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Hogwarts RPG Name: Ruth (Rae) Elliot Gryffindor First Year x12 x12
| Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite SPOILER!!: Dot Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin
So she bopped merrily across the bridge toward class, spinning a little over the spots where the planking was too uneven for her happy shuffling, and when she spotted the class gathering, Dot hurried to join them.
"Good morning, Professor. I like your weather patterns. Very impressive charm-work. Also, I'm still waiting for that talk about being a cat."
Interesting little snake this one was, persistent too. Maddox allowed himself a little smile as he regarded the Fourth Year. Still waiting on the talk? Well..."I'm still waiting for you to show up at my office." Much easier there than the middle of a lesson when he had to be focusing on any number of students in a given space of time.
Just saying. SPOILER!!: Nat Quote:
Originally Posted by GoldenSnake "How horrendous is horrendous?" While they were at it, Natalia might as well contribute some of her thoughts. "I mean, people think that being a parseltongue is horrendous but I think it's awesome!" Wait, unless Professor Cat meant gift as in a physical gift? A wrapped present in Christmas-colored ribbons? "Oh, and if you know the gift is bad, just simply refuse it." How hard was it saying 'no'? She was fairly certain that her response did not offer anything helpful or answer the specific question the professor was looking for. Oh well.
Very straight-forward this one was, he could appreciate that, especially when compared to what he could only take to be a string of lies coming from the others. Simply refusing, it was the easiest way to go about such a thing really...unless you genuinely cared for the person offering the gift...then it wasn't as easy. "Very practical, thank you." SPOILER!!: Kace Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin He heard his question and he thought about it. How did he react when he was given a horrendous gift. Well his mother usually slapped him if he wasn't polite if it was given to a family member. His first instinct would be yeahhh I don't really like it. Like wow this gift isn't what I was expecting. So he decided to voice out his thoughts, "Well Professor I think I would still be polite and accept the gift. If they gave me a gift receipt which they have in the muggle world I would return it and no harm done. If it was here. I would still thank them and keep it." he shrugged. He would keep it and hide it and then eventually throw it away if it was that horrendous.
His second question kind of confused him so he didn't really answer out loud. I guess it was just someone's style and tastes is what made it horrendous or possibly their lack of motivation or hard work. There was a lot of factors. "I guess one reason if it isn't something you are into or care for. That would be one reason to turn down the gift." There plain and simple. Now if he would have his coffee back that would nice.
Okay so...he hadn't been sleep walking but somehow he felt like he'd been dreaming by the time he walked over here from the castle. The man wasn't sure he was willing to question that logic, afterall, Hufflepuffs were not the most logical of the lot. Maddox simply nodded and listened for the response he would offer.
A more polite approach, but just as honest. He would return the gift if he had a chance to. It was another route to be taken if one could be bothered with that sort of thing. "Caring for or being interested in something would make the gift a little easier to accept, yes." SPOILER!!: Sophie Quote:
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny Sophie giggled a little - not because it was funny, but it was more a nervous, embarrassed sort of giggling - when he reprimanded her for the nickname, and with pink-tinted cheeks she replied, "Sorry, sir. Just sorta came out. Overabundance of excitement 'n all. Won't happen again." Probably. But ALL SEEMED TO BE OKAY and he was GRINNING SUPER BIG when he saw the barrel, and her arms crossed even more smugly across her chest as he THOUGHT SHE'D FORGOTTEN. HEH.
"Told you y'could count on me. I've got your back."
Norah and Tobes both received smiles and greetings from the prefect as they gathered around, as did various others - ESPECIALLY the ones who were very clearly judging her for bringing a whole barrel of apples. IT'S AN INSIDE JOKE, she tried to tell them with her eyes, but mostly, she probably just came across as even more delighted and pleased with her work. As a leader, she had to set the standards, okay? Lead by example. Or... something like that.
