Pygmy Puff
Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: working
Posts: 18,082
Hogwarts RPG Name: Phoenix Marchbanks Ravenclaw Fourth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Wiley Whittebrook Hufflepuff Second Year
x12 x5
| Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent SPOILER!!: I know it's a lot, but you should probably read it all ;) Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana She put her finger on a block of text to hold her place and raised her hand. "It says here that some Muggle named Dodgy Dork...err, Dirk...managed to escape having the Memory Charm cast on him, and he lived on to say a 'dirty, great flying lizard' injured him," she said. She lowered her hand. A dirty, great flying lizard? What...? PSH. This was coming from a man named Dodgy Dirk, so...what did she expect? They were even closer to, in Professor Glendower’s opinion, the best part of the class. They just had to lay a little more groundwork before they could begin. With excitement bubbling just under the surface, she looked out at all the students, expectantly awaiting their continued contribution. The first came from an eager Slytherin girl. “Mhmm,” Nessa nodded happily. “The Muggle, Dodgy Dirk, was one of the main people in the story.” She flicked her wand to the board to begin a list, starting with the information just given. “And see, he came up with an explanation to satisfy his own mind.” Sort of. But seriously, she was pretty sure dragons were in Muggle books, even if they were fictional ones. And she didn’t know how dirty it was. That was kind of rude. SPOILER!!: Maddie and Kyroh Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Also, that student person had already set a pretty good scene, yeah? Sort of stole the thunder of anyone else wanting to have a go at answering NOW but she'd still give it a SHOT. Maddie had TONS of smart things to say. TONS. "I read that THAT type of dragon is pretty quiet so it must have been pretty rare if a quiet breed of dragon went all nutso on a buncha sunbathers." Quote:
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles Create a cast of characters!? Kyroh looked toward Maddie and then frowned. No. No Boddie no. The boy's hand shot UP. "That Dragon didn't go nutso like Bod-Maddie said. The dragon was probably hurt and beaten up as a baby dragon so he took out all his aggression on the first people he saw BUT if he had been given hugs none of that would have happened." And THAT was what he could tell her about that moment in history. Nessa listened to the two young Ravenclaws – first the girl, then the boy – as they began to discuss the dragon at the scene. “Perhaps.. perhaps..” Professor Glendower began thoughtfully as she lightly tapped her chin, thinking over their rationales. “WHAT motivated that dragon to attack those sunbathing Muggles that day?” Here she addressed the entire class. “Could he have simply gone “nutso” or perhaps he had a difficult childhood shaping him into an aggressive adult or maybe he had a splinter in his big toe that had gotten so infected that it left him very cranky. We don’t know. But it’s very important to consider motivation when looking at one’s actions.” Nessa simply beamed at the two Ravenclaws. How smart they were to bring up the concept of motivation! “Because we don’t know precisely the reason for this particular dragon’s attack, it will be up to the INTERPRETATION of the individual praying our dragon today. WHO…” She looked around at the class and gestured dramatically. “Will be our dragon today?” Quick wand swish at the board to display a bit more information. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hey Ju That did NOT mean she was bringing a REAL dragon in, RIGHT? Agatha staaaaaaaaared at the professor with wide eyes and looked behind her just to check. What a crazy woman. If there were really a dragon anywhere near... her uncle would know about that. And also, that meant she would need to find shelter behind an older student that wasn't Nigel.
The girl started scanning the room to find an older kid that would be stupid enough strong and smart enough to be her shield when the teacher asked another question. Agatha was too busy analysing each of her classmates to even pay attention or come up with an answer. Was she thinking about how she’d portray the dragon? Or perhaps she was thinking more about motivation or interpretation in general? Either way, Nessa could tell this girl was deep in thought. That would always prove useful later. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz Professor WhositwhatsitHistory just jumped to the TOP of the TEACHER list. Man. SO COOL. "One time I thought I SAW a dragon, and I thought it set the GREENHOUSES here on fire. But it wasn't. Super disappointing."
