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Old 06-23-2014, 12:50 AM   #41 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kirsten Delbin
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mateo Theodore
Fifth Year

x11 x9
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...

SPOILER!!: Everyone’s Hello’s
Originally Posted by Emmy
Emmylou skipped all the way to her Divinations class. The third year lioness was so darn happy, not only was it Valentine's Day but it was also twelve days until her birthday and it was time for Divinations class. Emmylou couldn't contain her happiness. AS soon as Emmylou walked into the classroom she beamed at her professor and gave her a little wave. "Hello, Professor Morgan. How are you today?" She said cheerfully. She looked to see what she had to do. Crayons, parchment and she had to write what she was proud of. That was going to be easy for the third year. She knew what she was proud of. Emmylou looked around the classroom to find that she was the first one here. She took a seat in the middle of the class. Then she took a bright purple crayon and wrote down what she was proud of.
The first person had arrived, Cassie was sooo excited that she snapped as Emmylou walked in. Remembering the lion from her office visit she just beamed at the girl. “Happy Valentine’s Day! Welcome to class. I’m just so nervicited about the lesson today. How are you doing on this wonderful day?” She had a boyfriend from what Cassie thought she remembered, so what a perfect day to be a couple. Though the day was fun even if you weren’t in a relationship. No one really needed to be in one to have fabtastic holidays.

Originally Posted by Lux
Lux was so happy as she skipped into class. It was Valentines Day!! The first Valentines Day she had a boyfriend for. It was so very exciting!! Something else that made her excited was that this was her first Divination lesson and Lux was really liking Professor Morgan so far. That woman was super NICE.

"Hello, Professor Morgan! I love the set up in here. How are you today?" BEAM. Emmy got big smiles too. Grabbing a box of crayons, she went to sit by her friend. Hopefully Bay and Kace would come soon as well. And Cinna and Bart.

Hmmm, what was she proud of? Taking out some parchment, Lux thought about it a little before grabbing a pink crayon. Generally she would have gone with blue, but it was VALENTINES DAY, so pink would be better. Gosh, she was loving this holiday so much. Where was boyfriend? Biting her lip, she wrote down what she was proud of
Another child, oh this was just soooo fun. “Hello! Welcome to class! Happy Valentine’s day!” She was enjoying herself already and hoped the rest would as well. “Thank you, I do enjoy decorating.” Her eyes looked around the room, she was very happy with the way the room turned out. Not very classroom looking at all. More like a tea room actually. “I’m splendid, how are you?” So polite the children all seemed to be.

Originally Posted by Simon

Too pink. Way too pink. They needed some blue and green in here. Pink was too infectious. Simon eyed the room suspiciously before he took another step in. Why was it all pink? His eyes widened when he remembered the post about the class on the noticeboard. He narrowed his eyes. Eugh. Valentine's Day. A very scary day for the young Snake.

Taking a deep breath, he entered the room and overheard a Hufflepuff girl telling the Professor that she loved the set-up. Seriously? he thought. He could've been sick because of the over sweet set-up. Anyway, he dismissed the thought and hid behind his cool façade. He gave the Professor a friendly nod and wave. "Hello Professor Morgan. How are you?" he asked before taking a box of crayons. At least they got some cool crayons from this. He glanced about the room and saw Emmylou and the other Hufflepuff girl sitting up at the front. He gave them both a friendly wave and then took a seat at another table. Where were Cutty and Ethan to save him from all this pink? This was Madame Pudifoots all over again minus the snogging.

He took out a piece of parchment and then wrote down what he was proud of:
Oh the first boy, “Welcome! Happy Valentine’s Day!” She beamed at him, “I’m just doing wonderful, how are you this afternoon?” Already knowing he had to be great. It was Divination time and Valentine’s Day! “Go have a seat and eat some cookies, class will start soon.” Oh and read the poster she thought about saying, but decided it wasn’t that big of a deal.
Originally Posted by Ethan
Trying to be the cool dude, because it’s Valentine’s day, Ethan made his way towards the Divination Tower strutting. He feels good today, and his confidence is just oozing. Heck, if girls’ got this ‘I-feel-beautiful-today’ attitude, so does he. He really should stop acting like a child and be a super smooth guy.

Upon reaching the entrance, he saw their professor wearing red from head to toe. A grin was plastered on his face and offered her his smooth greeting. “Helloooo, professor.” Ethan had to fight the urge to wink at her. “Get a grip, Mordaunt. She’s your professor! No winking if you don’t want to die.” With that thought in mind, he gave up on his super smooth attitude and waved at the woman.

Well. Fail.

Anyway, as instructed, he got himself a box of crayons and picked a seat. Oooh. Tea and cookies! Ethan’s really loving this school. Almost every class he’s attended got free food! But first things first. The third year got himself a parchment and paused as he thought of something that he’s proud of doing…or someone else. Hmm.

