Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Jasper Hart First Year
x10 x10
| ½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf SPOILER!!: Jasmine Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 Jasmine got the message about the situation at the Greenhouse. She hurried as fast as anyone could hurry in deep snow down there to see how she could help. Time would surely be of the essence because the plants couldn't tolerate the bitter cold for long.
Arriving at the Greenhouse, Jasmine was not surprised to see her fellow classmates hard at work. She was about to look for the Professor when she saw her notes on the blackboard. Jasmine decided that her first task would be to help pot the plants from the flower bed. Merlin it was cold in here. She had better move fast, before it was too late.
Spotting the Professor, Jasmine approached her. "Hi Professor. I thought that I could help with potting the plants from the flower beds, that is unless there is something else that you would like me to do.". Jasmine was willing to help out wherever she was needed most.
She was in a bit of a daze, watching everything, monitoring everything, and attempting to think five move ahead... and then there was Jasmine. "No no, that sounds wonderful, thank you dear," she smiled in reply, thankful for the Ravenclaw's assistance. SPOILER!!: Angel Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel smiled at the Professor. "When a plant is in danger, I have to come." Angel said truthfully, then the Professor was giving her a bear hug, okay now this was getting weird, this was the second time this term but this time the Professor was the one that was sad.
Angel patted the Professor back gently. "Don't worry Professor we will get these plants somewhere save, I won't leave until each and every one is save." Angel said truthfully, she wasn't going to leave the Professor or these plants in their hour of need.
Angel beamed. "Of course I can." Angel really loved working with flowers, as soon as the Professor had released the bear hug she walked over to the nearest plant bed and got to work. "Don't worry little one's." Angel smiled as she spoke to the plants. "We'll soon have you out of here and into a safer place." She spoke to the plants she was sorting out first, didn't want to spook them out now did she. she also wasn't going to rest until each and everyone of the plants were safe.
The returned hug with the back patting did her a great deal of good, and Angel's kind words that followed were also appreciated. So much so, that she smiled proudly at the girl... with perhaps a tear or two in her eye. SPOILER!!: Simon Quote:
Originally Posted by Emms
The poor plants probably wouldn't survive long in this weather. "No problems," he said, smiling at his Herbology Professor. Okay. So he had to move some of the plotted plants to a room off of the Great Hall. "Yes, I know which one it is. I'l get to work on moving the plants right away," he said grinning. Simon had to stop himself from saluting her; otherwise, he would have. This was his mission and Bentley was the Major in charge. He pointed his wand at some of the remaining plants: "Wingardium Leviosa" he said and raised three of the plants up into the air. He turned around and headed out of the greenhouses, casting several hot air charms to combat the frigid weather. Now he would just have to keep them warm. Walk quickly now.
Simon.... was a lifesaver, an honest to goodness lifesaver. Seren knew she wouldn't need to worry about keeping an eye on him. The Slytherin was more than capable of completing the tasks required without assistance. SPOILER!!: Lex Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Funny enough Lex almost missed the notice of help being needed down in the Greenhouse. It was only seeing so many people going to and fro that she decided to have a look for herself and make a few inquiries. From what she could gather the Professor needed helping getting things inside because of the cold? Not surprizing, this weather was something else. Her own kneazle scarcely wanted to leave the warmth and comfort of the Common Room. "Here and ready to help Professor." The Gryffindor announced as she came to a stop in the Greenhouse. By the looks of things they'd already gotten a few of them moved.
She'd just jump right into it then...following the work of that little lion right there. Reducing the size was actually a good idea. You could carry a lot more and the job would be done faster. Lex was assuming there was some amount of haste to be made if they wanted to keep these plants from getting frost bitten.
The Prefect found a cluster by the wall and took aim. "Reducio." After which she conjured a box and began packing them in it. Levitating was fine and all but with so many that'd be a lot to split her attention between and she'd most likely drop at least one of them. Something she was positive the Professor wouldn't appreciate. This time she took aim at the box. "Mobiliarbus." Easier when only concentrating on one thing, the box, see?
And out of the Greenhouse she went, following behind the others who were headed Merlin knows where.
