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Old 07-13-2014, 01:11 PM   #7 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

Chapter 05
Wellington, New Zealand
11:15 am

"Oh for Merlin's sake, I don't want your cooties all over my furniture." Louisa snapped, flicking Sergo's arm as she passed him and Julie sharing a kiss on a half-packed box. With Mack gone and her graduation looming, the owner of the flat demanded she got out this week so he could rent it to other students before next semester started. Julie and her boyfriend Sergo offered to help her pack everything up. So far, they had packed two and a half boxes while Louisa packed about six.
"You'll be lucky to catch our cooties." Julie spoke with a giggle, which was barely noteworthy after three years of hanging out with her.
"Oh come on, Lou, you cannot possibly be annoyed at two love birds—" Sergo started but was cut off with a look from his girlfriend. "You know, what, you're right. We apologize. We'll continue with the labor." He rubbed his hands exaggeratedly and turned to the kitchen cabinet behind him.
"That's all I'm asking." Louisa replied with a grin. "And, don't call me Lou. You can't be that thick, Ser, I told you I don't like nicknames." She was wrapping the utensils with old parchments and neatly packing them in a box.
"Why's that, by the way?" Julie chimed in, curiously. She was perched up on the counter handing Sergo what they were packing in the box.
"I just don't."
"You can't tell us that. You're going back to London soon, who knows when we'll see each other again, the least thing you could do is divulge some secrets to us." Just like Louisa, Julie was good with words. But the Kiwi local was way nicer, and had a knack of sugar-coating the cruel words with less overwhelming ones.
"Yeah, tell us some of your dark secrets. You seem to have a world of secrets inside that head of yours."
Louisa couldn't help but chuckle and raise her eyebrows at both of them. "I don't have secrets, actually. I just don't see the point in spilling every detail whenever a situation arises."
Sergo scoffed. "You don't have secrets my behind! You had tons of visitors, friends from home, and we never met any of them. It's like we're your little dirty secret, and I'm sorry but it did hurt my feelings." He gave her a mock pout and placed his hands over his heart dramatically.
While Julie giggled and gave him a kiss, Louisa rolled her eyes and turned away."I didn't do it on purpose." She said, a little sheepishly, "But fine. Lou is how my younger brother said my name for the first time. I don't like anyone else saying it like that."
"Oh." He seemed deflated, almost disappointed with the secret. That caused Louisa to laugh heartily.
"That's not even a proper secret. Tell us about why you keep turning down those poor guys who swoon over you, then." Julie nudged her boyfriend to support her.
"Yeah, yeah! Good one, love. Do tell, miss Carter."
"I don't turn them down on purpose, they're just boring." And it was the truth. "Besides, you say this as if I have a line of adoring fans waiting for my signal."
"Bernard's on the line. He's not boring." Julie let out a dreamy sigh, earning a squinty look from Sergo.
"He's not, but he's not my type." Louisa gestured for them to keep working.
"What's your type? There was poor Arapeta, sensitive and gentleman and has a big lakehouse and that fancy car. But he got the boot when he simply showed up at your place to check up on you."
"He was stalking me!"
"You went back to London without telling anyone, we thought you were dead!"
"Oh for Merlin's sake, he thought I was his girlfriend just because we went out on a few dates. Very mature." She used her wand to seal the box and moved to get another one.
"Okay, what about that other guy? Your friend from London. What was his name?" Julie called after her. "You said he'd had a crush on you since you were fifteen, how come that didn't work out?"
Louisa came back with an empty box, and settled in the living room, across the hall from where they were in the kitchen. "The thing we had in school ended when we left school. We wouldn't have figured that out if we didn't take a chance and go out for a few times."
"Well, to me, it sounds like you're making up excuses." Julie said with a frown.
"To me…" Sergo looked thoughtful. "… you sound like you're waiting for someone. Or something."
The big pile of magazines in Louisa's hand slipped and fell to the floor with an audible thud. She fell to her knees to pick them up. "I am. I am waiting to settle down, start my career and figure out what to do with my life. I don't want to start something and then have it die or fade away because of distance, or busy schedules or not enough chemistry."
"You don't have to get into something so serious." Julie suggested feebly.
Louisa gave her a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"
"She means Bernard's leaving for the states right after graduating ceremony, he's not looking to settle down with someone, he's practically leading the same life as you do. Why not have something fun with him until you're both back to your home?" Sergo explained.
It took the former Ravenclaw a moment to digest what they were suggesting. She shrugged, "I don't think I know how to do that."
They chuckled, but they didn't seem like they were surprised she said that. "We figured. Listen, it's okay, you don't have to do anything you're not ready for. Just don't hold yourself back from the good things you currently have in hope of better things that just may not come in the future."
It was as if Sergo grew a new brain, because what he just said made perfect sense.
Wellington, New Zealand
10:30 pm