Scribble, scribble.
Another boy entering, he got happy snaps from Cassie, “Hello!!!! Welcome to Divination and Happy Valentine’s Day.” He was excited for this fun filled holiday wasn’t he? Oh she should have brought chocolates as well. Now why didn’t she think of this until just now, well they had heart shaped cookies.

Originally Posted by Zander
Valentines day. Also known as the day when all the couples could be found snogging in the towers. When all the singles would be moping. And when Zander would still be hopelessly crushing on someone way out of his reach. What a day it would be for sure.

Walking into the classroom Zander-- WOAH. Holy pink.

This place was crawling in all that hearts and reds and valentines day stuff. It was actually really overwhelming. And super intimidating. Woah. Zander didn't even know what to think at this point. All of this stuff kind of creeped him out... Professor Morgan was super nice and all, but she was way too girly and way too happy. All the time.

Walking into this room was like taking a walk into her mind. Weird.

Even though he just wanted to run out of the room and take shelter in somewhere less... frilly. He forced a small smile upon his face. "Uh hi Professor, I see you changed the place up." But unlike Lux he did not love the set up. So he'd just leave it at that. AH SO UNCOMFORTABLE.

He noticed both Lux and Emmylou had arrived and gave them both a small smile. And ooh, Simon and that other kid,Ethan got a smile out of his utter relief to see the two there. He needed some men to save him from this frilly mess! Because he was still all intimidated by this room. If anything it was kind of setting him on edge a little bit. He couldn't possibly last the entire lesson in here. Okay, for once Zander actually wanted the lesson to continue outdoors. Woah. Never thought he'd ever say that... Anyways... He noticed the instructions that Professor Morgan had clearly put up and raised an eyebrow in response... Uh. He had no idea what to write.

And what exactly is a "snap cup"? Was this some weird divination thing? Because they had never done this before.... Okay this set up is making the Gryffindor super itchy and super uncomfortable and super WHY WHY PROFESSOR WHYYYY!
Recognizing the next student as one of her SNACinators , “Hello! Happy Valentine’s Day” He was having a fantastic day wasn’t he? She hoped he was at least. “Oh you noticed? Yes I did change it up a bit from Professor Ellwood, but we all have our different styles and this is just mine. I hope you like it.” She loved the way she had it done. So festive for the day’s events.

Originally Posted by Arista
Arista loved Valentine's Day, not because the love stuff because that was just ew but because of all the chocolate that was always around. Being small she could usually sneak a few. Professor Morgan she liked so far and there was a theme lesson!!!

"Hello, Professor Morgan! Happy Valentine's Day!! I am loving the Pink and everything!!" Arista gave the Professor a huge smile as well. Grabbing a box of crayons, she went to sit down at a table that was empty at the moment.

Hmmm, what was she proud of?!!! Proud of. A small grin started to form on the fisrt year's face as she remembered what she had done. She grabbed a pink crayon because it was Valentine's Day so that was warranted. Taking out some parchment, Lux thought about it a little before grabbing a pink crayon. She wrote down what she was proud of:
Happily snapping as another student came into the room she was just so happy to see them all. “Welcome, how are you today Miss Arista? Happy Valentine’s Day.” The girl seemed just as excited as she did this was just wonderful. “I’m sooo happy you like it! My two favorite colors.” Hence why most of her things were pink, but red was just wonderful as well.

Originally Posted by Cristoffer
Cris made his way up the Divination room, still fidgeting with his black bow tie. When he read the notice Professor Morgan had put up requesting that they wear red, Cris remembered rolling his eyes. Sure he was all for dressing up for Valentine's Day...if he happened to be out on a date!! But he wasn't eager to be seen wearing something red in class.

Cris had hemmed and hawed worried that he wouldn't find anything red to wear when he remembered the red jacket his mother had made him bring. So that was what he was wearing now. To his utter dismay, the first thing Cris noticed when he walked into the room was that besides Professor Morgan and he, no one else was wearing red. Had he misread the notice? Cris blushed a deep match the suit he was wearing.

He wanted to turn around and run back to the dorm to change back but he knew that he didn't have time to do that, so he shook his head and walked right in. Well at least the room was pleasantly decorated. Cris hoped that his red suit wouldn't stand out to much in all this pinkness. Walking up to the Professor, Cris managed a smile, albeit an embarrassed one.

"Good afternoon, Professor Morgan. Happy Valentine's Day to you. The class looks really nice." Cris greeted the Professor, before leaning to whisper in her ear, " didn't change your mind about us wearing red did you?" Cris hoped that she hadn't and that he had somehow missed that message.

