Forest Troll
Join Date: Aug 2011 Location: Ohio
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Kirsten Delbin Hufflepuff Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Mateo Theodore Slytherin Fifth Year
x11 x9
| Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... Cassie walked around the room as they looked at their sun and moon sign. It didn’t take a seer to be able to figure out what some of them were thinking as the read it. Facial expressions spoke a thousand words. Noticing a hand go up she moved toward the student, Quote:
Originally Posted by Emmylou The only thing Emmylou could do was blink. She wasn't on to be jealous, envious or...possessive. Was she psychic? Blink. Blink. Blink. She was confused with this one even more so than the sun house. Emmylou raised her hand.
"Miss Cassie! I mean Professor Cassie. I'm confused by the Moon House." “Oh? What is confusing you about it?” The signs can get complicated so she smiled encouragingly knowing that questions would come up. “That’s what we are here for, learning and understanding. So any questions don’t ever hesitate to ask.” She wanted the students to know more about this unappreciated subject as well as share in her passion for it. Quote:
Originally Posted by Sophie Sophie had no desire to go work with the people in Azkaban. That place was creepy, and she didn't even want to see it in person, much less go inside! Sophie read along, a frown on her face. This number twelve did NOT sound fun. Working with the unfortunate? A career where she basically made herself into a hermit crab? UGH.
"Professor?" she asked, raising her hand. "Can you just tell one of your numbers 'thanks, but no thanks'?"
_____________ Hearing another question she turned to the Slytherin and grinned as she almost bounced over towards her. Her question did make her chuckle, “What do you mean dear? Is it your moon sign or Sun?” Sometimes younger students misinterpret the words, which could be the case at the moment. Looking towards the rest of the class, “I know some of you are probably thinking no way, especially with your moon sign, but remember as you mature your views and priorities do as well, so what might seem crazy now, might not be in the future.” Most of them were still finding themselves so the things that might be said about them really to them could sound not at all, but to an outsider looking in could be spot on, they just didn’t realize it yet. Quote:
Originally Posted by Grayson Oh jeez, this was even worse.
It was interesting that the moon sign lay right on the line between the first house and the twelfth but what was this about pleasing everyone? Of course it couldn't be done. That's why he didn't even try it in the first place! JEEZ. The bit about his mum caused him to narrow his eyes. What. What kind of influence? An WHY was the second one suggesting that he would either go to a boring place, a hospital or jail? He did not WANT to go to jail. No, thank you. He also didn't want to work in a hospital. Being around all those sick people did not sound like his idea of fun.
Fine. Whatever. This was still a bunch of dragon dung and it was CLEARLY wrong.
He DID have a question so his hand went up in the air. "Professor? What happens if your moon or sun lies on the line between two houses?" DID his even lie on the line between the two houses?
_______________ The next question really caught her attention. Cassie moved towards the boy and looked down at his chart. She smiled at his work, “You are doing a-mazing and I can see where you think it’s in two houses, but look closely. If you take out these red and blue lines you will see this very thick black line. See it here? The moon is sitting right above the line so it’s only in the twelfth house. It can be tricky with all these different lines though, so I like how you are really looking and thinking about it.” Of course he got snaps for such a great effort! Quote:
Originally Posted by Zander ..... That all sounded like a bunch of made up stuff. Zander did not want power.... Well, he did want to be good at something, but then again, doesn't everyone? Either way, all this sun sign stuff was definitely a little wonky and kind of out of place. He didn't match any of that... "Professor, I don't think mine is accurate? It doesn't sound like me at all."
