Forest Troll
Join Date: Aug 2011 Location: Ohio
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Kirsten Delbin Hufflepuff Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Mateo Theodore Slytherin Fifth Year
x11 x9
| Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... SPOILER!!: Wonderful Answers everyone! Quote:
Originally Posted by Emmy lass was starting. Emmylou flailed at her friends and then gave all of her attention to her favorite professor, she had met her earlier in the term so it was all good. When she had met Professor Cassie she was super nervous about being at a new school and this amazinf professor just welcomed her into her office and was so sweet. Emmylou just loves happy and nice and sweet people. They were her kind of people. Now to the parchments that were going to be read. Emmylou wondered if hers was going to get read. Hmm. She didn't hear hers yet but she snapped happily from the other students that were being read. This was such a great idea.
Poster time. Emmylou knew that poster! She knew what that was. The third years hand darted up into the air. "That's a zodiac poster also known as astrology." The southern girl beamed. "Some people use them for horoscopes and you can see how compatible you are with another person. So we might be using it to see how compatible we are with some of the people in this classroom or to try and get to know them better?" Emmylou finally put her hand down when she had finished talking.
__________________ Cassie bounced a bit on her toes and snapped, “YES! It is the Zodica poster. Very good!” First person to answer knew what it was. This was just so exciting. “Horoscopes are the most common use for these signs, yes. Very good thoughts Emmy.” Beaming at the girl she moved on to the next answer. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kace "Professor like Emmy said, it is a zodiac sign poster. It is basically there to tell you what your love life is going to be. It is like a prediction. The moons are there to tell you about your heart matters. It is called Lunar astrology I believe.." he said stopping himself. He felt like he said too much. He wanted others to contribute. The boy near Emmy answered and she just snapped again, “Very good, yes Zodiac signs can tell you about your love life. They have so many purposes really.” This was great that the students seem to be knowledgeable on the signs. Maybe make the lesson that much more fun. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lux Raising her hand, she replied, "That is a poster for the zodiac and relates to Horoscopes I think. People sometimes use the Astrology signs for compatibility. You know, to see if their sign matches up with someone else's and if they would make a good couple." Personally she didn't really believe in all that Astrology stuff, and she already knew who she was compatible with thank you very much.
__________________ Beaming at the next answer, “Very right Lex, good job. Astrology signs are perfect for compatibility, but not just relationship and couples. No, they work for many different types of compatibilities.” She would get into that more later. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cinna Yay class was starting she stopped her slouching and sit straight up and proper like. She looked over at the poster her hand flew up almost as fast as Emmy and Kaces hand did. "It's called compatibly chart. She see which signs are best matched together."
__________________ “Very good, it does show compatibility through the signs and the planets. We’ll talk more about that in just a bit.” Giving the girl an encouraging grin. What a great group of students she had. They were just impressing her left and right. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jasmine "The poster shows the different signs of the zodiac. A person's sign is determined by their birthdate. You can tell a lot of different things about a person if you know their zodiac sign.". Jasmine was not exactly sure what they they would be using the chart to determine during today's class. “Fantastic answer! You can really tell a person by their sign and if you know the signs well enough you can actually tell exactly what a person is by their personality.” She could pick out a person’s sign quicker than anything just by a few short actions by the person. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cris "Professor that poster shows the planets and zodiac signs which are connected with each month of the year. We use this chart to determine what sign and planet we are born under. Each sign and planet has certain characteristics assigned to it, supposedly distinct to you as a person. Some people call it their horoscope while others call it the study of Astrology." Cris shrugged. It really didn't matter either way to him.
"I guess on Valentine's Day, the chart could tell us whom our best match is" Cris quickly glanced over at Jasmine before looking straight ahead, trying to keep himself from smiling. Not like he didn't know already.
__________________ [b] “Very good definition of what the chart is Cristoffer. Though a horoscope and the study of Astrology are two different things. Horoscopes are what we get from our signs, where the study of Astorology is so much more. It’s the signs, the alignment of them, the planets involved, personality traits that are given to each. They can determine many more things than just future happenings. Quote:
Originally Posted by Grayson Hex him. Hex him now.