Then he turned to look at a poster on the wall and read the instructions. Something he was proud to have done. Cris didn't have a problem figuring that one out. He walked over and picked up a box of crayons, before finding an empty desk. Then he sat down, pulled out a parchment, picked out a red colored crayon and wrote down what he was proud of.
Seeing someone in a red suit Cassie couldn’t be happier. Her snaps showed just as much, “Cristoff how wonderful you are wearing a suit. What a way to get into the Valentine’s spirit.” It was just marvelous! She looked puzzled as he whispered, “Oh no, I still asked for red, but some people just express themselves differently so it’s all fine and dandy.” No big deal if they didn’t wear red she wasn’t concerned.

Originally Posted by Jasmine
Jasmine was excited because it was Valentine's Day, her first real Valentine's Day. She put on her favorite red dress for the occasion and headed off to Divination class, wondering what Professor Morgan had in store for the class.

When she reached the class, she saw that the classroom was decorated in a perfect way to celebrate the day. "Good Morning Professor. Happy Valentine's Day." Jasmine figured that If anyone would appreciate the holiday, it would be Professor Morgan.

Seeing the class' instructions, Jasmine knew that she would have to give some thought to her answer. She took a red crayon and went over to sit by Cris. " Happy Valentine's Day!, Jasmine said to her boyfriend. She could not possibly have been beaming any brighter at that moment. "You look very festive in red. I like it."

Suddenly remembering her assignment, Jasmine took out a piece of parchment and began to write with her crayon.
“Hello! Happy Valentine’s Day to you. I’m so happy you came to class today.” This was wonderful to see her SNACinators and others. “Go ahead and find a seat, there are heart cookies and tea.” Always a great thing to have food, it helped make everyone happy. Happy students, meant happy learning in her eyes.

Originally Posted by Kevin
Valentine's day...just UGH.

He knew that the annoucement board had said to wear red and that was exactly what Kevin had done. Maybe not in the way how people expected it but he still wore something. Dressed in a dark BLUE sweater, BLACK pants and a dark blue hat on top of his head which was turned to the side, Kevin had ONE thing that was red. His socks. Which were currently hidden underneath his pants and in his shoes, obviously. So if someone should point out his dress code, he would pull up the sleeve of his pants and BAM RED SOCKS!

He entered the Divination Tower with a tissue in his hand in which he coughed now and then, ignored the Professor and grabbed a crayon before sitting down. He then grabbed a piece of parchment and began to think. What was he proud of today?
The boy from the Staff table, she wondered if he was feeling better, but then assumed not by his cough. He’d be going to the healer soon or she’d be getting the healer to come to class for him. “Hello! Welcome to Divination, Happy Valentine’s Day!” He wasn’t wearing red, but really no big deal. She loved self-expression. “I don’t mind the hat, but some professors might frown upon it. So please try to make sure you pay attention to which ones do while in the castle.” Just some friendly advice really.

What the...?

Michael stood in the doorway to the Divination classroom and looked around the room with a mild expression of disgust. It was bad enough that it was Valentines Day, but did the Professor have to advertise it especially since he had forgotten to get Zahra a present. Awesome! Now he was going to have a very annoyed girlfriend.

He made his way slowly into the classroom, picked up the box of crayons, muttered a small "Hello" to the Professor and sat down at an empty table. He rolled up his sleeves so that the Professor could see the red watch band that he wearing before pulling out a piece of parchment and wrote:
Oh another new face. Oh goodness she hoped she’d not screw up a name or two. Names were so hard for her at times. If they were all puppies she’d figure it out better. “Welcome to Divination! Happy Valentine’s Day.” He was excited, right? Everyone should be of course. “Have a cookie, we’ll be starting soon.” She checked her watch and figured a few more would be coming soon enough.

Originally Posted by Cinna
Monday. Valentines day. Cinnamon had to admit that she was pretty excited about a being Valentines day. Even with the brownie drama that unfolded this weekend. She still kept up a happy front. At least a great Divination lesson would keep her in high spirits. She still hadn't talked to Bart since she yelled at him yesterday. So hopefully he would be here and they could talk it out or something. It was the day of love so anything was possible, right?

Cinnamon straighten up her RED DRESS out before climbing through the trapdoor. "Good afternoon Professor Morgan! Happy Valentines Day." she said in a happy voice or the best happy voice she could get. She was happy but no overly. The first thing she noticed was the crayons. She grabbed a box.

She spotted her friends Emmy and Lux. Taking a seat near them. "Hey, girls. Happy Valentines Day." She put on her happy face and grinned at them.

