Miss Reese Upstead
Full Name: Reese Selena Upstead
Nicknames: Ree-La, Reeses Pieces, and Raisin
DOB: September 1st 2052
Age: 17
POB: Sutton Coldfield, England
Heritage: Half Blood
Wand Type: 12.5 inches Willow, Dragon Heartstring
Appearance: Hair Color: Blonde Brunette
Eye Color: Chocolate Brown
Weight: 107 pounds
Height: 5'7
Reese is also known as Crazy Woman. Some people might know her as being mean/evil; others might know her as being sweet/kind. It all pretty much depends on if she likes you or not. To her friends, she is really sweet and kind. To the people she doesn’t like...well...she shows her true Slytherin side. There aren't much people that Reese doesn’t like; she loves making friends and doesn’t really like having enemies.
Reese was born in Sutton Coldfield, England to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Northway. She also had one older brother, Ryan, who was 3 years older than her. Ryan didn’t go to Hogwarts. It turned out he was a squib, so he attended a nearby private muggle school as well as he began to start skateboarding career. Her dad, Jake, was a muggle who was a Slytherin in his school years. After his graduation, he worked at the Ministry in the Magical Transportation department. Her mom, Victoria, was pureblood who was a Ravenclaw in her school years. After her graduation, she was a stay-at-home mom.
Reese has since moved from the Northway house and is now living with the Upsteads. She has been adopted by Heath Upstead, which lead to her name change. What to know more of her history? *points to the spoiler thingy underneath this paragraph*
SPOILER!!: more in-depth history of Reese
A year after Reese was born, Victoria left Jake. She had enough of her husband and was just ready to get out. She left both of her children with Jake and just left. No one knew where she went or where she was going. Jake got remarried 6 months after Victoria left. He married Lillian Matthews, who’s married name was Lillian Northway. Ryan wasn’t very pleased that his dad got remarried, but Reese was too young to understand. So, Reese grew up her who life thinking Lillian was her real mother. Ryan was too scared to tell Reese the truth, because their dad kept lying and telling them that she was their mother. Why? We never really know why he wanted to lie to Reese, we just know it happened.
Eleven years passed by and Reese Northway was ready to head off to school. She had already got all her school stuff and was just ready to leave. Finally, she got to Hogwarts and was sorted in Slytherin. Her school life was great. She was making a lot of friends and even got her first boyfriend boyfriend.
One day during her first year, Reese got a letter from her dad saying that her brother, Ryan, had died. This was just a horrible time for Reese. She couldn’t stop crying and she just wanted to go home. A few months passed and it was finally time to go back to home. She left Hogwarts and went back to her family. Lillian and Jake were now starting to think about adopting a brother for Reese, since she needed an older brother there for her. Then, they adopted Reno during that summer before Reese’s 2nd year. Let’s just say, he wasn’t really the brother she needed. He was abusive to her and it finally drove her away from home.
During the summer before her 3th year, Reese moved away from her house in London. She went to live with her godmother, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Turner and her husband. Her husband worked a lot, so Reese barely ever saw him. She lived with the Turner family for about 1 ½ - 2 years. Before she went off for her 4th year, she learned a little secret her dad had been keeping from her. She found this old photo of her family that was taken the day after she was born. She noticed that the lady in that picture didn’t look like her mom. She asked her godmother and she finally got the real story about her mom leaving and her dad remarrying and about how her dad lied to her all these years. And for the first time in her life, Reese got to talk to her mom. She wrote her mother a letter before she left for school and she kept writing to her throughout her 4th year. Her mother had finally came to the decision that she was going to MAKE Reese move to Ireland to live with her. But, Reese didn’t want to move; she wanted to stay in London. To make it worse, her mom started thinking about sending her to a private school instead of Hogwarts. Why? No one knows.
Also, Reese had found out her brother didn’t really die; her mom just came back and got him when she went off to school and since her dad didn’t want her to know about Victoria, her dad lied to Reese and told her Ryan had died. Why didn't Victoria get Reese? Because she was at school.
Through all this bad stuff, a miracle happened:
During the end of the term feast in her 4th year, Victoria (Reese’s mother) met Heath Upstead. They ended up getting married during the Spring and Victoria moved back to London to live there with Heath and his son Dale. Reese went to go live with them and it turned out that she had been related to Jake Upstead, who she went to school with. Heath had also adopted Reese and Ryan as his own children, which legally made them change their last name to Upstead. Happy ending, right?
Pets: Isabella the cat Icee the owl Cam the dog (named after Cam Karsten)
Bubbles; a pink pygmy puff.
Family: Lillian Northway-StepMother (no communication)
Jake Northway-Dad (no communication)
Reno Northway-Adopted Brother (no communication)
Victoria Upstead-Mother
Heath Upstead- Father
Dale Upstead- Brother
Jake Upstead-Brother
Ryan Upstead-Brother
Spiders; especially tarantulas.
Chocolate frogs
Converse shoes
OOC: I'm Cat, but also known as Kitty Cat
If you everrrr want to RP, just drop me a PM.