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Old 07-09-2015, 10:52 AM   #89 (permalink)

Wizarding World RPG Admin
Minister for Magic

Alley Proprietor
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,087

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nyle Harden
Second Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Iris Harden
Second Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Calliope Barrington
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Adi raised his hand to answer the latter questions. "Curiosity. Everyone is curious and that curiosity is tugging at them.'' Er, he couldn't explain it exactly but he was doing his best here. THEY JUST WANTED TO KNOW, OKAY?! "The box is like outer space because no one knows what's in there just like how no one knows what's in outer space. They want to explore to find those answers.'' He paused. "I'm thinking there's nothing in that box.'' Just saying. Plus, it was his way of trying to get an answer out of the man again.
The Astronomy professor nodded his head and pursed his lips while entertaining a deep thought, but he did not respond to the first part of what the prefect had to say.

"If you truly believe that to be the case, Mr. Rehman, the why have so much interest in it?" he replied with a sly smirk, tapping his nose before moving on.
Originally Posted by griffin View Post
"Space is like your box and all the unexplored parts of Hogwarts because we don't know everything about what is there, but we are curious about it and want to find out everything about everything that we don't already know." They knew so little about everything in space. All of the planets and stars and things that had been more closely studied were relatively close to Earth. There were so many parts of space that were just waiting to be discovered and explored.
Unexplored, yes, a notion that had just been visited moments earlier. He nodded his head approvingly towards Miss Wright. "Interesting," was all he offered as his gaze moved to the next hand.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Her hand darted enthusiastically into the air. "Because we always want to know more about the unknown!" she said. "We know what's here on Earth, because we're here, too. Space is a big, open area of darkness and far away bodies that we can't just look out and see. It's the same with that box." Her blue eyes zoomed in on the box, and she suddenly wanted to just tear it open like a Christmas present. "We're so interested in it, because we don't know what it is, and it also has a big question mark on it, which makes us wonder about it."
His sly smile grew just a tiny bit more at Miss Addison's words as excitement continued to bubble up inside himself. "The unknown, very good."

Very very good.
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
The professor didn't disappoint, giving a long speech that made you think that ended with a remark posted on the board. Curiosity...need to know...worked together or was the same in his book. "Because professors tend to hide interesting stuff in boxes to get us all raring to find out what was inside for the lesson." was true.
The astronomer chuckled, unable to read whether the boy's response was laced with sarcasm or if he was having a playful go at the astronomer. Whichever it was, Airey was chuckling as he winked at Mr. Atreyu.
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
"I think there are two kinds of people, those that are curious about the unknown and those that are afraid of the unknown. Sometimes it may be a combination of the two. Those who are curious will not rest until they get answers.......because they "need to know" things. Your box is like outer space to the curious people because they know something is there, but they don't know what it is. Not knowing drives curious people crazy. They cannot, will not rest until they have answers."
Nodding his head, the professor would respectively disagree with some of her sentiments, but the base level of her answer was right on the galleon. "Very interesting, Miss Guidry."

Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
As they were bombarded with questions, she raised her hand to answer. "I think it's a part of human nature to be curious about the unknown. We want to know what's out there and explore it. I'm guessing that's how the box is like outer space!"
Nodding even more vigorously, it was taking all the man's stamina not to burst at the seams with excitement at each student's response. Particularly the part Miss Carrington had just brought up referencing human nature. He, instead, manage on settle for thrusting his arm out in her general direction for a thumbs up.
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
"Is there really a swimming pool with dragons in it?" Because weird things happened at Hogwarts, and that wouldn't be at all surprising to her if there was a dragon lazy river somewhere in this castle.

Anyways, she was getting distracted, and everybody knew what that did for her concentration.

"For me, once you tell me no or that I can't, it only makes me want it that much more. I see it as a challenge. I think the same can be said for your box or for space as well. Oh, we can't benefit from space searching. Pfffft. I will fly out on my handy dandy rocket and find an alien and bring him back. How about that space nay sayers?" Well, that got a little intense, but Airey liked it, yeah? She just hoped she didn't start an astro rant.
Waiting to respond to her first inquiry until after Miss Valentine had finished speaking, Airey found himself chuckling again. "I believe, you answered your own question, Miss Valentine," he winked. "Whether my answer was yes or no in regards to Hogwart's hidden swimming pool, would it deter you from searching for it? Won't you only be satisfied when you have reached the answer yourself?"
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
What even? Lost five and gained five. That was zero.... Why do anything with points in the first place? Felt completely unnecessary and--WAIT A MINUTE. "But Professor! I was following directions! I just did what the sign said!" Ahem. Not trying to give you sass or anything, sir. He just couldn't sit here and take this UNFAIR punishment. The one time he did something right and he was still wrong. And yes he was absolutely sure that he had read the sign right. WHY DIDN'T ANYONE BELIEVE HIM????
"Well your box is a mystery and Outerspace is kind of a mystery.... And also because Professors always hide the most interesting stuff in boxes and space is pretty interesting too."

And also that curiosity thing too. Probably
That excitement that had been bubbling up inside him? Yeah. About that. It was fizzing now like a flat muggle carbonated beverage. "Mr. Adair, I made that sign myself as a response to a student doing precisely what you just did in order to prevent such travesty from occurring again." He squinted hard at the prefect. It was quite out of character for the young man to be THIS confused. Had someone taken advantage of his prefect with one of those potions Culloden was handing out for testing practice.

He just KNEW that had been a terrible idea! Scrambled his prefect's brains.