She got a piece of parchment. What was she proud of today. Was it that she hid the fact that she was sad today so well? Or that hadn't cried today? Or was it something else. What was it? She quickly scribbled

Seeing another girl coming into the room Cassie snapped at her welcome. “Hello, Happy Valentine’s Day to you! Come in, class will start shortly. I hope you are having a wonderful day so far.” The girl looked so nice in her dress. “Very festive I might add, great to see.” Everyone looked wonderful who read the notice and came in red.
Originally Posted by Aj
She was supposed to wear red, and as much as she didn't want to because it symbolized the whole love thing on this day, she did anyways. Pink wasn't going to happen so red was going to have to do. If anybody asked though AJ would just say that red was because of her gryffindor house. ROAR!

As she made her way into the classroom she had to suppress a shudder. Was with with all the decorations? If things got super weird she would have to fake a sickness and get out of there asap.

"Hello professor." Did this woman love this day or what? She was all decked out in red, and AJ was pretty sure her face was hurting from all that smiling. As she read the sign she saw that they needed crayons. Was she five? Reading further showed that she only needed it to write something down so she grabbed her a box and scanned the room. She would be lying if she said that she wasn't looking for Adi. This whole classroom set up made everything that happened between them come rushing back to her mind.

The coast was clear. AJ snagged a spot not too close to anybody, and picked out a blue crayon. She pulled a piece of parchment out of her bag and thought about what she was proud of. Hmm... nothing really came to mind today. There was plenty of things that she was proud of in general, but nothing spectacular about today. AJ blew out air and put her crayon to her parchment.
Oh yes, one of the twins entered the room. Cassie beamed at the girl, “Hello Angel how are we doing today?” She was proud to remember which was which. “Happy Valentine’s Day!” She hoped the students would enjoy their cookies while they waited and she loved seeing them use the snap cup.

[quote=Mackenzie] Mack climbed the stairs, her eye widen significantly as she takes sight of all the pink. "Seriously, pink... Gag me" She stepped up into the room and she read the board, walking over to the cart she grabs a box of crayons before taking a seat in the back.

Taking out the parchment she pulls out a black crayon, and started thinking...
"What am I proud of today? Hmmm... I'm proud that I still haven't gone crazy..... I'm proud that I live alone already
Well that reaction took her by surprise, but it didn’t show on her face. No Cassie was happy and smiling as the girl continued to walk in. Though she didn’t say a word to the professor, the professor did say words to her. “Hello and Happy Valentine’s Day. Everyone is allowed their opinions, but we don’t have to be mean about them either.” No need for rudeness in this class.
Originally Posted by Adi
Why in the world did they have to wear read to this lesson? Adi thought that if he didn't like Professor Morgan and all her cheeriness, he would have definitely skipped this lesson. But he had made up his mind to do as best as he could since she was so nice to them all.

"Hello, Professor,'' the Badger said. "You're looking great.'' He grinned then turned his attention to the hearty poster with instructions. What was he proud of? He wasn't sure. But he grabbed the crayons and headed off to find a seat. For once Adi wasn't looking around for Benny.

His eyes finally found her. He didn't know if AJ had seen him or if she was ignoring him still because he saw no sign that she his presence. The boy found himself a seat, got a piece of parchment and scribbled:
Changing her focus to yet another student that had come in, Cassie beamed, “Hello Adi, how are you today.” Oh he noticed that she dressed her best for class. Not that she didn’t always dress her best. She was never without looking good. You just never knew when it was needed. “Thank you very much.” So sweet of him to notice.
Originally Posted by Bay
Bay made his was through the two door and was instantly shocked... Pink and flowers.... Looking at the front of the room he spotted the professor "hello professor, I hope your well. " he said as he spotted the board.

Looking around the room he saw Lux and Emmy and more of his friends as he went to go sit at Lux's table. " hey Ladies " he said while bending over to write on the parchment.
It was the boy from the corridor, Cassie gave him a smile, “Hello, Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you are having a wonderful day.” Her happy snaps welcoming him as well, [b] “Grab a cookie and a seat we’ll be starting very shortly.
Originally Posted by Kace
Divination Time! He heard there was a new professor in town. As he climbed up the stairs into the classroom, he realized how out of breath he was. He could never get used to the climb. But once he took in his surroundings, he noticed everything was PINK. Pink everywhere!? He shook his head to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. Nope it was Valentine's Day. He would have to get Emmy her gift soon. But back to the task at hand. He saw the professor and said, "Hello Professor! How are you liking Hogwarts so far?"He wanted to know her opinion. Then he took a sheet of paper and wondered what he was proud of. Then he saw his friends all sitting together, Lux, Emmy, Bay and even Zander and Simon. He greeted his bromance lover first with a one armed hug, "Hey Bay!". Then he scared Lux and went around her and squeezed her sides and said, "BOO!" He saw his beautiful girlfriend sitting there and he crept up behind her and whispered, "Hello beautiful...happy early valentine's day.." he kissed her cheek and sat down.
Seeing another student she gave him happy snaps, “Hello.. hello!! Happy Valentine’s Day!” Was she liking Hogwarts, now was that a question or what? “I looooovvve Hogwarts! I did while I was here as a student and I’m loving being a professor.” It was a great honor to get to teach her favorite subject, in her favorite class, at her favorite school.