This CLASS. They had to do SNAPS for everyone? WHY?! So people could feel better about how loved up they were? No thank you. And apparently, they were going to continue showing LOVE in this class. Jeez. Bunking this class was starting to sound like a much better idea. Unless, of course, something interesting happened. But right now, the only interesting thing here was the fact that Professor Cassie was a seer.
Yeah. Fine. Snaps for you and you and you. Snaps for ALL of you.
Could they move on? Yes? Thank--
Groan. Were they really going to show some more love in here by learning about this........... compatibility chart or whatever it is that people had called it? WAS it even a compatibility chart or was the decoration making people feel more loved up than they already were? Probably. A part of him thought it would be interesting to see who was compatible with him. A tiny part. One that the Grinch of Valentine's Day side of him was pushing down and keeping shut.
HE was going to offer something. And then the hand went up in the air. "Does the chat tell you what your ruling planet is depending on your star sign?" It was a guess. Snapping again like she had been doing for all the answers, Cassie turned her eyes on a Slytherin SNACinator. “Partly yes! It does discuss planets and where they align based on our births. We will be getting into that just a little bit today.” They would have to know where certain planets were to find a certain thing out.
[quote=Ethan] After taking another sip of his tea, Ethan raised his hand to answer. “Professor? Will we be…predicting our fate today?”Because, Valentine’s Day? In all seriousness though, this class could be fun. The Professor and this school deemed that this branch of magic is worth learning, but if the majority doesn’t take this class seriously, then they might as well get the fun out of it, yes?
Looking towards another Slytherin boy, ummm the name would come to her. “We won’t be predicting our fates per say today, but we will be using these signs for something we will be learning about.” She grinned before turning to the next student. As eager as she was to say what they were doing she wanted to keep some things a surprise for now. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mackenzie Mack's eyes continued to shift around the room "I could easily run out and grab that can of black spray paint then fix this awful color." Okay, so Professor Cassie, she seems nice all except this horrid excuse for a color. "Oh a puffer, what are hufflepuffs even good at?!"
Oh JOY this PINKcup. Mackenzie was seriously going to throw up..
Seriously the blonde was really really wanting to like Professor Cassie but between the pink and talking about love... Anyway moving on.
Staring at the poster Mack smiled "It's a horoscope poster, it will show you which of the other signs you best fit with in love. " “Yes it can show us which signs best fir with love, but signs are so much more than that as well.” Her passion was in Astrology and it showed through her enthusiasm as she bounced around the class. “Good thoughts though, keep those in mind a little later.” Giving the young lion a wink she moved on to the next student. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bay He just had to hold back a chuckle because Professor Morgan had mention his note… heeee heeee heeee. hearing all the snaps he thought it was awesome to join in.. snap, snap, snap
ohhh another piece of paper.. Bay looked at it and he knew what he was looking at, he raised his hand "Professor Cassie…. these are the Zodiac signs.." he felt proud to know so much about what he was looking at.. but if his mother was here she would hit him upside the head because she read this stuff all the time.
__________________ Snaps for you Bay, “Yes they are the zodiac signs. So wonderful aren’t they?” She glanced over at the poster and beamed. This was just so fun and she had thought over this lesson so many times. Knowing it was what she was meant to teach today. Quote:
Originally Posted by Zander The poster? It looked like a bunch of chinese symbol to be honest. But Zander recognized them from some of the magazines his mom would read. "They can be used for horoscopes right? They always have a section in magazines about your horoscope and future stuff." Future stuff? Who would've thought? In divination. What a surprise. Brilliant answer Zander, just brilliant. “Yes, yes horoscopes can be found in magazines most of the time. It’s so fun to go looking for them and see what happens.” She highly enjoyed browsing the signs at the end of her gossip columns she adored reading. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lex At the question, Lex looked up again. The chart from earlier with the astrology signs. Astrology signs, Airey didn't believe in those. Did Professor Smiles know that? "It's what Professor Airey would call blasphemy at its finest Professor." That's what it was. They weren't real. She didn't think that the month she was born or a planet somewhere out in the galaxy dictated her behaviour. She simply did what she wanted. Her green eyes focused on the Prefect and she laughed, “Oh nonsense Professor Flamsteed is a very knowledgeable man, I don’t think he’d say something so unprofessional and inaccurate about someone else’s profession and subject.” That wasn’t very nice of her or him if he did, but no bother to each their own opinions. Quote:
Originally Posted by Penelope She looked at the poster that the professor put up. It had zodiac signs and planet names on it. "Those are zodiac signs. In astrology they can be used for predicting stuff in people's lives." Oh the SNACinator she took to the Hospital Wing, yes Pamela was it? “Very good, very good. Horoscopes and other predictions do come from our Zodiac Signs. So much you can do with them.” These answers were just lovely. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mo He eyed the chart as the professor talked, trying to ignore how she was bubbly and a little silly and trying to teach them astrology, which was frankly insulting. This was a real class, y'know?