You know, to add some history and because this Professor didn't hate Zahra it seemed. Or maybe this girl, one so passionate about dragons herself, would be best suited to interpret and portray him today. Nessa eyed her up a little as she listened to her contribution, then her eyes widened a bit. “Were they on fire? Just.. not from a dragon?” How dreadful for Seren! But she had to admit if they had to be on fire, it would be much more exciting if it was because of a dragon. “An element of danger always seems to make a story more interesting, doesn’t it?” As long as everyone was ok in the end, she thought. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 "According to the book, Professor,'' the boy began with his hand in the air. "The Toke family casted the largest amount of Memory Charm ever in the twentieth Century.'' What an even that must have been! Nessa nodded approvingly to the boy once he had given his answer. “Yes, very good..” She flicked her wand at the board again to add some information about the Toke family. “This is one instance that memory modification was found to be necessary rather than allow Muggles to come up with their own explanations.” SPOILER!!: conspiracy theorists Quote:
Originally Posted by Chiara Lucy looked the book:.."The Ilfracombe Incident occurred in 1932, when a rogue Common Welsh Green dragon attacked a group of sunbathers at Ilfracombe, in Devon, England. The attack was thwarted by the Toke wizarding family who also proceeded to cast the largest group of Memory Charms seen in the twentieth century.."Professor..but it could be a publicity stunt of these wizards to make a scoop?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight The Ilfacrombe Incident? Arista blinked... That was?? She flipped open her textbook, guess she had to read it was no stopping it. She quickly scanned the page and nodded.. Hmmm. "So a dragon went all nuts probably because he wasn't treated right and attacked some muggles luckily for those muggles sake the Toke family was there... Is it possible that the Toke Family released the dragon and then saved the day to get some credit in the Wizarding World?" Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone And the............. Common Welsh Green. It wasn't the most ferocious of dragons but it was a DRAGON nonetheless and so, Grayson was happy with this topic. Uh huh. As for what he knew about the Ilfracombe Incident............... well. Everything he knew was said so he couldn't possibly pull out something new from the top of his head. No. The boy was almost about to flip the pages of his textbook when...........
.............. oh helloooooooooo. Are we having a discussion? "If it was a publicity stunt, maybe they knew to let someone get away so that their story would end up being valid." Uh huh. Because no story was a valid story without witnesses. He knew that. Publicity stunt…? Nessa looked between each of the three students discussing some sort of conspiracy theory. That was certainly.. an interesting take on the story. Not one she had ever heard before though. “That’s some creative thinking,” she said, nodding slowly. “I honestly don’t think that was the case, however. First of all, with the Statute of Secrecy firmly in place at that time, it would have been highly illegal. Not to mention all the lives they would have had to put at risk – their own, the Muggles.. there were children there too.” It was very fortunate that no one was seriously hurt or worse. She’d hate to think about what could have happened to the youngest of them. “But like the dragon, we can think of things like motivation and the portrayer’s interpretation… Did you all know that Tilly Tokes’ portrait hangs on this floor’s wall, just down the corridor from here? You could ask her for more details sometime after class if you’d like. But please be respectful.” She might get offended if someone actually asked her if she and her family purposely set a dragon on a group of Muggles. But a witness’s first-hand account of the event could prove valuable. Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner "Some people just have bad luck at picking days to sunbath. Unless they wanted to get roasted or something"
Still the Ilfacrombe Incident is a mouthful to say. Couldn't they have abbreviated it or something. Dragon Incident. Sounded a lot better. Nigel just did not want to keep on saying Ilfacrombe. ”That certainly seems to be true,” she nodded, musing aloud. It would be bad luck for anyone, she supposed.. Muggle or otherwise. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin He raised his hand. "Professor, the text says that a vacationing Wizarding family Obliviated the Muggles who saw the dragon that day, but it doesn't say if any of them were professional Ministry Obliviators. Does that suggest that we all should become skilled at Obliviating just in case, or is that regulated by the Ministry?" What a thoughtful question. Nessa mulled this over a minute before answering. “That certainly would be a useful skill to have in case of an emergency, but it is very important to be quite skilled in order to perform it correctly.” She, for one, would never attempt it for fear of damaging someone’s memory. “It is possible that some of them were professionally trained.. though it’s more likely that because it was so large a crowd affected they were afraid it was necessary to act quickly so no one was lost.” Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 looked like everyone seemed to know alot about that infamous day in history but Cris still raised his hand to share what he knew.
