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Kyroh was sitting on the floor.
Why? He didn't really know.
All he knew was that the had had just eaten and the floor seemed rather comfortable. Only bad thing was that it was kind of hard to see. He scrambled over to the boxes still on his knees and stuck his hand into one pulling out a seed. It looked like an Adler seed. He didn't really know what those looked like but that's what he decided it was anyways. Crawling through the legs of his classmates Kyroh made his way to the front for the REST of the lesson. With the seed in one gloved hand he raised the other.....but then he put it down again because, could Bentley even see him? "PROFESSOR what's a Bonsai?" Because...what? Yeah.
Seren was impressed, she was. It was clear that Kyroh had a thirst for knowledge, typical Ravenclaw.
"I'm so glad you asked," she started, moving part way around the table and leaning over to pluck herself an Alder seed.
"Bonsai, is the art of growing dwarf ornamental trees and shrubs... they're charming." Very charming, and they could each have one of their own!
Originally Posted by
Angel looked at the Professor. "I'm.... F..in...e." Angel really wished she could stay in bed today because she was so cold. She wondered why she was feeling this cold today but at the minute she had more important things to think about.
Angel selected a seed and then sat down and took her quill and parchment out so that she could take some notes from the board, she couldn't wait to see what she was doing today.
Fine?........ Fine? ............. Angel hardly seemed fine. Seren decided she would keep a closer eye on the girl for the time being. Ensure she didn't crumble into a pile of ice, the shivering seemed intense enough.
Moving back to her position at the head of the table, she waited until each of the students had pulled their notebooks out and grabbed their seeds. Tapping the board behind her with her wand, words began to scrawl across the surface.
Originally Posted by blackboard
Growth Charms Review
Vitaris Charm
Herbivicus Charm
"There are two charms commonly used to rapidly increase the growth of plants, shrubs and trees... the first is the Vitaris Charm and the second the Herbivicus Charm." She indicated to the board at this stage, headings that they should be noting down.
"There is very little to distinguish between the two with regard to the immediate physical impact on the target, however the differences in application is evident." She paused here briefly, to gauge that all students were following the discussion thus far.
"The Vitaris Charm requires a flick at the target in addition to the incantation which is discriminate to the plant which s being charmed, whereas, the Herbivicus Charm requires a point and flick as well as greater concentration on the target in addition to the incantation so as to execute the charm." Fairly straight forward stuff, neither could go terribly wrong... well... for most people.
"It has been argued that the Vitaris Charm is better suited to novice herbologists as it requires less precision and concentration in execution." "... but, if both charms result in the same effect, and both share common elements in execution... can anyone hazard a guess in what way they might truly vary?"
She tapped the board with her wand again, though her eyes were still on the students. Any hands up?
Originally Posted by blackboard
Growth Charms Review
Vitaris Charm
- Flick
- Vitaris 'name of flora'
Herbivicus Charm
- Point and flick - concentration on target required
- Herbivicus
OOC: The lesson will continue in approx 18-22 hours