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| Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar She would still give it a go. Her hand was in the air. "It says here that Isa reinforces other runes, so could it be because it makes Raidho stronger? Because Raidho helps you make the right moves." Was she even close? As far as why he drew them in a circle, she had no idea. "Maybe because they go together and a circle symbolizes that," she added with her hand still raised. "Hmm, in previous lesson we discussed Isa in-depth, and it doesn't reinforce the runes in that way. It's actually quite useful when we want to freeze or stop something." Get it? Botros smiled widely at her, assuming she got the hint. Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni "Uh.....I think putting them in a circle...like that, let's them focus their energies better?" Was that making sense? Gabe frowned a little, concentrating on his words. "....With the bound rune in the center, it helps the surrounding runes to lend their runic magic more efficiently..."
He paused to do more writing.... "One means 'travel'...and the other means 'ice'.....So, perhaps it helps to slow down the tracked person's travel?....making them easier to catch up with." "Yes to the bound runes in the center, they're placed right there because they need the other runes to surround them with their magic." Botros smiled at the boy, noticing how hardworking he was with his notebook. "Yes! Exactly, Raidho is about a journey and Isa is something that would cease that journey. Bind them together like that and you get yourself a powerful stopping charm." He gave Banner a wide smile, too. Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Jasmine continued to take thorough notes because she needed all the helpful information she could get about runes. Sitting out the last question, she vowed to respond to the next one. When Professor Botros did ask not one, but two questions, Jasmine raised her hand. "Raidho has to do with a journey and Isa has to do with stopping a process. The two of them combined would relate to ending the journey of the person being being tracked so that they could be found or caught."
As for the runes being in a circle, Jasmine took a guess. "A circle is never ending. Maybe if you are tracking someone using the circle, they can't escape. It makes them easier to be caught because they're like a hamster on the wheel...with nowhere to go." Did that make any sense? It did in Jasmine's mind so she hoped it didn't sound crazy. "Ohh yes, very good, great answer!" He clapped lightly for the second part of her answer. "A circle is one of the simplest and strongest shapes to use in Runes magic. Like your friend here just mentioned, it is a never-ending figure... but not precisely in the sense that she meant." Her answer was still a great one. Botros waited for someone else to elaborate on this matter, though. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel was totally lost about what she had to do but she listened to the Professor and decided that she was going to try and figure something out and at least attempt to answer these question. "Is it so that we know that the journey is over and that everything is complete?" Angel wasn't sure but she decided to attempt it. "So that is why we go round in a circle with this rune because it's the end." Hmm. "No, dear. Raidho and Isa are bound together to stop the journey and movement of the wanted person. The circle shape, however, is fooor..." He turned to wait for an exceptional answer.. Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Why a circle though? Uhhhh... Toby didn't know but he could give it a guess, and raised his hand. "Is it maybe a circle because... I guess a circle is a pretty strong shape. There's no weak points, I mean... no edges or corners." Eh? Maybe? It was a long shot. But, that rune in the very middle then. What was it about? "And then in the middle... well, Isa can be used to stop something, to freeze it." Like ice. "And then Raidho means... journey and change..." Tobias paused for a moment to think before going on. "So it's like... freezing a journey? The journey of the person you're trying to catch. And then it makes sense if that bound rune represents the person that's being hunted, 'cause all the other runes are sort of surrounding it as though it's been captured."
Yeah? No? Maybe. ... aaand he wasn't disappointed! He had the smartest in his class today (more than one 'smartest' to be fair). "That's absolutely a great answer as to why we chose a circular shape to our Runes charm. A circular shape is strong, it doesn't suggest any weak points where we can break the runic charm easily. Good job." He smiled impressively. The bound Isa and Raidho been explained earlier, and it was sort of how Tempus explained, only less complicated, bless him. Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin He found Isa and Raidho and wondered why they are bound and how they can relate to the tracking charm. He read the description first and thought about it. He raised his hand and offered, "Professor I think Raidho can relate to the tracking charm because it means seeing the right move for you to make and deciding upon it. It also means travel which you need to use for a tracking charm. As for Isa I think it relates to the tracking charm because it represents a challenge.." That is all he could find for Isa. Now to see what professor thought about his thinking. "Very good insight on the Raidho rune." Botros personally liked the theory of using Raidho as the boy suggested, though this wasn't the actual case. "However, you must treat bound runes as one. Do not interpret them separately, we bound them for a reason. You bind two runes, you merge their interpretation." He smiled at the Hufflepuff, having given him a very important tip off-topic. Everyone should learn from it. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 "The circle represents all the powers of the runes being trapped within...since a circle has no edges, it would mean that the bad guys have a less chance of escaping." O__O Adi was very unsure there. Moving on! "Isa means Ice and Raidho means journey, so putting them together that would mean ceasing a journey.'' "Very good, very good." He was on the right track. Botros explained things more accurately, so he should probably write some self-helping notes for after this class. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua She turned to her text book and flipped through it. Nothing. She was so stupid. She didn't even know where to start looking. Feeling a loss, trying not to cry from frustration, she put her hand up anyway. "Professor, do the runes arranged in a circle represent an unbroken circle? Or perhaps, does it represent time?" That could be it, couldn't it? No, probably not. And why were Raidho and Isa bound together? "Perhaps Raidho and Isa are bound together to strengthen their effects." Yes, just like marriage. The rings represent a bond, didn't they? And a man and a woman became one, bound and strong.