When class got started, Sophie's eyebrows furrowed - why did he WANT to ask a vague question? The question itself was a weird one, and... she tried hard to think of a present anyone had given her that she didn't love. She felt pretty fortunate to have people in her life who always gave her fun, creative, meaningful gifts. Was there even anything she'd been given that she didn't like? She... wasn't sure, so then the question was what WOULD she do if given a gift she didn't like?
"I'd learn to like it," she offered with a shrug and a raised hand. "If it was someone I loved and they gave me something they genuinely thought I'd like, something from the kindness of their heart, and there was meaning behind the gift, then... it'd be special to me just for that reason." Just that they thought to get her something at all. "Maybe it'd be initially horrendous - like, if it was something that wasn't my style or something I'd ever use or wear - but I'd change my thoughts about it to be more grateful and positive." That didn't necessarily she would wear or use the gift in question, but at least she would appreciate it for what it was and acknowledge that it was gifted to her with good intentions, right?
His grin spread a little wider at her apology. He wouldn't be going rawr any time soon because of the tremendous effort required and the lack of ill tempered build up so there was really no need to sweat it. Just as long as they'd finally come to an understanding on the matter and could move on, which seemed to be the case right now.
Her response to the question was nothing short of what he would expect from one Sophie Brown. He gave a small shake of his head, hardly surprised. "Learning to love the gift is a lovely idea," Mother Teresa, "inspired even." She'd almost been onto something with style but then she'd glossed right over it and missed the answer he'd been looking for. So close. SPOILER!!: Ilia Quote:
Originally Posted by VRSCIKA "A gift is a gift, so I accept it, but.....if it is really horrendous I hide it." Yup, that is what she did. Hide things she didn't want to deal with....She looked down at the ditch.........that would be a great place to stuff that poofy ball of fabric called clothing........."I find a gift is horrible if it is something that the giver gives for themselves, instead of the person they are giving it to. Like if someone knows that you don't like a certain color, but gives you a shirt that color because they like it and want to see it." Like matching pink shirts for them and you.............*shudder*
See, he KNEW at least of one them would go into it without really even meaning to and it got the Charms Professor grinning once more, though somewhat subdued. No need to spoil it just yet while others were still making their responses. "Colour does pose a problem for some when accepting gifts. Luckily, there's a quick fix for that." Which they would get into real soon...relatively soon anyway. SPOILER!!: Zhenya Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua But now, the first question. Zhenya listened as they started to talk about gifts. She tried to think of a time when she had been gifted something she hadn't liked, but she couldn't. Not that she received many gifts, but the ones she did receive she loved. Still, that wasn't an answer he was looking for. So, being charms class, Zhenya tried to think - "how you lot usually react when gifted something you find horrendous" he had asked.
She raised her hand, "I would be polite and thank them, unless it was a mean prank by them, if they gave me a horrendous gift that was offensive, then I'd tell them off." Maybe even give them a little light hexing for being mean.
Another that would opt for the polite route. It didn't surprise him it was Miss Burton to offer this response. The 7th year was one of the more docile among his student population and he could appreciate that...until she mentioned telling them off and now he was suddenly filled with the amusing image of her trying to be particularly stern and overly annoyed at anyone. "Thank you Miss Burton." Consider him amused. SPOILER!!: Eden Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz At his question, Eden wondered what she would even find as a horrendous gift. Hmm. A really ugly sweater? Licorice? Dolls? And how would she react? She cleared her throat and raised her hand. "Sir--I think I'd just be polite and accept the gift...probably shut it away for awhile, or try to use the gift and make it into something I'd like--but yeah." Recycling a gift, but not in the way people think about recycling a gift--Eden LITERALLY meant just....turning the gift into something useful.
For example, an ugly sweater could totally serve as a warm cover up for her snake cages. Yep. "An innovative idea, Miss McGee." Turning the gift into something she could find better use for. It would make a good Transfiguration Lesson, not that he'd be the one to go suggesting anything to Bellaire. No. The man would be staying very much away from the bitter old woman and all her malicious little ways. Being a toad did not suit him one bit. SPOILER!!: Toby Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir "I don't find anything horrendous," he said. He didn't DO that stuff. Never negative, nope, not at all. Never. Not no way not no how.