Still, he raised his hand. "Professor, the symbols in the third and fifth column are astrological symbols and are a pictorial representation of each of the object named in the preceding column. Some of them represent the object directly, like the moon and the sun, and some represent the mythological tale the planet or zodiac sign is named for, like how the Venus symbol represents the goddess's hand mirror." That was factual, at least.
__________________ Turning towards an older boy Cassie beamed and snapped for him. He did seem to know his stuff now didn’t he. “Very good, wonderful answer. The moon and sun are very important in where they are aligned in your sign.” A shrill of excitement in her voice as he talked about the names. “The mythological tale is just so fun to learn about, but we won’t be concentrating on that part today.” Pity too, because they were just so fun to hear about. Quote:
Originally Posted by AJ It seemed like the professor was not going to be giving up her snaps anytime soon, but it didn't really bother AJ. She was take a nice professor over a crabby one any day. The use of the word snacinator still made her giggle. The first year refused to look at Adi when the professor talked about relationship statuses.
Looking at the poster, AJ thought that it looked kind of familiar. "Isn't that supposed to tell you who your perfect match is?" Like some signs worked well together whike others didn't.
__________________ Looking back to the first year again she smiled, “Yes they can be used for that. Matches and compatibilities are a great use for Zodiac signs.” She never went into a relationship blind and she hoped these smart children wouldn’t either. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bev She raised her hand after collecting herself. "It's a Zodiac chart. The signs are often used as ways to foretell the future for a certain sign or to see what pairings would work out." Not that she knew about that. She was a Leo and Jeremiah was Aries, just FYI. “It is the Zodiac chart and the signs can be used to tell what’s going to happen in the future or best matches. Very good.” Smarties she had in this class. Maybe she should have brought them all the muggle candy for such a good job. She’s have to in the next class for sure. Quote:
Originally Posted by Simon The Professor was really, really sweet. Like really sweet. Almost Emmylou sweet. Simon blinked for a second and then gave her a shy smile. Simon smirked at Ethan's nudge and then nudged his friend back. Yeah, yeah. Insert an imaginary eye roll here. He took another sip of his tea and listened to the professor ask them what the poster that she had up there was. He raised his hand, "It's a poster with Astrology or zodiac signs on it. The signs are often used with predicting our future based on when we were born. You can often find sections about them in muggle newspapers. Some of the things that you read in those newspapers aren't exactly precise." Some of the sections were just plain rubbish, but he wouldn't phrase it like that. “Very good, it is a poster for Astrology and Zodiac signs. I love that you all know about the horoscopes, but I shouldn’t be surprised they are such good fun.” She loved giving people their horoscopes. Her day started with her tea readings and horoscopes. Laughing she snapped a bit, “But isn’t the not exactly precise pieces sometimes the most entertaining?” She loved her gossip papers muggle and wizard, not caring if they were truly real, though she assumed most of them were, but either way they were all so fun to read. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kevin Looking at the chart, the Gryffindor decided to just go with the flow. The sooner it was over the better. "Probably to see which zodiac signs would be a match with each other so they could become a potential boyfriend and girlfriend....which is the MOST stupid thing EVER" ...if she believed in THAT then he was out of here.
__________________ Still grinning towards the very interesting boy. Giggling at his answer a bit, “We have a frowny face that needs turned upside down it seems. They are great to match people together, but not just for boyfriend and girlfriend purposes. So don’t worry I’m not playing match maker in class today.” At least not on purpose. Quote:
Originally Posted by Leah Leah smiled, and cheered when the professor said that she was a Hufflepuff. It was always good to have more Badgers in the school! She was expecting a fun class this day. The second year was already liking this Divination teacher a lot, and it was Valentine's Day. What could be better? Leah now focused on the lesson.
