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Old 01-21-2009, 06:40 PM   #10 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rayna C. Thorne
Third Year
♥My Very 1st Tag | ~Filofax:Forever~ | ~Evil Slythie~ | Chris' Caretaker♥

Name: Freya Nadine Skyler-Lorenssith
Age: 17-18
DOB: December 12th
Wand: 13" Dark Cherry and Phoenix feather core; temperamental.
~Second: 11 1/4 inch Flame Maple and Powdered Wolf Fang Core
Patronus: Saltwater Crocodile
Blood: Pureblood
Blood Relatives: None

Height: 6' 2" (No this is not a typo! Freya is six foot, two inches tall)
Weight: 164 pounds
Eyes: Steely grey/blue. They have the habit of turning nearly transparent when Freya is extremely angry. There always seems to be a lingering gleam of malice in her eyes, which she inherited from her mother.
Hair: Currently, it is a sun damaged dark blonde, but it will eventually go back to being a medium brown once she is outside for a less amount of time. Her hair is very long and reaches the middle of her back, although at times Freya has considered chopping it off just for the heck of it.
Facial: Bold features and a strong jaw. Her face is somewhat weathered and rough because of spending so much time outdoors from an early age.
Skin Color: Very pale/white. Burns easily. She would have porcelain skin if she cared more about her physical appearance. But alas, Freya hates skin cream and all that beautification jazz.
Other: Perfect white teeth that Freya prides herself on. (How they managed not to get busted up is a mystery to her.) She is considering getting a tattoo on her back, from her left to right shoulder. She's a very solid girl. Built very strong as she likes to workout whenever she can. Freya looks a bit lanky in her Hogwarts uniform, because of the length of her legs, but fortunately still has a flattering shape; though others rarely notice it.

Personality: Freya is usually easy going, but has a fierce temper when angered or alarmed. She doesn't trust easily, although your first impression may be otherwise, and she constantly wonders about a persons true motivation.
She tends to think a lot, and often has a glazed over look in her eyes when she zones out on strange objects. Don't be alarmed, she does this an awful lot and you shouldn't take it personally. Freya has been known to talk to herself on occasion, it's not unheard of since she was brought up with very limited socialization.
Freya loves animals, particularly creatures that all others seem to detest and wish to stay away from. She has two owls, Anchor, who is often perched on her shoulder. And Tundra, who remains at home this final term. Freya also has two snakes, a green snake, Verde, and a brown snake, Olaf. (Both are stashed away in secret somewhere.)
Currently, she is very flitty with ideas of work, and has only ideas about what she wants to excel in.
Unfortunately, Freya does not consider anyone a friend, out of fear that they will all at one point perish or abandon her.
An addict to physical activity. You may often see her taking a run outside the castle early in the morning. And she wakes up at four o'clock every morning...even if it's the weekend.
Freya has the mind of a scientist, which may be why she is so intrigued with experiments and discovery.
She is known for being overly curious, and she believes that one day this very trait will lead to her ruin.

History: *sighs. Here goes* Freya's father blessed her with the her name. She was named after the Norse goddess of love, guardian over children and fertility, but who also has roots to war and death.
~Freya grew up with her mother in northern Alaska, secluded from all other wizards, witches and muggles, (aside from patients at her and her mother's facility). She's had a rather busy life since the age of four, when her father passed away from an allergic reaction in front of his only child, (Freya).
From that moment on she was expected to act according to her mother's wishes and train, learn and compete on a regular basis, as well as help her mother with their experiments. Freya took part in minor equestrian competitions when she was a young girl. As she grew older her competitions became more aggressive and she eventually took up Quidditch for her state team as a beater, and at an even older age she began boxing.
Just over a year ago, Freya convinced her mother to allow her to attend 'formal' education for post-graduation Healer training. Surprisingly, Freya was granted permission to attend Hogwarts for two years, and her life continued to change, some for better, some for worse...

ooc: Hi! My name is Freya, but you can call me Lynn or whatever, I don't really care. (Saz )
I am a Med student and I am currently going for Nursing. I'm 20 years old and I love to read, train my horse, write and keep myself busy. I practically live in front of my computer with all my books in front of me.
SS Freya is my very first RP character.
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