Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad Say Anything ღ If I could have it go any way, any way it'd go like this
Take it back to a couple years yesterday to our first kiss
In that moment I loved you, this isn't how I ever saw it going down.
In that moment I loved you,
I wish I knew then what I know now. Two years. They had spent two years together, and he was her best friend. Or so.. she had thought. Now, that little voice in her mind questioned it. No one ever said relationships were easy, especially among people their age, but this isn't how Callidora saw things happening.
"Callie -" Aaron started, frowning as he watched the girl in front of him shift her weight from one foot to the other, arms crossed and eyes avoiding his. "- I didn't mean for this. But you're moving half-way across the world, and what are we suppose to do. Wait for each other?"
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed. |