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Old 05-13-2015, 06:26 PM   #112 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kirsten Delbin
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mateo Theodore
Fifth Year

x11 x9
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...

Cassie was super eager to hear what everyone had to say. She stayed near the grave she had walked close to while listening to their discussions. Everything was so interesting, her students were always the best at thinking about things. Graveyard or not she had to give them some snaps, lucky it wasn’t a real cemetery so she wasn’t being disrespectful.

SPOILER!!: Yoongi
So Gastromancy was believed to be dark magic at one point of time because people thought that communicating with the dead was …bad. Well, they communicated with the ghosts right? And they weren’t evil. Atleast he thought not.

After scribbling down some useful notes, Yoongi got up from his chair as the Professor told them to and watched as she changed her clothes to a black dress with a tap of her wand. Then the classroom changed and not in the good way. A second later, they were in a cemetery and if there was one thing that Yoongi did not like apart from…dead bodies and gore and sadness and stuff. Was everything combinated in a cemetery.

Looking around as if a grave would pop open and a zombie would crawl out, Yoongi followed the Professor to a tombstone. All the while he stayed close to someone, ready to grab the person’s arm if things got too scary. And no, he did not care if it was a first year. If something happened he was outta here. Possibly even screaming in fear.

‘Focus on the questions Yoongi, you’ll be fine’ he told himself. “Well, first of all I would get the hell out of here, go to a healer and put on protection spells in case the thing that got your husband gets to you” whaaaat? He wanted to get out of here! T___T
The first person to speak up was Yoongi and Cassie gave him a nod, before a little chuckle. “Well there is no reason for any protection spells or running today. We all know this is just a charmed room, but some were afraid to be near a grave when Gastromancy was being done. They felt that evil would come out of the dead and into them. So yes if we were in 1625 you could run away. ” With so many theories and ways of doing it, it was a concept that could be easily confused.

Adi popped another one of the berries Zhenya had offered him and chewed thoughtfully. Look at that. His answer had been sort of a guess but he had happened to be on the right track. Also, the nail and stuff growing even AFTER someone died? Cool! No, wait... it was beyond FASCINATING! And that burp from Kace... LOL! Better out than in, eh?

Cramming another berry in his mouth, Adi jumped up again, holding his hand out to Zhenya to help her up before moving away from the desks. WOAAAH! It was a GRAVEYARD! SUPER cool, yo! But where was the Grim Reaper? LOL! It was the subject of a future tattoo that he was going to have. Now to picture 1625... how exactly did that look? Adi supposed everything would be ancient; old looking.

Hmmm. Interesting questions. The Huffie took a moment to consider them before casting a look at the Slytherin girl beside him. "Maybe to the seeker or the person who wanted to do a reading, the gases sound louder to them alone,'' was the suggestion from him. "Um, um, how about a really loud wail like Kace's burp signalling something really dangerous?'' That was TOTALLLLLY wild guess there. Adi replayed Professor Cassie's little enactment in his head before continuing. "I think the steps would be to find a body fresh enough to head the gasses, clear the mind and then ask the question you want answers to before listening to the sounds and interpreting them.'' Clearing the mind was vital, was it not? Adi glanced towards the Professor and repeated what he had said to Zhenya earlier so that she could hear it this time, his hand up.

“That’s a very interesting thought, what does everyone else think? Do you believe that a person is that connected to another, that them alone could hear the sounds six feet below if the deceased was communicating?” She looked to the group, the answer was very unique and thoughtful. Ah! Kace’s burp, yes, she was glad someone brought it up. “It could very well be thought of as a warning. It would be a direct noise right out the mouth.” She wasn’t fully going to say yes or no just yet there were still many to answer. [b] “You are correct on the most fresh, but for family members that wasn’t always the case. She turned to Emmy who had asked a question.
SPOILER!!: DinosaursOnASpaship
The blonde turned her head when she heard her boyfriend burp REALLY, REALLY loud! The sixth year covered her mouth and giggled. That was funny but she was pretty sure that wasn't what this lesson would be about at all. Actually she had no idea what it was that they would be doing. Emmylou happily listened to Professor Morgan and stood up. Where were they going? Or were they going to be doing some type of exercise.

