Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛ 3. Bluebell Flames Dedicated to Mordred
He hurried along the freezing dungeons and then went up the stairs from his Common Room and into the Great Hall for a bite to eat. Despite being dressed in nearly four lawyers, the boy still shivered as he entered the frigid room. Snowflakes fell lazily from the ceiling and landed neatly on the floor. He usually would have enjoyed such a beautiful sight; however, the boy was too sick of the cold weather.
Simon took a seat at the Slytherin table and began serving himself breakfast. A nice cup of hot chocolate, toast with apricot jam, and a raspberry yogurt would do the trick. He gathered the items and was about to start eating when Ethan sat down in the seat opposite to him. “Morning,” said Simon. Ethan grumbled slightly, helping himself to some food and hot chocolate as well.
A couple minutes later, Ethan replied very cheerily as he was now awake. “’Morning Simon! Eat quickly, Watson. We must get to the research meeting to help Flamsteed. ”
“Right, eat first then research, said Simon. “Nice idea about the bluebell flames in the dormitory.” Ethan’s idea had warmed their room up quite nicely. Simon could feel his toes.
Last edited by Watson; 07-24-2014 at 02:23 PM.