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Old 07-06-2014, 03:13 PM   #137 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nyle Harden
Second Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Iris Harden
Second Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Calliope Barrington
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year

Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office

Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post

x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf

Rubbing his side every now and again - yep, definitely going to have a bruise there - the astronomer's forward movement slowed just a bit to compensate. Checking his sundial watch briefly, he estimated just how long they had been jogging around the room and calculated that after this series of questions and answer that it would be about time for one final question before moving on to the activity.

Whether or not the activity would actually work, well, that was all up in the air. Literally.
SPOILER!!: the quiet joggers :3

Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow View Post
Geez more questions while bumping around ahhhhhh and the first person to answer was Grayson!! man was this kid smart, he had no idea what the answer was so while he was bumping----- oh yes! he got to stop bumping people/and running. sweet!!!!

trying to listen to peoples answers he tired to make mental notes because he didn't have a quill or parchment with him..
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Points taken off for bumping >___< Kevin....

At least he got five points for the dormitory situation... So that could help balance that out? Leave it to Kevin to get every single professor mad at him. But whatever. Gryffindor was in a pretty good spot as of right now. Hopefully Kevin wouldn't cost anymore points this lesson. Hmph. Kev, why WHY!?

Anyways, as for the question, Zander had no clue. He was much more comfortable watching others answer. It was what he did best.
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
So he hadn't been able to actually knock the Professor over, which the Gryffindor found dissapointing; he had been able to knock the wind out of him. The boy stumbled to an halt against the wall and a grin formed on his lips. He actually looked PROUD. And Kevin didn't even flinch about the points loss, he was used to it. What made him flinch when it came to points was when he had earned them from Bentley once while cleaning up the boys dormitory with Zander. THAT had been weird.

He pushed himself away from the wall and whispered a "worth it" loud enough for only the Professor to hear as he walked passed him. But then he had to say the word essay and Kevin snapped his head towards the man and looked disgusted. "whatever" he pretended he didn't minded it.

On to the question. Which was something he had no idea over. Actually, he didn't even know the Laws or whatever they were. He just wanted to bump against people. Booo! So not knowing what to say, Kevin remained silent for now and folded his arms over each other and glared at the Professor for making him write an stupid essay.
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny View Post
The whole bumping into people thing had gotten kind of violent, thanks to a few select people, and Sophie made sure to stay away from those. Buncha crazies. It got even worse when the face of evil himself, Kevin, slammed into Flamsteed. In what universe did that seem like a good idea to him? Merlin. Soph rolled her eyes at the whole fiasco, unamused by the Gryffindor being himself, and she felt sorry for the professor, but she was glad he was okay. And even more pleased by the kid's punishment. Hehehehe.

She was still jogging away, and even though the topic was currently sort of interesting, Sophie didn't have any input to Flamsteed's next search for answers - she was content to entertaining herself with the occasional exaggerated jogging motion and making wiggly eyebrows at Tobes and spying on the people she didn't like who were currently present. There were only three of them there today, so that made it easy to keep tabs on all of them. Heh.
Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Nigel stopped a while ago bumping into people or not. He did not care enough to remember even a few seconds ago of work. He just walked around the circle. Glaring at people to make sure they would not bump him. It seemed to be working marvelously.

Getting Sidetracked as Nigel usually does. Flamsteed must have some lungs on him to shout, talk, and run around a room and not get tired until some Gryffindor runs into him. Which was a genius way of being a air molecule by the way.

So Nigel has to explain either Boyle's Law or Charles' Law. about option C. None of the Above and just hmm the ABC 123 song. sounded good to Nigel. Since an example of Mariotte's law is basically just the death of deep sea creatures due to change in pressure. Or simply the popping of a balloon.

Simple Enough
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
The classroom was really heating up with all this jogging. She could almost feel it radiating off everyone she jogged by and the people who jogged by her. Smart thinking Professor and the warmth was appreciated--the jogging was too. Being trapped in a castle brought on some desperate need for ANYTHING that could induce moving and no going up and down the stairs to classes didn't count.

Kevin losing points hardly registered to her. Kid was a lost cause and just like Bart he was not her problem. None of them were. It wasn't like she was a Prefect or anything. She didn't have a say in any of it and just kept jogging.

In her opinion, both laws were covered by the other joggers and Lex was too busy in a happy warm place in the back of her mind. Good thing she'd had those chocolate frogs before class. Perfect way to burn the sugar away and it made keeping up super easy.

Almost made her miss Alice driving them at 5 am for practices....almost.

