SPOILER!!: AJ and Jasmine
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It was time to take more notes. AJ tried her very best to pay attention and keep the two charms that Bentley was talking about straight. They did seem very similar with the only thing sticking out in her mind being the Herbivicus charm needing a pint and flick when the Vitaris only needing a flick.
The first year's eyes kept cutting to her sister. It was very cold, but Angel was seeming a bit dramatic about it. She wanted to tell Bentley not to coddle her as it would only make Angel that much more dramatic. Instead, AJ scribbled down the notes and tried to think of an answer to the question.
Her hand was in the air. "Professor, does it have anything to with what the plants eat? Like a certain spell would work better on flesh eaters maybe?" Maybe the flesh eaters needed that extra point. MAYBE the point made all the difference. Perhaps the point made the spell stronger.
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Jasmine listened to the Professor and wrote the important information down in her notebook. When the first question was asked, she raised her hand to take a shot at it.
"I agree with A.J? Is it possible that the Vitaris Charm works with the flesh eating plants and Herbivicus Charm works with the non-flesh eating plants?" It made sense in Jasmine's head. Whether or not her answer was correct, she did not know.
And Aubrey was the first off the bat! Excellent! And Jasmine supported her...
"Mmm... it's not a bad idea, but no... not in this instance." SPOILER!!: Angel
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Angel was really ill and feeling really cold, she wished that she had a blanket or something because at the minute she was feeling really cold.
Angel had tried to keep the sneeze in but she couldn't help it, she looked over at her sister who was answering the question. She shivered a bit more as she felt cold again.
Angel then listened to the Professor and her sisters answer, she raised her hand. "Pro...f...essor may..be what plants the sp...ell works on." Angel was wishing she had brought something with her to keep warm.
... Oh goodness gracious. Seren could only barely look past the girls shivering to hear her response. The type of plants the spells worked on....
"Interesting thought, but nope." SPOILER!!: Adi
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Adi's hand flew over his book as he made his notes while he listened to Professor Bentley. Fascinating. Two spells that did the same thing yet they varied. He finished up this round of note taking by adding the spells and their respective wand movements. Now to answer the question.
Hand in the air, Adi said ''Maybe one of the spells work a lot better than the other on a certain type of see, Professor.''
Turning to Aditya, Seren wobbled her head a bit in thought... musing between yes and no.
"Again, interesting thought... but not in this instance." SPOILER!!: Benjamin
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Benjamin raised his hand. "You said immediate impact on the plant, Professor. Does that suggest they have different long term impacts? I seem to remember that the Vitaris Charm allows a seed to become a fully fledged plant in a matter of moments...kind of giving it vitality or 'life'. Does the Herbivicus Charm have a more controllable aspect to it...like, how much growing the plant does?"
Was it obvious he'd actually being doing NEWTs reading for once? Funng what a bit of friendly bribery can do before otherwise 'pointless' exams.
Ahhhhh... and now this was a well thought out response. Seren was impressed.
"I like your thinking, and you're on the right track... but not quite there yet." Awfully close though.
SPOILER!!: Annabeth
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Ivana R
Annabeth listened very carefully to the teacher's explanation about the charms. She had no idea of what to reply, so she thought it was better to take her notes while thinking, before of making fool of herself raising her hand to say foolishness.
She wasn't happy with the idea of making a Bonsai. Quickly, she took her notes and raised a hand, "Professor, I have ever seen Bonsai before, they are charming, but useless. Why are we going to waste seeds of spetacular trees making Bonsai? I chose an Enchanting Elm seed, a wonderful wood used to make wands..." she shook her head and added, "by the way, I guess the Herbivicus Charm could make grow shady trees and the Vitaris Charm, tallest trees, not necessarily shady ones." She grinned. Her grin was probably better than her guess.
Well now wasn't that just a little bit snarky from the Badger? Seren's eyebrows were raised, clearly not amused by the girls lack of tact.
"For the record, Bonsai is an art form and a skill... one which is part of the curriculum, so in learning these skills, while you may not be able to appreciate the art form I recommend you keep your comments to yourself. And should you think it be a waste of an Enchanting Elm seed, then why not swap it for one of the others?" It was a choice the girl had made all her own.
This was not on her.
"Two points for your disrespectful attitude."
Useless. Useless she said...
As for her response.
"Nope, nothing to do with shadiness." At least it was an out of the box response.
SPOILER!!: Caleb
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Lissy Longbottom
Blah blah blah, that was all Caleb was really hearing. But he was still taking notes diligently, writing down the differences between the two charms. Now they had to guess what the actual real difference was between them...Caleb had no idea. He'd never even HEARD of these spells. But he could guess...
