Join Date: May 2003 Location: Blue (EST)
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt Slytherin Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer Gryffindor First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore Ravenclaw Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gene Rocker Hufflepuff Third Year Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt Games & Sports Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach International Cooperation x8 x7
| • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • SPOILER!!: Appearances Quote:
Originally Posted by Mordred The perks of having a cousin who loves Magical Creatures? One gets the chance to know more about the unusual beings discussed in class. Hand up. "The Griffin's got a leonine body, professor." Ethan wondered though if the two are cousins. This thought made him think about himself...and Cutty.
Heh. Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 It was time for the next question which involved the difference between a griffin and a hippogriff. Jasmine raised her hand to respond to the question. "A griffin has the front half of an eagle and the back half of a lion. A hippogriff has the head, font legs and wings of an eagle and the body tail and rear legs of a horse." Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Adi's hand shot up in the air to answer the next question. ''Griffins have the body of a lion but Hippogriffs have the body a horse.'' A horse's and lion's body were pretty different, yes? Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar Now for his question. "Isn't a griffin a cross of a lion and eagle? If so, then the eagle appearance will be a major indicator that it isn't a hippogriff." Also, if the griffin always had a mean mug on you could be sure that it was a hippogriff. Hippogriffs were much nicer looking. Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Pssshhhh, this one was EASY. Toby raised his hand, grinning. "Griffins have claws, and Hippogriffs have talons and hooves," he said matter-of-factly. Whether that was a semantics things was totally irrelevant. To Toby, anyway. "I know that 'cause the core of my wand is a Griffin claw, and a Hippogriff's front legs a like bird legs, and they have talons instead of claws."
It was an important distinction, obviously. And one of the few Toby could think of from the top of his head, seeing as facts from the textbook wouldn't stay in his head for very long. Quote:
Originally Posted by 2111jen Jonas was a quiet person, so he was uncomfortable answering all these questions. But he didn't complain and answered it.
"Griffins are lion like as Hippogriffs are eagle like?"
Really now? How can a person confuse a hippogriff and a griffen? But Jonas didn't ask that. Nodding curtly, " Correct. Checking the lower half will point out the immediate difference."
SPOILER!!: Extra info + silence Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Well, just about everything Sophie could think of had already been said by somebody else. She frowned. She had to be a lot quicker with her answers, so she could beat the others to the punch. She tried to come up with something new to say. Oh, yeah--she had something to say! "They eat different things," she said, raising her hands. "Griffins eat mainly raw meat, while Hippogriffs eat insects, birds, and small creatures." It was a lame addition to the lesson, but since everybody else had already said all the good stuff, that was all there was left to say. Smiling a little, " Indeed Miss Newell. Griffins are more carnivorous than Hippogriffs in their diet." Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Main difference? They were a completely different species. Was he the ONLY one who could see that? Probably. But he wasn't one to think much outside of the box in classes unless he actually cared.
And he had severe cabin fever and the seventh year graduation itch.
So yeah, he didn't answer his smart...something comment. This one's face just screamed he knew something despite being quiet. That was okay, at least he was paying attention. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Why were they still TALKING about creatures instead of getting to interact with them? Mo crossed his arms to keep himself still, and he gave the hippogriff looooong, measured looks. They were gonna be best friends, really. It was obvious.
"The griffin is more dangerous than the hippogriff, at least according to the MoM classification system. The griffin is a XXXX, and the hippogriff is XXX." Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
A difference? Sure, he had PLENTY. "In Ancient Greek times -- you know, back in the day -- Griffins were considered to be the King of Mythical Creatures. Don't think the Hippogriffs held such a high ranking." Shrug. "Therefore, Griffins are probably more widely known." " Correct. Their ranking establishes the risk factor with interacting with them." SPOILER!!: Protection Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo "Aren't Griffins used for guarding treasures in much the same way as sphinxes? You know, on account of how vicious they can get? I don't think Hippogriffs guard. Reckon they'd let anyway by if they were respectful enough."
Or could they sense intentions as well? That'd be rather problematic for the crook if you thought about it. Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin Ah so they were learning about the differences about Griffins and Hippogriffs. What did he know about them? He looked a little bit in his book and saw something. He raised his hand and said, "Professor I know the Griffin has been used my their owners for treasure guarding. I know for Hippogriffs you need to treat them with respect." That is the gist he got from it. He knew not to disrespect Hippogriffs. Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner "Owning a invisible hippogriff or something like that." Because that would be a real challenge. But it seemed like they were moving onto more interesting creatures.