Oooooh. Oh? A cemetery? Spooky.

So they were going to speak with the dead? Like people that are buried six feet in the ground and like all bones now? But who was there to speak to? Have witches and wizards always done this and would Emmylou be able to speak to her dead dog or just see him? The sixth year raised her hand. "Excuse me? Professor? Would this work on a pet that passes away?" She questioned and then began to continue. "I mean I know that dogs or anything can't talk to us but would it be possible to maybe just see them again?" That would make Emmylou happy, to see her favorite dog in the flesh or would it be in ghost form? She was excited and confused.

She couldn’t help but give Emmy a small understanding smile, she knew how it felt to lose a pet, “Well you are asking two very different questions. Can you do Gastromancy on an animal, yes. All living things have gas, so the gas would have to release just as humans. Can this form of divination bring back a pet to see, no. It can’t bring back an animal nor human. “ That would be a very different form of divination all together.

SPOILER!!: GoldenSnake
This... gastromancy sounded so... sketchy to Natalia. How would a dead person's stomach give any information of the future? Crystal balls, tarot cards, and stars even... they have some basis of belief (because Natalia personality thought that the predictions from these methods were rather accurate). But..listening to dead stomachs! Does that even work?


Oh Merlin, so they were actually trying to mimic the situation, huh? Authentic location, time, and story line! How interesting...if this was a theater class.

"Well, I suppose since we're wizards, we always have some kind of spell to amplify sounds." Natalia tried to think of the actual spell that could magnify sounds. "Would sonorous work?' She already knew that the incantation would work on human voices but was uncertain whether it applied to...stomach noises.

What, did the professor just start...acting? Well, the acting was rather decent. To Natalia though, knowing that this was a performance aimed at personifying the situation, she couldn't help but let out a very quiet chuckle.

Natalia never had any obvious clairvoyant abilities. She would have absolutely no idea how she would interpret all the different gastric sounds. Frankly, if Natalia heard noises from the stomachs of the dead, she would be very, very scared. For this part of the question, Natalia remained silent as she had nothing useful to contribute to the class.

She was so glad to hear someone give this answer, “That is a great though. Sonorus is to amplify sounds. Many know it as a way to make our voices louder, but could it work with sounds in the ground? Could it reach six feet down and bring up those sounds?” Looking to the rest of the class, did anyone have any thoughts on this?

SPOILER!!: JennMarie
What in the world was going on? Izzy stood from her desk and watched as they cleared and the graveyard scene appeared.. what was happening. was it a funeral of someone whose died?!? In class!? She watched the professor curiously as she began to.... cry................... it was her husband!?"what?" she whispered lowly. Professor Cassie was just smiling though and the girl was never more confused in her who life. Especially when she turned to them and smiled again.... "wouldn't a wife be too distraught to sit and listen to anything?" She was clearly thinking way too into this death thing and it was going to be the death of her for sure.

Looking a Gryffindor Cassie gave her a small smile. “Well a wife would be upset, but if there was answers that could be given by her dead husband she might be able to get more closure then just sitting doing nothing as she mourned.” She knew it was weird for the young to grasp when they had their entire lives ahead of them, but she hoped they could make sense of this part of the lesson.

...what was going on? Eden one minute was EATING, then standing, then.......the room was a cemetery. O_____o WHAT? She didn't like this felt eerie and weird and she knew her mother wouldn't like this at ALL. Irene McGee was not about that cemetery life. NOPE TO THE NOPE.

So Eden just glanced at all the tomb stones..and then to Professor Morgan..and widened her eyes. This class was hard. Her brain just wasn't thinking of things correctly. It was probably all the food. Eden just loved food so much ;__;

"Um...well..I wouldn't recommend digging up the body. That's always a bad idea." All horror books/movies had taught her THAT."Um...wouldn't you food...stand near the grave and..see what your stomach did? The noises would be the dead person speaking through you?" Literally, that was what Eden had come up with. She had no idea if this was right or not

Now they were getting somewhere, the answers were falling into place nicely. “Would that really be the dead talking through ones stomach or would that just be ones stomach talking to them? This has been a debate for centuries and is the reason that Gastromancy has two very different reading forms. The first is what we are discussing right now, there are people that still do this. The other is what we will be working on in a moment. “ She checked her time, yes almost. “Now this also bring up a question that many used to say that Gastromancy was rubbish and brought on the ventriloquism thing. If people are using their own stomach noises to be the dead speaking then how is it really known that it is the dead and not just hem making it up?” She again looked at the class for answers.

