SPOILER!!: Question
Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
Alright, time to give this another try since the first try wasn't very successful. In fact Caleb was pretty sure he somehow made the lime MORE sour, if that was possible.
Clearing his throat and practicing the movement a few more times, he finally decided he was ready to try again. Focusing on his lime, he moved his wand around, circling it before saying very clearly "Magimus!" as he moved it. The sparks started to fly again, and there were more than last time which seemed promising.
Now the moment of truth. He picked it up and poked at the area he'd started to peel last time. He gently tasted it with the tip of his tongue...and MMMMM, it was super sweet! Like it had literally been dumped in a bucket of sugar. Now THAT was what he was talking about...this was cool! Could he do this to all his food? Mind racing, he raised his hand.
"Professor, how does this exactly make the fruit sweeter? Could I do this to cake or something instead of using real sugar to make it healthier?" he asked. IMPORTANT questions, these were!
Another question, how lovely. No really, since it showed interest. "
Health wise this spell is no different than using typical artificial sweeteners so that is up to the individual if they decide to use this over regular sugar. The spell essentially fills the item with sweet tasting particles, with the sparks that emit from the food is actually the original taste floating away." Magic was wonderful like that. "
It can even work on vegetables and other food items, but of course at the price of removing some those important nutrients."
After a while, it seemed to be nearly time to move on as Professor Thompson looked around seeing just about everyone being successful or at least getting the concept to it. "
Alright everyone, you can stop what you are doing." Now then, "
With these remaining fruits we will be taking them out to where the Winged Horses are. You may buddy up with someone if you wish, but it is not necessary in order to be successful." And with that, he took up the large basket before saying, "
Let's go." It was a fairly short walk compared to the trek from the castle.
All they had to do was keep following the Professor who was walking straight into the barnyard to the other end where the double set of doors were already open showcasing the wide open grass area. Eventually stopping to where there was plenty of distance between the herd of Winged Horses. Turning back to as he waited on the others, he continued "
Now the plan is to take the remaining fruits and use the "Magimus" spell on them. After it is successful on at least three fruits you can set them down on the grass close to the horses. This will get some of the Winged Horses attention to where the Porlocks will have no choice to follow."
However, "
Since we will want to speed up the process on seeing the Porlocks we will also be using another spell on them." Now what spell was it? "
Animalis Fidelis." The older students who were present during his first year of teaching were more likely to remember it. "
It is essentially the friendship spell for creatures to be more obedient to the caster. Unlike the dark Impervius curse, this will eliminate their fear of humans and allow them to be more trusting enough to happily approach us. As long as we don't have cruel intentions with them, they will happily come over so we can pet and talk with them." Sounded fair, yes? "
Like so.."
Professor Thompson then took a random fruit from the basket. It was a yellow apple. "
Magimus." Doing the moving his wand in the circle motion around the circumference of the apple, the sparks started to form. He didn't need to taste it to know what it would be. Carefully he rolled the apple on the ground as if it were a bowling ball with enough force to be sent out a distance without hitting any of the horses. "
Now the waiting.. it shouldn't take long. It's much quicker when more are rolled out." Just so they knew ahead of time.
It took half a minute roughly, before one of the Winged Horses.. a Granian, curiously left its friends to walk by the apple before stopping halfway. The sparkles from the apple were very entrancing. Below the legs of the horse, one could see what resembled a moving thick layer of brunette shaggy locks. It was definitely a Porlock. The Professor's voice went softer, but still audible, "
Carefully aim at them with a sharp flick towards them- Animalis Fidelis!" The spell shot right at the Porlock, who had just picked up the apple to eat. Rather than drop the apple from its barely visible stubby fingers, it proceeded to slink across the grass up to the class.
The Porlock was quite small compared to the Professor even when he crouched to one bended knee to pet him. It made a distinct cooing noise in enjoyment before it fit the apple through its hair to eat. "
See, it is just fine." Nothing dangerous from the looks of things. "
Now you all can try. Take as many fruits as you feel necessary since the basket is charmed to fill itself up. Send a few rolling after it has been sweetened then use the Animal friendship charm on them."
OOC: As explained you will be performing the following tasks in at least four labeled posts. Whether you choose to be partnered or not is up to you since it can be done either way.
- Take at least three fruit. Charm them with Magimus to sweeten them.
- Roll the fruits, individually or all at once keeping a certain distance and making sure not to hit the Winged Horses.
- Keep still without moving, once you see a horse approach the fruit(s) get ready to use the Animal Friendship charm on the expected Porlock.
- Use Animalis Fidelis on the Porlock. If you miss, just send another fruit and try again as they'll come back for more.
- Interact (pet, talk, etc) with them when they approach you.
You will have until February 4th 11:59 pm EST to complete this. Feel free to poke, VM, PM me if you have any questions. =)