is probably the person who knows her brother best. They’ve always been close siblings, poking fun at each other and basically finishing each others’ sentences.
Through the eyes of a kid, Aiden saw his father as THE man. ‘My dad can beat up YOUR dad’ sorta thing. He’d learn quidditch from him and do the normal father-son stuff. But when Aiden was eight, Daniel Chevalier left his family. It was a shock to Aiden and a total devastation, but he eventually came to find out that his dad was offered a new, high-paying job in America, but this whole moving plan didn’t involve the man’s family. Nope. Mid-life crises and greed seemed to go hand in hand. Despite the fact that Aiden despises talking extensively about it, he’s tried to see the good that came from this, if only because nothing seemed good after it had happened. Now Aiden has come to realize that his dad’s leaving only made him see how lucky he is to have his mum and sister, and how incredibly much more tragic so may other peoples’ lives are.
Throughout his childhood, and even through the whole low point with his dad, Aiden’s family remained fairly close with family friends, The Conrads. Savannah Conrad and Madison paired off as friends while Aiden teased and poked fun of them until, and even when, Savannah’s brother was old enough to form a friendship with Aiden. When they got older, Aiden and Savannah took a liking to each other and soon enough began dating. However, after dating for roughly a year, Aiden felt too pressured by the relationship and Savannah’s parents’ ideas for them, and he broke it off.
After five years of attending Durmstrang, Aiden transferred to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in which he was placed in Gryffindor house. Here he met Ella Ainsworth, Trixie Malfoy, Patrick Dubois, and Vanessa Cambell. The whole group of them got thrown into a messy love pentagon that only seemed to get worse before it got any better. In the midst of all the newness of Hogwarts, Aiden fell for Ella and even underwent a fist fight with his then-nemesis Patrick (Ella’s boyfriend) and the transferrings of ex-girlfriends to Hogwarts; but by the end of his sixth year, he ended on a high note by snagging Ella as his girlfriend.
Currently: Aiden is dreading having to take his NEWTs, his father suddenly returned after nine years of absence, and he broke things off with Ella because he stupidly believes head-over-heels syndrome is not a good thing.
Patrick Dubious, whom he formerly loathed, is now his best mate, and he had recently begun dating Savannah, but now that's over, again, and after much heartache...... is back with his Ellalala.