Originally Posted by Cassia and Alexa



"Cassia we're leaving. Let's go. We can't stay here. Absolutely not. Do you see this room? I'll die. You can't expect me to sit through this. The kitchen's not that far from here," complete lie, it was seven flights down but eh, "we can still make it." Didn't Cassia like elf food? Lex liked elf food. They could ditch real quick. The Professor would never even know they were here, wasn't she busy doing...whatever it was she was doing.

The class had a decent turnout of brainwashed students actually into the rubbish that was Valentines Day. TWO MISSING STUDENTS WOULDN'T BE BAD.

Lex grabbed Cassia's hand and gave it a hard tug in case she wasn't listening. "Cassia Somerlad! This room is pink. There is pink everywhere and I'm about to pop that balloon. Come. On."

Was her bestfriend not listening? This class wasn't mandatory. Divination wasn't even real. CASSIA!
Divination! A subject Cassia didn't whether she liked or not. She supposed she didn't dislike it but she wasn't that good at it. Neither was she bad, which was exactly the confusing part. She could easily get by but she wouldn't be that good. However, the snake was eager to get to know the new professor. That was always fun, getting to know new professors.

Though as soon as she entered the room she was blinded by all the pink. She didn't mind the color, unlike the protesting Gryffindor right next to her, but she was surprised by it all.


Without a doubt Bunz was the one who chose this professor personally. The two must be very close friends who bounded over the love of pink. See, Cassia figured it all out.

"Lex, try to ignore it," She knew that'd be impossible but she couldn't think of anything else to say. What?! "And leave the balloons alone." She muttered under her breath shooting a look at Alexa.Tightening her grip on the hand that tugged hers, which of course belonged to Lex, she pulled the sixth-year further into the classroom with her with all her might. They weren't going to skip a lesson! Divination was usually fun. Plus new professor and they had badges so that wouldn't be the greatest idea. "Come on, you can do it, you'll forget about the color, stare at your shoes," That had to be a better advise than the previous one. Because without needing to check she knew her friend's shoes weren't pink.

"Good day professor, I'm Cassia Somerlad," She introduced herself to the professor who was working on some poster."This is Alexa Cambridge," Was Lex staring at her shoes? Cassia just saved her from having to look upwards.

With her hand still clutching Lex's the snake walked towards two seats and wrestled pulled Alexa down to sit. Fishing out two parchments, Cassia slid one to her friend, they clearly had to write about something they were proud of. Sounded easy.
What was going on here? The professor watched curiously as the girls spoke to each other before finally deciding to walk in. Oh the one was one of her SNACinators. “Miss Cambridge hello.” She gave her happy snaps and a little wave. Looking at the other girl her face got even more excited and so did her snaps. “You must be the other Cassiopeia. I’ve heard there was someone with my name around the school.” She beamed, she was told by the headmistress at her interview, that name she’d remember. “Happy Valentine’s Day to both of you.”

Originally Posted by Lucy
Valentine's Day!!!
Lucy wore her red dress and she climbed the stars.
Great! the classroom was riched of flowers and pink decorations. She smiled at her Professor and her classmates. "Good afternoon, Professor! "
She found a free seat and she writed:
There was little Lucy, the professor beamed at her. “Lucy, hello!! Happy Valentine’s Day. I hope you are doing wonderful this afternoon.” The girl was doing alright wasn’t she. “Go ahead and have a cookie, class will start very soon.” She was so ready to get started, was it time?
Originally Posted by Grayson
.................................... Oh freaking merlin.

He should have known. Really. The notice had said to wear red, which Grayson had gone ahead and done. Who wanted to be sitting around in their uniform when there was a choice to not do so? It was just the smart thing to do. But that notice, along with the day that this lesson was taking place should have been enough of an indication.

BUT THIS?! This was ridiculous. LOOK AT ALL THE FREAKING PINK IN HERE. You know what it looked like? It looked like Cupid himself had thrown up in here.

Ugh. UGH.

A look crossed the fourteen year old's face, one that was half-horrified and half-disgusted. Oh jeez, was it too late to turn around and walk away? Probably not, if the Professor had seen him. Speaking of, he turned to her and gave her a nod while he said, "Afternoon, Professor Cassie. Er, happy Valentine's Day, I guess."