Interesting = Dangerous to Nigel.
The Prefect would pay money to witness that scenario of one mistaking a Hippogriff for a Griffin in your own backyard. Could be a horror show or awesome. Depends on how you view things. "Griffins can be used as Guards"
Though Nigel guessed if you train the Hippogriff. It technically could do that. But he wont say that thought out loud. Quote:
Originally Posted by Chiara Lucy thought a lot and she said:" The Griffins are more dangerous than the Hippogrifs..I heart that the Griffins can be used as guard creatures..." " Correct," Nodding. Good students today. SPOILER!!: Behavior + Personality Quote:
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker As for the question, Cassia paused only for a little bit before raising her hand and speaking. She was going to mention the physical differneces but that had already been mentioned so she went for another thing, "It is believed that Hippogriffs are found friendlier and easier to deal with than Griffins" She probably could think of more but that was good for now she supposed. Quote:
Originally Posted by Team ronmione "Well, with hippogriffs if you want to take a ride or fly with one you have to bow your head towards it. If the hippogriff bows its head towards you, it thinks you're a friendly human and then you can take flight with it. I don't know as much about Griffins but I think you can't fly on them. Maybe. But I don't know that." An there was Tag's answer. Hopefully Thompson found it interesting or intriguing enough. So, obviously, there would be no need to bow towards the Griffin. It probably didn't care as much as the Hippogriff anyway.
Also, what were they going to do in class today? They didn't have much room to do an activity? Or did they? Tag would just wait on Thompson's word. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy
Not very familiar with Griffins, she raised her hand and offered a guess. "Griffins are a lot meaner than Hippogriffs I think. Hippogriffs can be very friendly and you can ride them. I don't think a Griffin would do the same." Nope. Hippogriffs were much better animals. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel looked at the Professor and smiled, she then raised her hand. "Professor aren't Griffins more dangerous than a hippogriff, so that means that a hippogriff will let you ride it but I doubt a Griffin would let you." Angel hadn't tried to ride either but she doubted a Griffin would let her ride it. Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
The third year tuned right back in, in time to hear the next questions and listen to more than just a couple of the other answers. Hm. He didn't really know much else other than what was already said, yet he really did love this class so he felt the need to contribute. "Hippogriffs are kept at Hogwarts, but I reckon we don't have an Griffins around because they can be horribly rough to keep at a school with tons of children," and that was his contribution. For now. Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir The difference between a Hippogriff and a Griffin? There were several that Hayden knew of. Appearance, for one. Also in their demeanor. Most of the things she could think of had already been said by other students, but she wanted to contribute anyway. So Hayden raised her hand. "It is more likely that someone would be able to befriend a Hippogriff. Griffin's aren't as likely to be friendly." Would it be possible to catalogue how many people had befriended a Hippogriff and how many had befriended a Griffin? Probably not, but if it were somehow possible it would be cool. She could make a chart. Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz ZAP! That's what would happen if her dad mistook a Hippogriff for a Griffin. It'd be terrible and Beverly would be devastated. SO devastated the only way he'd be able to make it up to her is by giving her her own dragon.
Luckily, he knew his creatures. How could he not when they've read all creature books in their library.
Distinguishing features between Griffins and Hippogriffs. The Bevster knew some!
Hand zooming into the air, she said, "I agree that Hippogriffs are easier to befriend as long as you follow proper etiquette, but Griffins are also possible to befriend. Probably not as soon as a Hippogriff, but it's doable. Just as long as it's a competent wizard or witch. One that won't mistake a Griffin for a Hippogriff." Or we feel sorry for you, bud. Quote:
Originally Posted by nanyjj Next question! Difference between a griffin and hippogriff? They sounded pretty alike. It was time for the next question which involved the difference between a griffin and a hippogriff. Leah raised her hand and said, "I don't know about Griffins, but Hippogriffs can be really loyal." Hufflepuff-y. " Yes, Hippogriff are considerably more friendlier and easier to domesticate though it's not impossible for Griffins to be domesticated too." As they already knew, Griffins were able to be trained as guards for others.
" Excellent everyone. Now then.. whose ready to pet Henry the Hippogriff?" Sure, the Creature Professor didn't even need to ask as he could see the increasing number of students staring at Henry more. But now no one can say he didn't ask his students beforehand. " Now let's get up everyone and get into a single file line before we begin."
--- OOC: As instructed, everyone can start lining up now. Next post should be later today. =) |