That voice, she'd know it anywhere if she heard it... and she did hear it. Seren turned on her heel to see the Prefect already hard at work. Such an industrious student. So capable.... .... but no, she wasn't going to cry. Not now. "Thank you, Lex," she called over some of the other students. SPOILER!!: Benny Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline Benny had seen the notice and hurried down to help when he could. However what he found wasn't anything he could have been warned about. Dear Merlin. No wonder quick help was needed ...there was a reason the plants were kept in greenhouses and it was not to expose them to the cold.
He stepped inside the greenhouse proper, his work clothes on and his gloves in his pocket ready to go once directed to a task. There was already a good amount of students there including Adi, Prefect Lex and 2/3 of the Valentine triplets, the last making him unsure of himself. Benny hadn't really spoken with Angel since Ancient Runes when her confession to him had thrown him for a loop.
So instead of heading towards any one person for now, the third year opted to at least briefly check in with Professor Bentley. "Hello Professor," he greeted, then noticing the board with the given instructions. "Here to help," he added, absently slipping on his gloves.
A voice a little closer to her almost made her jump, she hadn't been expecting it, which only seemed ridiculous given the circumstances. "Ben!" ... "Thank you for coming, we can use all the help we can get." If that much wasn't already clear. SPOILER!!: Maddie Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Holy cannoli!
Maddison had heard about the Greenhouses disaster and while it'd taken her a bit to get on warm clothes, she was finally here and extremely surprised by the scene. Talk about disastrous! And while Maddie wasn't sure plants had feelings, she was sure that if they DID, they'd be feeling all sorts of unsafe and uncomfortable right now. No WONDER Bentley needed extra hands!
SPEAKING of the herbology instructor, the small brunette went and found her FIRST. "Sorry about what happened, Professor." Honest, Maddie actually LIKED this class. "But we'll all help you get this area fixed up in no time, yeah?" Or she'd do what she COULD since there were still LOADS of spells she DIDN'T know. SIGH.
And look, a task board! The twelve year old gave a small smile to Bentley before heading towards it to figure out what she could do to help.
Seren smiled appreciatively at Maddison's arrival. She was a darling... such a sweetheart. "You don't need to be sorry, it wasn't your fault," she replied, identifying the logic there. "Fixing up the place... well I'm not overly concerned with that at this point, it's the plants I worry about." SPOILER!!: Cris Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88
"Re-potting it is, Professor. Don't worry we'll make the transfer as least traumatic as possible," Cris reassured the Professor before he turned to smile at Adi who had come to join them.
Cris was a good egg, much like his brother had been. So very helpful.. and mature.. she could count on him (and his muscles) to get the job done. SPOILER!!: Zander Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack Darling. Hear that? According to Bentley Zander IS A DARLING! And it basically put him into this daze. Even after his quick greenhouse escape, it still had him all mesmerized. Of course, he HAD to come back to the greenhouse to grab another plant. But facing Bentley again was starting to become a dangerous task.
Especially with the stomach flutteries, turning into stomach stabbies. Nevertheless, he made his way back into the greenhouse. Finding a smaller, more manageable plant this time he scooped it up into his arms. "Don't worry Professor! These plants will be better in no time!" Especially now that DARLING Zander was helping. MHM. Perfect. Now... back to the great hall side room?
This is so tedious.
It pleased her to see the Gryffindor return, it meant that he had found the room, and had lived through the snowy march up and back down. Of course, he served to instill a greater confidence in her, regarding all of this. "With your help, I don't doubt that," she replied, a small smile in place. SPOILER!!: Grayson Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone Having read the notice in the common room, Grayson mustered up as much energy as he could and made his way down towards the greenhouse. It was just the THOUGHT of heading back OUTSIDE that made him groan and want to head to bed instead. It was still freaking freezing and he'd RATHER be sitting somewhere that's warm than coming out HERE.
What made him come out here? He didn't know. Really. Maybe it was because he was oh-so-nice like that.
........................... LOL. What a funny thought. HA.
No, it probably had a LOT more to do with the fact that there were dangerous plants here. Flesh-eating ones, at that. And he didn't know about anyone else but the fourteen year old thought that those needed to be saved above anything else. Uh huh.