SPOILER!!: Rowan
Rowan looked around the classroom - THAT WAS NOW A GRAVEYARD HOW COOL WAS THAT - and stared at the scene before her with wide, excited eyes. "This is so cool..." she said quietly, grinning at the stuff that was happening.



What would the first step be to divining from a dead body??

"Oh, oh, Professor we learned a charm to shoot things into the air so you could use a charm that brought the body to the surface but probably less dramatic than the ascendare spell cause you have to be respectful of the dead." she said, nodding at the end of the sentence to prove her point.

Her eyes turned on another student as they spoke, “Very good, we could probably use that, but is that respecting the dead forcing it’s body to the surface? We have to remember back in the 1600’s their thoughts and beliefs were different than ours in the sense that we have learned over the years many different things. So pulling a person from their grave would be evil at hand.” Were they seeing where some of the very conservative style wizards thought of Gastromancy as dark magic yet?
Abby thought and said "Well i would check my surrounds first and i would probably cast protective spells on myself and then i would maybe run if it is too dangerous" Abby wasn't one for sticking around for too long

Looking to Abby Cassie couldn’t help but tilt her head. “Well there isn’t anything to be afraid of in a cemetery, so unless you really feel threatened I don’t think that is all needed. Just as I said to someone earlier we know this isn’t a real cemetery either so no need to do that today either. “

SPOILER!!: Zhara

....Zahra had no control anymore. She was wheezing from laughing so hard. MORSE CODE FARTS and losing your soul out of your butt via fart vessel and TINY PEOPLE IN YOUR BELLY making fart sounds??!??!?!?!?

Zahra was gonna die herself - of laughter.

Professor Cassie and Z hadn't always seen eye to eye (this one time, Professor Divi got her panties in a wad 'cause Z was "too rough with the crystal balls") but this..... this was great. This was REAL education right here.

"I reckon you're late to the party, Professor. See, Professor HADLEY the muggle lady said that when you die? You poop your pants. Straight up - you just poop right on the spot after you croak. So if you were wanting to hear some bowel howl ... well.... you needed to be there when old dude died. OTHERWISE..... I got a shovel!"

But mostly Zahra wanted to go back to Morse Code Farts. That was the best idea she'd heard in years.

Late for a party? She turned to Zhara a bit confused before laughing. “Oh goodness, I think I missed that lesson. Though I’m okay being late to that party. I really don’t wish to see someone poop at the end of their life again.” No she was there when her grandfather had died, it wasn’t something she cared to witness ever or wished them to witness. “No need for a shovel Zhara, we can get our answers without digging and getting our shoes dirty.” She had cute ones on today, really no need to mess them up.

Ahhhh, well. WELL. That was close enough, see? And Toby still got snaps, even though the first part of his answer was wrong. He grinned at Professor Cassie, quite satisfied with the praise he had earned.

Oh, okay. Now they really WERE going to find out what was meant by the 'darker' side, and Toby really did pay extra super attention now. Oh... 'cause... it had to do with dead people. That kind of made sense, yeah.

At the prompting, Toby got up from his seat and moved back with everyone else, in time to see the classroom change more or less into a... a... graveyard. No no. No thank you. Toby wasn't too sure about this. Buuuut... he wouldn't make any judgements. He'd stick with it, yes okay.

Oh, oh, oH. This was like a MYSTERY. Toby had some suggestions.

"How about a STETHOSCOPE?" he piped up. Boy, that was almost as hard to say as it was to spell. "That's used on bodies. Usually alive ones, though. And without six feet of earth in the way." Um. Hm. "Maybe we should go graverobbing."