Now they were going to look for the moon? It was hard enough trying to spot the sun. Gah. Divination is even more work that Arithmancy is.... Which is why he disliked both subjects, with the burning passion of a thousand and one tenth house suns. Yeah. He went there. Oh, finding his moon was actually super easy! It was in the biggest slice of his birth chart pizza! It was in the six! Aka, his favorite number, duh. Was this magical divination stuff a coincidence? She chuckled a bit as she walked towards the Gryffindor. Waiting for this type of response, “Ah yes, and ego sign that doesn’t sound like you. The sun can be harder for people to admit or see as themselves, because it is an outer characteristic. It’s what others see at times. If you are in a house that says you like to help others, you might take that as no you don’t, when really it’s just your personality. You help without even realizing your helping. As you grow you will come to find ore of awareness of these things.” Did that help explain it to Zander? She glanced at his chart. “Now this..” pointing to the ability to inspire others, “I’ve already seen this in you Mr. Zander. You came to my SNAC meeting, you didn’t know what was going to go on, you participated, you went outside and tried to help those animals and myself. So you inspired myself and others to keep working by your hard work. “ Giving him a smile she turned on her heel to help other students in need. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mikey Michael pushed his textbook and his chart away from and crossed his arms over his chest. "MY SUN AND MOON SUCK!!" Then a word came that made the always smiling professor stop and turn her green eyes, “Oh no what’s wrong?” She over dramatically took her hand to her chest to be all sympathetic towards the upset child. “Those aren’t words I like to hear about our signs. Let’s look at them and see what’s wrong? Maybe it’s just a matter of misinterpretation.” She glanced down at his chart and snapped happily, “Your sun is in the same house as mine. This is a fabulous house to have your son in. It’s a great place for healers, professors, people who want to help. Serving others doesn’t have to mean literally serving like a house elf remember, I’m a server in a way, because I serve education to all of you. A healer is because he or she serves medicine and healing to patience.” Was that making sense to the boy? She hoped because it was a great way of looking at it. And this..”[/b] Pointing towards the self-confidence, “This is a part I love about these houses. They grow with you. You are young yet, so the self-confidence has room to grow. Something you might find that you lack now could make you become a stronger person because of your awareness of it.” See positive thinking was the best way to go about reading these. Finding the truth in them was the start of any great growth in who a person was. [b] “Do you happen to know anyone that maybe be a little different than others? Mentally disturbed could have many forms of meanings. Or maybe someone sick that you have helped before? Empathy is something that shows great strength for a person in my field.
Moving back towards the front of the room she beamed at the class, “Great job everyone. I hope you found things that you liked and things that you didn’t.” Oh would that surprise anyone that she said that? “Your houses that your sun and moon are in only describe part of you. It’s not going to be all of you, so something’s could seem far fetched or off. It could be because you are still young, you really haven’t grown into your true identities yet. These traits are there you just don’t know it yet, or it could be missing a piece since you haven’t looked into the other planets and their houses. We could spend all day doing this, but what fun would that be when it’s Valentine’s Day! So we should use this for something special, don’t you think?”
It was getting closer to what she really wanted to do with this lesson and it was super exciting!!! “Now we will be putting some focus on your sun sign, but also the Venus and Mar symbols. We won’t be looking at their houses though. For this we will be looking at where they are placed in the Zodiac Wheel. Venus which looks like this, is considered the feminine symbol. Anyone want to venture as to why that is?” She looked around the room for answers. “Mars, which looks like this, is considered the masculine symbol. Guess again as to why?” This was fun, wasn’t it? “Now what we do with these symbols is line them up to find the best matches. If you look at my chart my sun sign falls in Libra, which is my birth sign. Many of you will have this same type of thing. Your own sign is supposed to be your strongest match. I know.. I know people always say opposites attract, but if you think about it, do they really? What do you really have in common with someone that is the total opposite of you?” She had never found anyone she could be around more than a few months that was total opposite, WELL dating at least, but when it came to being just social she loved to be around everyone. “Now some of you will find your sun is not in your birth sign, which is fine too, it just means that your sign is very compatible with this other sign. Venus being the more feminine is going to be a match that emotionally you are equal to, or well compatible for. They will understand your inner needs more. The more comforting, loving, sympathetic type needs. Whereas Mars being the more masculine is going to be your adventure and attraction type of compatibility. They are going to be those ones that you fit better with in interest and an attraction on their looks. “ Did they realize what they were doing now? “So our next step is to find out what Zodiac signs are most compatible with us. Now this doesn’t mean that others are not. No, people can get along with any match up, it just might me a little extra work. The ones that find their true sign match can find the easiest ways to get along.” Which is what she’d rather prefer. “If you look at mine you will see that my sun and Venus are in Libra, so my strongest match is my own sign, though Venus if you look is on the border of Libra and Scorpio, so Scorpio would be considered another close match. My Mars symbol is in Aquarius so this would be my third compatible sign. Take a few moments and see where those three signs are and write them down, you will need them for the next part of the class.”
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