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| Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Ohh, Isa. Just the thought of the rune itself made Sophie feel even colder than she already did. Hopefully they'd be talking about how to reverse the cold instead of making it stronger. That's what runes usually did, after all--makes things stronger. Or, at least, it seemed to be that way.
She raised her hand. "Isa can represent a challenge in your life," she said. Like, the challenge of enduring this horrible, harsh weather. BOO. It also represented ice, but she chose not to mention anything related to the cold. "A challenge, an obstacle that you're meant to overcome with your wits, yes. Very good, miss Newell." Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack As for the question, opposite of Kenaz? If Kenaz was the one they used with the fire then did that mean they'd use Isa for ice or something? "Isn't Isa supposed to be real cold?" Which was mostly a way of hinting at uh, why the heck were they focusing on a COLD RUNE when it was negative five million degrees outside?!! Hmmm... correct information, but wasn't delivered accurately. "We can't say a rune is cold, or a run is warm." If she meant Isa was about ice or cold, then that was a yes. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy So they were going to learn about Isa today. Not all that surprising to Lux seeing as Hogwarts was turning into one huge ice cube before their very eyes. Using Ventus to warm herself up, she raised her opposite hand before mentioning something about the Rune. "Isa is ice. And emotionally it means cooling affections."
Emotions. That was what Lux was all about lately. If only he was better now or she could at least know how he was doing. "Isa is about ice, yes, the rune is a rune, a magical essence, it's not a weather status or a thing, dear." He gave the Hufflepuff a smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by Team ronmione But anyway, Tag thought he could give his own answer and keep his comment to himself. "Isa is connected to ice. It also means that this rune can stop a process from happening." That was Tag's answer. He sat quietly, awaiting to hear what everyone else had to say. "Perfect! Yes, we know, Isa is about ice but the other aspect, Mr. Kildare, brings is the fact that Isa is a blocking rune. It blocks." Botros paused to communicate some kind of hint with his students before he went on. Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone ANYWAYS. Up went the hand in the air once he had formed a proper answer in his head. "When this rune shows up in a reading and whatnot, apparently you're meant to stop and think and not just go headfirst into a situation without using those brains of yours. Know your facts." Some people could do well to remember this. Jeez. "Basically, don't act like an idiot."
Wise words from Whitty. Botros clapped his hands for this enthusiastic newcomer. "Fantastic, very good answer. Everyone write down what Mr. Whitlock just said." It was very relevant to their lesson too. Quote:
Originally Posted by Emms Simon raised his hand to offer what he knew about it. Well Isa couldn't be inverted- he continued to wrack his brains for some other fact. "I believe that Isa is the rune of concentration and or stillness?" he offered. He believed that was what he read in the textbook. It made sense to him because Isa had ice in it and ice was frozen and didn't move. And then there was Mr. Holden, whom professor Botros was seeing more and more potential in, he could be the next Odessa in his class. Yes, this could happen. "Isa can be used to convey the energy of concentration and focus, yes, that's true. Very well done, Mr. Holden." A smile for him as well. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo What did she know about the rune? "It's the last thing any of us need right now on account of the already sub-zero temperature we've got going on." See how she just linked it to the cold without outright saying it?
Creativity in the midst of a storm. The Professor was so welcome. .... Ab just looked at the Gryffindor for a moment. Then nodded, "I know we're all sick of the cold, Miss Cambridge, but this is part of why we're diving into Isa this lesson. We need to look beyond the cold and the ice, to what they represent, what message they could be trying to give." He had a very thoughtful look on his face when he finished. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mordred Oh joy. Hand up! “If the Isa represents challenges, just like what she said,” Ethan gestured to his fellow Slytherin, Sophie Newell, “…and is a time to stop and think things over, like what Grayson said, could it also mean that Isa represents patience?” Instead of giving an answer, Ethan gave out a theory. Hopefully, Botros won’t mind. Besides, it makes perfect sense. Why else would you stop and wait for the rainbow to come out yeah?
But patience? Right now? With that kind of weather? Yeah right. Botros followed Mr. Mordaunt's hand gestures and stream of thoughts. "Patience! And persistence! Very good, Mr. Mordaunt, two points for you." Botros clapped for the creative little kid. Who knew sleep-walkers were so useful awake? Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Adi had just acknowledged some of his friends' presence which included Benny and Zander when old man Botros stood up. Awesome! The lesson was about to begin. Adi listened with interest. Isa. Cool. While the others started speaking up, he racked his brain for information on the rune.
Oh yeah! He knew something. "It has a freezing effect on the other runes around it,'' Adi said, hand int he air. "Yes, in a way. We can use it to strengthen the cold degree, it cannot produce ice or cold, but it can definitely take it to a higher level." Quote:
Originally Posted by Chiara Isa...