Her smile grew at Toby’s words. Had they all been looking at her lesson plans? “Yes muggles use this to listen to one’s heart, but it could be used to hear other sounds as well. Though six feet under it might be hard to hear anything through it.” She was certain muggles didn’t have the means for something that strong. “Oh no, no that’s okay, we don’t need to grave rob. I will not have any of you getting arrested for a lesson.” She could easily have gotten a body, but that wasn’t needed today.

SPOILER!!: Henric
Who was that burping so loud? Henric turned to the sound and it was not surprising that it was dear old Kace.He chuckled lightly as if it was expected of him to do just that....-.-...

They were told to stand up and moved to the side, so he did. Henric was amazed how the scenery slowly transformed itself by magic,of course, from a banquet hall to a now grimmer, eerie looking setting! Woah...the classroom has turned into a cemetery?! He felt goosebumps all over his arms and neck. Henric wasn't too fond of the supernatural, a nagging sense of fear occured, what if a dementor suddenly came out from nowhere and sucked the living out of him! And then he realised, he was being ridiculous...Hogwarts would never let those things in, ever! Divination studies was sure scary sometimes!

Just in case, he stood a little closer behind llia, Leah and Noel, practically everyone who was near him. He listened to the answer given and couldn't help but give his two cents of thought too with the class.

"Professor, perhaps a divination expert would sit with the deceased relative near their grave and did some sort of a ritual? It might be possible the relative was told not to eat anything before the ritual began, and there was no doubt their stomach growled in the process, they believed that the sound the belly makes were the voices of the dead," he answered.

Nodding her head as Henric answered she looked back towards Eden, “Now you two have said something very similar, but yet a little different. Eden mentioned eating and you not to eat. Which do you think would give a better reading? The gasses of a full stomach or empty? Again the question is brought up is that a true reading on the dead person if it is your own stomach noises? It was a process that was done, but as Gastromancy grew and was researched, more and more said that the noises of your own stomach was a reading for you, so with reading a dead persons it could be a reading to help the living based on the death of that person.” So disease that might stick around or an unfortunate accident that could be prevented.
SPOILER!!: Norah
Norah was really a hundred thousand percent not in the mood to stop slumping, but happy happy Professor Cassie said so so it wasn't like she could just say no. Putting the super duper happy smile back on her face, she slowly got up from her chair and swallowed all the grapes she'd been eating. This was weird. Her mum had spent fourteen entire years teacher her NOT to make stomach noises, didn't Professor Cassie know?

Grin grin grin the fourth year was GRINNING until it hurt because she still had to pretend to be cheerful, remember? Except then....a cemetery? Whaaaaat? She took this as her cue to stop grinning and instead began to massage her cheeks because fake smiling was really tiring, apparently. She had no idea how the people in the adverts did it all day. She crossed her arms and watched Professor Cassie do all of her fake crying with a puzzled expression, only letting a flicker of a grin show when Zahraanswered. Why'd the mopes have to pick TODAY? The day when they were talking about FARTS.

"I bet there's some sort of spell to be able to hear through stuff." She didn't exactly know what spell but there was probably a spell for everything under the sun. She'd answered though, so THERE. Could she have more grapes now?

“There are spells to hear through things and amplify, such as your classmate mentioned earlier. The question I’m giving is would it work that far away? Do you think anything in the ground could interfere with a true reading?” She gave Norah an encouraging smile, she liked pushing their minds a bit further. This was fun!

SPOILER!!: Cinnamon
smirking because she got snaps for her answer. She listened as so of the others gave their answers they were good but not a good as hers. At least that was what she wanted to think. She turned when she heard a burp she was sure that it would have been Bart by the way that one sounded but she wasn't even surprprised to see that it was Kace who reproduced that burp. She laughed. Hehe Bart would have totally enjoyed this class. The darker side? Yep her boy was really missing out on the lesson.

She hopped up out her seat. What in the name of Merlin was Professor Casssie going to do. She watched the Divination professor. A Cemetery the classroom was now a creepy cemetery. Cool! 1625? That was a reallly really long time ago. Sure Gastromancy was used to find out answers like that. Of course this made since.