So he couldn't answer the question properly, see? Which was why he was stumped.
Maddox was beginning to think he'd been thrown into a class of saints. Polite little things that insisted every gift was a good gift. Toby was the latest addition to this and he didn't know whether to be proud because it was morally correct or overly concerned like he actually was. "That's...admirable of you, Mister Fuller-Thompson." And odd. Very very odd. How was he going into the big world with that attitude? SOMEONE HAD TO WARN HIM.
Merlin's beard he'd need to teach a class on the dangers of optimism. SPOILER!!: Adi Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 "I would accept it, Professor. The person might have put a lot of thought into it and didn't think it would seem horrendous. So, I'd take it not to hurt their feelings.'' Pauseeee. "I don't think I would find anything horrendous. I know I would laugh it off and go with the idea that it's just a joke the persons playing on me.'' Because he had such a great sense of humour!
See what he was talking about? The Saint-hood lived on. All this talk about the thought being put in and accepting and the politeness of it all. Only two options here, only two. Was it a coincidence that the Puffers didn't find gifts horrendous? "I do suppose that could work too...yes." Seriously concerned for the welfare of his young students. SPOILER!!: Henric Quote:
Originally Posted by Symphora
Henric tapped on the sides of his face, trying his best to be attentive during the class discussion. Horrendous gifts? He racked his brain for any horrendous gift he had received before. Nope...he didn't remember having any. They were all nice and lovely actually. He would accept them if it was the thought that counts right? "Firstly I will thanked them for their thoughtful gift, I don't want to hurt their feelings, it will be impolite if I do...and who knows their gifts might come useful to you later, you can pass it over to someone who will probably needs it more..."he answered. Charity was good know.
That was exactly what he was talking about and yet again it was another Puffer to continue the trend. Not wanting to hurt feelings. Snort. Honestly how did they expect him to drop his working stereotypes when they were proving them so clearly? It was almost impossible. "A very good point, Mister Nicolei, you never know when something unwanted might become useful. Best to hang on to it." No matter how much you didn't want to. SPOILER!!: Brooklyn Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
Oh. Thinking. She could do that. She did that a lot, even though she rarely volunteered her thoughts. The question that had been posed was interesting, anyway. A horrendous gift… there were lots of different definitions of that, but she was going to go with something that was horrendous to her. “I’d take it, but probably get rid of it once whoever gave it to me wasn’t around anymore,” she said, raising her hand even though she still hadn’t raised her voice much higher than it had been when she’d greeted him. “I’d think it was horrendous if it was something I really didn’t want.” Or it was stupid, or totally not anything she ever would have liked.
Ah, the honesty of a snake, even if it would have been far more honest to toss it before their faces. Still, some etiquette needed to be observed otherwise one might find themselves coming into contact with people far less and less. "Getting something you didn't want at all does tend to make it somewhat horrendous. All the built up anticipating for nothing in the end." Like earlier when he'd expected that apple from Miss Valentine. SPOILER!!: Clara Quote:
Originally Posted by natekka
Personally, Clara didn't receive so many gifts that she thought she had the right to complain and, no, this is not a sob story, she was just grateful when she did get gifts ...... but, of course, she had gotten gifts that she didn't particularly like. She discretely stifled a yawn before speaking. "I'm generally grateful for whatever I receive, but I have been known to transfigure my gifts .... not that I'd go as far as to label them horrendous in the first place." So, all in all, a similar answer to Eden's.
Great minds think alike.
One more that could see the better good in a gift by changing it. "Very good, Miss Wilde. Might as well have something you'll actually want to utilize." Otherwise it was the same as trashing the gift or stuffing it to the far back of your trunk with the hopes it would never resurface.