"Professor, because of their brave actions and quick thinking, the Toke family were awarded the Orders of Merlin, First Class. I guess that was also to partly award them for giving up their holiday too," Cris added. Nessa smiled at the Hufflepuff upon hearing his answer. “They certainly were.” She added that bit of information to the board as well. Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline Okay, so that was something he was unfamiliar with, at least past what had already been brought up when it had been offered as an example. Benny opened up his textbook and searched for the appropriate point in history, finding it eventually and skimming through the details to find something he could add. But there wasn't much and before he could raise his hand to speak, his fellow students were beating him to it, including Benny. So the Gryffidor proceeded to simply write down what was being said in his notes for easy access later on. Another quiet student. That was perfectly okay for the time being. She was certain that he was ingesting that information being given, perhaps even trying to find best how to get into character. She gave him an approving smile, seeing him so diligently jotting down his thoughts on the matter. Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin Kace was liking this professor. She was very thorough with what she wanted to get done. She even took pity on him when he repeated an answer but it was helpful for learning purposes. No doubt about that. Now onto the task at hand. She talked about an event that had a weird name. He looked through his book to get some details because he had no idea! But as he was scrolling, he noticed it seemed like an interesting event. He heard the other students answers and he raised his hand, "Professor the book says it happened in Devon, England." ”That would be correct,” she nodded. The location was very important and she added that to the information on the board. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy Raising her hand, she made her contribution. "These muggles were sunbathing and saw a dragon. That's the kind of vacation I would want to take." As long as she didn't get close enough to a dragon where it could burn her to a crisp, Lux was interested in seeing one in real life. ”It is?” Nessa raised an eyebrow as she considered this Hufflepuff’s answer. Sure, the idea of it would be exciting, but very dangerous as well. “It sounds a bit chaotic to me,” she smiled. Perhaps she would think differently having lived through something like that. Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 The Professor asked for one fact related to the Ilfracombe Incident. Jasmine tried to reach deep into her memory to recall a detail. Once she thought of something, she raised her hand. "There was a Muggle expert named Blenheim Stalk and he wrote a book called "Muggles Who Notice". In that book he talked about the muggle Dodgy Dirk and told his story." That was about the only thing that Jasmine could come up with that had not already been mentioned. ”It is a fairly famous story,” she nodded, “Found in that book as well..” Nessa had to read it for class a long time ago. They wouldn’t be using that bit of information for class, but good contribution. Quote:
Originally Posted by Emms The whole Ifracombe incident had always stumbled Simon since he had heard of it. Why would a common green welsh dragon? A relatively quiet, harmless dragon attack a group of people? He could've sworn that he read somewhere that the green welsh dragon would've avoided contact with human beings. Had the dragon been provoked by hunters? He then thought about his classmates answers'. Was the dragon nuts? Had the dragon been hurt? Was it a publicity stunt? Was it right for the Toke family to have intervened? He supposed so, but performing memory charms on a large mass of people was described as being very difficult. The text had also said something about some dodgy guy- Dodgy Dirk that had remembered the incident and went on to inform other muggles about it. So other muggles must've known too... And besides didn't the Ministry monitor dragon populations? Migrations and whatnot? The whole incident was baffling.
Simon became distracted by this thought and tried his best to refocus and listen to the answers that his classmates were suggesting. However, focusing back on the discussion proved to be a harder task. But, what happened to the dragon? Who knew? He remained silent and listened to his classmates. The boy who had mentioned their very topic of discussion seemed to grow silent again. Nessa looked over at him as he seemed deep in thought and she gave him an encouraging smile. If he had nothing else to share, perhaps he was trying to get into the mind of someone who had been present there that day. He’d need that perspective. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom "Well, it was the 30's, right? Over a hundred years ago? So they were probably all wearing really old fashioned bathing suits when they were attacked," he explained. Yeah, that was a fact! It was true - fashion was CRAZYYYY back in the day and they wore like, dresses to swim and stuff, right? Maybe the dragon had been trying to burn off the clothes and help their fashion sense. ”YES!” Nessa grinned at the boy. “Costuming is very important as well.. We will see that very shortly.” Eeep, so exciting! Period clothing was the best and yes, skeptical Slytherin girl from earlier in the class, Nessa knew exactly how important the context of dates were to events in history. Otherwise, how would she know what exactly they wore.. replications in the disillusioned boxes at the back of the room.. hehe. Quote:
Originally Posted by nanyjj The Ilfacrombe incident. That was a hard word there. Flipping through her book for some information, Leah found a page about the incident. The boy who mentioned this as an answer had already said out some facts, but the second year still raised up her hand and said, "The Ilfra..combe Incident occurred in 1932." Here. It was a fact, right? "Though I'm not sure about the specific date." It was either not written or she could not find it. ”It sure did,” Nessa nodded approvingly at the young girl before adding that piece to the growing list of information on the board. Quote:
Originally Posted by Ivana R Annabeth had never read about it before. And it wouldn't be this time she would open her book. She was feeling lazy, though she could provide something to tell the teacher. She raised one hand. "I'm not sure about it, my great-grandma told me that her grandma was a toddler at the time and she witnessed what I will tell you now." Anna paused shortly to gain time to invent the rest of the story - while creating some suspense, "The year was 1932, she was a little older than two years of age. Her Mum had just tucked her up in bed for the night when a deafening sound was heard throughout the town. She got startled and began to cry. Through a open window, the little girl saw a big pair of wings, flapping hard to gain the sky. The citizens began to shout everywhere and then she saw a great ball of fire swallowing a house nearby. She cried even hard, but her mum didn't come to help her. She stood up and climbed on a bedside table to find out what was going on. She stood on tiptoes and looked through the window. It was the scariest thing she had ever saw! A big dragon was spitting out fire on women and men who tried to defend their houses and families. There was people running everywhere and nobody seemed to know what to do. She noticed a dozen of men carrying bucketfuls of water and when they saw the scary creature, they threw the buckets on the ground and began to run away. The dragon got off the ground, it was when she felt something warm touching her shoulders... It was her mum, who took her to the basement, where the rest of the family was hidden safely. The day after some strangers went there and cast spells on the whole family, but not on the little girl, who was pretending to be asleep. That's all." She grinned, proud of being a good storyteller. Would the teacher like it? Nessa listened and listened as this girl went on and on about the Ilfracombe Incident. Or a version of it. Something didn’t see quite right.. not with what she, a history professor, knew and had listened to her own eyewitness account. “That’s quite the story,” she said with a small smile once she had finished. “But is it accurate or did you make it up? Because we do need to remember that this is an actual event in history not fiction.” And while they were going to be putting their own take on things, they still needed to know the accuracies.. and she would not be lied to. Quote:
Originally Posted by JennMarie Devon, England. Dodgy Dirk. Green Dragon. 1932. Mass Obliviate Spell. Everyone mentioned all the facts from the book and Jeremiah was busy making Bullet points on his parchment about it all cos you know, Dates, names and spells we're all important and he really wanted to be sure he knew everything even if they were "creating the scene" so to speak. Another silent one, certain to be deep in thought. He also got an approving smile and nod before she oved on to the next student. Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack Zander listened to everyone give answers and he lifted an eyebrow in confusion. Uh. What. How did everyone know all these facts off the top of their heads. The Ilfacrombe incident? The only thing he knew was a dragon. But everyone had already said that much. "England!" he shouted. Yeah, that's all he could offer. That would help set a scene right?! Nessa blinked as this boy shouted out his answer. Right.. that had been said and surely he could do better than that. “Remember to raise your hand, dear.” She appreciated his enthusiasm, but gosh.. even with her relaxed classroom, there had to be some rules. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo The Professor had mentioned it being in the text, did that mean she wouldn't have to be taking notes on it? Plus Lottie took good notes too, there was a possibility that if this wasn't all in the text, she'd still be just fine yeah? Yeah, so the Gryffindor sat there absorbing everything like a sponge.
She hoped the Professor wasn't expecting her to be more vocal. This was History of Magic class, the lesson in which it was better for the Prefect to be seen and not heard. A harsh fact but reality nonetheless and Lex had come to accept this. Still nothing from the Gryffindor prefect? Nessa was certain that she was listening intently though and forming her own interpretations on the motivations of the “characters” in the story. She got an approving smile as well. SPOILER!!: Claw Drama! ZOMG!! Quote:
Originally Posted by griffin Would they be acting it out? That would be fun. Listening to what other people said, and looking at her book, Penelope put together an answer. She didn't really have anything new to add. "A common Welsh Green dragon attacked some muggles. The Toke wizarding family cast a lot of memory charms on all of the muggles."
This guy was another first year Ravenclaw. He seemed to really like dragons.
His answer was different than Maddie's, but saying that Maddie's answer was wrong was completely uncalled for. Respect was the first rule in this class, and saying that someone's answer was wrong was not respecting that person. He would not get away with saying stuff like that without Penelope saying something to him. "You should not be telling the class that Maddie's answer is wrong. Respect what people say. Maddie is a smart Ravenclaw girl, and she is entitled to respect in this class. If you want to hug a dragon that is attacking people, you should rethink that. Use that Ravenclaw brain of yours. Any dragon attacking muggle sunbathers is nuts, even if it was beaten up as a baby. Being beaten up as a baby would make the dragon angry, and an angry dragon could go crazy. Dragons are really dangerous. Do you really want to hug a crazy, dangerous, angry dragon when it is attacking you? Do you really think it's okay to say that Maddie's answer is wrong? The answer to both should be no. Use your brain to figure out that you should respect what Maddie, and everyone else, says." That should show him not to think Maddie was wrong. It was so sad to see a Ravenclaw who seemed to lack common sense. Penelope expected rude remarks from Slytherins, but Ravenclaw? Really? Did he come from a family of Slytherins? Did he really lack the sense to know not to hug dangerous dragons?
