It often amazed her, how genuinely bright and able some of the younger students were... and Lucy was no exception.
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Lucy listened the instructions of the Professor and she made her way to the greenhouse two.
She smiled at her Professor and she said : " United we stand, divided we fall! "
"I couldn't agree with you more," Seren nodded, flashing the Gryffindor a warm smile.
But on with the work. Again, Seren moved through the greenhouses, assisting where she could, and monitoring the progress. She'd already made a trip herself, but it seemed time to move things along.
"Well done everyone! This is splendid progress!" she called out to them,
"Finish up what you're doing and move onto greenhouses four and five please!"
She had repeated the same message in both greenhouses, gesturing them to follow suit.
Of course, there was another task which required particular care.
"Could I please have the student leaders and any willing sixth or seventh years with me please to help me with greenhouse eight!"