Nodding at the answer, Airey was about to move on when he did a double take and stopped in front of Mr. Adair's desk again. "You may go retrieve the sign to prove my case, if you wish."
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
"I think... the box is sorta like space 'cause it's mysterious, right? You weren't telling us what was in there, that it was none of our business, and that meant it was unobtainable, which maaaaade it desirable. Or the knowledge of what was inside became desirable. Ages and ages ago, space was this unobtainable and unreachable and unknowable THING, and because we couldn't know about it... humankind just wasn't having that, and decided they DID want to know about it. Unstoppable, really." He lowered his hand and twirled his quill for a moment. "Also, your box thing was like... reverse psychotherapy." ... Wait, no. "... I mean... psychology. " Yeah, that. The two kinda sorta related in that way, see? Except Airey was doing the reverse psychologising today and the universe itself had done it in the past. "It's like human nature to want to know things, I think, and make sense of them." Nod nod nod.

Airey's eyes were practically sparkling at Mr. Toby's words, his hands clenched up into giddy fists against his cheeks as he hung on every words. Eventually a high pitched squeak that arguably only cruppies could hear escaped the man's mouth.

Well done. Well done indeed.
Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
Eyes jumping from Airey to the box and from the box to Airey, Beverly raised her hand. "If it's a lot like space, then I think it has to do with the infinite possibilities of what can be in that box." It could range from sweets to gobstones to flowers to toys. Endless possibilities.
There was some more giddy squeaking as he passed by Miss Wayne, his head bowing slightly in acknowledgement as he did.
Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Angel looked at the Professor and raised her hand. "Professor is it because we don't know what is in it, so it's mysterious just like space is mysterious in different ways?" Angel thought she might as well guess.
Miss Valentine received a nod of the head as well. There was no real right or wrong answer to his question, so there was no need for her to be asking - or implying asking - in her response.
Originally Posted by Sararara View Post
How was the box like space? She'd TELL you how that dumb thing was like space. "It's AGONY," she began, gesturing wildly in case he couldn't SEE how agonizing it was. "All we know about it is what we can see from the outside, and that's just one teeny tiny itty bitty perspective and we don't even know what's on the inside which isn't fair because I want to know. Space is a mystery too, and apparently you need to be good at maths to go to space so I'll never ever know what that perspective is and it's no fair." Had she mentioned that it wasn't fair? Because it wasn't.
And with that, the professor burst into a fit of laughter. At least she was being honest, yes? Agony. That was truly brilliant.

"Very amusi---I mean, interesting, Miss Kittredge."
Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post

The next question she was ready for though. "Because we really don't know what's in it until we 'explore' it or in the box' case, open it." Nailed it.
Still chuckling over AGONY, he turned rather dramatically towards Miss Xanthopoulos and got down on one knee with his right hand clutching his chest.

"Agooooooooooooonyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Beyond power of speech...When the one thing you want..Is the only thing out of your reeeeEEEEeeeeach..."

Twas more than a bit delayed a reaction, but completely necessary.

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Or was that the point? People always wanted a little bit more, the next step, to know what came next. Even people like Dot, who didn't dream about the stars. "Maybe it's bigger on the inside, professor. I mean... right now, until you know what's in there, it has the whole universe of possibilities."
Still on one knee, Airey boyishly scratched the back of his head and cleared his throat as he looked towards Miss Wojack. "Ahem. Yes. Endless possibilities. Yes. Those."

Time to stand up now, yes.
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post

He made a show of sulking and rose his hand, "They're both related because neither is proven with complete certainty to exist." NOTHING, besides his own thoughts, were proven to be honest.
Ah. There he was. The professor had been wondering with this particular Slytherin would pop up. With essentially the same answer he had given every other time he had spoken in his lessons. At least this time it, er, was on topic?

Kind of.

He did nod somewhat approving nod towards the young man, however.
Originally Posted by Symphora View Post
Henric thought for a moment before raising his hands,"Possibilities are endless,professor, we are given the right to choose...its our choice whether or not we want to know or walk away empty-handed." And right now...he wanted to know what was in that box. Unless Professor Flamsteed pull a fast one on them with the 'pull a rabbit out of the hat trick', he had a feeling it could be nothing in that box after all.

That seemed like an appropriate place to move on yes? Yes.

"I want each of you to look to the person on your right. Now look at the person on your left. Your answers you all just shared illustrate that each of you is infected, a good infection of course, with this need to know. This innate curiosity that is practically imprinted on our DNA. The unknown, as many of you referenced, is a state of being that humans have a hard time accepting. My box is a lot like outer space because it represents the unknown. Now, for the most part, we have been to every corner of our planet. We are still exploring the bottom of our oceans, but we have essentially explored every surface there is to explore. Space, on the other hand, is another story."

He gave his box another pat, but did not look inside this time.

"Space...the Last Frontier..." He refrained from going into the rest of the monologue. "...despite the dangers that lie in space exploration, as well as the exploration of all areas unknown, humans are all willing to take some risk in order to solve a mystery, or to explore a new world. That’s how humans are. It’s normal. Each and every one of you has a little bit of astronaut inside, that bit that is willing to push the envelope and seek out new discoveries no matter what the cost."

Turning to the board, he gave his wand another flick to have one more word appear on it just above the phrase 'need to know'.

"Now, before I let you know what is in my box, let’s talk about one final justification for space exploration. I have added the word 'potential' here on the board. What does that word mean to you?"

OOC: we're in the home stretch! Thanks for hanging in there everyone and for your participation <3 all your posts just make me sdlkfjsdlfjldsjfls so excited!

Class will resume approximately 17 hours from the time of this post.


When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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