Penelope hoped that she had not sounded too rude or mean, and that she wouldn't get in any trouble for talking to the boy (Kyroh). Also, she was disappointed in this guy for being so rude to Maddie. How could he be so rude to his housemate? Maybe it was just because he loved dragons, but that was not an excuse for being rude to people. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles If Maddie was upset by him calling her wrong, Kyroh didn't notice at all. Nope. He was too distracted by Mo and the talk of everyone knowing the memory charm. He was suppose to know how to erase everyones minds now?Did that mean they expected more attacks? More dragons that never got any hugs?
He was deep in thought until all of a sudden a girl started to yell at him.
....What? "I never said Maddie wasn't smart." How could he say that? Maddie was his friend. And Maddie was observant and stuff, and Kyroh was pretty sure she was smarter than him. But the girl kept going and as she went on and on he found that his vision was becoming slightly blurred from the water that was starting to form. "I NEVER said HUG it when it was ATTACKING." He meant hug it before! When it was a baby dragon. People had to care for it before. "Do YOU think it's okay to say MY answer is wrong." Because it WASN'T! OKAY!? She was saying stuff. And it wasn't nice and he didn't like it at all. It made him feel stupid. "And you know nothing about Dragons because a Common Welsh would not just go and attack people for no reason! Like Maddie said I just mean that they don't just go nutso." That's ALL he had meant okay?
But nope. She kept going and telling him to use his brain and stuff, which was WHAT HE WAS TRYING TO DO! He was TRYING to answer questions and use his brain and be smart. He was trying to be a good Ravenclaw. He hadn't meant to say anything bad about Maddie's answer."I didn't even WANT to be in stupid Ravenclaw ANYWAYS so leave me alone!" The boy yelled slamming his arms on his desk and burying his face. Quote:
Originally Posted by griffin
Had she really just said that? Penelope couldn't believe that she had just done that. Kyroh probably wasn't trying to say anything bad about what Maddie had said. He was probably just worried about the dragon. She had really said that to him? In front of the class? And the professor? What had she done??? Now Kyroh was yelling at her. She really hadn't meant to make him feel bad, or start a big fight. "Sorry about that. I didn't really mean most of the stuff I said. I... I should have thought more about it before I said any of that," Penelope said to Kyroh before turning away from him. It was so embarrassing that she had spoken to him like that in class. In class. In front of everyone. And the professor. She shouldn't have said anything. Then she could just be silently taking notes. No, she couldn't just do that after what she had said. Penelope wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. She really hadn't meant to say all of that to Kyroh. How could she have said all of that?
Holding back tears, Penelope ran out of the room. She had to get away from this place. She felt really, really bad about everything she had just done. The whole thing never should have happened. Whoa.. hold on a second.. just what was going on here? While Nessa was answering questions and casting information to the board, she became distinctly aware of some quite berating words. She turned her head in that direction and stared in shock for a moment at the scene that was unfolding. Such drama! Honestly, if it were an actual performance, she might have applauded the scene.. but as it were, it was real life with real and tender feelings involved. "Young lady!" Nessa started at the girl, rather appalled at what she had heard. "Do you hear yourself? You are doing to this boy exactly what you accuse of him.. and that is to not respect the answer he has given as a valid thought. And telling him to use his brain is rather belittling." She looked over at the boy, frowning a bit to see his spirit so crushed and to hear him say he didn't want to be in Ravenclaw. She looked up, about to tell the girl she expected an apology, when she did it herself before running out of the room. Unacceptable.. but she would deal with it later.
Turning to the boy, she placed a hand gently on his shoulder and offered him an encouraging smile. "Ravenclaw is a dignified and splendid house. So many creative souls come from there." When she was at WADA, she knew a few former Ravenclaws, always the most dramatic and imaginative. She looked around for the Ravenclaw prefect sitting nearby and addressed him, "I'm certain that you can express to him what a wonderful house Ravenclaw is." As in right now so they could move on and channel that emotion in a useful way. And they counted on their prefects to take leadership of their respective houses. She'd love to dote on the boy some more, but she had a class to conduct. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel looked at the Professor and raised her hand. "I don't know Professor, I'm not sure, maybe, I just read up it was a Peter?" Angel wondered if that Peter was something special to the Professor, but well she would have to wait and see.
