The chill you feel in the library these days may be more than the unusually cold weather outside.
During a recent book club meeting, it was a little more than noticeable there was a frosty ridge jammed in the middle of the relationship between third year Hufflepuff Aditya Rehman and first year Gryffindor AJ Valentine. They couldn't seem to be far enough away from each other during the book club. It was certainly evident to all they were doing their Hogwarts best to ignore each other.
Aditya, most likely still smarting from the departure of his older Slytherin love last year, Hannah Lockwood, was cozy with AJ earlier in the term. Maybe he took a few lessons from the cold-hearted Hannah in how to treat younger 'love' interests. Not even the sparks seen outside the window could bring some warmth between the two.
Perhaps as the winter snows melt, there will be a thawing of feelings between these two. If not, during the hot days of summer we're sure you can feel a cooling breeze from these two.