The sixth year tilted her head at the questions that was just presented to her. They wasn't going to perform a resurrection were they? Although that would be amusing just to see the reactions of the others. Who all bought shovels? This was going to take awhile.

Was Professor Cassie pulling off her own dramatics. Bahaha this was perfect. Drama llamas were great. Not really, acting like one however was purely hilarious. But Good show Professor good show. "Stomach rummbles, because the diegestive system is still working even after you die." Answering the other question since the others were more concerned with how they were going to hear the sounds. Cinna just rolled her eyes at that Zahra girl. Really?

Giving Cinnamon a nod, “Yes the body does keep digesting and like Zahra pointed out, the closest things to leave such as bowl movements happen right as the person passed, but stomach gasses are still there and will be there days after. “ Which makes for an easy reading usually.

Okay.... this got REALLY weird, REALLY quickly.

Zeke sat there with a straight face. Just what the? WHAT THEEEEE?


Talk about dramatics, granted, the graveyard part was cool, everything else was unnecessary. He listened as his peers responded to Professor Cassie's... ... .... whatever that all was.

That LOUD Zahra was onto something there, he liked what she was thinking and found himself nodding subconsciously. Yep yep. Dead people pooped, there was no dying with dignity, you always left the world the way you came into it. Helpless and poopy.

HOW might one hear tummy/gut/fart noises if a body was six feet under?

"You could have a listening device, like an extendable ear?" he offered, "and like, bubbly noises might indicate foul play? like... poison or something? Or if it's the sound of air passing like a whooooooossshhhh then maybe ... yeah I dunno." That's all he had, okay? That's ALL he had.

Extendable ear, now that was something she didn’t even think of. “Would you want to dig a small hole to place it down? That might actually work, though I’m wondering if other sounds would interfere and what if dirt got too close.” Just questions out loud really as she thought about the idea. “Very good Zeke, possibly bubbly noises could indicate foul play, especially from poison. Some might have even interpreted it as a curse within.” It was the 1600’s and all. “Could the whoosh be something trying to leave or escape?” Just a thought for everyone.
SPOILER!!: Zhenya
Zhenya smiled at her snaps. She loved the snaps. The darker side of Gastromancy didn't frighten her. She wanted to be a healer, and she had seen her grandparent's dead bodies, so she was okay with the whole death speak. Even if it did involve those deceased and their bowels. Giggle. But now they had to stand up, and as Zhenya was about to stand, a hand was in front of her. She smiled up at Adi, and took his hand, and found herself standing… in a cemetery! Also, BRAVO to Professor Cassie's new dress.

After listening to her speak, half way through she started to… cry? Zhenya's eyes widened as she watched Professor Cassie, then relaxed when she broke character. Of corse; duh not sirius silly! How would one hear what was happening six feet under? Well, she wasn't going to suggest digging up the casket. NO. She raised her hand, "I think one could cast an amplifying charm, but I'm not sure if it would actually penetrate six feet under into the coffin, or you'd just get worm sounds," or something. But this was also Divination, so she wasn't going to suggest the widow in the 16-00's visit the Healer or Apothecary for herbs to preventatively treat whatever disease her husband had died of. That wasn't the point!

Smile grew hearing Zhenya, “Yes, sonorus would be the amplifying charm we could use as Nat mentioned. Though you do bring up a great point. Would we only hear worms?” This was an interesting thought for everyone. Where they getting how complicated and diverse this form of divination was.
Echo didn't really know the answer to the rest of questions. "Professor, i think it would be very difficult to hear anything from six feet down? like all the dirt and the box would not allow much noise to escape." she said but paid attention to everyone elses answers and sugguestions.

Turning to Echo she nodded, “Many people would agree with you and they use that same questioning to write many articles against this form, specifically the form as it’s used on the dead.” Did she agree with those people, not particularly. “To a trained person you can tell the difference in sounds, it makes it a bit easier to figure out.”
SPOILER!!: Angel
Angel looked to the Professor and raised her hand. "Professor, I would ask if you had eaten anything since your husband died, and then I would just see what I could hear, like I would say that depending on the sounds you were making yes you will have the same fate or no you won't."