Angel listened to the Professor and thought about the next question and was about to reply when someone was running out of the classroom in tears this was no good. "Professor want me to go and see if she's okay?" Angel didn't want to get into trouble so she asked but well she didn't like seeing anyone upset like that.
Angel then thought about the answer, she raised her hand "A guy called Dirk managed to avoid the mass memory charm and so told everyone that he had seen a great big lizard." Angel decided to stop there because she didn't want to get into trouble for giving too much information. Nessa was still rather distracted by recent events to really hear Angel's response about Peter but she did shake her head in the negative as she asked about going after the girl. "No.. no.. no one else needs to leave." For Merlin's sake, she was holding class right now! "I will speak to her after class." Quote:
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz
...hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!! Zahra cracked up, BUT KEPT QUIET 'CAUSE SHE WAS DOING GOOD for once. It was so hard to not point out that she was SO RIGHT and Kyroh was a diaper-wearing BABY. HAHAHAHAHA If only he'd stop crying long enough so she could catch his eye.
Boy Ravenclaws were all drama. One even LEFT. Babies. haha.
Zahra saw this as opportunity to grab some extra points, so she raised her hand again.
"The dragon, the one that we're talking about actually, I bet it ROAAAAAAAAAAAARED and blew fire and junk. For your mental picture. And did belly rolls and set the ocean on fire and the sand turned to ROCK, pretty rock." YEP. Zahra beamed. This was by far the best class behind CoMC. History couldn't really compete with stuffing a garden gnome down your shirt. "I'm fairly certain that it probably breathed fire," she nodded, rather distracted and deep in thought at this point. "Roared even.. scared all the Muggles silly.." It was a wonder no one seriously got hurt. "The rest will be up to interpretation," she added, smiling a bit bigger now. It was time to begin!
Professor Glendower turned to the board and filled in a few spaces and gaps, making sure they had all the information they needed before they were to begin. "As you can see, we have our characters of the story, our scenes, and our basic plot. It's now time to begin and re-enact history!" She waved her wand at the back of the room, taking off the disillusionment charm on the boxes of costumes. "First, I need you all to decide which character you'd like to portray. Then, get into costume. They are charmed to fit right over your school uniform." There was a dragon costume, olde tyme beach outfits, and wizarding robes of the past. "Once you've done that, we are going to do some warm-up exercises. Watch very closely." Nessa took a step into the center of the room, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. "Close your eyes, start breathing deeply, focusing on relaxing each part of your body from the top of your head down to the tips of your toes." She took another deep breath. "While you are doing that, think about the character you have chosen to portray. What is his or her motivation? Use that to decide your interpretation.. be your character!" Quote:
Originally Posted by Blackboard Characters- Dodgy Dirk – Muggle, escaped Memory charm, told tales about event relaying ‘A dirty, great, flying lizard’
- Common Welsh Green Dragon attacked sunbathing Muggles -- Motivation??
- Toke family - Wizards, fended off dragon attack, cast memory charms (adults), received Order of Merlin First Class
- Tilly
- Thomas
- Ellis
- Virginia
- several children
- Beach-going Muggles - adults and children - sustained dragon attack, received memory altering
- Minister of Magic - awarded Order of Merlin First Class to Toke family
Scene One Ilfracombe, a seaside resort in North Devon,England - 1932
A large group of vacationing Muggles are attacked by a rogue Common Welsh Green dragon. A Wizarding family is also vacationing nearby, becomes aware of the attack, and successfully fends off the dragon, preventing any fatalities. Once the dragon is dealt with, the family performs a mass of memory modification charms, as deemed necessary by the Secrecy Statute. One Muggle escapes. Scene Two Ministry of Magic/local pubs
The Toke family is awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class by the Minister of Magic.
Meanwhile, Dodgy Dirk visits many local Muggle pubs speaking of the dirty, great, flying lizard OOC - For this part of the activity, please have your character choose a character from this moment in history to portray and put on the costume over his/her uniform. It's charmed to fit and look appropriate once on. If the main characters are gone or your character has some stage fright, feel free to choose a Muggle character, they are numerous. Then have your character do the breathing activity. You need at least two posts for this part. Nessa and I will be around to keep track of characters.
__________________ started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________  ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line |