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Old 07-25-2014, 02:04 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Where should you go next time you need some solid advice? Who needs friends when you have Professors like the Dungeon Dwelling Culloden? Hardly reliable sources tell us that more and more students are turning up at the doors of Professor Culloden. The man who at first seems intimidating is more of a puppy than a Basilisk, but is this a professional way to go dear Culloden? Haven’t you got any other friends to share your relationship tales with or will only Third Years do?

It seems the advice giving professor has a collection of students. The walls have told us that he has been seen many times with Ravenclaw’s Sophie Brown. Is he giving her helpful tips on the next potion or maybe love advice to help her along with a certain Hufflepuff? She isn’t the only one he’s been seen with giving advice. Of course not! He’s been spotted in several places! We won’t go as far as to think all his advice is good, proven when Prefect Elodie Robertser shoved a cupcake in his face for words he wished he could take back. Tsk tsk Culloden maybe this will teach you to stick with your own age. We hear the new Arithmancy Professor is in need of some good company now that our Grounds Keeper is a bit MIA. Wink wink.

Pastries to the face by out of control Prefects aren’t enough to stop this over enthusiastic do gooder from trying to help yet another student, Ethan Mordaunt, this time being overheard saying he could be a father to the boy. Is this what’s really going on? Has the professor just been collecting students to be the children he doesn’t have? Whether his advice is good or bad, here at the Aparecium we believe he should be rewarded. The next you see him going through the corridor give him a hug! He may not say it, but secretly he’s VERY lonely.
Psssst, stay in the know

Siggies by the lovely Cedric
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