Lucy listened the answers of her classmates..
Then she thought:"that rune has a sound that remember the ice.."
She raised her wand and she said:"Whit this cold ours emotions are freezing..perhaps Isa means the peace of senses and of emotions.." This one Gryffindor always seemed to have interesting theories. Botros nodded at her words, "I like your summary, yes." She summed up what her peers had said. Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Right off the bat, Professor Botros started with a question. Jasmine raised her hand to respond, hoping that her answer was somewhere in the ballpark. "I think that Isa also has something to do with your perception of yourself or ego." Then she waited to see whether or not she was correct. .... hmm... "That could be true had you explained further why you think so." Botros was open-minded to how the kids connected with the studied runes. It didn't always have to be from the textbook. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Mo raised his hand, wiggling his fingers and waving it around for blood flow. "Isa... I think it can be used to bolster other runes, right?" Botros smiled and gave Marco a nod of approval, "It can, it depends on our intention and the way we use the Isa rune, yes." Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner So this lesson they would be learning about Isa and Nigel can tell himself really bad ice puns. Or Cold ones. Nigel did not discriminate against puns. If that was possible. Though Isa puns were also there. Just took a little more effort.
Also the possibility was there for Dima to enter the class and freeze Scan's pants. The odds were really against it. But anything is possible. "Isa a ice rune"
He would have better ones as the class continued. But not bad for a pun on the spot, Nigel thought so. Quote:
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah The clutchling showed no shame in laughing audibly at the remark. No sense of social propriety. No sense of it 'tall. Botros eyes went from the Ravenclaw Prefect to the other Mordaunt kid in his class, they went back and forth between them, trying to see where the joke was. He didn't see no joke, nope. "Yes. Isa a ice rune." He repeated suspiciously. Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz Ugh. Raising her hand was a pain in the behind. It required moving a warm appendage away from her body. "Isa the rune of freezing. Ice. Cold. No change. Much like Hogwarts grounds right now." Sad. And frustrating. Yes, yes, another correct answer. He nodded at the Slytherin. Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz Satisfied that his spell worked, West smiled slightly to himself as the class began and settled back to listen to what the topic would be... Isa. Alrighty. He didn't answer right away, let his classmates jump in with the usual things though he nodded in agreement when that Grayson kid said stuff, and also Mo mentioned the bolstering effect it had. He put his hand up. "If you have anger problems, Isa is a good rune to help with controlling that sort of fiery emotional outburst." Aha! Botros clapped his hands once and then gestured at Odessa, a twinkle in his eyes, "Excellent, yes. As well as patience, like Mr. Mordaunt mentioned, we have anger management." He was going to miss those kids and their insightful comments. Quote:
Originally Posted by nanyjj She raised her hand and said, "It.. represents primal form." Hmm.. what does that mean? Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel looked at the Professor and raised her hand. "Professor doesn't it have something to do with your original form?" Angel wasn't sure but well she would have a guess anyway. The two Hufflepuff received a hesitant nod from the professor. "Yes, but we'd like a more detailed explanation." He smiled at them both. Quote:
Originally Posted by Samia Reading from the text book, the only thing Noel could pick up from all there was about Isa was 'REST'
Holding his hand up, Noel said: "It has something to do with resting before taking action" Because that sounded so RIGHT. Rest was just really necessary. And in this cold weather, resting was everything. Another tiny applause for another creative answer. Botros was proud of this bunch of students, "Excellent answer, yes. Great job."
The professor turned to the blackboard and started summing everything up. "So, Isa is the rune number eleven in the Elder Futhark alphabet. It's shaped like a single vertical line in most cultures and scripts found carved on the stones or ancient artifacts. The literal meaning of Isa is ice, as most of you have mentioned." He turned towards them as the blackboard wrote after him on its own. "Isa represents much more than ice, of course. This rune has much more magic and energy to it than just cold and ice; it develops concentration, will and focus. It can halt unwanted dynamic forces as an act of self-defense. It's basically about obstacles and or creating blockage in the way of unwanted energy." He paused. "Isa will control and quiet emotional distress, but be careful, it will not eliminate any persistent root cause of unpleasant circumstance. But it can help in extending stillness into your aura." His eyes met Odessa since he mentioned something like that.
"Now. Runes can be assets that we could use in addition to the usual magic spells in order to enhance them. Can you think of one spell that we can use with Isa? In any way possible?" That was their next question. Come on, kids, think outside the box. ooc : -please give one spell in your answer, be creative!
- class will continue in 24 hrs max.
- any questions you may VM/PM me. |