Join Date: Jun 2010 Location: On Earth!
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| Queen of Typos | The OTHER OTHER Roro | WICKED is Good Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir "G'morning, Professor," Toby greeted the man with a teeny little smile, though without the exuberance he had displayed when visiting the man earlier in the term. Still, for anyone who didn't know him, he probably just seemed like not that much of a morning person.
Andrew was about to yawn. Where were the kids? Hm? Did they not see the announcement?
Not two minutes after his mind started supplying him with scenarios, someone's silhouette appeared. And it was Mister Tempus the prodigy no one else. "Good morning, Mister Tempus," Andrew replied, pleased that the boy was the first to show up. Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Instead of saying anything to the mean man, Zander just walked right on by. Or well... Dragged his feet right on by. He looked at the mean man though. But no smile, no 'hello', no 'good morning'. Just a look. And with that he went to find his table. He was only here because he loved herbology and Beautiful Bentley. She would've wanted him here. Even if it meant having to tolerate this horrible man. Finding a table as FAAAAAR back from the biggest one, he set down his things before noticing the name tags. Hmph. Well the guy already knew his name. Still, he scribbled down 'Zander', fighting an urge to add 'gryffindor' at the end because he wasn't a disgrace to his house. He wasn't. The next person to arrive, though.
Andy watched the heart-broken Gryffindor enter and stand behind a table silently. He appreciated the silently part, mind you. He heard from the boy more than necessary in their previous encounter. However, he did hope that the Gryffindor would be focusing on the lesson and NOT his unimportant feelings. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow "Hello, Professor." The second year had entered the greenhouse and noted the change in set-up, deciding it wasn't SO bad. She could deal with sitting at a table with others, she GUESSED. Being early had its privileges TOO. Meant she had PLENTY of spots to choose from. A tiny person entered then. Walton was about to ask what did the kid think she was doing?! But then remembered that there were tiny people at the school. He hoped they obeyed well. Didn't want to babysit. "Hello, to you, too," He nodded at the Ravenclaw. Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
Entering the greenhouse, Grayson took note of the way it had been arranged differently with a semi-neutral expression on his face. Was he surprised? Frankly, no. Dude probably had his own style in teaching. Speaking of him, the fifth year's eyes scanned the room before resting on the man himself. "Good morning, Professor," he called, giving the man a nod and a small smile. See? Manners. He could lead the man into false hope that he actually had some of those. First Slytherin to enter. Andrew nodded at the boy who looked confident. A part of him wanted to see if that would still be the case once they got working. Hmm. "Good morning," He replied, uncrossing his arms and stuffing them in his pockets. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lottiepot
Stepping into the greenhouse which was quite frankly a poor environment for learning on a hot day she hated to think of the temperatures it would get to, the Blonde sauntered over to a desk to one side of the classroom near another guy around her age (Grayson). She spotted the professor with his folded arms and tilted her head to observe. He was kinda.. hot. For an older guy at least. She offered him a half smile before turning back to look at the other students. Another Ravenclaw. Who started observing the second she entered. Why was she looking at him like that? SQUINT. Andrew kept his eyes on her until she chose a table with the confident Slytherin. Good they were all putting on name tags. Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Jasmine never thought she'd be looking forward to Herbology. She was a little apprehensive because.........new Professor. It wouldn't be the same without Bentley, but she was hoping that she would continue her newfound enjoyment of the class. Walking into the greenhouse she saw tables and went over to stand behind one of them. Good morning Professor", she said with her most cheerful voice. Yet another Ravenclaw. The prefect, too. "Good morning," He greeted her back. Quote:
Originally Posted by Schroyers "Morning, Professor." He grinned as boyishly as he ever had and found a spot behind a table, not seeing any of his friends he just went for one at random. Gryffindor alert. Andrew's focus was completely on the boy who just entered. He watched him carefully making sure he did NOTHING ... damaging that he almost didn't hear him say good morning, "Good morning, to you, too." He said with his eyes fixed on the glove. Why was he wearing them already? Sigh. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy
Spotting him standing by his desk, she gave a smile and said, "Morning, Professor." Usually she would give her name to a new teacher, but that seemed pointless when he was asking for name tags anyway. Quickly she wrote on one of said tags: A yawning person. Andrew was expecting those. "Good morning," He told the Hufflepuff with a nod. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel looked around and took a seat. Hopefully Benny and AJ would sit with her. She wasn't sure about Adi at the minute he was taking her sis away from her but then again he was fun so yeah she wanted him sitting somewhere close.
