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Old 06-20-2015, 02:18 PM   #34 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
When Botros asked if they had questions or anything, Toby raised his hand. "Are we gonna test them out?" he said, lowering his hand again and automatically biting at one of his fingernails before realising what he was doing and quickly stopping. "I mean. 'Cause we'd need things to heal to test them, right?" Was he getting too ahead of himself? Um. Maybe he'd just... keep working on his notes. Yep. Doing that now.
Botros chuckled once and answered immediately, "No. We're just going to make them today. Testing them is your homework." There, he spoiled the surprise for them. Tsk tsk.
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy View Post
With her interest already peaked the Slytherin pulled out a clean sheet of parchment and her quill getting straight to work on taking down her notes. After a moment though she raised one of her hands into the air, "Professor would these runic charms work on an injured creature as well or do they only work for witches and wizards?" Cause as cool as this was it'd be an awesome help for her future plans if it worked with creatures as well.
"They do work on creatures. Anything that's alive as long as you keep that your intention while creating them," he nodded at the Slytherin, smiling.
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
"Sir, do you think some metals work better than others depending on the type of charm? Whether it's healing, love, or protection, as you mentioned..."

Yes, his article about potions has made him consider this further. Or perhaps he was simply being a Ravenclaw and overthinking things.

It was quite possible.
Metals? Botros paused for a moment. "Wood works better with runes because it comes from a live substance, and it's usually full of sedated energy." He rubbed his chin. "In runic charms, what matters most is how you draw those runes together and how strong your magic is while activating them." Hopefully that answered some of the boy's question.
Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
When asked if there were any questions, she raised her hand. "These charms work for physical injuries, but are there runic charms that work for things like illnesses?" Like...diseases or viruses and such... Maybe it was a silly question, but she didn't care. She was curious.
[indent]"Yes. Runic charms can be customized by runologists and rune masters. Meaning, you can create a runic charm for a specific illness if necessary. However, they're just a way to speed up and strengthen the cure, they do not cure on their own." He might have missed mentioning that earlier.[/indnet]

Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post
Runic charms. They'd done something like this before and if Cutty's memory served him well they were given an example in the artifact that had been found in an ancient Egyptian tomb. It made him think about other items that had been found in the ancient tombs of his mother's homeland. His hand went up to ask a question that would not help his reputation. "When yer say 'protection', do yer mean that Runic Charms might also be used for causin' harm to people who harm you? Like how some ancient tombs shouldn't be disturbed because they got curses on 'em like?"
"Yes. Although people tend to cast runic protective wards instead," he smiled at Mordaunt. "We've covered wards before, it's a very delicate and complicated branch of Ancient Runes." That they were not going to dive into this term luckily.

Now! Since no more questions were asked, Botros decided to start. "Runic charms usually consist of three runes, one of them is a non-invertible one." Yes? That was simple. "Depending on the purpose of the charm, the runes differ. For example, we have Sowilo, Jera and Uruz for healing, or Sowilo, Ansuz, and Raidho for safety in a journey... and so on." He turned to his blackboard then and started drawing. "To create a runic charm, we have to draw the three runes sharing at least one line. This way, we merge them together into one. Like this,

Originally Posted by Blackboard
Runic Charms
Healing charm

"In the first line I drew the three runes that we need for the healing charm. Sowilo, Jera and Uruz. We need all three of them to share at least one line with another rune. The central rune should be Sowilo because it's the non-invertible one, which makes it the strongest one. The one that cannot be broken easily." Alright? He looked at everyone to see if they were following him, then continued, "This is one example of how we can bind those three runes. Now. Let's carve them onto a piece of wood." He pointed at a box set in one of the class' corners. "Each one of you need to grab a piece of wood from that box, they're smooth and rectangularly shaped. Take them back to your desk, please. Quickly." Meanwhile he turned to the blackboard again.

Originally Posted by Blackboard
Runic Charms
Healing charm

Carving spell: Intaglio (name of rune); /IN-ta-LEE-oh/
"Most of you already know this spell, for those who never used it; practice the incantation first before trying it out on the wood. It's an easy spell, you point your wand at the surface and picture the rune you want to carve very clearly in your head before saying Intaglio Sowilo, intaglio sowilo.. until the shape of the rune is carved completely. It should glow a golden hue when you're done, which means the rune has been carved with magic and has magical energy coursing through it in result."

The professor leaned forward on his chair and added, "So, go ahead and start carving. If anyone has any questions, please raise your hand." He was here to answer and help them all.
ooc: - you need at least 2 posts for this part of the class.
- write 'professor' in your post title if your character needs Botros' help.
- class will continue in 24 hours, have fun!
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