There was FAR too much pink and namby pamby lovey dovey stuff in here. Picking up a box of crayons, he headed over towards an empty desk near the BACK of the classroom and sat down. He then reached into his bag and pulled out his writing supplies and pieces of parchment. What did he have to write on this? What he was proud about? Well, a lot of things. This was HIM. Of course there was a lot to be proud about.


Scribble scribble scribbleeeeeeeeee
Seeing Grayson come into the room she grinned, another SNACinator. This was just wonderful. “Hello, hello. Yes Happy Valentine’s Day.” She was just so excited to see them all and the ones in red were really making her happy. “We will be starting soon so just in time.” He had plenty of time for cookies and tea.

Originally Posted by Sophie
Valentine's Day...and Sophie was stuck in class. Meh. She entered the room and just sort of took a casual look around. Wow, Morgan. Way to really make me remember that this Valentine's Day, I don't have a Valentine. Boo. She'd been Adi's Valentine last year, but since then, they'd called it quits and remained friends. He was a good guy.

She read the directions then went forward and choose a BLACK crayon. black, because now she was in a bad mood after realized the whole world had a Valentine but her. That was maybe stretching the truth a little, but oh well.

She took a piece of parchment and wrote:

I'm proud that I'm taking this whole 'No Valentine' thing pretty well. This isn't going to be read aloud in class, is it? If so, pretend like this says, 'I'm proud I haven't had one manipulating thought today'.

Then she went and placed it in the cup.
Giving the Slytherin a big grin, the professor waved a hello, “Happy Valentine’s Day.” Was the girl having a good day? She hoped she was. “Tea and cookies are on the tables, we’ll be starting very soon.”

Originally Posted by Mo
The room was pink and red and entirely too TOO much. Mo didn't scowl, though, since he sort of figured that some people girlsmight like the room like this. Cat would like it, actually. A lot. Speaking of Cat... Mo glanced around the room, but it was currently girlfriend-less at the moment.

He straightened his red bow tie as he took a seat near the back of the room. Divination had been one of his favorite classes, back when there was a Professor Pretty in his life. Back before his photography mentor had suggested that Mo himself had a bit of the Seer in him. Now he just felt awkward about it.

As instructed, Mo took a crayon (green) from the bucket and wrote on the slip of paper. It was natural to want to write about yourself or to blow off the assignment, but what if this part was actually really important? Mo was gonna take it seriously.

Mo took everything seriously, though.
Another boy she didn’t know, Cassie gave him a big smile and some happy snaps. “Hello!!! Welcome to Divinations! Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!!” Was she seeming too excited? She didn’t really care.

Originally Posted by Cat
Valentine's Day! Ahhhh! Caterina loved all holidays, really, but she had a very special place in her heart for Valentine's Day. Most people didn't like it much, or didn't see the point, but she sort of figured that a day that promoted love was a good day indeed, plus, she had a lot of love to give and today was a socially appropriate day to do so. The first thing she did upon entering the classroom was to go right up to the professor and give her a smile. "Hello, professor, I hope you've had a lovely day." She offered to the woman the small basket she'd brought with her that contained heart shaped sugar cookies with red and pink sprinkles and sugar on them. Cause it was Valentine's Day and the best part about any holiday was the food.

Then, she got her crayons as instructed and looked about to find herself a table, pleased to see that Mo was there. She went and sat down next to him after placing a super quick kiss on his cheek (cause it was that day, you know? Surely the professor wouldn't mind a little bitty kiss, yes?) She tapped her chin for just a moment before she decided on what to write.
This one was bringing something, oh and she seemed soooo happy to be there. This just made Cassie super excited and she got snaps. Wasn’t she one of the ones from the Year Book meeting? She thought she remembered her. “Hello!!! Welcome! Happy Valentine’s Day.” Watching as she offered the basket, where these for her? “OHMIGOSH!! Are these for me? What a lovely surprise.” but maybe they weren’t all for her. She took one of the cookies and took a bite, “These are so yummy.” They didn’t have memory loss potion in them did they? She didn’t need another episode like the Christmas party.
Originally Posted by Benjamin
Wearing red wasn't exactly a hard thing to do or rather not an imposing idea. Benny was a Gryffindor after all and red was their thing. Making sure he didn't use an uniform pieces to avoid trouble with the professor, he opted for a simple red sweater and dark pants. It may have even been his outfit for last years Valentine's event. Oh well. Maybe he would make it standard February 14th wear.

Regardless, he made his way down to the base of the divination tower and back up the tentative stairs that lead to the classroom. Unfortunately the decor of the room wasn't quite as pleasing as Gryffindor's red scenery. Too much pink for one. The rest...meh."Hello Professor," Benny greeted simply as he took a box of crayons, the third year trying not to make a face as he looked around for a seat. Surely he wouldn't make a scene like Alexa appeared to be making.