So yeah, don't mind us while we silently jog over here.
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
Alright so they needed to talk about Boyle's Law and Charles Law? Hmm weird name for the first guy that is for sure. He didn't even know these laws to be honest. But he did agree with Sophie's answer. He just kept running slowly. He didn't need to repeat any answers that were already said. Plus it did make sense with the balloon popping! He grinned and he was surprised he wasn't out of breath yet. Maybe he was just used to running a lot. Yeah that could be it.
Originally Posted by Mordred View Post
.....who is Charles and Boyle anyway?

Ethan kept jogging, until he heard Simon offer his answer. Well, obviously most of his classmates were saying the same thing over and over again, and thought it pointless to repeat it. Besides, he's just going to pretend that he knows who those dudes are, so he just kept on nodding and busied himself to keep warm. He did however, jogged backwards to where his best bud was...and...was Simon taking notes? While jogging?

Elementary, but impressive.

Anyway, hiya there Watson! Ethan hoped Simon won't be too stingy with his notes later. Right. Jogging some more...

Through the chorus of answers, the astronomer did notice those that chose to remain silent and focus on their jogging...or attentive listening. "Don't stop now! We are nearly there!" he called out as he picked up his own pace just a little bit more

PHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW...he was starting to get a little winded here. Not to mention he could use a change of scenery. Felt like a bloody goldfish swimming around in a bowl passing by its plastic castle over and over again...even if the running joke was that they had terrible short term memories. He wouldn't know. Fish were not his thing.
SPOILER!!: Charles’ Law peeps :3

Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
They. Were nearly. There.

Which meant that they could stop jogging sometime, yes?


And thank you for only GENTLY bumping into him, the people who had. He appreciated that. Really. No bruises for him. Though, thank MERLIN that they could stop bumping into people now. It was starting to get a little tiring, especially when mixed in with the jogging. Besides, some people liked to get a little touchy feely and that was NOT something he wanted, thank you very much.

Hearing an explanation, the Grayson turned his attention back to Flamsteed. Oh look! Cassia's name had been mentioned, as had Soph's. He felt a surge of pride course through him, one that he was sure had a lot to do with house pride. Uh huh. He would have even shot them a proud smile but, seeing as he didn't know where they were, the smile had to be left for later.

As for the question, Grayson decided to opt for Charles's law. Why? Even he didn't know. Maybe it was because, after a couple of seconds of thinking, it wasn't as hard to find a connection between volume and temperature as it was to find a connection between volume and pressure. So, yeah, shouting. "ACCORDING TO CHARLES'S LAW, WHEN THE TEMPERATURE GOES UP, THE VOLUME GOES UP TOO!"

Smart, he was.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
And more persons were bumping into him. Grinning, Adi returned the favour to the two- Mari and Kevin. He laughed to himself however, when the second year Gryffindor took off towards Flamsteed. Leave it to Kevin to do something fun and unexpected. Too bad about the points though.

Right. So the suited man was speaking again. Adi stopped with the jogging and bumping to think. "Charles's Law says that if temperature were to go up so would the volume,'' the Hufflepuff finally shouted.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
WHOSE law? Caleb had never heard of these things before. As they were jogging, he ran back to his desk and jogged in place, taking out his textbook and flipping through the pages to find one of them, which was a lot harder than it looked. Cause of the jogging in place and stuff.

"Charles Law states that the temperature of the air directly affects the volume, so when it gets hotter, the volume gets larger!" he answered. Everyone else was shouting and it was contagious so...he was shouting too. Oops.
Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
Fair enough! They were stopping now, and she... wait, shout? No, no more shouting, please. The things she did for Astronomy. If this had been any other class, Lotus probably would've been left the classroom oh-so-sneakily and be at peace with all noise. But no, Astronomy was different.

She could endure loudness, of course. No big deal.

Stopping from all the... walking, she simply spoke... a bit on the loud side, but without SHOUTING LIKE THE OTHERS, the law of volumes,"Charles's law...," she started, " which the volume expands as the temperature gets higher." Definitely, that was easy to understand. Same as pressure.

And Boyle's law was the opposite.

All was well. Except the overall volume of her classmates.
Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Haha, this was so much fun! Giggling as she felt people bump into her, Lux made her circuits around the room. Occasionally she hit people, but she always made sure that she did it gently so that no one got hurt or fell over. That would have been very mean and she would have felt like a bad person.

Awww, they had to stop bumping now. What a shame. But Professor Flamsteed was explaining more things to them, so it was probably for the best that she wash't distracted by crashing in to people. This kind of made sense to her. Air pressure was tied to temperature; even if she forgot some of the details that much would be easy to remember.

Boyle's Law or Charles's Law? What did she know about either one?