"Morning Professor." Angel smiled as she looked at the new Professor... well first looks were good and she thought he would probably know what he was doing. More Gryffindors. "Good morning," He replied with a nod and watched the girl until she was behind a table. Good. Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
He had decided to keep an open mind though so when he walked into the greenhouse assigned for the lesson he was relaxed. "Good morning Professor," he greeted the man with a polite nod. Spotting Angel already there, he moved over to the table she had claimed. "Hey," he said simply with a soft smile as he set his bag down on the table top. Spotting the tags and the instructions, he filled one out and set it on his robes. Was it just him or was this class FULL of Gryffindors? HM. This one didn't look naughty, though. So good. "Good morning to you, Mister," Mister was fine since he hadn't written his name tag, yet. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar She spotted the professor right away. "Good Morning, professor." Benny caught her eye, and that meant that her sister couldn't be far from him. Sure enough she was on the other side of the older lion. Merlin, the Gryffindors grew in numbers. Andrew nodded at the girl, "Morning," And she was joining other two lions. Oops. That was alarming. Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz UGH. Eden felt a blush hit her cheeks and she quickly wanted to duck under the table, but she didn't. She just waved and smiled--ahem, nervously--his way. "Good day, Professor--" she didn't know his name quite yet. She hardly remembered any of their names yet, except for Professor Morgan. WELL, nice of the Ravenclaw to finally acknowledge the huge man standing here. Her friends looked far more important to her than him. "Good day to you, too." He replied mechanically. Was it going to be a good one, though? He hoped so. Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz Ruby was actually looking forward to this class and not just because the professor was hot. If it was more working with her hands than writing and reading then she was all for it basically. She sauntered into the room, gave a flirtatious little finger wave at the professor, and then found a spot where cute boy saturation was highest. Was this the girl that kept smiling at him in the corridor? What a nice person. She got a nod and kept being watched until she settled behind a table. Good. Things were going smoothly so far. Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner
Why do they have to have a class about plants. Just plain old wizard plants. Dante would be up for one on man eating plants. Now that would be interesting. Oh and look group work. What if Dante did not want to be part of a group of people he did not know. What about that. "Hey, Prof" He did have a pretty awesome beard. Manly beard. A tiny person. The herbologist watched him making sure he didn't do anything childish. He almost cringed at the 'Prof' but let it slide. Gotta be open-minded. Or try to. He only nodded at the boy because then he'd have to correct him and tell him to go out and enter again. Quote:
Originally Posted by Sararara Norah looked interestedly around her as she entered the greenhouse, looking for the new professor. She wasn't sure if he would appreciate excited skipping, so she contained her excitement as best she could as she WALKED in. She gave him a nod and a Hello, professor" as she passed. No smiles for the new guy who was NOT professor Bentley and therefore unworthy. Uh-huh. He didn't look nearly as nice, anyway. "Hello," He responded to the girl who was looking interested in her surroundings. He didn't know whether that was a good or bad sign. Hm. Eyes on everyone. Quote:
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
"Good morning, Professor." She greeted softly as she made her way to an empty table and stood behind it. Spotting the name tags she pulled out her quill and neat jotted down her name on it. Lots of tiny people. Andrew was glad he chose suitable tables so he'd still be able to keep an on those without them being able to slip underneath it. "Good morning," He replied to the Slytherin. Quote:
Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104 She entered the classroom, head held high and prefect badge on only a bit crooked. "Hello, Professor," she said with a smile and a head nod, then she turned to the classroom. Spotting both Ruby and Norah at different places far apart, she had a quick inner debate for whom she should sit with. She chose Ruby, because Norah was sitting with the Ravenclaw prefect that Marigold was a bit afraid of. Dropping her books down, she gave Ruby a quick "Hey." She took out a SPARKLY BLUE inkpot, then wrote her name and stuck it to her robes. "Hello, Miss," He said to the Hufflepuff prefect. He hoped the prefects were able to control other classmates. He'd love it if they took care of that. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Students were still arriving. "Good morning, Professor Bent-'' The Hufflepuff stopped short. No Bentley for this lesson. Or any other Herbology lesson. Instead there was this dude here who had to be the new Professor. What was his name again? Er... "Hi, good morning, Professor. And welcome to Hogwarts.'' You know, as a Professor and all. He gave the man a small smile before heading for a table. The other Hufflepuff prefect followed next. He looked like he just woke up though. His first words proved that. "Hello," He nodded at the boy. Oh, and one with manners, good. "Thank you, mister." Mister sleepy face. Quote:
Originally Posted by SweetPeea Unsure of what had happend to Professor Bentley, she couldn't help but feel a tad confused at this new Professor, but nevertheless, she walked up to where he had been standing before giving a quick curtsy & a polite, "U-Um..G-Good morning Professor." She smiled before quickly turning to pick a table to stand behind near the middle front of the classroom. As she was preparing to write her name down on her name tag, she caught sight of her friend Zander & gave him a wave which was joined by a smile. "Good morning to you, too," It probably would have been fun to count how many times he'd said that. He nodded at the stuttering girl before she went behind a table. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo YAAAAWWWNNNN "Why must we be herded about like livestock?" The Mistress of All Evil asked as she followed what she could only call her disloyal hoard subjects who seemed to be everywhere she was. Some might think it a coincidence they all kept ending up in the same places but she knew better. They were being herded and following her as best they could.