Woops...assignment. He had to figure out what to be proud of. Finally he figured something out and scribbled it down on paper, adding it to the cup before moving to take a free seat.
As another young man walked into the room, Cassie beamed, “Hello, Welcome to Divination!!” Give a few happy snaps, “Happy Valentine’s Day! Hope you are having an awesome day.” Everyone should be at least.

It was Valentine's Day! EEE!

Demelza wore the biggest smile on her face as she loudly click-clacked her way through the halls from Gryffindor Tower. This holiday was one of her favourites, if not the favourite, and nothing could bring her down today. Her boyfriend had already sent her flowers, chocolates, and a really pretty bracelet that she was already wearing. It pained her that she wouldn't be spending the entire day with him, but they had arranged a date via two-way mirrors. Clearly love had no boundaries.

Carefully coming through the trap door in her heels, that smile on her face did not fade. If possible, it grew even wider. Everything was covered in pink and red. And they didn't have to wear their tacky uniforms to class. Who was the best professor at Hogwarts? Professor Morgan, that's who!

"Happy Valentine's Day!" the young actress-to-be enthusiastically told the professor as she walked by before finding her seat and reading the board. What was she proud of? What a silly question! A few moments later, Demelza had written on a torn piece of parchment and placed it in the cup. Upon returning back to her seat, she started to nibble on a cookie and waited for the lesson to begin.
Watching as another young lady walked in, the blonde gave her a warm and happy smile. “Happy Valentine’s Day to you too. The most fun holiday isn’t it.” She loved it, love was such a fun thing and it didn’t have to be a relationship kind of love. She had already sent cards and things to her family. “Having a good day I hope.”

Originally Posted by Connor
Connor walked into the Divination classroom, he was curious about this class. He liked Professor Morgan she was nice and told him a little about Thestrals before. He was also very curious about Divination, he didn't know much about it really and he didn't understand why people didn't believe in this type of magic when they believed in others. It seemed silly to him. But whatever.

He read the instructions, the room was very Valentine's Day themed.. Something he was proud of today. Well first things first. "Hello, Professor." He greeted her before grabbing a crayon from the cart...what to write? Oh!
“Connor, Hello! Happy Valentine’s Day” She smiled at the boy that had helped her get Gemini down and talked with at the stables. “I hope you are ready for a fun filled class today.” She hoped it would be fun, no she didn’t hope. She knew it would be. It was Divination how could it not be fun. She had never been to a class that wasn’t fun that involved this subject.

Originally Posted by Nessa
Dressed in her red and white dress and matching heels, Nessa headed up to the Divination tower. She knew exactly what Cassie was planning for class and she was not about to miss this one! Of course she also knew that she was no longer a student, but her best friend certainly wouldn't have any issue with her sitting in on this lesson in particular.

Once she entered the room via trapdoor, she squealed a bit as she looked around. "Cassie! Look at this room, it's fabulous!" What a great job decorating, she did? Then realizing the room was full, her widened eyes turned back to her. "I'm not late, am I?" She'd hate to interrupt so rudely like that. But it didn't seem like it so she turned her brown eyes to the instruction poster. Oooh fun!

Grabbing an indigo crayon, she took a seat at a table near the edge of the room. "Just auditing today," she said happily, giving a little wave at the students. She was just so interested in signs and knew Cassie was the expert, she wasn't going to interfere but she did want to participate. What was she proud of though? She tapped her fingers on her chin a moment before she started writing.
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Nessa was entering her room, her best friend was coming to her lesson. This made the five foot blonde bounce up and down and snap happily. “Professor Glendower, I’m soooo happy you came today.” Her best friend was amazing, did everyone know this. “You are not late at all, I haven’t gotten started yet.” Just waiting for the right moment, which goodness was probably now really. “Thank you, I love the colors.” Though her best friend would know she did.

Originally Posted by Bev
Her eyes hurt already. Just a few seconds inside the room and the red and pink shades made her temples throb. This was NOT a pleased Beverly Wayne. She was, though, wearing a red piece of clothe as instructed. A red shirt with a grumpy cat on it.

"Hello, Professor Morgan," she greeted politely.

Grabbing a box of crayons (were they going back in time to pretend the were still in nurseries?) Beverly dropped her bag on one of the seats and jotted something down quickly:
Seeing another student walk into the room she beamed, “Hello!! Welcome to Divinations! Happy Valentine’s Day!!” It was so exciting to see everyone. Yes she was super happy by this point. The class was getting full and OHMYGOSH it was time to start now wasn’t it.