The music was blaring inside the stadium; the blinking lights reminded Louisa of one those shock tests they did to your head in St. Mungo's. It was the Saturday before her graduation ceremony, she came back a week earlier on the request of her friends here. When they said everyone was gathering up in the university's stadium, she had no idea they meant literally everyone. She could see Seniors, Juniors, even the freshmen were mingling with adorable puppy looks on their faces.
"Adorable, aren't they?" Someone shouted over the music in her ear. Louisa turned and found Bernard's face inches from hers. "Just like pups."
She nodded and pointed towards the dance floor. "Is that Sergo?" She shouted.
"Yes. He thought wearing the Quidditch team's mascot to a party is liberating."
Louisa couldn't help the fit of laughter that came over her, Sergo's Phoenix's costume looked like a giant chicken.
"I would've worn it if I knew it'd make you laugh this much." Ben gave her a smirk and a wink.
"When will you ever stop trying?" She laughed.
"Never. Isn't that what we learned? The minute you stop negotiating is the minute you lose everything."
She pulled her mouth to the side in a crooked smile, impressed a little. "Want to harass Sergo on the dance floor?"
"I thought you'd never ask." He handed his drink to a random person and took her hand.

She wasn't a great dancer. Louisa knew how to waltz thanks to the few dance lessons they took in school but other than that, she never showed interest in developing her dancing skills. Even when she went out with her friends to a dance party or to a club, she was rarely on the dance floor.
Tonight, though, Louisa let those inhibitions down.
She jumped on Sergo, the mascot, causing him to lose his balance a little. He flailed his arms and reached behind him to grab at her leg. Ben was there, though, he searched for the costume's zipper while Louisa distracted Sergo. It took a moment or two to find that tricky plastic thing, and when Ben pulled it down, Louisa was dancing wildly with the mascot and making sure he never felt anything.
One moment Sergo was in a big costume the second he was standing there with a chicken's head and his underwear. The erupt of laughter wasn’t heard over the music but Louisa saw people doubling over and pointing at him, Julie was one of them even. It took the poor guy a minute to get rid of the giant head and when he did, he had a bright red face, looking around frantically searching for her probably.

Ben grabbed her hand again and they fled the dance floor towards the stairs between the seats, she kept looking back at Sergo who had thrown his costume to the side and settled with dancing in his underwear and hairy legs. A fit of laughter hit her at that sight and by the time they reached the top bench, she could feel her heart racing and her eyes watering.
“Best view of Hairy Bary.” Ben shouted in her ear, his voice shaking with laughter too.
Louisa sat on the bench next to him and propped her legs up on the bench in front of them. “I could sit here and watch all night!”
“Well, good things I prepared some—“ he fished out two cans of soda. “—refreshments.” With a grin, Louisa took hers and was about to snap it open when Ben held her hand and flashed his white teeth in a smirk. “Let’s make it a little more challenging.” And he started shaking them.
“Hey!” Louisa laughed, wrestling her can from his hands.
“Okay, on three. Ready? Set, go!” Both cans exploded into streams of foam gushing up and soaking their arms and laps. Louisa leaned forwards with her mouth wide open trying to drink the river of exploding soda. They did not stop here, though, one minute they were trying to drink the next Ben was shaking his soda towards her which was what started the chasing. Louisa followed him, jumping over the benches and synching her movements with the loud music as the rush was her main drive. They chased, they splashed each other with soda, they fell down few steps, they danced, and when the clock struck midnight the paint started shooting down on the crowd hitting Louisa hard in the back, in the side, and on the head but she could feel nothing but excitement and the laughter bubbling in her chest.

The crowd went crazy with the colorful waterfall of paint, the dancing rhythms sped up and the crowd started singing the wellington’s WU slogan. Louisa was jumping and singing her heart out feeling like she was a part of a bigger body, an extension of a unison, something she created for herself here in New Zealand, something she was proud of. At some point, Ben found her in the midst of all the paint and the dancing crowd, with a big grin on his painted face he caught her chin with his fingers and leaned in to touch his lips to hers.
-- The End --

Last edited by Magical Soul; 08-24-2014 at 02:26 PM.
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