She studied the poster carefully. Some difficult words and weird drawings. Raising her hand hesitantly, the girl said, "Um, it's related to love?" Yep, that was all she could figure out.
__________________ Knowing it was all because of the day, Cassie couldn’t help but giggle more with the next answer. “It certainly could be about love. As I’ve mentioned before though, there are so many other things Zodiac signs can teach you.” Hopefully everyone will find a better understanding of this throughout the lesson. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucy Lucy raised her wand:" There are the zodiac signs..
I think there are people with zodiac signs incompatible with each other..The other signs instead are suitable for being togheter.. “Very good. Signs are great to see who you might not be very compatible with. Now I’m not saying don’t ever associate with those people, but it helps you become aware of what’s going on.” She beamed at the first year. What fantastic answers from everyone! Quote:
Originally Posted by Angel Angel looked at the Professor and raised her hand. "It's supposed to tell you who you are going to be in love with right?" Angel was sure but well she had a funny feeling it was. "It also tells you who you are going to marry." Looking at the other twin as she spoke, Cassie smiled a bit. The young girls in the class seemed to be all about relationships. Goodness, she couldn't remember ever being into relationships really, still wasn't all that much, but the thought of romance and forever love was something to get all dreamy about she figured and knew she could get caught up in the heroic moment of an interest. "It can show you more compatibility than who you will fall in love with. There is a huge difference between who we will fall for with our eyes and who our personality should have us fall for." Quick glancing at Nessa, she knew about that. Cassie had warned her that her younger brother was not suited for her. Chuckled to herself a bit she turned to move the class on.
What great answers everyone had! They were just wonderful she was giving them all happy snaps. “As everyone said in one way or another these are Zodiac signs that go along with Astrology. When you are born you are given a sign based on the day you were born, as well as planet alignment, and rising and ascending signs . These signs could tell us so many things about ourselves. From personality to, like some have mentioned, who we are most compatible with. Muggles mostly use these for horoscopes, but we also do in the wizarding world. They are predictions based on the aligning of planets and your signs. Some say it is a load of rubbish, but I believe otherwise.” She believe in the signs very much so. “Now before we can do anything, you must know your sign and the information around your sign. So we will be making a birth chart first of all. Open your books to page 135 and it will show you all about a birth chart.” She moved pulling out her wand and bringing forward another hand drawn poster. “This is what a birth chart looks like once it is finished.” Pointing towards the chart and then looking back at the students. “Now your chart can be super interesting, but confusing if you don’t know what you are looking for. With all the pieces and different color lines, then the signs and planets. I like to think of it as a pizza with the twelve slices. These slices are houses that help with showing a person’s personality. With me, being a Libra, with my sun sign in the 12th house my personality will be very different than say a person with Libra and the sun sign in the 8th house. So that does mean that two Libra’s are not exactly the same. I know some have said there is no way these signs could be true, because of that reason. The people that say that are only looking at being a Libra, not where their sun sign lies or where any other piece of their birth chart goes.” Lack of knowledge was always why Astrology got such a bad reputation. People only knew signs and not what went into those signs.
As she began walking around the room smiling at all the students and Nessa, who she knew she had done many birth charts for in the past, “Now we could work all term on birth charts and finding out all the different things about our personalities. Though for this lesson we are going to be focusing on three things on your birth chart. The Sun, Mars, and Venus, where they are on your chart, and what signs they are in. First though I want you to take parchment and those wonderful crayons that Professor Glendower allowed us to borrow and make your own birth chart.” Wasn’t that exciting! Birth Charts were so fun to make! Everyone should have them! “I’ll give you fifteen minutes to make your chart, use your book to help with the lines. You need to know your birth town and time of birth, so I hope you all are aware of these things.” If not they would have to try and figure them out or come very close to. OOC: Sorry that was a little long! Don't stress out about these charts, it's just fun! Don't hand draw or anything like that. Just use the link to make a birth chart! I'm hoping to make another post before bed tonight! Please make sure the link is sending you to the correct place. It is for me, but I was told it wasn't for someone else. It should take you right to a place that says Birth Data Entry. Once you put the information in scroll clear the the bottom where it says chart drawing, ascendant, click on that and it will bring up your birth chart.
Last edited by Bazinga; 06-23-2014 at 08:04 PM.
Reason: adding Angel in..