Funny how things like that never worked. SPOILER!!: Zeke Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera
Hand raised, Zeke told of how HE handled terrible gifts. "I smile and nod, and then once the person's gone I get rid of it. Break it, throw it away, give it to someone else... because one man's junk is another man's treasure, right? No point holding onto something I can't appreciate when someone else might." Of course, breaking things was equally enjoyable, AND it was an excuse to ditch it. WHOOPS, IT BROKE! "Clothes. I hate getting clothes, those aren't gifts, those are necessities, I should be able to choose my own necessities." i.e. no itchy ties or suits or lame loafers or anything of a sort.
Not only would it be tossed but it could be broken first or instead. That...that definitely sounded like a Gryffindor response right there. Wouldn't even call it violence, just a random act of Gryffindoring. He was all too familiar with those. "No little brothers you could re-gift your clothes to?" That was usually a safe solution if they were close enough in either age or stature. Just a thought. SPOILER!!: Angel Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel looked at the Professor as he spoke and then she realised that Adi was totally ignoring her and she had no idea why but she couldn't get involved in that at the minute since it was lesson time so she decided she would ask him later.
Angel raised her hand. "Professor, I think that you should take the present and then thank them for it. " Angel smiled. "They didn't have to give you a gift so it means that they care and thought about you." Angel would never turn down a gift. "You raise a good point, Miss Valentine." If not yet another self-righteous one. "No one is obligated to gift things to you in the first place. Some appreciation would be nice."
There he went, back to worrying about his students again or perhaps the problem was on his end.... SPOILER!!: Hady Quote:
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy Hady kept her small smile in place as the lesson began. Stepping closer onto the bridge near were Professor Quigley was stood. It gave a much better view of things anyhow.
At the question that was posed Hady raised her hand. "I'd gratefully accept the gift and thank them because really it's the thought that counts when gift giving and not so much what the gift. However if it was something I truly didn't want, like or need I'd kindly try to explain that it's not really my style or something like that...they may just understand and not mind if I exchanged the gift for something I'd enjoy." Mhmm. Sometimes honesty was great and well others times it was best to keep your mouth shut.
There Miss Lynch went, adding a new twist to the 'accept it anyway because it's the thought that counts'. Where are most would toss it afterward, she would ensure they understood that it simply wasn't her style and she didn't want to be bothered with keeping it. "I admire the bit of honesty near the end, every good." Might as well let them know otherwise you might find yourself getting more gifts along that same line and that would get problematic. SPOILER!!: Aubrey Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar "Depends," she managed to croak out. More than that... Come on. "I doubt I would find something horrendous." Did they know her at all? She wasn't trying to be noble it was just that she saw things in a different light. "The only thing I might find horrendous would be if someone gave me a tiny slice of chocolate. Like, what am I supposed to do with that? I'd easily remedy that with a duplication spell." Or a stomp on the toes, but that surely wasn't the correct answer. "Or I'd trash it. No need in wasting energy." Yawn. Look what all the talking got her.
Maddox was decidedly amused by the answer offered by Aubrey. A small slice of cake is the gift idea that would get her upset? You had to admit it was funny. "You could also enlarge it. Make it massive." Without making it so big it exploded of course, but after his class on that charm, it went without saying. SPOILER!!: Brian Quote:
Originally Posted by laurange
Horrible gifts, though? "It depends on the gift. If it's clothes, I tend to just shove it to the back of my closet and ignore it... or give it to charity." His ma was expert on the whole charity thing. She was having a field day raiding his closet at home with the alarming rate that he was growing out of his clothes. "Otherwise, I don't find anything particularly horrible. Just impractical."
Mmhmm. Maybe they could learn a warming charm? It would be magnificently appreciated, especially in the December chill. It would also serve as a good birthday-slash-Christmas present. BRR.