With a graceful walk, Maleficent practically glided into the greenhouse, an air of elegance about her as always. She came to a stop by an empty table, one she would claim for herself and forcefully remove those who tried to sit with her. Sharing wasn't something she was accustomed to and even being in this body wouldn't force this characteristic onto her. Not at all. "We won't be here all day will we?" She asked, her attention now turned to the man by the front. "I find I have better ways to go about my day and I've never been fond of plants." Oh, dear Merlin.
He didn't even. Sigh.
Walton recognized the head girl the second she entered. Trouble ALERT. She surely wasn't glad about the fact that she got denied access to the dangerous greenhouses. And was THAT her way of getting back at him? HMM? Did she think that that would grant her access? She was so wrong. If anything it proved that she didn't qualify.
The man pursed his lips and tried to get a grip. "Miss Cambridge, remain quiet until the lesson starts," He just came up with this rule. He was the Professor, he could do that. HA! And he was going to ignore her comments. Did she show up to all lessons like that? Quote:
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Oh, also-"Hello Sir!" Respectful. Another tiny person. Andrew watched as the boy watched the tables and seemed to be deciding where to sit. He almost called out 'get on with it!' but luckily the boy did so. "Hello," Nod. Nod. Quote:
Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur His favorite subject. Herbology. Chance's face was practically like the lights on his moms muggle house at Christmas. He slipped into the classroom, and looked around for a seat. He spied one, figured, since he was early. He sat down and arranged his supplies on the desk. He opened his Herbology book. He felt like a kid in a candy store. That one looked cheerful. That was good he supposed. He also looked occupied which was even better. For now at least. Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin A 9am class? Well it beats getting up at 7am that is for sure. Kace still felt sleepy but on his walk to the grounds, the chilly air helped him wake up a bit. As he made his way to the greenhouses, he noticed other students were there already. I guess he wasn't the only one coming here early. He noticed fellow puffs made it and he gave them smiles and waves. Then he noticed the new teacher and he gave him a polite nod. "Good morning Professor. How are you enjoying Hogwarts?" Kace just wanted to know how the newbie was settling in. "Good morning," He replied to the boy who was obviously a conversationalist. Hm. That was going to be a problem! Well, not really. Since the boy was only being nice and stuff. Eh. Wouldn't hurt to answer this one harmless question. "All is good, thank you." He told him. Quote:
Originally Posted by Edward Penguin He walked up to the table with the Head Girl and grabbed a parchment without even acknowledging her presence. He assumed, based upon her recent behavior, that she wouldn't be much for small talk, so this should work out fine for him. He scribbled out his name [/size]and stuck it to his robe as he set his satchel on the ground beside the table leg. Not like a Professor was standing here or anything. Andrew watched the boy for a bit before his eyes scanned the entire group making sure everyone was behaving Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin It was hard to choose a spot, because there was Maddie and That Boy and then there was Kyroh and she really should find a spot and save it for Dima, but... there was her only Slytherin friend so far. Hady. Dot bounced over to that table, since today she was bouncy (it hardly ever happened). Another tiny Slytherin. Well, actually not really tiny. Andrew didn't know if the hi was intended to him or her friends. Probably the later. Ok, fine. Quote:
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow Following Kace into the herbology lesson he laughed for he was being really quite. intending on sneaking up on him and scaring him… well that was before he saw the professor… dudes arms were already crossed, thats all he needed was to get on this guys bad side, no way man. "hey professor" he said in his greeting as he caught up with his best mate, "Kace….wait up" he said as he was jogging. Catching his breath he followed him to the table that he was going to.. "excited yeah?" A laughing Gryffindor. Great. Oh, and he was the prefect, too. Surprise! Andrew nodded at the boy. "Hello," he said watching the boy like a hawk. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Y