He raised his hand. "Does the rate of growth differ between them? So does one make the plant grow faster? Or is one perhaps only temporary, and after a while the plant receeds back into the soil?" he suggested.
He was returning her question with more questions... and not just one, but a string of them. Sigh.
"No, they both grow at the same rate, hence the same immediate impact... though your additional thought is a good one, it's not correct in this instance." Better luck next time, young Snake.
SPOILER!!: Grayson
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Dwarf ornamental trees. They were going to be growing their own trees?!
Grayson looked down at the seed he had picked out. WELL. This wasn't as exciting as the lesson about flesh-eating plants but there were perks. Maybe he could finally have a tree or whatever named after him. Maybe. He did hope that his tree would end up doing something instead of sitting there.
But to have a tree, he needed to know how to grow it so, Grayson turned his attention over towards the Herbology Professor. Two spells? Great. Double the work. And of course there were differences. But what were they? He didn't know. Nope. He did like the idea of one being more for flesh eaters, like that girl over there had said.
He wasn't going to repeat her answer, though. Instead.......... "Professor?" he started, raising his hand in the air, "Is one more intense than the other and results in a more accurate growth?" Probably the Herbivicus one, since it required concentration. Anything that required a lot of concentration was hard but meant better results. This was his logic right here.
Intensity. Now that was a unique idea. Again she had a look that indicated she was impressed with his train of thought... but alas,
"Good idea, but no... it's not about the accuracy or intensity." Shame.
SPOILER!!: Zander
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See normally, Zander would've been ever so enthusiastic to give the answer a try. Not because he liked speaking up in class, because he didn't. BUT because Herbology wasn't just ANY class. It was Beautiful Bentley's class. So by instinct the boy raised his hand into the air confidently until...
Class had only just begun and he almost ENTIRELY dropped his plan right then and there. Darn you Beautiful Bentley, you and your beautifully distracting face and angelic voice.
The Gryffindor immediately pulled his hand out of the air after his sudden realization of the plan. Heh. Well, this was embarrassing. Oops. Now, not only was he still SWEATING and feeling all these violent stomach STABBIES, but now his face was turning all TOMATO RED too. Ugh. Should've stayed in bed today.
She'd seen his hand go up, and nodded in his direction to give his response...
But it didn't come. Instead she had a very quiet, uncomfortable and red-faced looking Gryffindor.
He wasn't going to be sick was he? She gave him the benefit of the doubt for now and moved on....
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Lucy listened to Professor then she said:"maybe the Vitaris charm works better to make the plants faster to blossom"
Blossom... now there was an isolated point.
"Not bad, not bad... but nope... not the answer I'm looking for."
And at this rate she had a feeling she'd be looking for a while.
SPOILER!!: Sophie
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Anna Banana
Sophie tried to follow along. Really, she had. The professor lost her at the fifth or so word, though. She got that they were trying to distinguish between two growth charms. What she got lost at, though, was where you point your wand and what the target is and all that jazz.
She blinked and slowly raised her hand. "Maybe one charm is designed for household plants that won't grow but just a few feet tall," she said, "and the other is designed for really large trees that typically go outside." Why else would there be two growth charms? She guessed they'd find out just why soon enough.
Household and outdoor plants.
"Interesting idea," she started, nodding her head. Oh but no... it wasn't the correct answer.
"Unfortunately though, no, that's not it." SPOILER!!: Beverly
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Gazing around one more time around the classroom and taking it all in Beverly settled down, tugging her robes tighter around herself. It was still chilly and it was somewhat distracting since her mind wandered off cursed the cold, but she did her best to concentrate on what Professor Bentley started saying.
Growth charms? That sounded interesting. Oh, but they get to choose a seed! Could she keep it? Could she grow it and tend for it and keep and show her dad and brother? Could she? Hopefully the answer would be a yes.
Collecting a seed Beverly chose an Enchanted Elm one. The name automatically caught her attention making it easy to decide. Setting the seed on the table she prepared to take notes. Were they going to grow it?
Note taking happened the moment Professor Bentley spoke again and words appeared on the board. Her skills in Herbology weren't as strong as in Potions, so Beverly made sure to pay extra attention and hopefully grasp it all in one go.
Briefly setting her quill down, Beverly raised her hand. She didn't know the answer, but she had a guess. "Since one of the charms requires more concentration can it be because it's for specific, much larger plants?" Not for tiny bitty bushes, but huge Devil's Snare perhaps?
Again, not a bad response, the ideas were at least sensible and logical, if not accurate.
"You're very nearly almost but not quite on the right track..." but she was very excited by Beverly's response. Obviously.
SPOILER!!: Kyroh
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WAS SHE? She was glad? Kyroh beamed.
So they would be growing miniature trees. Who would have thought that even had a name for it?
