Name: Leticia Darya Dubois (Pronounced; dy-bwah)
Age: 15
Birthday: April 14th
Year: 5th
Blood: Half-blood; Austrian, French, and Lithuanian bloodlines.
Hair: Dark Blonde
Eyes: Hazel Green
Lives : Skye
Height: 5' 8"
House : Slytherin
Appearance: Leticia; preferably called Lettie, is now a gangly teenager built in the image of a popsicle stick. She has dark blonde hair that falls just below her shoulders and large hazel green eyes, (that many of her family members also possess). She has light skin, but it has a delicate sun-kissed glow to it after Lettie spent many hours outside during the summer months.
Background: Leticia has a very large family, and they stay in touch quite frequently. She has lived a fairly normal life and enjoys what a lot of other girls her age do, playing with friends, learning, reading, animals, the outdoors, hating to shop...then again, maybe she is a bit different.
Lettie spends as much time as she can with her family, and because of this, she has found out a lot that she did not want to know. Including more information about her older cousins sudden death.
Her family lives in a medium sized home in the center of Skye, where they have charmed the property to keep it hidden from muggle eyes; though a party with their close muggle friends is fairly common.
Leticia is attending Hogwarts after her aunt and grandmother decided not to school her anymore. Saying that she needed to 'experience what it was like to attend a public school with children her own age.'
Personality: Leticia loves everything, she adores being around people and getting to know others. She's very bubbly, but can also have her moods, (like everyone else). Lettie enjoys experiencing new things, and doesn't mind causing trouble now and again just to see what she is capable of doing. She messes with people and is a button pusher, just to test the waters most of the time to see what she can and can not get away with.
The girl is not very spoiled, but even though she has an older brother (and obviously not an only child), she can get away with a lot because her dad calls her a 'princess' and pampers her daily.
Despite being fourteen, Leticia needs to grow up. She's been babied a lot and taken care of by her family for most of the time that she has lived with them, relying on her parents for most of what she needs and wants.
Family: Mother- Sarah H. Dubois (40) (Maiden; Lore)
Father- Connor R. Dubois (41)
Brother- Olivier P. Dubois (19)
Grandmother (M)- Lara Lore -- Grandmother(P)- Giulia Dubois
Grandfather (M)- Justin Lore(D) -- Grandfather(P)- Matas Dubois
Aunts(P)- Clara, Kimberly, Trisha, Jennifer, Helmi
Aunts(M)- Sofia, Lisa, Lina
Uncles(P)- Joshua, Livio, Erik, Daniel
Uncles(M)- David, Jesse, Rokas
Cousins (No particular order; all not included): Felix Dubois (24), Hollis Dubois (D;18), Adam L. (20), Robin L. (17), Linus (10), Maria (13), Chloe (7), Charlotte (16), Riley (16), Madison (15), Paige (5), Louane (18), Sara (22), Jessica (9), Erin (18), Oskar (7).
Likes: Green, the ocean, birds, sailing, trees, exercise, reading, writing, talking, learning, pranks, sleeping late, her family.
Dislikes: Stupid people, mean people, snobby people, slugs, dog hair, boredom, smelly food, working too hard, failing.
Stongest subject: Defense against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies
Weakest subject: Herbology, Divination
Pets: Ornlu; a large and very furry dark brown tabby Maine Coon cat.
Watch out, he bites.
OOC: Freya here. *waves* I'm a college student with a weekend job and I'm very easy to get along with. I'm also an equestrian who loves working with large animals and spending lots of time outdoors.
This will be my fourth (4th) term RPing in the school roleplay, and my second school character.