As he walked in and took his usual seat near the back, he saw others filling out nametags and followed suit. A silent Slytherin. Andrew was not alarmed by those. He actually sort of trusted them. Since he used to be one and all. So his attention was on the next person to enter Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty And what was that about herding? "We aren't cattle, you know. And we're not herded anywhere. This is just when this class is and classes are what we're here for, you know that." At least, according to the traditional definition of school, anyway. Merlin, the head girl was getting on her nerves! "You should go to the nurse for that, before someone ends up bopping you on the head." Mmmmhmmm, still talking to you, Big Head Girl. Oh, and "Hello, professor." Ugh. Great. A Gryffindor with another Gryffindor. Andrew sighed and told himself he did NOT have to intervene. The lions could do whatever and say whatever to each other. Well, to a level. "Hello," He nodded. Quote:
Originally Posted by Ginevra Samantha entered the greenhouse and said to the new Herbology professor, "Hello, Professor. I hope you're well." She then walked over to a table and grabbed out her quill and a name tag. Sam wrote her name on the name tag and then attached it to her robes. "Hello," He said to the girl with a nod. Eh, he was fine. Did she really care. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mordred Mustering up all the courage, he walked inside the designated room and gave the professor a polite nod. “Good morning, Professor Walton.” Ethan said with a grin, and shortly, scanned the area. Tables with four pots and four name tags each. It didn’t take long to spot Josie, so Ethan sauntered towards the Ravenclaw and gave her a grin. “Hey.” Ethan saw the nametag on her robe, and this made the boy look at the table and figured out immediately, on what to do. Of course, the Professor was new, so he’d be needing the help of name tags. Right, moving on… The Slytherin prefect, yeah? Andrew was curious to see the Slytherin house leaders for some reason. Since it was his old house probably. Oh, and the boy knew his name. And Walton thought no one had listened to the Headmistress's speech. "Good morning, mister," Whose name he was gonna memorize once it was written. Quote:
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
"Good morning, professor," Sophie greeted the man with a little salute, keen on starting out on a good foot with him - after all, Tobes had said the man seemed to be a nice enough guy, right? She shot her Hufflepuff a smile, and Maddie got one, too, since he was right by him. The temptation to instinctively flock to him was great, but... she would let him do his own thing again for this lesson, too, she decided. Ooh, a salute. Reminded him of his frenemy colleague, Flamsteed. He nodded at her because he didn't normally salute. Or even abnormally at that. "Good morning, miss." He replied. Quote:
Originally Posted by 2111jen Oh Herbology, this was never Jonas' favorite subject. He preferred DADA. He looked ahead of his self. name tag...like people didn't notice him before. He shrugged and took the name tag. He wrote his name. Jonas
"Oh, Morning Professor," Jonas said remembering it like an after thought. His bad. Another Slytherin. "Good morning," He nodded at the boy who seemed to have just noticed him. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera
Entering through the open door, Zeke gazed about the greenhouse and slowly but surely meandered over to a table and claimed a standing spot behind it. No chairs?! Stools?! Nothing?! Boooooooo. The Professor though, he got a smile anyway. "Hi Professor." Yeah, hi! Alert. Gryffindor Alert. A tiny one but looks could be deceiving. So Andrew's eyes followed the boys' movements very closely. "Hello," He replied with his eyes fixed on him. NOT blinking. That until the boy stood behind a table. Good. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
“Good morning professor,” she said, halfway to the table and sending the man a polite smile, before she finally arrived and dropped her bag near her dormmate. She wouldn’t mind, would she? She wasn’t planning on moving anyway, and she knew her house was awesome. A group of them would be even awesomer. A tiny Slytherin came in next. So many tiny people. Hopefully their handwriting wasn't tiny as well because that would be a problem. "Good morning," he nodded at her. Lots of nodding today. His neck was going to ache tomorrow.
Andrew left the side of his table and walked over to stand next to the entrance. He'd wait a little longer for the late comers. Well, not really late. But those who liked to walk slowly here. ooc: class hasn't started yet. I'll be waiting a few more hours. =)
__________________ I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
Last edited by the fastest seeker; 09-25-2014 at 10:51 AM.