Oh no, she would have to hire a tutor. "Raidho and Isa are bound together to represent something more complicated than what they originally represent when separate, like we said before." He looked very impressed with her 'time' theory, though. "A circle could very much work brilliantly with that time theory you mentioned." Scratching his bald head, the professor went to write some notes down on his own big old book laid on his desk. He gotta look into that more later! Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz Taking a few notes down, she raised her hand. "A circle may help transmit rune energy more efficiently since it doesn't have a certain weak spot, making it stronger?" That was her theory, anyway. As for Raidho and Isa, she added, "Bounded together like that, Raidho and Isa may offer steadiness in tracking. Like...helping the other runes stay on track." "Yes, that is correct Ms. Wayne. Very good." Another smart student when she paid attention. Botros gave her a warm smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline "A circle is continuous and resembles the ward it supposed to be creating," at least in a way. An imaginary line surrounding the person or persons or things and places it was supposed to be warding and protecting. "It is because it's continuous and its continuity gives it power, makes it almost invincible." Another correct answer. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy As the discussion continued she jotted down notes...actually understanding what was being said. This was amazing and made her happy. The extra textbook reading she had done earlier seemed to have really paid off. Raising her hand, she attempted to answer the questions. "I think it's a circle because a circle is a really strong shape. It represents eternity and has no weak spots since it's the same all the way around. A circle can't break, which I think relates to continuous strength and power." And as far as Raidho and Isa being bound together, she had a guess for that as well. "Maybe they are joined together to make them stronger. Raidho deals with travel and Isa deals with freezing something which is basically stopping it. So maybe the Runes strengthen the ability to chase the bad guys and stop them." "That is correct! Very good, dear, very good." He smiled, very pleased that most of his students, albeit looking confused, were actually doing splendidly well. A proud papa, he was. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Lex raised her hand at the next two questions, even if she could only be bothered to answer one of them--she felt good about herself, not industrious, okay? There was only so much she could do. "Is it because the circle is the two dimensional figure with the largest area in a given perimeter or circumference? Like....it'd be able to cover the largest searching area of all the shapes you could possibly use? So where the square doesn't have a sloped arch on each side, it misses that extra area to be covered, same with the triangle that bends sharply and wouldn't cover nearly as much?" Did he get it? She could explain it different but that's how she saw it thanks to Professor Airey and his astronomy lessons.
Bless him. Ab felt himself give out a chuckle and a light clap to Cambridge when she went full-on geeky in her answer. It was not like her to go into such details about something that wasn't about chocolates or her personal interest. Unless this was. "That is the detailed, technical talk of what I explained a minute ago, yes. Thank you for your immensely useful input." He meant it. It was mighty clever.
Botros went to the blackboard and drew another shape. Quote:
Originally Posted by Blackboard (Capture Charm) "So, we have Uruz in there like before because we always want to keep our charm strong. Then we have the dominant runes, Nauthiz. It is a rune about resistance, the power of will, the Wizard's will to capture. It greatly reflects endurance and facing one's fear. Because when you want to catch someone who don't want to be caught, they mostly like hide something big and worthy of your fear. You need to be prepared, you need to contain the captured and prevent them from inflicting any kind of vulnerability on you." Pause. "We have Algiz, the rune of protection. It secures the small radius around the runic charm preventing the captured from disapparating."
"Then we have Othala in the center. Why do you think we have Othala in this Capturing charm? What good is it?" Hmm? |