Forest Troll
Join Date: Aug 2011 Location: Ohio
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Kirsten Delbin Hufflepuff Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Mateo Theodore Slytherin Fifth Year
x11 x9
| Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... Cassie walked around excited to see all the wonderful work the students were doing. She snapped a few times as she moved around. "Wonderful just wonderful all of you." They made her happy to see how busy they were, but of course there would be questions, she had been expecting this. Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi Frowny face that needs to be turned upside down? "Well, good luck with that" Kevin retorted before he began to play with his hat, obviously ignoring the Professor's words. He waited until she was finished with addressing the other students, occasionally eating a cookie and then looked up again to find out they had to ...draw a chart?
MWEEEEEEH..... The boy coughed in his tissue before picking up some of the crayons and flipped the pages of his book until he had the right page in front of him and began to draw.
When he was finished, the placed the crayons down and checked his chart. He coughed in again and then raised his hand because he had a question . "Does it matter if i use my real name or my name that was given to me in this country?" he asked. "Cause my real name is Kenji, not Kevin" He had already used Kenji in the chart and he WAS NOT going to make a new one! "Oh goodness, you should use your birth name. It's the name you were given when your sign was formed." So he seemed to have used it, so no need to discuss it further. She watched the boy for a few more moments before moving on to the next question. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 So they were going to be creating their own birth chart. Birth Chart? Cris remembered coming across something like this when he happened to be browsing a magazing on birth signs. He wondered whether the birth chart was the same as the Natal Chart. So he raised his hand to ask the Professor.
" Professor is the Birth Chart the same as what some people refer to as the Natal Chart?" Cris was curious to know, even as he turned to Page 135 in his book and read how he was supposed to go about doing one.
He scribbled down his name, birthdate, the place he was born and yes he even know what time he was born. 10 points for curiosity. Then looking up at the example Professor Morgan had shown them, Cris began drawing out his birthchart.
What this all meant, Cris suspected that Professor Morgan would explain. "Very good, yes the birth chart is also called the Natal Chart. Different places and different books call it different things. Just terminology really, but they do the same function." Smiling towards the boy as he continued to work she turned towards the Prefect and inwardly sighed a bit. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo ...
For a moment Lex just stared at Professor Smiles. She...didn't really see what was so unprofessional about having an opinion on astrology. It was like her saying Arithmancy was rubbish--which she did--just an opinion. "Er.....he did Professor and does...sometimes in lessons when people confuse the two. He isn't disrespecting anyone's subject or Profession on account of Astrology not being a Profession nor a subject." Though she did suppose it could be covered in Divination like it was now but still, Airey was only stating that planets lining up didn't influence the way you behaved. There was just too much science involved for it to be real. "And I don't think he'd appreciate what you're implying as a result of his opinion." Just saying. Airey fell into favourite territory and Lex might have given the Professor the wrong impression about him. NOT what she was trying to do and she didn't think she liked where Professor Smiles was going.
Lex slumped forward on the table, trying to remind herself not to take it so seriously while she munched on a severed heart. They tasted better broken, was she the only one who noticed? All the love seeped out and gone somewhere else, truly lovely. While chewing she vaguely listened to what the Professor was on about and found herself proving herself right. It couldn't be real. Months and days had nothing to do with the person she was. They couldn't. There was no explanation except the planets aligned so it must be true. She wasn't a Ravenclaw but she couldn't accept that.
What she COULD do was the chart, which she did. Focusing on Miss Cambridge she gave her a beaming smile, "Well I will just have to pay Professor Flamsteed a visit about this little matter and see what he has to say." She knew an adult would not be unprofessional, "Astrology is a subject. It is a subject of Divination which we are learning right this very moment, and Astrology is a profession. Many hold careers studying this very concept." Her smile and happy attitude not being phased by any negativity. She knew and loved her profession and the topics it had. So one persons wrongly made opinion wasn't going to change her mood.
Glancing at her once more she just smiled, "I'm not sure he'd appreciate a student being distracting in a classroom by trying to say he doesn't like the subject either Miss Cambridge." Turning her attention towards the other students she moved towards the front of the room again.
Once in the front of the room again and seeing everyone finishing up she pulled out a picture. "Now we will get to some fun soon, but I just want to do a small over view of your birth charts, because some." Glances at Miss Cambridge "Seem to have a very poor misunderstanding for the subject of Astrology. So I'd like to show you a bit of how your birth chart is made up. If you look at your chart you can see the slices I was talking about that look like a pizza. These are the wheel of houses. It shouldn't be confused by the Zodiac Wheel, they are two different things. The Zodiac Wheel is based on the earths rotation around the sun, where as the house wheel is based on the twenty four hour rotation on it's own axis. If you look for the sun sign which looks like this. The sun represents are egos or better yet what others will see about us. . So depending on which house your sun lies in will be some of your major traits. Now to find which house it is in. Look here, see where my sun is, now move to the center. you will see little numbers 1-12 in the center. These are the house number. So my sun is in the 12th house."
She glanced around to see if they understood. "Now that isn't all that makes us up, so that's why you can't just take someones sign and combine them with all other Pieces or whatever sign they are in. You can't just combine them all with people that have a sun in the fifth house either. You must look at the sun, moon, and other planets and how they are aligned in the houses. The moon for example is the inner person. The moon sign looks like this. This will tell more of what inner traits you carry. Again we will look for the moon, then go down and see which number. If you look on mine you will see the moon is in the 10th house."
Sticking the two pictures up near the zodiac poster, Cassie turned excitedly towards the class. "Now before we get into why we are doing this on Valentine's day, why don't you take a moment and look up your sun and moon and then check with your book what house it is in and what that means." Thinking for a moment she moved towards Mo's book and leaned down a second. "Do you mind?" without waiting for him to answer she flipped the page then flipped back to the chart for him. "Thank you."
Standing up and looking at the class again. "Page 138 has the sun signs in the houses and 140 has the moon signs in the houses. Just go ahead and take a moment, see what your sun and moon say about you. " Checking her watch she figured this little add in wouldn't hurt their time. Some needed to know more about Astrology, so she was using this teachable moment. OOC: *sighs* Steven's extra clingy since mommy came back home is making it hard for me to get a morning and night post in. So hopefully that will change soon! You guys are doing great, just have them react to their signs don't need to make a tone of notes or anything like that. If your charrie doesn't want! I swear these are all not going to be this long! She got winded, because she's so passionate about this subject!!!
Last edited by Bazinga; 06-24-2014 at 10:57 PM.
Reason: I hope that helps with the house numbers..Sorry for the confusion.