Huh. Well that was one way to go about it. Maddox nodded slowly at the Hufflepuff's response. "Do you have charms placed on your closet? Otherwise I imagine it would become overcrowded at some point." In the end, charity seemed the better of the two options. SPOILER!!: Zander Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack "I suppose if it's a mean gift," he'd find it horrendous then. Like when his brothers would leave him little gifts on his pillow in the form of giant spiders and earth worms. Though, did those even count as a gift? "'Cause if it's meant to be a nice gift, then I'd have to pretend I like it... Then probably shove it at the bottom of my trunk never to be seen again or I'd find a way to trade it for chocolate frogs." Pretending was the first route of action though. Like whenever his aunts thought socks were the perfect Christmas presents. Socks were even worse than coal, wasn't that a known fact? "But if it's a mean gift... Then you've got to fight it," like with revenge or something. Not that, that's anything Zander would recommend... But that one Zonko's visit really helped with the whole stupid brothers situation. Just saying.
This having faith in Zander thing was new and would take some getting used to. In fact, Maddox had to actively remind himself that the boy's answer was a decent one, allowing him to keep the scowl off his face. So far, so good. Nothing to have him giving the boy death glares just yet and this was how it would be for however long it lasted.
Like several of his classmates he would trade or stash the gift with the hopes of never seeing it again. Though the option to 'fight it' got a raise of his brow, he nodded nonetheless. "Very good, Mister Adair." Positive reinforcements right there. SPOILER!!: Lux Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy
The lesson began with a vague question, and Lux wondered if maybe they were going to learn something relating to presents? That would be a MUCH better alternative to bungee jumping off the bridge or whatever else the professor might have planned for them. Raising her hand, she answered the question. "I don't think I would ever find a present HORRENDOUS, but I'd still be polite about it and thank the person." It would be plain rude to be ungrateful for a present that a person put time and effort into. "I'd also give it to someone who I know would enjoy it."
The nod continued as he listened to Miss Carrington offer up her suggestion on the matter. Once again it was the polite acceptance route that ended with the gift being re-gifted. No surprise she wouldn't find anything particularly horrendous. "Very good."
[Spoiler=Cutty] "Spoken like a true business man, Mister Mordaunt. Keep that up and you'll go far." He would, of course, be ignoring that comment about a strumpet in favour of telling himself it was an innocent slip of the tongue. Nothing more. Nothing he planned to look too deeply into.
Present challenged?
Well that was a new one. He'd have to remember that the next time his mother-in-law tried gifting him something. He'd let her down gently but it needed to be said. Maddox cracked a smile at the thought. "Thank you, Miss Guidry."
After carefully considering all the responses, he was willing to draw the conclusion that half his class were either avid liars or too saintly for their own good at this age. Clearly the cynicism of the real world hadn't begun to sink in and maybe that was a good thing. Just maybe he should have left it where it was so their parents could continue thinking they'd raised a bunch of wonderful children. That sounded like the best option. "And now we narrow this down just a little more, based on what Miss Valke briefly touched on." Crunch. Mmmm, this was heavenly. Who'd brought this one again? Nice and crunchy it was. "Imagine being gifted something with a colour so hideous even the most saintly of you can't help but take a pause." You know, before they selflessly accepted it for the 'greater good' of the other individual's feelings. "This is one of the easiest problems to be fixed with gifting, and that is done with the colour changing charm, 'Colovaria'; with the simple point for a wand movment." A flick of his wand and this information appeared on the board while he went on. Quote:
Originally Posted by Board Colovaria
Wand Movement: Point at target "It's important to keep the colour you want in mind while casting. Now we'll have plenty of time to try this thing out." He paused, glancing down into the ditch once more and taking another bite out of his apple before facing them all again. "But as always, I'd like us to get some quick practice in. Ties off. All of you. We're gonna do this real simple. Practice the charm on the ties, making it every other house's colour before returning it to normal. Let's go." Crunch. OOC: It's really simple. Let's say your charrie is a Gryffindor, they would need to make the tie every other house's colour so they would turn the tie: blue, green and yellow. Similarly a Hufflepuff would turn their tie: red, blue and green etc etc etc. You will only need 3 posts for this before I move the class again. If something is unclear please feel free to poke me. You have about 24-36 hours depending on how soon you all get it done. ^^
__________________ Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________ 
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said. |