Biting her lip, Lux tried to remember. This exercise had to be good for her brain, so surely would come to her. She had looked at the textbook before term started, but that was a while ago by now. Focusing really hard, after a moment something came to her. "CHARLE'S LAW STATES THAT AS THE TEMPERATURE INCREASES, THE VOLUME ALSO INCREASES." Hopefully she wasn't being too loud, but she wanted to make sure that the Professor could hear her.
Originally Posted by lemon View Post
Er. Dima didn't know all that much about either law, and some other students were staying quiet too. Obviously, it was alright for him NOT to contribute, but he liked participating. He was sure Professor Top Hat wouldn't mind a COUPLE of wrong answers, right? Especially from a first year. He was doing his his best, mind you.

"Um... I know Charles' Law is that law made by that.... Charles dude. It's about... temperature and volume and stuff." Like the professor had said. "They have that.... you know... relationship where... uh.... one goes up and the other goes down and.... and you got what I'm talking about, right?" Right? No need to explain!

Nodding vigorously, he piped down. Nailed it.
Originally Posted by griffin View Post

She had heard about high and low pressure systems. Penelope listened to the professor's explanation, trying to remember everything so she could take notes on it later. Not bumping into any more people, she continued to jog around the room.

Was that a thumbs up from Flamsteed? The shouting must have worked, so she shouted her next answer for the new question. "According to Charles's law, the volume of a gas, at a fixed pressure, is proportional to the temperature. When one increases, the other increases. When one decreases, the other decreases."
Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
No more bumping, thank Merlin! If someone else was to as much as touch her arms Beverly was going to judo flip them. She would. Tossing her hair that had fallen forward behind her shoulder, she strained her ear to hear what Airey was saying next.

It was a good thing she did her reading, huh. Something about this prickled in her mind, so she raised her hand. "Charles's Law!" Did she have to yell? It was ridiculous. Sorry, Airey, it was. "When temperature increases molecules move around faster, creating more force and resulting in the increase of volume!" Yeah? Did she remember that correctly? "Also! There's an expression or formula-" whatever "- to follow?!" RIGHT?
Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Angel stopped bumping into things and then she smiled as she raised her hand. "Professor, the Charles law is an experimental gas law which tells you how gas tend to expand when heated." Angel thought about something before continuing. "So I take it Professor that Charles has created this law and no one knows if it works so they are saying it's an experimental law."
Originally Posted by Chiara View Post
Her father loved this things..and had tried to explain to her..
Lucy said..The Boyler's law says that at constant temperature the condition of a perfect gas is inversely proportional to its volume..
My father loved to diving with me and had told me this law..

Charles' dude. Merlin.

Shaking his head towards Mr. Toussaint as he ran backwards, he gave the chorus of replies two very enthusiastic thumbs up before going into futher explanation regarding this particular concept. "Correctomundo!" he cheered. You know what was sad? All this running around meant he couldn't leap on to desks, and that was a real pity. "Charles' Law was discovered by Jacques Charles, as French natural philosopher Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac refined the law much later. Jacques Charles discovered that the volume of a gas at constant pressure changes with temperature. So, as many of you said, when temperature increases, so does the volume. When temperature decreases, so too does the volume. "
SPOILER!!: Boyle's Law peeps :3

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Jasmine was getting tired of jogging and she was running out of friends to bump. She really hoped that it would be time to stop soon.

Jasmine listened to the Professor's next question and noticed that they were becoming harder each time. At first her mind was totally blank. She knew that she had read about Boyle's Law before, but really had to rack her brain to remember the information. When the light bulb finally went on, Jasmine shouted out her answer. "Boyle's Law says that when the temperature is constant, the pressure and volume have an opposite relationship." At least she thought that was what she remembered. The memory was a bit fuzzy and the complete explanation was complicated.
Originally Posted by Emms View Post
They could stop bumping into each other. Simon beamed. Yay! He'd regain his personal space bubble again. Then he listened to Airey speak about Charles and Boyle's Law. Ooh! Those names sounded very familiar. He remembered his older brother had been trying to explain their properties to him a while ago. Pulling out a mini notebook from his trousers' right pocket, he jotted down some notes about the two laws.

With the two laws in mind, he focused on Boyle's law. When the temperature of an ideal gas is fixed, pressure and volume were inversely proportional.

Simon shouted more excitedly this time as he tried to match his mate's, Grayson's volume. "According to Boyle's Law, pressure and volume are inversely proportional when temperature is fixed. So basically if volume increases, then pressure must decrease. The reverse is true. If volume decreases, pressure increases."

He was pretty sure that was it.

SPOILER!!: mini notebook
Charles's Law explains the relationship between temperature and volume while Boyle's Law explains the relationship between pressure and volume.
Originally Posted by nanyjj View Post
Yay Kevin got points docked off from Gryffindor! Leah could not help but cheer up slightly at the professor's words. Heehee

They could stop bumping now.. What about jogging? The Hufflepuff groaned and speeded up slightly. Charles's law and Boyle's law? She remembered reading about one of those laws before, but forgot which it was. Worth shouting out anyway.