So he was here. Bundled up but here. And a lot more people were here too. His blue eyes, though, landed on the blackboard where a set of instructions were already written up. Heh. He'd decide on one later but fiiiiiiirst........ BENTLEY. Hello, sup. He waved over at her and said, "Sorry about the damage, Professor." And he was here to help, of course. Because there was a little sliver of him that was nice. Maybe.
Now he needed to decide on an actual task, yeah? Did he want to go outside? Not really. Not even a bit. But he didn't really feel like re-potting plants. Especially since this greenhouse was full of namby pamby plants that he did not want to deal with, thank you. SO, until they reached the more dangerous plants, he was going to move things out instead. Brilliant plan? Of course it was. HE thought of it.
Once the gloves were taken out and strapped on, Grayson turned his attention back to the notes on the blackboard, especially the extra notes. There was a lot to take care of. WELL. The first thing he was going to take care of was how freaking cold he felt. Pulling out his wand, he cast the spell that he had learnt in THIS class on himself. "Ventus!" MAYBE that would help. Then he pointed his wand over at the nearest potted plant and cried, "Reducio!" Smaller. Better. "Mobiliarbus!"
Anddddddddd out of the greenhouse he went. Into the cold. WITH the plant too, that he had tucked away in his pocket. SIGH.
Don't miss him too much, mkay?
Grayson's presence in the greenhouse did not go unnoticed, and she managed to return the wave he had so kindly afforded her. "Don't be, you didn't do it," she replied. He had after all apologised for the damage, not simply hearing about it... he didn't do it. This was clearly the work of freak nature. SPOILER!!: Marcus Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Emergency plant protective services! Perhaps that was all Mo was good for as a seventh year - emergency this and that and taking NEWTs at the end of the term. Perhaps also he was good at following around first years, attempting to will them into good behavior. Whatever it was, Mo was here and willing to do his part.
Which was what, again? Following the lead of those around him, Mo knelt by the nearest untouched bed and started to carefully transfer the plants into pots. It was important to loosen up the soil and roots with his hands, opting to avoid using a trowel in case it might damage the root system. It took him a while, and he got fairly dirty, but after moving the first few plants, Mo got into a system and was quickly able to repot his entire row.
And now he had a buncha pots. Sigh.
The Ravenclaw's entrance didn't elude her, and she was quietly conscious of the former Captain's silent but determined work ethic. There wasn't so much as a peep from him, just good old fashioned elbow grease, ooozing... and oozing... was it strange that she wanted to hug him in thanks? SPOILER!!: Beverly Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz Word gets around fast in the dungeons and the moment Beverly heard about the dramalama going on in the greenhouse she had chewed on her marshmallow cookies carefully. Then downed the rest. Then chugged down an entire glass of milk. It was after that very delicious snack that she let the news sink in.
And she was out in her boots, avocado-green parka, mittens and beanie in a matter of minutes.
Reaching the greenhouse, she almost slid on some ice. Almost. Where was Professor Bentley? Beverly reporting for duty. Yes, sir-ma'am!
"Professor Bentley, where would you like me?" What to help with? Did she have to hex someone? Punch them? Poke them?
She could do all of the above.
It seemed as though all the hands were making short work of this... and on further inspection, there was nothing much else to be done here. Of course, they had what they needed, and while she didn't want to leave any plant behind... she did have seven other greenhouses to process, and the longer it took them, the more heart breaking the results would become. "I think we can move onto greenhouse two now," she advised Beverly. "Start with whatever you fancy... moving pots or potting those that are planted," she nodded.
Of course.... she needed to let everyone else know too. "Alright, thank you everyone! Onto greenhouse two and three now please!" she called out, flicking her wand and moving it off ahead of them to the next greenhouse.
Once they were out, she marked the door to greenhouse one with a fiery red cross. One down, seven to go. "This way, this way," she ushered along, her heart stinging a little to see the greenhouse was also in a dismal state. OOC: We're not going to spend a day on each greenhouse, so feel free to break into groups to IC cover our bases XD. Ya'll are lovely and we love you!!!
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