“That’s very interesting Angel and would work if you were doing a reading on the widow, but if you were trying to get the answers about her dead husband, you would need to be doing the reading on the dead husband.” She didn’t want anyone confused to exactly how the reading was, but whoops she might have just given away some of the answers to what she had asked.

Maybe it was all the food or maybe it was the fart discussion, but AJ wasn't quite following. Right before her very eyes a cemetery appeared and the professor was crying. Man, that was some excellent acting right there. The year they were supposed to be imagining was so long ago. Trying to get into character AJ pretty much just viewed that year as people wearing funny clothes and playing in dirt for fun. Granted, AJ thought playing in the dirt was pretty fun to this day.

"First, I think you would need to clear your mind and bowels." They were just discussing farts so it made perfect sense to her. "I'd give you a taco with extra hot sauce and have you relax. Whatever happens, happens." You needed to know that you were in a safe place... unless of course the spouse died of taco poisoning then whoops. "Relax your butt and let your farts free." But wait, there was more. "If your fart pattern matches your hubby's fart pattern then it was nice knowing ya." Yeah, she needed to work on her bedside manner.

Cassie’s eyes went wide with the bowels talk. Goodness, okay, she had seen this type of thing coming. Her shoulders shook a bit with a giggle at the taco comment too. Where to begin, first she looked around. Did anyone else want to take this one? No? Okay, “Well I’m not sure clearing your bowels will help with a reading and bodily noises are so much more than just farting. Farting and even burping are the main things we do think about as those are the sounds we hear, but think about your own bodies all day long you have gas moving around it. The frequency is different for everyone and can be more or less depending on what you have eaten, but every living person has gas inside them moving around even if we can’t hear it.” With the fart pattern to determine she decided to leave that comment for someone else or because she might have accidentally answered the reading stuff before.

SPOILER!!: RandomRaven

He felt a little bit creep when Professor Cassie waved her wand and the cemetery was in front of them. But well.... never mind. It's just a cemetery, Jackson. "I'd like to say that you're good in acting, Professor." He complimented the Professor. "Were you an actress or maybe... studied about acting before?" Hehehe. Back to the discussion topic, Hwang Seunghyun!

Oh.... How to listen to the gut sounds? Clearly, he had no idea. "I dunno but... At least you didn't need to dig the grave, right? Because I heard that the dead people didn't want to be disturbed... just like we, the alive people didn't want to be bothered when we have a sleep." Okay, that sounded stupid. But, whatever.

Cassie couldn’t help but blush a bit, “Why thank you Jackson. I was not, but our very own Professor Glendower has taught me everything I know. If you like performances and things History of Magic will be the place for you this term.” Her best friend was awesome and she did enjoy boasting about her. Yes, but back to the lesson at hand. “Exactly, people do not wish to disturb the graves, well most people. It is a big form of disrespect.” That was a form of divination she would not teach or discuss, using the dead to do your bidding, no thank you.

The class discussion was going well, many good points. Checking her watch the exact moment wasn’t there yet so she could continue, perfect. “So everyone brought up so great points and I want us to continue this discussion, but I wanted to touch on one thing as well. I’ve mentioned a few times that Gastromancy has different forms, what started as trying to find omens or information from the dead turned into readings on one’s self. These are two different processes but called the same thing. If we were really at a grave and would like to use it, we would be needing to amplify the ground. The trained ear will know the difference between the gas noises and worms moving around. What I’d like you to do as we continue to talk is move to a grave and practice the sonorous charm, because we will be using this in just a moment for something else.” That should couldn’t wait to do, but first practice. “Now when you do this, all you need to do is stand over the grave and direct your wand to the ground while saying the incantation.” She did this to show an example. “Go ahead and get started and please feel free to continue with the discussions as well.” She was hoping they wouldn’t stop just because they were practicing.

I'll post again moving on in or around 24 hours of this post, so feel free to practice and continue discussing. I set up my post this way so you could read everything that I commented on. Cassie wanted more of a discussion and interaction with students talking to each other as well as her, so I've put all the information throughout everyone's stuff to make it more interactive

Last edited by Bazinga; 05-13-2015 at 10:42 PM.
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