As for WHY DID the spells vary?
Well Kyroh didn't know. Was this in his textbook? He'd probably know if he opened his textbook. It was hard though because it just talked about plans and after awhile it got boring. He raised his non-seed carrying hand anyways. "Maybe it's because one of them can be used on more than just plants?" The Herbivicus Charm maybe because it was more complicated? Hm.
Ooohhhhhhhhhh! Now that was a very interesting point, and he wasn't wrong on that one either... so technically, she had to pay it.
"You know, that's not the answer I'm looking for, but you're quite right, Herbivicus may also be used against some Creatures." Don't ask her to explain that though, she was a flora girl, not fauna. Distinct difference there.
SPOILER!!: Marigold
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Marigold scratched out a line of her notes where she messed up, then rewrote the correct information and spelling. as for the differences? She didn't really know, but she guessed anyway.
"Is the difference that one of the charms only works on plants with certain requirements, like size or type?" Trees rather than grass, for example.
Again she found herself no-shaking her head... bobbing it around in a circle side-to-side.
"Mmm .. good idea, but no." SPOILER!!: Ethan
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Notes. Yes, right. That should be taken down. Ethan got his notebook and muggle pencil and started to scribble. He also stifled yawn and forced himself to concentrate, but all he could think about right now is a warm glass of milk, and his warm bed down in the dungeons. Sleep. Yes, after this class perhaps?
And now a question. The difference between the two? Hmm. Interesting answers his classmates got, but the other spell must have something to do with this miniature plant thing. Hand up. "Professor? Does the Vitaris Charm simply make the plants grow to its full size, whereas the Herbivicus charm, lets the plant grow but to a certain extent? Like...as small as a Bonsai but keeping the plant's full-grown profile?" Did that make sense?
And Ethan was already attempting to link the two activities into one. She smiled broadly.
"Your line of thinking isn't at all bad, though no... the immediate impact of both charms is the same," she reiterated. Ergo, same size, same speed.
SPOILER!!: Marcus
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The difference between the spells? Mo rolled his seed between his fingers and considered what might be the difference. He liked Benjy's answer, honestly, where the amount of concentration and effort in the more advanced spell suggested some differing long term effect.
Benjy was super smart.
Mo raised his hand. "Professor, could it be that the Vitaris Charm merely accelerates the plant through the life cycle, so while it grows more quickly it also dies sooner? And the Herbivicus Charm... maybe it actually grows the plant without shortening the life cycle of the plant?" Or some variant of those thoughts.
And VIOLA!.............. the answer she had long awaited!
"Yes yes yes! That's absolutely it, was everyone listening?" she asked, directing the conversation back to the rest of the class.
"As Marcus just stated, and so very eloquently too, while in both instances the targeted plant reaches the peak of their growth, the Vitaris Charm does nothing to lengthen the plants life cycle, so as quickly as they have grown, they will soon perish... whereas, with the Herbivicus Charm, though the plants physical growth has been accelerated, it's life cycle remains the same and as a result the plant lives a longer mature life." Pretty neat huh? Yes? No? Maybe a little?........ Each to their own, though they ought to take note of that in their books. She wasn't going to have it written up just yet, just to see how may were really paying attention.
"So today, because we want to produce a longer lasting healthy Bonsai, we're going to practice with the Herbivicus Charm." And how they were going to produce a minitature tree out of a fully grown one, well that remained to be seen.
"Before we get onto the process of practicing Bonsai, we must first have a tree to work with. So to start off with, what I'd like you all to do is take your seed and plant it into the pot closest to your station, the pot should be to your left hand side..." each to their own, no stealing please, thank youuuuu.
"Plant it using the potting mix in the barrows provided. Water them and then conduct the charm... practice the incantation and wand movement first if you're unsure." "Like this," she introduced, raising her own seed for them to see and turning to the pot beside her - already prepped with soil. Sticking her index finger into the soil to make a cavity, Seren then dropped it inside and covered it up before giving it a light sprinkle of water from her wand.
"And now we charm," she added, turning to them briefly before returning her attention to the potted seed, her wand poised and pointed directly toward the potted seed.
"Herbivicus," she recited, giving the pointed wand a flick in its direction. Fairly rapidly a seedling emerged from the soil and soon grew into a sapling... and then a tree. It stopped growing abruptly, the pot big enough to support its root system, and the ceiling high enough to contain it. The Alder was a solid 20-25 metres in height... a charming tree it was.
"Once you have your tree, give it a hug and stand by for further instructions..." because really, who didn't want to hug
their tree?
OOC: The lesson will continue in approx 30-something hours. Ideally you want 3 posts for this part of the lesson, 1- planting/watering 2-practicing 3-executing.