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This particular Gryffindor was minding her own business and leisurely making her way from the Common Room to the front doors via the long way, giving her legs a good workout. You know, before she wasted that workout by laying out in the grass by the lake to soak up the sun. But something made her stop dead in her tracks. Acromantulas. A whole herd of 'em. And wasn't like it could be said that her eyes were playing tricks on her either. Not with the size of them.
Now, Heather wasn't normally scared of spiders. But, as previously stated, THE SIZE OF THEM! Plus the fact that a classmate had been EATEN by the things last term, well that wasn't helping her mental state at the sight of them. Though, she wasn't stupid enough to confront or insult them. But what she did do, that probably didn't help things either.
Acromantulas in the castle!"
Hopefully, that was loud enough for everyone on this floor to hear, because her feet were not working. Not to mention that she was feeling light-headed.
One straggling acromantula, the runt of one of the herds if there was such a thing when it came to these monstrous creatures, became distracted from its siblings when it heard the scream.
Human flesh!" it said in a giddy, yet dark, tone. Eight horrifying legs moving in almost a blur, the hungry acromantula ran towards the girl with its pincers clicking excitedly. Mother said it was okay
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It had definitely been loud enough for MAGGIE to hear her.
Which was why she stopped dead in her tracks, pulled out her wand and then ran off the opposite direction. AWAY from the yelling. Obviously. She had a sense of self preservation after all. Leave the courageous things to the Gryffindors, she was out of here. Plus the other girl was probably running too so why would she go back. And even if she wasn't. That really wasn't her problem.
That was one of the things she never got in movies really.
Why would you run TOWARDS something that was likely to kill you?????
Becoming all to easily distracted by movement in the distance. Distance that it had sensed thanks to the cobwebs cluttering the castle. All of its beady black eyes locked in the direction of the fleeing girl and off it went.
Speed increasing, it raced right pass the Gryffindor (
lazykitty). It's enormous abdomen struck her with such force as it changed directions suddenly that it could throw her up against the wall.