"I think it is Boyle's law, which states that the pressure of a gas decreases as the volume of a gas increases." Leah said out loud. Still.. Jogging.. And panting.
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight View Post
Arista blinked she heard of that Boyle one from her muggle side of the family. When they got all nerdy... She held in her laughs and cast a smile towards Professor Flamsteed as she raised her hand. "Boyles Law states as pressure goes up, volume gets smaller, and temperature and quantity are constant. " Kind of simple terms but it was the easier way that she remembered it. Science wasn't really her forte but astronomy was starting to since she was reading that book she got from the Professor.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Oh, so she hadn't had the right answer? BOO. But at least she had the right answer to a different question! That meant she didn't have to try hard when that question was asked. She could just shout out the answer she'd already given. WIN!

Now the professor was asking about some Astronomy laws, which just confused Sophie, because there were TWO. Which one did she shout out her already-said answer to? She thought it was going to be easier than THAT. Come, Flamsteed!


...and that had been the reason why her balloon poodle died on the classroom floor. Sad.

The astronomer managed few humble leaps with this chorus of responses. Lots and lots of stellar stuff here kids! Maybe he should make everyone run around the classroom every lesson. Really get the heart pounding, blood pumping, and brains churning.

"Excellent! Eeeeeeeexcellent!" he grinned. "Boyle's law is named after Robert Boyle who confirmed through scientific experimentation the research of Richard Towneley and Henry Power. This law states that, with a fixed amount of gas, when the pressure is increased, the volume is decreased. When the pressure is decreased, the volume is increased. Think of pressure and volume being two kids on a teeter-totter. When one goes up the other goes down."

Actually...that sounded sort of fun right now, didn't it? Should look into asking Kirby about getting a set of giant ones for the grounds next term. Assuming the man came back. His bees dying off like that because of the cold had really taken their toll on the bloke.

He glanced around until his eyes returned to Miss Newell, because her response had caught his ear. "Boyle's Law, as Miss Newell alluded to, is easily explained by using a balloon as a reference." Which would probably be a good time to head back to their desks now so they could play around with the balloon themselves...but they still had more running to do. "Which also relates to something Mr. Atreyumentioned earlier - density. The air pressure inside of an inflated balloon is stronger than the atmospheric pressure outside the balloon. The density inside the balloon is also greater than the density outside. Thanks to Boyle's Law, we know if you squeeze a balloon to halve its volume you end up increasing the pressure on the balloon and pressure is directly proportional to density. That means, if the pressure in the balloon increases, so does the density, and if the pressure goes down then the density decreases. Because of that, when you squeeze the balloon and halve its volume you increase the density of the balloon. The increase in pressure that occurs when you halve the volume of the balloon is why balloons pop when you squeeze them."

And that was why a balloon pooped. Which was also related to the weather in a sense, but he was now sufficiently sidetracked thinking about balloons.

Okay...last bit of long explanations coming up. He promises.

"Now, I know this has been a LOT to take in, but I am sure you are able to see all sorts of relationships among these atmospheric variables, or as I have been calling them...our ingredients for the weather." Slight wheezing was happening now because he was out of breath. Aaaaaaaalmost there. "Atmospheric scientists express these relationships in two ways," he continued as he waved his wand in the air to use Flagrate and write two equations in fiery lettering.

Equation of State/Ideal Gas Law
Pressure = Temperature x Density x Constant
Pressure x Volume = Temperature x Constant

"Have no fear, I will not be asking you to do any long calculations today, so this is simply for your reference. Likewise, understanding all weather conditions and why things occur will take far more time than we unfortunately have." Because he hadn't even touched on several other aspects of things, but putting too many ingredients into the pie was cause for disaster. So just the basics today. "The above equations help meteorologists figure out whether air will be stable air or unstanble air among many other things to help predict the weather."

"Alright...I want everyone to STOP!" he said, panting and leaning forward a bit to rest his hands on his knees to catch his breath. PHEW! Feel that heart pumping. "We have been jogging around for quite some time now and are perhaps only a third or fourth of the way to reaching our goal of approximately 10 kilometers." Yep, you all were meant to run a marathon today! Just kidding. "While you all stretch and cool down a bit, can anyone tell me why 10 kilometers is significant?"
OOC: thank you all so much for your patience and my sincerest apologies for keeping you all waiting far longer than I anticipated <3 This lesson will continue sometime after I have had sleep (it is now 12:05 am in my timezone, so you are looking at at LEAST 14 hours from the time of this post. We will be moving on to an activity next

When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ...........
this is our time to own it, so own it.....................................
baby we were born with fire and gold in our eyes
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