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Old 05-15-2015, 05:28 PM   #13 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Confidence, Kisses, and Starcrossed Questions
Your Weekly Advice Column!

by W. Hughbert_and_Ruby Banner

In times of trouble and distress, the public often looked to their king and queen. The royal pair offered their subjects advice, peace of mind and sometimes entertainment in the day-to-day monotony of life. And so (keeping the age old tradition alive), another royal pair has risen from the ashes to help fulfill the same roles. The Philosopher King and the Scarlet Queen are here to help the students of Hogwarts by dishing out advice in all manner of things. Sure they may not be the advice team that Hogwarts NEEDS, but they are the ones that Hogwarts got.

What's a first kiss like? Is there any particular way you're supposed to do it? Is it all about the angle of your neck? What if you collide noses? What if you don't kiss the other person's lips?

That's not a question I can answer, never-been-kissed. Not because I have never been kissed, which is true, but because it is, as a Buddhist would say, a question wrongly asked. Every human being ever (if we work under the assumption that we all exist and life is exactly how we see it lol) is a unique biological being. Physical experience varies from one human being to another. It is why so many people like different things, have different preferences it in a partner and, sometimes, have no preference at all. LIKE, you can't ask how to kiss because every kiss is unique to you. What may not be MY preference could be YOURS. There is no wrong way to engage in physical contact.

You're welcome.

Philosopher King.

Boys are idiots about this stuff, if you're a boy, never-been-kissed, then that totally includes you. For most people, first kisses aren't always great, but that's okay because if you like the person then you can work on that and by the time you lose count you'll be a pro. You are obvy a Ravenclaw, so I'll give you some important advice: stop overthinking it! For starters, if you don't kiss their lips it doesn't count, cheek kisses are just an introduction. You should probably practice on the back of your hand, or find a Gryffindor, they're usually willing and most of the time don't ask pesky questions. Kissing is supposed to feel good, if you're too stuck in your head then you will miss the good parts. Don't blame me if you suck though, not everyone can be as good at these things as I am!


The Scarlet Queen

What if you liked somebody, but your father had no idea because you know that he would be very displeased about it?

starcrossed lover
Starcrossed lover, I do not understand your question. Firstly, what are you even asking? Like, I think you're asking what you should do about the guy you like...but it's not very clear. You should work on your question asking.

Secondly, you are working on assumption. How can you KNOW that he would without a doubt not be game for this guy you like? I think, at best, what you can do is take circumstantial evidence and draw conclusions but to know, well, that is a serious claim.

Save the philosophising to those equipped to do it.

You're welcome.

Philosopher King.

Secrets are fun, starcrossed lover! I say enjoy it, sneak around and write in a diary and sigh over it at night and make the most of it!


The Scarlet Queen

Do you have any advice for someone who would like to dress more appealing in the aspects of a confident girl, but not to the point of making yourself uncomfortable?

You can't personify clothes. They can't be confident. Only you can. Duh.

You're welcome.

Philosopher King.

First you have to work out what makes you uncomfortable. That's your line. Then think about why it makes you uncomfortable. If its just because you are shy then maybe it is time to be a bit bold and push those lines a little more, if it's because you totally never want to go beyond those lines then stick to them and don't let anyone dictate to you otherwise. You'll be a ton more confident if you are comfortable. To be appealing in your dress, you have to be appealing in your bearing and to do that you have to like yourself. A good first step would totally be adding extra colours into your wardrobe! Feel cute and you'll be cute, I promise!


The Scarlet Queen

Are you (like these unfortunate souls) down and out and looking for a little advice from our resident experts? Submit to us today and have your questions answered in next week's issue! Just remember that nothing is taboo in the name of philosophy and love!
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