Checking her watch she jumped on her heels a bit, it was certainly time to start. Leaving the door open just incase someone was running a bit behind, plus she sensed her little Gemini would be showing his fluffy face towards the last few minutes of class. “Hello everyone! Happy Valentine’s Day again. Isn’t this day just splendid? My name is Professor Cassiopeia Morgan, but please call me Professor Cassie. If you weren’t at our first SNAC meetings you should know that your SNACinators are truly wonderful people, but also you might want to know a little about me. I am actually a former Hufflepuff and graduated from Hogwarts. My favorite subject of course was Divination. I come from a long line of family members who take this subject very serious and have a few seers in my family. I am one of those seers, though my gift is a little different than most.” She grinned just leaving it at that for now. Her little SNACinators knew her gift, but she’d let the others find out maybe later.

“Now as you know it’s a very special day today. A day that is great single, in a relationship, as well as for the young and old at heart.” She beamed at this fact, because really how could you hate a day that chocolate is given and kind words are given. “I had you all place something you are proud of in my snap cup. So many things get over looked, little things, that I feel especially on a day we should show love, we shouldn’t over look these things.” Walking over to her cup she pulled a piece of paper out. “As I reach in and read each proud moment, we will all snap for the person. So for example, mine would be that I’m so proud to be your professor this term. Once I read that everyone snaps like this.” She put her hands up and snapped, smiling at the class.

She pulled out a piece of paper reading the first one. “I'm really proud of how hard Cat has been working on her recipes lately. She's going to be a famous chef someday, and she'll deserve every ounce of that fame. Snaps for Cat” She began snapping happily again and then pulled out the next one. “I'm proud that I don't have a boyfriend yet!!! So I can meet my friends speaking about the news. Snaps for not having a boyfriend yet.” She began snapping again, “I'm really happy that I didn't throw up in DADA class 2. Snaps for not throwing up.” She beamed and snapped with the class.

SPOILER!!: All the proud moments
I'm proud of having such a loving family. Today I am proud that I could walk in heels without falling over. I'm proud of helping Professor Bentley with saving some plants in the Greenhouse! I’m proud of Mordred’s recent achievements back in the Russian Dragon Reserve today. I'm proud that I woke up on time for the lessonI am proud of pulling a prank on those girls today! I am proud that I still stayed in the Divination classroom despite wearing this red. I'm proud that i even came to this mumbo jumbo class todayI am proud that I have not managed to puke since entering this classroom. I'm proud that I'm wearing a dress to class today..suit. I am proud that I have survived this crazy far. I'm proud that I'm wearing a dress to class today. I am proud that I made myself come to class today. i am proud that I was not late for this lesson today... I'm proud of making my best effort to attend this class. And wearing red. I am proud I got the courage to ask Emmy Duchannes to be my girlfriend. I managed to get Lex enter a PINK room. I'm proud I didn't punch the first idiot to tell me 'Happy Valentine's Day'. I'm proud of the amount of times I've scowled today thanks to this stupid holidayI'm proud that I'm taking this whole 'No Valentine' thing pretty well. This isn't going to be read aloud in class, is it? If so, pretend like this says, 'I'm proud I haven't had one manipulating thought today'. I'm proud of how Mo will be super awesome (like always) about Valentine's Day and deal with me wanting to run around and throw glitter everywhere because he's a wonderful boyfriend. (every day, not just today.) I'm proud not to have blown anything up.I’m proud of Jandon for being the best boyfriend every. Also, I look amazing in this dress. I wasn't late to class! ♥ ♥ ♥ I'm proud of Cassie for doing an amazing job in making this room look so festive for Valentine's Day! ♥ ♥ ♥I'm proud to have sent my brother his birthday present.

Reading each piece of parchment and having the students snap with her after each one. “A-manzing all of you. You all deserve so many sanps. It always feels so good to be proud of something, doesn’t it?” She knew it had to and it was. They were all great and proud of something. “Now some of you are probably all Valentine’s Day, yuck, but not in this class. We will continue to show love, but I have to say. I certainly hate seeing broken hearts. So today I hope this lesson helps you not have as many.”

She moved towards the poster that she had hung right before class. “Can anyone tell me what this is? Why we might use this chart and what on earth would be using it for in today's lesson on Valentine's Day." She was very curious on their take on Signs and what they might think they would be doing in the class. Glancing at Nessa she gave her friend a grin knowing she already knew. These were her crayons they were using.

OOC: Guys I'm so sorry that took so long. Steven missed me while I was away and wasn't giving me much time to type anything today. The posts will not take this long I promise. My goal is to post once in the morning and once in the evening to keep it moving. All of you had amazing proud moments, because of time and space, I used a number generator to pick the ones I used in my post, but she read every one in the spoiler out loud to the class just as it was written. No names were mentioned on who wrote them, just what was on the paper!

Class has officially begun, so have fun!!!
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